Paper 1 Patrice Paper 7ab

  • October 2019
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Answer key

Practice paper 7A Reading Text 1 *1. strain *2. body fat / fat

10. True 11. True 12. False 13. Not Given 14. True 15. False 16. False 17. D

3. F 4. B 5. C and G 6. D 7. E 8. A 9. C *18. Cabbage Soup Diet: is monotonous / lacks several vitamins and minerals Diet Divas: is expensive / has a steep price Fat Flush Diet: is very restrictive / a very restrictive diet LA Weight Loss Diet: has a constant focus on weighing yourself *19 Beverly Hills Diet = Eating different combinations of fruit LA Weight Loss Diet = Following a balanced eating plan and eating ‘real’ food Cabbage Soup Diet = Eating homemade cabbage soup for seven days *20 LA weight Loss Diet because it lets you eat different kinds of food, you don’t have to worry about your carbohydrate, fat and protein intake and it isn’t too expensive. (3 marks) / Jenny Craig Diet because it lets you eat different types of food. (1 mark) / Jenny Craig Diet because you don’t have to worry about your carbohydrate, fat and protein intake. (1 mark) / Cabbage Soup Diet because it isn’t too expensive. (1 mark) Text 2 *21. an imperfection

22. B 23. C 24. 3 25. B *26. plastic surgery 27. A 28. She supports it. 36. Liposuction: stayed the same: in 2004 by: n/a% Otoplasty: decreased: in 2004 by: 6% Rhinoplasty: increased: in 2004 by: 7% 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. operate 41. raise 42. danger

29. lowered 30. most 31. four 32. Losing 33. Abigail’s nose 34. B 35. teenagers

43. adults 44. improving / enhancing 45. helping 46. B 47. C

* According to the new HKCEE marking scheme, answers for these questions will be marked correct even if there are grammatical or spelling mistakes as long as the meaning is clear. 

Answer key

Practice paper 7B Writing Task 1and the haircut. Write about 100 words.

Dear Sir / Madam

Re: Complaint about Headlines Salon the at W writing I am write to complain about service, cleanliness and haircut I received your salon. ^ ^ S Tuesday I visited your salon last Tuseday and was very disappointed with the experience. T had N hour My first complaint is about the service at the salon. I have to wait for one hours even T was S explanation though the salon is not busy. I did not receive an apology or an explainaton for the Wno delay. Furthermore, there were none magazines to read and nobody offered Wmore refreshments to make the wait much bearable. I was also disappointed with the cleanliness of your salon. The floor was covered with hair. In fact, it looked to me like a carpet. Surprisingly, the staff made no attempt to tidy up and instead spent their time chatting with each other.

Finally, I was very upset with my haircut. I wanted to keep my hair long, so I asked the stylist for a trim. However, the stylist ignored my request and cut my hair to just below my chin. Furthermore, even though I was shocked by the result, the stylist did not apologise or explain his actions.

I hope that you will take these complaints very seriously. I expect to receive a written apology and full compensation for my haircut. Yours faithfully

B. Chan B. Chan


Answer key Task 2 Question 1

Suggested model answer for Task 2 Question 1 (about 250 words) Dear Pat

Thank you for your letter. I think you’re right to ask for opinions about getting cosmetic surgery. It’s such a big decision to make on your own. Anyway, I must admit that I have some concerns.

First, most teens are unhappy with some parts of their body. This can sometimes lead to being teased, which can be hurtful. Before considering plastic surgery, though, have you tried natural solutions? For example, regular exercise and a healthy diet can help us to feel better about our bodies.

Second, our bodies are still changing. While you’re unhappy now, in a few years time this may be just a painful memory. However, if you undergo plastic surgery now, your body will be changed forever and you’ll never know if you really needed the surgery.

Third, if you feel good on the inside, the outside doesn’t matter. You just need to change your view of yourself and concentrate on all your good attributes now. I know this is easier said than done, but there are courses and counsellors that could help you.

There are also a few other things to think about before making a final decision. For instance, have you spoken with your parents? They may have some helpful advice too. You also need to consider what you hope to gain from the surgery. You may look different physically, but will you change emotionally? Last, the healing process can be both physically and emotionally difficult.

I hope that this advice is helpful. Please write back and let me know your decision.

Your friend



Answer key Task 2 Question 2

Suggested model answer for Task 2 Question 2 (about 250 words) Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing to express my concern over miracle diets such as Slim-too, which was recently advertised in your paper. I do not believe that miracle diets are a good idea, and I would like to discourage your readers from following them.

First, miracle diets can damage the body. They may help people to lose weight quickly, but many people often put the weight back on once they have stopped dieting. This effect is called ‘yo-yo dieting’, and continued ‘yo-yo dieting’ has been linked to metabolism and immune system damage.

Second, miracle diets do not teach people how to eat healthily. Instead, they aim for short-term weight loss by replacing meals with drinks or snacks. However, most nutritionists and doctors agree that we should eat regular meals and a wide range of foods, and exercise in order to stay fit and healthy.

Third, miracle diets are expensive. Customers have to buy not only the diet plan but also special drinks and food in order to stay on the diet. Often, people do not realise how much money they will have to spend from start to finish, and the miracle diet company convinces them that they must keep buying the products in order for the diet to work.

I hope this letter will encourage readers to think carefully before starting a miracle diet such as Slim-too. I believe that these diets not only lead to unhealthy bodies, but unhealthy eating habits and bank balances as well.

Yours faithfully

B. Chan

B. Chan


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