Paper & Article Review

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 6
Elements of the Review of paper Title List the title of the paper, the author, and the author’s affiliation (company or university). Your name, class, assignment, and date Body Summary: Write a summary of the article explaining the nature of the work, the problems/challenges addressed by the work, the results of the work, and the advantages of this work over other options. Review: Provide a critique of the paper describing (in your opinion) the quality of the work, the significance of the work, and the overall quality of the paper (i.e., how well it was written). Reference Show the full citation for the paper being reviewed. See References in the paper for citation format guidelines. Formatting The body of the review should use 12pt font with line spacing of 1.5 lines, and text should be fully justified (aligned to both left and right margins). Use standard margins of 1” on all sides. Each paragraph should start with a 0.5 inch indention with no extra spaces between paragraphs. Example

A Review of “Analog Integrated Circuits” by John T. Smith, University of Kentucky by Andrew Mason EE562, Homework 1, August 31, 2000

This paper reports the design of blah, blah, blah. To overcome the problems of blah, blah blah, the authors have designed a circuit that will blah, blah, blah. Key elements of the design include, blah, blah, blah.

This circuit was implemented in 0.35µm CMOS technology and obtained an operation frequency of 299MHz with a power dissipation of 19mW at 3V. Blah, blah, blah. In my opinion, the work covered in this paper provides a revolutionary step in the area of analog circuit design. The author clearly states the limitations of present technology and demonstrates the significant advantages resulting from there effort. The article is well-written and easy to understand for someone knowledgeable in the field of analog circuits. However, many figures shown in this paper are a week point. They do little to enhance my understanding of the circuit, and the output plots are not clearly labeled and difficult to understand. Blah, blah, blah. In summary, this is a very good paper discussing work that is of tremendous value, but the authors should have spent more time to enhance the presentation of their results. Reference: J. T. Smith and I. M. Silly, “Analog Integrated Circuits,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circ., vol. 53(4), pp. 1234-1245, January 1999.

Preparing a Scientific Article Review There is a vast amount of information published every day and it is only possible for an individual to sift through a small portion of it during their life time. The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to the art of critically selecting the most valuable and informative material and then how to better evaluate its credibility in terms of scientific accuracy and intention. Note: This is not a mini-research paper! You assignment is to select an article from a current news source on a topic related to the course of study. Hopefully you will be able to select something that is of interest to you. this makes the remainder of the project more meaningful. First read and gain a good understanding of the source article. Now write an abstract for this article that should please both the author and a critical reader. Your abstract along with the source document represent the first portion of the assignment. If you are not familiar with writing abstracts you can locate several online resources in the overview of the research paper. The second portion of the project will require you to find 3 or more reference articles from reputable sources, either supporting or refuting one or more of the claims found in the source document. In the "Critical Evaluation" section you need to develop a logical and well referenced discussion of these topics. There is no minimum length but it should not exceed 1000 words. The third and final portion of the project is your conclusion. You should use no more than 250 words to tell the reader what you now believe on the subject and why. You need to provide your rationale for your conclusion in a logical and rational manor.

Remember this is a science course so your work should avoid the appearance of emotion or bias. It is best if the entire project is presented in the third person. You can use the style presented in your text book as an example.

Avoid redundancy Keep paragraphs simple and to a point. Develop ideas logically -- Logical questions Answer the questions

You should keep in mind that the intended audience for this project is your fellow students. The vocabulary and explanations should therefore be fitting to this audience. It is likely a good idea to have a fellow classmate, who is unfamiliar with the subject, review your project before finalizing it.

The format should be similar to the example shown below. More resources on writing an abstract and MLA formatting can be found then the discussion I have on the research paper. Biology Student BIOL – 101 Ramstein Term 5 25 Jun 2003 Abstract Title, Author, source publication, and date. A well constructed and objective abstract for the news article.

Critical Evaluation In 700 to 1000 words prepare a report of your research findings on the claims of the article. You should cite your references using end notes.5 Conclusion A one to 3 sentence conclusion of you final assessment of the article and the information reviewed. What are your recommendations on the material studied?. References 5

Follow the MLA guidelines for recording citations. If your citation requires more than one line it should be single spaced 6

Cite the references used in your critical evaluation

Margins 2.54 cm or 1” Student - 1 Page number 1.27 cm or 0.5” Standard header for all assignments Font size 12 Times New Roman

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