Annual Report (2008 09) Final

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DIRECTORATE OF PROJECT PLANNING & IN-SERVICE EDUCATION, DAVCMC. ANNUAL REPORT - 2008-09 Directorate of Project Planning & In-service (DPPI), the in-service training wing of the DAV College Managing Committee is proactively engaged in training, networking and educational research. In the year 2008-09 DPPI conducted 34 in-service courses for the DAV Heads of Schools and teachers, training 15481 DAV personnel. DPPI courses are conducted not only at Delhi but also at different locations all over India depending upon the density of DAV schools in the region. The programme-wise table given below indicates participation of DAV personnel in the training programmes conducted in 2008-09. S.N Date / Venue Name of the No. of No. of o. Programme Program Particip mes ants 1 27 1. MAY 16 TO 22, ORIENTATION 2008 PROGRAMME Hansraj College, FOR THE HEADS OF DAV Delhi GRANTS-IN-AID SCHOOLS 1 36 2. May 19th to 25th, Master Trainer – 2008 Mathematics Gurgaon 1 41 3. MAY 24 TO 30, INDUCTION 2008 PROGRAMME -VIII Hansraj College, FOR NEWLY APPOINTED Delhi HEADS OF DAV SCHOOLS 4. June 06 to 12, Master Trainer – 1 44 2008 ENGLISH DAV P School, Hehal Ranchi 5. June 07 to 13, Master Trainer – 1 80 2008 Mathematics DAV P School, Hehal Ranchi 6. June 23rd to 29th, Master Trainer – 1 27 2008 ENGLISH DAV P School,

Lashkar Rd. Haridwar 7. July 7th to 13th, 2008 Police DAV PS Jalandhar Cantt. 8. July 9th to 14th, 2008 DAV PS Jalandhar. 9. Sept 2nd - Oct 1st, 2008 IGNOU, Delhi 1 Nov. 28th – 30th, 0. 2008 Bhatgaon (CG) 1 March 23-24, 1. 2009 IGNOU, Delhi 1 March 25-27, 2. 2009 IGNOU, Delhi 1 March 17, 2009 3. March 30, 2009 1 March 17, 2009 4. March 30, 2009 TOTAL

Master Trainer – ENGLISH



Master Trainer – Mathematics



Performance Enhancement Programme (PEP) Tele- Conferencing through EDUSAT English Workshop





Follow up of Master Trainer Programme – Maths Tele- Conferencing through EDUSAT Follow up of Master Trainer Programme – English Tele- Conferencing through EDUSAT Advocacy Programme for Prevention of DrugAbuse in Adolescents Interactive Workshops with Adolescents for Prevention of DrugAbuse











A. Innovation in Education: In-service Education of DAV Teachers through EDUSAT:

The department of in-service education of DAV educators, the DPPI is making use of innovative methods to reach teacher training regularly at the doorsteps of DAV Schools located all over India with a view to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. In our constant endeavour to empower our teachers

with latest information and competencies we continue to innovate and devise new strategies. DPPI’s latest initiative has used the highly sophisticated EDUSAT, the first and only dedicated educational satellite of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) to reach in-service education to thousands of DAV teachers located at the DAV Schools in different corners of India. • The programme received Presidential blessings by Sh. GP Chopra, President DAV College Managing Committee which were broadcast daily at the commencement of the programme for every new set of teachers to listen and imbibe. • The programme targeted the teachers of board-bound classes VIII, X and XII. All the DAV schools affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and DAV Education Board (DAVEB) participated in the interactive Performance Enhancement Programme. • Apex educational bodies NCERT and CBSE were apprised of the programme objectives and academic support was sought to conduct this humongous nation-wide initiative involving more than 400 schools. • The selection of the subject-experts was crucial to the success of this interactive programme. The teacher educators associated with apex bodies as members Committee of Courses and Subject Committees and had contributed in designing the syllabus, textual materials and pattern of evaluation for all the subjects of the board - bound classes were identified and the most articulate of the lot were invited to address and interact with our teachers. • Besides these, best teachers from schools all over Delhi were identified and invited to be the part of the expert panel to share innovative practices and their insights to resolve the problems pertaining to transaction of the curriculum. Nearly 70 (seventy) resource persons provided quality academic inputs in the programme. • The learning outcome of the training programmes were: o The teachers became updated on the changes in syllabus and pattern of evaluation made by the Apex educational bodies.

o Teachers understanding of the course content and

textual materials. o Teachers gathered suggestions regarding modification of appropriate teaching methods and strategies for teaching difficult topics. • Besides the conventional text-books, additional sources of knowledge were recommended to enrich their interactions with learners. Being an interactive-programme the teachers were encouraged to discuss their doubts and difficulties visà-vis the topics to be taught in the class-room. • Approximately 14,000 DAV teachers teaching classes VIII to XII benefited from this programme. On an average 180-200 queries were dealt in each of the twenty-two workshops to facilitate teachers understanding and grasp of the curriculum transacted by them.

Feedback 1. The programme was widely appreciated by the President,

Office-bearers, Regional Directors and Principals of DAV Schools. 2. The formal feedback from the zones repeatedly marveled at the convenience of this medium and has suggested that more programmes be conducted through this mode. 3. The faculty from the Apex bodies CBSE & NCERT also expressed their deep appreciation for DPPI’s regular initiatives to think of creative ways of professional development of DAV educators first through Videoconferencing (2007) and now through tele-conferencing via EDUSAT (2008).


Leadership Courses

1. Forty-one newly appointed Heads of DAV Schools attended

weeklong Induction Programme organised by DPPI at the Hansraj College, Mallka Ganj Delhi University. The programme that was organised from May 24-30, 2008 and was inaugurated by Prof Ved Prakash, Vice-Chancellor NUEPA and was presided over by Dr. RP Singhal Vice President DAVCMC. Induction Programme (IP) an annual

feature of DPPI Training Calendar that aims to enlighten the newly appointed Heads of DAV Schools with the vision, mission and working of the DAVCMC. The newly appointed Heads of Schools were acquainted with the administrative norms and financial procedures established by the DAVCMC for the DAV Public Schools besides understanding the functioning of various departments at the head office.

2. The first ever exclusive Leadership Course for the Heads of

Grants-in-Aid Schools was organised by DPPI from May1622, 2008. Dr. AK Sharma former Director NCERT inaugurated the programme and Dr. RP Singhal Vice President DAVCMC presided over a glittering ceremony that was attended by a number of illustrious dignitaries. The theme of the week long course was Effective Institutional Management Programme (EIMP) which aimed at capacity building of the

Principals to help them manage transition from traditional to modern learning environments. Twenty–seven (27) Heads of Schools enthusiastically participated in the activities, discussions and activities planned for them during this weeklong training programme. The leaders of these schools who work under extremely challenging circumstances expressed a new vigor and enthusiasm for their job as a Principal during the Valedictory ceremony.

C . Master Mathematics





DPPI conducted six (6) Master Trainer Programmes for lowperforming schools in English and Mathematics in the summer of 2008 and created a cadre of nearly 250 Master Trainers. These Master Trainer’s were trained to establish a teacher-support system in the school by becoming peer-

• • • • • • • •

mentors. In order to ensure that Peer-Mentoring Program is properly implemented DPPI faculty undertook a number of measures such as: • Sending a detailed report of training to the School Principal. • Developing Action-Plans for Mentors. Visiting five DAV Public Schools to monitor the progress of the Mentoring Programme. Sharing finding of Monitoring with all other schools to facilitate implementation of the Peer- Mentoring. Preparing Subject-wise Instructional Materials and sending it to the schools. Phoning all the schools to motivate the Heads of Schools and Teachers to continue with the programme. Corresponding with schools regularly through e-mail. Providing timely feedback on the lesson-plans sent by the schools Roping in Heads of schools to initiate staff meetings and observe the classes to take note of the improvement in teaching strategies. Inviting regular reports from the Mentors on the progress of the peer-mentoring Conducting Sensitization Meeting for the absentee schools.

Follow Up through EDUSAT: Based on the needs collected from the Schools that are a part of the Peer-Mentoring Programme two programme were conducted by DPPI on the following dates • Follow Up Programme for Math Peer-Mentors – March 25-26, 2009 • Follow Up Programme for English Peer-Mentors- March 2-5, 2009. Through intensive ground work done for months before the programmes DPPI faculty collected hundreds of difficulty areas and queries from the teachers of pre-primary and primary classes (LKG to V) in Mathematics and secondary classes (VI-VIII) in English Language. Besides this a number of queries were also received at the New Delhi studios of EDUSAT from where the DPPI faculty and Resource Persons were addressing the teachers of DAV Public Schools. The follow –up programmes were in the form of interactions between the teachers and subject-experts, authors, editors of the DAV textbooks to address the difficulties faced by the teachers in curriculum transaction. During the teleconferencing programmes teachers difficulty areas in curriculum and text-books related queries were answered. In mathematics programme 440 queries and in English 667 queries of the teachers were answered.

The queries, observations and feedback of the teachers vis-à-vis the textual materials taught by them was passed on to the DAV Education Board for their considerations during text-book revision.

4. Implementation of UNODC Project – Drug Abuse Prevention Programme


UNODC (United Nations Office for Drugs & Crime) School-based Drugs Abuse Prevention programme was implemented in 40 DAV Public Schools of Delhi & Jharkhand. The said programme sensitized important stakeholders and key designates along with the neighborhood school community regarding threat of drug abuse among the adolescent students. The programme also addresses the students through specially designed modules for the teachers to use with classes VI-XII. These modules aimed at creating awareness among adolescent students regarding the threat of drug-abuse. The following activities have been conducted at the schools for implementing the School-based programme. 1. Half Day Sensitization Programme for the important stakeholders and key designates in the school such as Principal, members PTA, School Committee, School Administration, Teachers and local dignitaries. 2. Allocation of one period every month to execute the student’s modules for classes VI-XII. Adopting the activity based approach for communicating the message indirectly to the students. 3. Getting the Pre-training Proforma filled by the students before conducting the activities. 4. Observing specific Days in the schools such as June 26, International Day against Drug Abuse; December 1, World Aids Day or any other event as deemed fit by the school. 5. Assessing the impact of the awareness programme through discussion of case-studies, informal talks and interviews. 2. Special Initiatives for Grants-in-Aid Schools: The same programme was also implemented in all the grants-in-aid schools to counter the risk of drug-abuse among the students.

Two (2) one day Advocacy Programmes were conducted by DPPI at Chandigarh and New Delhi, where altogether 200 principals, teachers and management personnel were addressed regarding the need for these programmes. Besides these two programmes, interactive workshops were conducted with 200 students of classes VI-IX to develop the ability of critical thinking and assertiveness skills to handle peer-pressure. RASHMI S. CHARI ASST. DIRECTOR – DPPI - DAVCMC

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