Pahal Annual Report 2008 - 09

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  • Words: 2,710
  • Pages: 18
PAHAL (Since 1988)

Institute of Community Empowerment & Micro Finance Registered Under Society Reg. Act 1860 & 12 A & 80 G under Income Tax Act


Member :

Net work

PAHAL Executive Director Mr. Islam Hussain with Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Mohammad Yunus in a Micro Finance Conference in New Delhi in March 09 Microfinance Platform Planet Finance, France Micro-credit Campaign, USA Sa-dhan- New Delhi Credibility Allience Mumbai

-:Managed by :-

PAHAL Institution Gola Barrage Road Kathgodam, Nainital, Uttarakhand, INDIA igy laLFkk xkSyk cSjkt jksM dkBxksnke] uSuhrky& Qksu &05946 266209@216 Email- [email protected]

3. Pahal Community Education Support Services 4. Pahal Community Capacity Building Services

Two another services will commence next phase for community transport & marketing of SHGs farms & non farm produce.


PAHAL has carried out following work in 2009

PAHAL Community Micro Finance SHG

(Since 1988) Registered 12 A & 80 G under Income Tax Act


Member: Sa-dhan , Credibility Alliance Microfinance Platform Planet Finance, France & Micro-

Credit linked 325 so far in following areas

credit Campaign, USA

Annual Report 2009


PAHAL has Promoted 525 Self Help Groups & JLG 1. Haldwani -Kathgodam semi urban & rural

AHAL is a voluntary Non Government Organization working in the field of

social welfare, Rural & Slum area Sustainable Development, Environment Protection with the tool of Self Reliance, Micro Saving, MicroFinancing, Capacity Building of needy people, especially women, awareness programs cooperation & co-ordination. We are working in 125 Villages and slum areas of Four Districts of Uttarakhand & one Districts of UP State reaching more than 12000 families. This year we are targeting





approaches for the holistic development. Also the organization






community services from now onwards will be undertaken under the aegis of PAHAL- Institute

For Community Empowerment & Micro Finance & we will offer our services to community under following heads1.Pahal Community Livelihood support Services 1. Pahal Community Micro Finance Services 2. Pahal Community Health Support Services

Community Meeting in Haldwani Bock

2. Bhimtal & Jeolikote Rural & semi Urban 3. Kotabagh Rural 4. Jaspur semi urban 5. Purala & Naogaon Block (Uttarkashi) 6. Rampur (slum area) About Rs.400 lakh ((1000000 $)) has been mobilized as saving, internal landing, and bank credit. These groups are being used for social Mobilization also.

PAHAL Community Micro Finance Services We are providing Microfinance to SHGs & JLGs under the aegis of "PAHAL Community Micro

finance Services". Till date a total of 100 lakh micro credit have been disbursed to the 1200

livelihood initiatives in these areas. We have identified the following activities for livelihood: a. Shopping Bags/Envelope making b. Candle making c. Embroidery work d. Crochet work e. Sweater weaving f.

Vegetable dehydration

g. Dairy & Poultry Restaurant in Haldwani Slum supported by PAHAL Community Micro finance Services


Stone Crafts

Members with the support of SIDBI, Nainital Bank,


Wooden crafts



Kids garments

We have developed new design shopping Bags using A women tailor in Haldwani Rural area supported by PAHAL Community Micro finance Services

news paper for carrying variety of goods with carrying

Micro Insurance

capacity of more than 2 Kg. We are constantly

Pahal is facilitating micro insurance product of well

providing Paper Bag training to interested SHGs

established & reputed Insurance company like LIC of

members to start production.

India, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company & Birla Sunlife Insurance Company to our clients for securing







Livelihood support Services We have observed that a majority of our clients are facing acute livelihood problems & not coming out poverty due to their uncertain income & vulnerability. To overcome this problem we are implementing Women SHG members are under training for making paper Shopping Bags by PAHAL Trainer in Bhimtal Block

Rozgar Mela Under the Community Livelihood Support Services we have organized Rozgar Mela in Haldwani area where hundreds of unemployed women participated. PAHAL team facilitated them to select appropriate employment and more then 200 SHG members got registered and are now contributing livelihood & income generations support to their families from PAHAL Community Livelihood Support Services

Design work shop Office of Development commissioner Handicrafts has sanctioned a design workshop to provide design inputs to our women Patchwork embroidery artisans. We have conducted this workshop in Haldwani & provided design technical support to 30 women artisans. We are continuously extending support to our artisans in respect







procurement & marketing.

MEDP Programme

These beautiful stone crafts developed in MEDP Training workshop Prograame was supported by NABARD

This year PAHAL conducted Micro Enterprise

Health & Pulse Polio Campaign/Immunization Awareness

Development Programmes for our SHG Members. This

PAHAL is constantly working in health related issues

programme was sponsored by NABARD Dehradun

like Immunization, RCH, Pulse Polio etc. PAHAL‘s

Regional office,

worker keep in touch with the women SHG members and motivate/guide and advice them when required

Mahila Shramirdhi Yojna With the support of National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation, Delhi PAHAL conducted two skill up gradation training programme for patchwork embroidery crafts persons. Herein 40 women artisans got the relevant training and also got marketing support where 50 beneficiaries of different SHGs were provided with Stone crafts training. We are also making efforts for linking marketing channel to off load their production.

from us. NMDFC provided opportunity to exhibit their embroidery product in India International Trade fair New Delhi. PAHAL handled all logistic support for the artisans etc from placing orders to direct sales

Marketing of SHG’s Products

Community Capacity Building &

This year NABARD has sanctioned a rural Mart for

We believe that community must take their own

marketing of our SHGs produces. We have started Mart

initiatives rather than seeking intervention from

in the name of Kota Fresh. This mart is managed by our

others, and for this to happen we are acting as

sponsored Kota Doon Self Helf Group Federation. We are also running a marketing outlet in Saras marketing Centers Haldwani for marketing the products & farm produced. In addition.

facilitator for providing initial support system, so that the community can access to the resource. Under the concept of Community Capacity building support PAHAL has taken concrete steps. We have arranged exposure visit, on site training technology transfer programme etc We have also organized awareness regarding livelihood,




development initiative, schemes & programme like NREGA, SGSY, PMRY, etc. Here we have focused on PRI related issues in gram panchyat, PAHAL Craft stall in IITF New Delhi, supported by NMDFC for marketing of SHG products

We have also participated in various shows and melas

Block level Panchyat & Distric level Panchayt, BPL facilities, Indira Awas Yojna, Serva Shiksha Abhyan & National Rural Health Mission..

organized by different agencies for marketing of SHGs products. in IITF Delhi, SARAS Mela in Mumbai & Dehradun.

Sustainable Agriculture Pahal is working in the field of sustainable agricultural development. We believe that for development of rural

Awareness Camp in Rural area regarding Developmental work running by developmental agencies

India there is a need to increase the agricultural productivity. In this view we are continuously working

Apart from it we have also arranged awareness and

to increasing productivity of rural masses. We are

training camp with the support of Pantnagar

providing capacity building, Technical Training &

Agriculture & Technical University for farm and

support, increasing capacity to

non farm’s technology transfer to the small and

access different

agriculture related services, providing micro credit & so on.

marginalized farmers

Technology Transfer Programme

resource, new sowing technique, new varieties of

This year PAHAL is working in liaison GB Pant

seed of different crop etc.

Agriculture & Technical University Pantnagar for

PAHAL staff has also got an in-house master

providing technical training to our marginal farmer

training at University campus itself.








Pantnagar Agriculture & Technical University has provided technical support for enabling better output of their agriculture produce. They are also providing support for food processing including vegetable fruits, pulses etc. Department of Poultry of Pantnagar Agriculture & Technical University has provided technical support to rear Ginny fowl to 30 such women Farmers Training & technology Transfer Programme in Bhimtal Block

members. These members got in house training on

Department of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering

the course how to rear highly income generated

College of Technology G.B. Pant University of

Ginny fowl.

Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar has

Department of Poultry has also provided 20 chick

conducted several training camp in Kota bag,

Ginny fowl of each of our participant to start

Bhimtal & Haldwani Block for PAHAL clients. In

Ginny fowl rearing.

these camps expert has provided technical inputs

PAHAL is thankful to Pantnagar Agriculture &

to the small & marginalized farmers to increase

Technical University for their active support in

farm productivity by using effective irrigation

this regards.

system. Our SHGs’ members & other farmers also attended 10 days training camp and got exposure to Advance





Agriculture University. The training was focused on providing the farmers with expert inputs for enhancing agriculture productivity. They got proper training on optimal

Farmers Training & technology Transfer Programme

utilization of available resources including water

in Kotabagh Block

Micro Save Support & Training

visited PAHAL operational area & suggested


valuable inputes for sustainable micro finance

Leading International Micro Finance Organization Micro Save has provided technical support to

operation under the concept of market lsd micro finance.

PAHAL to stream line Micro Finance operation under their Programme.

PAHAL Representative with other participants in Micro Finance Training organized by Micro Save in Lucknow

Micro save Expert Ku Sonmani in PAHAL for staff orientation training programme

Micro save has also prepared operational manual,

Before providing any technical imputes Micro save

process manual, account manual, Internal control

has conducted a rapid appraisal of PAHAL’s micro

& audit manual,& Human Recourse Manual, We

finance operation t access our need & capacity.

felt these manuals are vary use full for over come

After rapid appraisal Micro save included Pahal in

to internal lapses, strengthening the structure &

his fold and extended support In first step Micro

smooth running of action plan & achieve the target

save has prepared our strategic business plan, with

led under business plan.

the active participation of PAHAL team, Four member team including board of director & management staff designated for this whole process & prepared a aggressive business plan for microfinance activities for next five years. After preparation of business plan Micro save has provided us another training use full for micro finance operation & institution. PAHAL Staff has attended training programme for account,





governance etc.In second phase Micro save team

PAHAL Representative Ku Lubna in Micro Finance Training organized by Micro Save in Lucknow

Advocacy on Social Issues


We are continuously working towards social issues like

PAHAL’s staff & volunteers & house women

child right, women right, Indigenous people right,

collectively shared their

prevention of domestic violence, female feticide,

problems etc returned back with great enthusiasm

NREGA etc.

and sprite to overcome all odds.

Women Empowerment

Conference/Training participated

PAHAL is working to strengthen the marginalized

PAHAL Staff & board Member have participated

section of society. We believe that women in every

in following training programme, Workshops,

section of society are comparably weaker, so we

Seminars & events

are not only providing these services to the women group of marginalized section but to the society as a whole.





experiences, success,

BIRD Training/workshop

Micro Finance Insight workshop

Micro save Training in Lucknow & Jaipur

India Micro Finance Conference

Sa dhan Micro Finance Conference

Women Groups are participating women day as a mark of PAHAL annual day in Village Ginti in Kotabagh Block

We are actively involved in sorting out various legal right based issues relating to these women group. Support to women to over come their socio economic





PAHAL Executive Director Mr. Islam Hussain & Honey Islam with Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Mohammad Yunus in a Micro Finance Conference in New Delhi in March 09

Fellowship programme

mentored women & groups on different issues

Well known organization volunteer has placed

related to various socio-economic problems.

volunteer from different discipline in PAHAL. We

PAHAL celebrates women day on 8 March as its

have provide in house training as well as direct

foundation day and annual day. The Organization’s


secretary and other social activist have organized

programme run by PAHAL & other Governmental

women’s day programme in Kotabagh, In this

& non governmental agencies




Exposure visit Programme

Awards & Facilitation

We have conducted in house SHGs formation & micro

1- PAHAL is recipient of

"Micro Finance


credit landing training to our Staff , NGO partners &

Excellence Award -2005"

also arrange exposure visit to Kolkata to learn ground

Continuous Process Excellence Award -2006" by

level modalities of direct lending to JLG Model .

ABN Amro Bank and Planet Finance for

& "Micro Finance Micro

Finance services 2- PAHAL supported on SHG named SURABHI SHG has been chosen as best performing SHG in

Uttarakhand by NABARD. This SHG has been awarded by union Finance Minister Mr P. Chidambaram in New Delhi. This award was given to the 13 best performing SHG's in all over India. 3- PAHAL has been also facilitated by Honorable Chief Minister of Uttrakhand Mr. Narayan Dutt Tewari and PAHAL Team in Kolkata Slum to understand hard reality of slum dwellers on exposure visit

State Bank of India Dehradun Region for remarkable

WE are also part of Study team for study & exposure

micro finance services to the disadvantage section of

on Micro credit /SHG activities in Hyderabad Andhra


Pradesh This Hyderabad visit was sponsored by SBI Dehradun. We have arranged another visit to Bangalore, Delhi & Jaipur for Exposure regarding Micro Finance activities. PAHAL staff members workers and associate has participated many programmes & joined hand with other net work on social issue, Like Himalayan issues, Women violence & right, Land right, Achieving Million Development Goal, led by United Nation for socio-economic equality

PAHAL sponsored Surabhi SHG receiving best performing Award from Union Finance Ministe Mr. P. Chidambaram

in universe

In House Training to Staff, Govt. Officials & Civil Societies PAHAL has organized in house training to NHPC official, members of civil society NGO, staff & clients on SHG formation Bank linkage, various aspects of Micro Finance, other rural developmental work running by developmental Agencies to enhance their capacity.

Mr. Islam Hussain ED PAHAL receiving "Micro Finance Continuous Process Excellence Award -2006 from UN country Representative Dr. Olson sponsored by ABN Amro Bank & Planet Finance in New Delhi. Pahal was also recipient of same in 2005

Glimpse of PAHAL Activities

Micro Credit training of other NGO staff in PAHAL

SIDBI AGM Mr. Rawat in PMIC meeting in PAHAL to review PAHAL’s Micro Credit Program supported by SIDBI Dehradun

Senior Manager SBI is providing details of schemes

PAHAL E.D. Islam Hussain Discussing with Noted social activist Mrs. Ela Bhatt in a Micro Finance Conference in New Delhi in March 09

run by SBI to PAHAL Staff during training in PAHAL

AGM of SBI with PAHAL Team in SBI Sponsored Exposure visit in remote village of Andhra Pradesh

Mr. KC Singh BABA, MP from Nainital in PAHAL Stall in SBI Sponsored programme in Kashipur

PAHAL JLG’s member in Meeting

PAHAL SHG’s members in Meeting with Mr Islam Hussain in Haldwani Branch office

A Tele communication Shop in Kathgodam supported by PAHAL Community Micro finance Services

Interview with media on the occasion of launching of innovative shopping paper bags in Haldwani this Bags has developed by Islam Hussain & promoted by PAHAL

Pahal Paper Shopping launch ceremony attended by Chairman & members of Municipal Board Nainital

PAHAL Team members with ED Mr. Islam Hussain In a Damuadhunga Rural Branch of PAHAL

Marketing campaign by PAHAL of innovative shopping paper bags in Nainital

PAHAL SHG Patch & Embroidery Work

Pahal Team in Environment rally in Haldwani

PAHAL SHG Embroidery Work

Pahal ED Mr Islam Hussain with Block Pramukh Purola Uttarkashi in Micro Credit programme Initiated by PAHAL

PAHAL Crafts displayed in PAHAL Stall in SARAS Center Haldwani

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