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  • Words: 713
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Science column

by an era of global cooling, which would mean that we are moving towards yet another ice age. If so, then, with the massive drop in temperatures all over the world, isn’t it more reasonable to find an easy answer to global cooling?


April 08

Science column

When we all shout slogans of global warming and at the same time complain of severe cold, are we not contradicting ourselves? Further, solar scientists have predicted that by the year 2020, the sun will be starting its weakest Schwabe solar cycle of the past two centuries. This would possibly be leading to unusually cool conditions on Earth. It is in fact global cooling and not global warming that is a major threat to the world. Studies revealed that January 2008 was the second coldest January in 15 years. Meteorologist Anthony Watts has reported in that there has been a global drop in temperature of 0.63 degree centigrade in the past 12 months. As Nobel Laureate Al Gore had sounded a global warming alert through his documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, would there be anyone else to sound global cooling alert? What we are facing now is basically extremes of weather. But what causes it and what could be the effects of it on all living beings on earth? Firstly, extreme conditions are caused by a combination of factors. Human-induced climate change has the potential to alter the prevalence and severity of extremes such as heat waves, cold waves, storms, floods and droughts. Tropical glaciers, coral reefs, mangroves, biodiversity “hot spots,” and above all, our eco-system are examples of unique and threatened entities that are confined to narrow geographical ranges, as they are very sensitive to climate change.

Many climate experts say that last year’s extreme cold was nothing but a cold-kick from the tropical Pacific Ocean, which is in its La Niña phase, a year after it was in the opposite warm El Niño phase. The El Niño part of the cycle involves warmer-thanusual sea temperatures, great amounts of rainfall (in the northern hemisphere) and low atmospheric pressure. In contrast, cooler sea temperatures, high atmospheric pressure and drier air characterize the La Niña phase. Climate change or global warming is the most serious environmental threats of the 21st century. Such disruptive weather would cause economic and business loss to any country. Agriculture is the dominant sector engaging more

EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE • Severe droughts • Floods and storms • Agriculture • Food crisis • Health disorders • Threat to plants, animals and marine beings • Distortion in ecosystem. • Economic loss

than half of the economically active population in Southeast Asia for the last two decades. Climate change is likely to cause severe droughts and floods, with major impacts on human health and food supplies. This was stated in India’s Report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. We, human beings can try and adapt to the changing climatic conditions. But what about the other living creatures like plants, fishes and animals? If this trend continues, a day would come when we would not be able to see some trees which we see now or even the so common tigers and lions might become extinct, not being able to adapt. Some species might prosper in other areas and some may perish. Human beings also would not have fun time. It would be a tough time for all to survive, as they would face a range of health disorders. In general, the negative effects of change in climatic conditions and extremes of climate would out-do the positive ones. Agriculture will have to change, as traditional crops would find it harder to grow under the changing climatic conditions. The nightmare is that many of the world’s poorest areas will find the most difficulty in coping with these changes. And how much can India, the agrarian economy, withstand this pressure? So, the extreme climatic conditions prevailing throughout the world is not due to Tsunami. Be it due to human activities, geographical phenomena or even a solar process, we should all be ready to face it. Make sure you have enough woollens for the coming winters or sufficient cooling systems to keep yourself comfortable from the scorching heat during summers. April 08


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