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Doni Putra, Prof. Dr. H. Yatim Riyanto, M. Pd..2, Drs. Nasution, M. Ed., M. Hum., Ph.D..3 Pendidikan Dasar Pascasarjana UNESA; Jalan Ketintang Surabaya, +6231-8293484, email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— This study originated from the problems that occur in schools, that is the low learning outcomes of students of class VIA SDN 002 / XI Pasar Sungai Penuh Jambi, Visible from the observation and value of student's daily test. The purpose of this study is to describe the process of improving social science learning outcomes of student of class VIA type of cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together aided animation audio-visual media. The study was conducted in two cycles. The subjects were students of class VIA number of students 21 people. The research data obtained through observation checklist, field notes, and documentation, test sheets. The collected data were analyzed descriptively. The results of data analysis in the first cycle, and the second show that students’ social learning outcomes are ancreasing. This indicated an increase in student learning outcomes of the first cycle that 60.00% (from students attending 12 students completed and two students do not complete) to 90.48% (from 21 students who attended 19 students completed and two students is not finished) on the second cycle. Based on these results concluded that the use of cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together aided animation audio-visual media to improve learning outcomes in the VIA grade social studies SDN 002 / XI Pasar Sungai Penuh Jambi academic year 2016/2017. Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model Numbered Heads Together, Animated Audio-Visual Media, Learning Outcomes I.


Education is an effort to form human resources that can improve the quality of life. Human resources is one important factor in the success of development in all fields. According to Siradjudin and Suhanadji (2012: 18) the main objective of social science learning to establish and develop good citizen citizens (good citizen). Social studies learning that appears to have not been optimal. Students only feel the IPS learning is only memorized so it has not felt the meaning of the learning that they get. Thus the lesson can be easily forgotten by the students. In addition, students do not have the basic skills to think logically and critically, curiosity, inquiry, problem solving and skill in social life, students also do not have commitment and awareness of social values and humanity and the ability to communicate, cooperate, and compete In society (Suhanadji, et al, 2012: 1) Researchers found problems in SDN 002 / XI Pasar Sungai Penuh Jambi, among others; 1) the teacher is still dominant using the lecture model in the delivery of the material, 2) the teacher

has not optimized and emphasized the students' understanding of the learning materials; 3) in the group division of teachers rarely pay attention to the level of understanding, sex, 4) The assessment given in group learning is often Group assessment regardless of individual group progress. Based on the background of the above problems, then the problem of this research problem how the application of cooperative learning model type numbered heads together assisted audio visual animation media on the learning outcomes of IPS students class VIA SDN 002 / XI Pasar Sungai Penuh Jambi can improve student learning outcomes ?. The purpose of this research is to describe the improvement of cooperative learning model type NHT audio visual aided animation media on the learning outcomes of social science learning students class VIA SDN 002 / XI Pasar Sungai Penuh Jambi. II. RESEARCH METHODS The absolute presence of researchers in this study, because researchers directly involved as researchers or major instruments to obtain data (as planners, lesson implementers, data analyzers, interpreters and reporting of research results). As an implementation in the field researchers are assisted by teachers and friends with the intention of obtaining complete and complete data until the researchers gain a deep understanding of "Application of cooperative learning model type NHT assisted audio visual animation media on the results of social studies learning on the material Natural Symptoms class VIA grade social studies SDN 002 / XI Pasar Sungai Penuh Jambi ". This research is PTK by using quantitative approach., Researcher with teacher to make action plan that will be done. The action was an IPS lesson with a NHT type cooperative model. The activity begins with formulating the design of learning actions, with the following activities: Plan, Act / Obsv, Reflection and Revision. The subjects of the study were the students of VIA Elementary School Number 002 / XI Pasar Sungai Penuh Kota Sungai Penuh Jambi academic year 2016/2017 which the number of students 21 people consisting of 11 male students and 10 female students. The data were collected using observation sheets, video capture, field recording, and test results. Instruments used to collect data are test sheets, observation sheets, field notes, and video transcriptions.



Cycle I The learning at the first cycle I meeting was observed by VIA class teacher and VA SDN 002 / XI Pasar Sungai Penuh. While the learning process carried out by the researchers themselves as a practitioner (teacher). The observations made by observer I to the researcher (practitioner) in the first cycle of meeting I that is 73.33% (Good) (appendix 10), slightly increased in the first cycle of meeting II is 75% (Good) (appendix 11), and Increased again in the first cycle III meeting that is 78.33% (Good) (appendix 12). Cycle II The observations made by observer I on the researcher (practitioner) in cycle II have increased significantly from the previous cycle meetings, namely meeting I that is 83.33% (Very Good) (see appendix 13), experienced an increase in the second meeting 91.67% (Very Good) (Appendix 14). Thus in this cycle II each meeting there is an increase in the aspect of the teacher thus the teacher is very good and skilled in the ongoing learning. Karna is already in very good category and already almost all the descriptors that appear, this cycle II learning on the aspect of teachers has been successful. Thus this will also have an impact on the increased activity as well as student learning outcomes. So the research will stop at this cycle II Student activities IV.


Based on the results of the analysis of various data in this study can be concluded the following points: Social studies learning process using cooperative learning model type NHT assisted audio visual animation media can improve the learning activities in elementary school. This is shown by the increased activity of teachers and student activities. On the teacher activity of good category (73,33% at meeting I, 75% at meeting II, and 78,33% at meeting III) in first cycle increased to very good category (83,33% at meeting I, 91,67 % At meeting II). Likewise, the student activity of the less category (58.33% at the first meeting) increased to sufficient category (66.67% at the second meeting, and 68.33% at the third meeting) in the first cycle became good category (75% I) increased to excellent (88.33% at meeting II) Social studies learning process using cooperative learning model type NHT assisted audio visual media can improve student learning outcomes. This is indicated by the increase in student learning outcomes with the average completeness of student learning in the first cycle is 60.00% (of students present 12 students complete and 2 students not complete) to 90.48% (of 21 students who attend 19 Students are complete and 2 students are not complete) in cycle II. This indicates that teachers have completed in implementing learning by using cooperative learning model type NHT assisted audio visual animation media because of the expected completeness> of 75%. Suggestion Through the learning that has been done, the researcher suggested that: To support the success of social science learning by using cooperative learning model of NHT type assisted by visual audio animation media, it needs interesting material (images, video, animation) designed according to the material

and the students need as opening Learning / early motivation in the learning process undertaken. In the use of cooperative learning model type NHT assisted audio visual animation media, teachers act as mentors and facilitators are not easy in a discussion based on the serial number. Therefore, primary school teachers who want to use this model need to pay attention to this in order to run optimally. Implications Based on the conclusion, it can be seen that learning by using cooperative learning model type NHT assisted audio visual animation media in accordance with the condition of students in class VIA SDN 002 / XI Pasar Sungai Penuh Jambi. Learning with cooperative learning model type NHT assisted audio visual media can improve student learning activities and learning outcomes. Thus it has a positive impact on social science learning, especially on natural phenomena in Indonesia and in neighboring countries. Learning by cooperative type model NHT assisted visual audio animation media can be used as an alternative to improve the learning process and student learning outcomes. In order for the application to obtain maximum results, teachers should be able to understand about this model of NHT-type cooperative learning with visual aids of audio visual animation. By understanding this learning model, teachers can design meaningful learning for the students based on the steps that exist in cooperative learning model of NHT type assisted by audio visual animation media that is delivering material using audio visual media animation that has been prepared before, giving quiz / test individual to Initial scores, dividing the group heterogeneously, discussing / raising issues, testing comprehension by serial number, providing affirmation of learning, giving individual quizzes / tests, earning awards. V.


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