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Pengantar Haematology involves the diagnosis and treatment of patients who have disorders of the blood and bone marrow. Whilst a major part of a haematologist’s time is spent in providing direct clinical care to patients, diagnostic work in the laboratory is also a significant part of their work. History of haemotology Hematology, also spelled haematology, is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the cause, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to blood. It involves treating diseases that affect the production of blood and its components, such as blood cells, hemoglobin, blood proteins, bone marrow, platelets, blood vessels, spleen, and the mechanism of coagulation. Such diseases might include hemophilia, blood clots, other bleeding disorders and blood cancers such as leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma. The laboratory work that goes into the study of blood is frequently performed by a medical technologist or medical laboratory scientist. Many hematologists work as hematologist-oncologists, also providing medical treatment for all types of cancer. Pengertian Haematology is the specialty responsible for the diagnosis and management of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system in adults and children. Haematology is the field of medicine concerned with the study, diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders which affects the production of blood and its components such as blood cells, haemoglobin, blood protein etc. Bone marrow is a spongy tissue found inside the large bones. Haematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow are responsible for making blood cells including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. These stem cells are used for transplantation and can be collected from the bone marrow, peripheral blood or umbilical cord blood. The field of health care includes Chemotherapy, Afaresis, Bone Marrow Graft. This service certainly continues to grow in line with the times and continues to be supported by Hospital facilities. With the help of facilities, more research can be carried out and ultimately can support the learning process of the Internal Medicine Study Program Produk & layanan unggulan Bone Marrow Graft Transplantation is a series of medical actions to move organs and / or tissues of the human body that come from the body of another person or the body itself in the context of treatment to replace the body's organs and tissues that are not functioning properly. Bone marrow transplant (TST) or known by various terms such as bone marrow transplant (BMT). TST is a haematopoetic stem cell infusion procedure taken from the bone marrow, peripheral blood or umbilical cord blood to improve hematopoietic function in patients with bone damage / abnormalities or immune systems. This procedure has the potential to cure various disorders or prolong the remission status of certain diseases. Further information about bone marrow graft can be seen in the following link. Apheresis Apharesis is the application of medical technology in the form of the process of taking one component of blood from a donor through a device or an apharesis machine. In the procedure of donor apharesis, the component of blood taken is only the necessary components, for example platelets or thrombocytes (thrombocytes). As for other blood components returned to the donor's body at that time.

Apharesis is still divided into several types, including: Thrombopharesis is the process of apharesis for taking platelets; Eritropharesis is the process of apharesis to take red blood cells; Leukopharesis is the process of apharesis to take white blood cells; and Plasmapharesis is the process of apharesis to take plasma. The donor requirements for apharesis are also different. The conditions are: Men's weight is at least 55 kg and women are at least 60 kg, Hb level of 13-17 gr%, Systole blood pressure between 110-150 mmHg and diastole 70-90mmHg. Intervals for subsequent donors also differ from donor whole blood, For donor donor interval erythapharesis at least once every 8 weeks. For plasmapharesis donor, the number interval is at least once a week. Especially for platelet donors, after donating platelet apharesis, the platelet count will recover 100% within 2 × 24 hours. Thus, for donors apharesis can do more blood donations than regular donors, which is a maximum of 24x per year (donor interval at least 2 weeks). At Dr. RSUP Kariadi has also experienced using the apheresis machine for stem cell retrieval from peripheral blood. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a therapy with a hard drug to kill and kill cancer cells contained in the patient's body. Chemotherapy is used to treat cancer, because cancer cells develop rapidly compared to normal cells in the body. There are currently many chemotherapy drugs available. Chemotherapy drugs can be used in a single form, or a mixture with several other types of chemotherapy drugs. Fasilitas In order to support excellent service excellence, service support facilities are also needed so that service results can be maximized. Supporting facilities include: Bone Marrow Graft Positive pressure isolation chamber Action room for bone marrow retrieval Stem cell storage Chemotherapy: Centralized chemotherapy room Storage depot for chemotherapy drugs Chemotherapy isolation room Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


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Halaman Ditetapkan Oleh, Direktur RS.


Petugas Bagian Hematologi


Laboratorium Rumah Sakit


1. Memberikan hasil cepat, tepat, dan akurat. 2. Memberikan pelayanan kepada pasien dengan senyum, salam, sapa, sopan santun.


Bertanggung jawab atas pemeriksaan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan Pemantapan Mutu Hematologi.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Melakukan pemeriksaan Hematologi semua pasien Rawat Jalan. Melakukan Pemeriksaan Pemantapan Mutu Internal Hematologi. Melakukan Pemeriksaan Pemantapan Mutu Eksternal Hematologi. Membuat pencatatan dan pelaporan hasil pemeriksaan dan Pemantapan Mutu Hematologi tersebut Melakukan sampling untuk semua pasien rawat jalan. Bertanggung jawab atas pemakaian reagen dan alat habis pakai, serta mengajukan kebutuhan reagen dan alat habis pakai. Bertanggung jawab atas pemakaian dan pemeliharaan peralatan laboratorium yang dipakai, serta mengajukan kebutuhan serta melaporkan kepada penanggung jawab alat inventaris bila ada kerusakan alat hematology, Melaksanakan tugas jaga sesuai dengan daftar jaga. Bertanggung jawab kepada Kepala Laboratorium. 1. Melakukan sampling pasien rawat jalan. 2. Melakukan pemeriksaan hematology pasien rawat jalan. 3. Melakukan pemeriksaan Pemantapan Mutu Internal dan Eksternal Hematologi. 4. Mengajukan kebutuhan reagen, alat habis pakai dan alat pemeriksaan hematology melalui penanggung jawab reagen dan alat inventaris laboratorium.



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Date of issue

Determined by, Hospital Director.


Hematology Officer


Hospital Laboratory


1. 2.

Providing fast, precise and accurate results. Providing services to patients with smiles, greetings, greetings, courtesy.



Responsible for inspection and implementation of Hematology Quality Stabilization activities. 1. Perform a hematology examination for all outpatients. 2. Examining the Quality of Internal Hematology Stabilization. 3. Examining External Hematology Quality Assurance. 4. Making the recording and reporting of the results of the examination and Consolidation of Hematological Quality 5. Conduct sampling for all outpatients. 6. Responsible for the use of reagents and consumables, and propose reagents and consumables. 7. Responsible for the use and maintenance of laboratory equipment used, and propose needs and report to the person in charge of inventory equipment if there is damage to the hematology tool, 8. Carry out guard duties in accordance with the watch list. Responsible to the Head of the Laboratory. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Conduct outpatient sampling. Conducting an outpatient hematology examination. Examining Internal Quality and External Hematology Stabilization. Propose reagent requirements, consumables and hematology examination equipment through the person in charge of reagents and laboratory inventory tools.

Mengenal alat hematology analyzer adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur sampel berupa darah. Alat ini dapat membantu mendiagnosis penyakit yang didertita seorang pasien seperti kanker, diabetes, dll. Alat hematology yang digunakan untuk memeriksa darah lengkap dengan cara menghitung dan mengukur sel darah secara otomatis berdasarta impedansi aliran listrik atau berkas cahaya terhadap sel-sel yang di lewatkan. Mengukur sampel berupa darah. Alat ini biasanya digunakan dalam bidang kesehatan. Alat ini dapat mendiagnosis penyakit yang diderita seorang pasien seperti kanker, diabetes, dll. Pemeriksaan hematologi rutin seperti meliputi pemeriksaan hemoglobin, hitung sel leukosit, dan hitung jumlah sel trombosit. URINE ANALYZER Urine analyzer adalah alat yang dugunakan untuk mengevaluasi dan membaca hasil dari strip test urine. Alat ini bekerja dengan semi otomatis dalam pengecekan yang dilakukan pada luar tubuh, yang hasil pengecekan urinenya selalu tepat. Strip tes urine ini dilakukan ketika ingin mengetahui leukosit, pH, berat jenis, protein, glukosa, dan lain sebagainya. BLOOD GAS ANALYZER Blood gas analyzer merupakan alat yang digunakan dalam mengukur tekanan parsial gas yang terdapat dalam darah, mengukur pH, dan mengukur elektrolit yang terdapat pada tubuh seperti natrium, potassium, klorid serta zat kapur. Tujuan dari mengetahui tekanan gas dalam darah adalah untuk melihat kemampuan darah dalam mengangkut oksigen dan karbon dioksida, melihat keefisiensian pertukaran oksigen dan karbon dioksida dalam darah, dam melihat keadaan oksigen serta metabolisme sel. ALAT RAPID TEST

Rapid test merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk menjalankan diagnosa suatu penyakit atau keadaan seseorang dengan cepat. Waktu yang diperlukan saat menggunakan rapit test sangatlah singkat dengan keakuratan yang tinggi. Beberapa contoh alat rapid test adalah rapid test HIV, rapid test malaria, rapid test narkoba, rapid test sipilis, rapid test kehamilan dan lain sebagainya. Chemistry Analyzer (Photometer) Memang ada beberapa nama alat medis di rumah sakit yang menggunakan kata Analyzer. Selain Hematology ada juga Chemistry Analyzer atau disebut juga dengan istilah Photometer yang diambil dari prinsip kerja alat tersebut. Alat ini berfungsi untuk menganalisa zat – zat kimia yang ada dalam darah seperti kadar glukosa, kolesterol, asam urat, enzim liver dan lain sebagainya. Sample yang digunakan dalam pemerikisaan adalah serum darah, bukanlah darah murni sebagaimana alat Hematology Analyzer. Translate Getting to know the hematology analyzer is a tool used to measure blood samples. This tool can help diagnose a patient's illness such as cancer, diabetes, etc. The hematology tool that is used to check blood completely by calculating and measuring blood cells is automatically based on impedance of electricity or a beam of light on cells that are passed. Measuring samples in the form of blood. This tool is usually used in the health sector. This tool can diagnose a disease suffered by a patient such as cancer, diabetes, etc. Routine hematological examinations such as hemoglobin examination, leukocyte cell count, and count of platelet cells. URINE ANALYZER Urine analyzer is a tool used to evaluate and read the results of a urine test strip. This tool works with semiautomatic checking done outside the body, the urine checking results are always right. This urine test strip is done when you want to know leukocytes, pH, specific gravity, protein, glucose, and so on. BLOOD GAS ANALYZER The blood gas analyzer is a device used to measure the partial pressure of gas present in the blood, measure pH, and measure electrolytes found in the body such as sodium, potassium, chloride and lime. The purpose of knowing the pressure of gas in the blood is to see the ability of the blood to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide, see the efficiency of the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, and see the state of oxygen and cell metabolism. RAPID TEST TOOL Rapid test is a tool used to run a diagnosis of a disease or a person's condition quickly. The time needed to use the test report is very short with high accuracy. Some examples of rapid test devices are rapid HIV testing, rapid malaria test, rapid drug test, rapid syphilis test, rapid pregnancy test and so forth. Chemistry Analyzer (Photometer) Indeed there are several names of medical devices in hospitals that use the word Analyzer. Besides Hematology there is also a Chemistry Analyzer or also called Photometer which is taken from the working principle of the tool. This tool serves to analyze chemicals in the blood such as glucose levels, cholesterol, uric acid, liver enzymes and so on. The sample used in the examination is blood serum, not pure blood as the Hematology Analyzer tool.

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