Pack 218 Handbook Final

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  • Words: 2,520
  • Pages: 6
Cub Scout Pack 218

Cary, North Carolina

Purposes of Scouting The Purpose of the Boy Scouts of America as incorporated Feb. 8, 1910, and chartered by Congress in June 1916, is to provide boys and young adults an effective educational program designed to build desirable qualities of character; to train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship; and to develop personal fitness. Mighty serious business, all done in the spirit of fun. Since 1930, the Boy Scouts of America has helped younger boys through Cub Scouting. It is a yearround family program designed for boys who are in first grade through fifth grade (or 7-10 years of age). Parents, leaders and organizations work together to achieve the following: •

Influence the development of character and encourage spiritual growth

Help boys develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship

Encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body

Improve understanding within the family

Strengthen boys’ ability to get along with other boys and respect other people

Foster a sense of personal achievement by helping boys develop new interests and skills

Show how to be helpful and do one’s best

Provide fun and exciting things to do

Prepare to become Boy Scouts

Further information on Scouting can be found at and . Information on the Academic and Sports Beltloop program can be found at and and Pack 218 Pack 218 is chartered by the Knights of Columbus at St. Michael’s Catholic Church and holds it’s Pack meeting on the third Monday of the month in Parish Hall, St. Michael’s on High House Road, Cary. Pack activities have included weekend trips to the Yorktown aircraft carrier, camping and hiking at Grandfather Mountain, camping and activities at the Vineyard camp, camping at Jordan Lake, marching in the Cary Holiday Parade, Service Projects, Conservation Project (to allow Cub Scouts to work in achieving their Conservation Award) and many other fun activities.

Pack 218 Handbook

2001-2002 Pg. 1

For 2001-2002, the Pack will consist of 5 Webelos dens (2-2nd year and 3 1st year), 2 Bear dens, 2 Wolf dens and 3 Tigers dens totaling 90 Scouts. Pack 218 is a Quality Unit and will strive to continue to meet the BSA requirements for this designation. For our service project, we agreed that it should benefit people and that the boys should be able to provide the service. We will participate in at least one Service Project per year. The needs of the community will dictate the type of Project selected. All members of the Pack are encouraged to provide suggestions in selecting a “worthy cause” and submit them to the Pack Service Project Chair Nicole Baulch for implementation. Uniform Guidelines / Uniform Swap New this year - Scouts and Leaders are expected to wear full uniforms for all events unless specifically instructed otherwise (for example, a particularly messy den activity). As per BSA guidelines, the uniform is the official scouting shirt, neckerchief (worn under the collar), pants/shorts, belt, hat and socks. The Webelos will display their activity pins on the tri-colored ribbon. No pins will be worn on hats – it was sited as a safety issue at Camporee. All Sports & Academic pins and letters will be worn on vests. Have you ever been to a football or baseball game and seen players without their uniform pants on? NO! Proper wearing of the uniform shows pride in belonging to an organization that stands for those values that we hold dear. Pride and commitment to the program will show in a desire to be properly uniformed. Full uniforming of leaders will set the right example. Don’t sell your son’s Scouting experience short by not supporting the uniform code. If financial consideration is truly the issue please speak with either Committee Chair Sandy Gareton or Cubmaster Conrad Cowan. The Pack committee is currently looking into ways to establish a uniform swap or closet. Volunteers, Training, and New Positions The Pack is led and events are organized entirely by volunteers, typically parents. As the Pack has grown over the last few years the Pack has relied largely on the dedication and devotion of a core group of Leaders and volunteers. Many of these parents will be leaving the Pack in the next year or two as their boys become Boy Scouts. New this year – BSA requires at least two trained leaders at every event, including den meetings. Previously the rule was two adult leaders. Now they must have attended Basic Leader Training. Therefore all parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer to lead, organize or help keep the Pack going. (Remember your pledges!!) To formalize this a bit for the new members, all parents at roundup were required to volunteer in some capacity. Your involvement will increase your enjoyment of your son’s Scouting experience as well as his.

Pack 218 Handbook

2001-2002 Pg. 2

Pack Communication / Distribution Lists Communication is a vital component of running the Pack. Quite a lot of communication will come in the form of e-mail. This allows direct, fast and consistent communication to the whole Pack. If you do not have access to e-mail please inform your den leader so that he or she knows to pass the information on to you another way. Two general distribution lists have been created on Yahoo groups: [email protected] is the address for the whole Pack. This should be used only for general Pack information communications. [email protected] is a distribution list of the Pack Leadership Committee. See for Yahoo’s privacy policies. !! When responding to a message from anyone in the Pack please check to whom you are sending it to as it is not often appropriate to respond to the whole list. (And it’s quite easy to do by accident!!) Pack Leader contact information is provided at the end of the document. E-mail cannot be the only form of communication though and den leaders are the key conduit for Pack and Den communications. Please keep in touch with them regularly. New this year – To minimize information sharing during Pack meetings, much of the information (details) on upcoming events will be sent out prior to the Pack meeting (hopefully at least a week in advance). This will allow time during the Pack meeting to be for parent Q&A. Upcoming events will still be touted to the boys to generate excitement, but hopefully this will be minimal and just enough to get them excited to go/participate. The Pack web site can be found at The site has information on the Pack calendar and policies and photos from past events. Pack 218 Budget / Rechartering / Popcorn sales Details of the Pack budget can be obtained from the Pack Treasurer, Bob Rolleri. In addition to the dues paid each year, much of the budget for running the Pack comes from proceeds from our annual Popcorn sale. This BSA sanctioned sale occurs in the fall (Sept. 22-Oct 26). Some companies (GlaxoSmithKline, ?) offer financial donations to charities for which employees volunteer. In the case of GSK, $500 is given for 50 volunteer hours in a 12 month period. If you work for such a company please volunteer (we need you anyway) and seek the donation. Rechartering occurs in March. As determined by BSA and our council our charter runs from March to March. Therefore, dues ($45) will be collected at that time for the boys participating in the 2002-2003 Scout year.

Pack 218 Handbook

2001-2002 Pg. 3

Pack Meetings The Pack meetings will emphasize fun, learning, fun, accomplishment, fun and respect (fun too). They will follow the themes as suggested in the Program Helps. Pack meetings will hopefully be the culmination of the previous month’s den level activities. Thus, crafts, skits, song and games learned at the den level, tied in by the monthly theme, can be showcased at the Pack meeting (all dens, not just the host den). To facilitate the fun, we will follow these ideas from the Cub Scout Leader Book: • • • • •

• • • •

Start and end on time – respect each other by being prompt Tables and display boards will be set up to display crafts and pictures from den activities during the previous month Arrival time from 6:45-7:00 during which boys will display and view crafts made during the previous month and related to the monthly theme. Craft items to be brought by the boys to the Pack meeting During arrival time boys will participate in opening activities which will be supplied Den leaders and parents are expected to ensure appropriate behavior of boys at all time before, during and after pack meeting • Before the meeting the boys will be engaged in an opening activity, during the meeting they will respectfully listen to others and participate in meeting, there will be fun, games, and activities at every Pack meeting, following the Pack meeting boys can assist in clean up. Running and loud boisterous behavior (other than during the games) is not permitted Information sharing will occur electronically before the Pack meeting (committee minutes sent to Pack) such that parent time can be devoted to Q&A Information sharing to the boys regarding upcoming activities will be kept to a bare minimum and with the purpose of generating interest and enthusiasm Seating during the meeting will be in chairs by den. Den Leaders will sit with their dens and parents can sit behind the dens. This is hoped to facilitate den recognition and den specific participation (such as cheers) as well as to foster a more orderly meeting Attendance will be taken and calls made to those repeatedly not attending. The message is that Pack meeting attendance is expected (and hopefully fun enough to have the boys want to come)

Games (electronic or otherwise) or toys are not appropriate to bring to Pack meetings. For camp outings, such games and toys are for den time and at the discretion of the den leader. Parental attendance is expected at all Pack level events. Parental assistance in ensuring proper behavior will be greatly appreciated. Pack meetings are for families and everyone is welcome. Parental attendance for den meetings is determined at the den level. Two trained leaders will be present for all Pack and Den activities or the event will be cancelled.

Pack 218 Handbook

2001-2002 Pg. 4

Pack 218 Adult Leaders Roster Position Name Committee Chairman Sandy Gareton Cubmaster Conrad Cowan

Home Ph Work Ph 460-8183 380-1710 577-9933 483-6641

e-mail [email protected] [email protected]

Den / Pack Leaders Asst Cubmaster

Chris Schwartz



[email protected]

Asst Cubmaster Den 1 Leader

Michael Calarco Jerry Minore

303-3289 852-5641

254-1211 547-2017

[email protected] [email protected]

Den 1 Asst Ldr

Rob Gaughran



[email protected]

Den 1 Asst Ldr

Jack Kane



[email protected]

Den 1 Asst Ldr Den 2 Leader

Drew Weber Emerson Sox

465-2599 460-3107


[email protected] [email protected]

Den 3 Leader

Brad Beauchamp


Den 3 Asst Ldr

Sandy Gareton



[email protected]

Den 3 Asst Ldr Den 4 Leader

Steven Scarbel Scott Dobson

388-3559 481-1517

388-1411 460-4391

[email protected] [email protected]

Den 4 Asst Ldr

Diane McNally



[email protected]

Den 4 Asst Ldr

Greg Moyer



[email protected]

Den 4 Asst Ldr

Joseph DeRusso, III (H)


677-8000 x3843 [email protected]

Den 5 Leader Den 5 Asst Ldr

Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt John Szarek

469-9574 461-0959

513-6330 543-9091

[email protected] [email protected]

Den 5 Asst Ldr

Daniel Lang



[email protected]

Den 7 Leader

Becky Cade



[email protected]

Den 7 Asst Ldr Den 8 Leader

Paul Rock Bob Rolleri

363-4224 460-7333

Den 8 Asst Ldr

Ken Landry


Den 8 Asst Ldr

Jane O'Brien


Den 10 Asst-Ldr Den 10 Leader

Ann Miller Chuck Miller

319-7796 319-7796

Den 12 Leader

Nicole Baulch


[email protected]

Den 12 Asst Ldr

Mary Moyer


[email protected]

Den 12 Asst Ldr

Patrick Rost


Tiger Den Coordntr Den Leader Coach

Robert Surra James Conrad

468-8643 678-0037

773-5082 472-

[email protected] [email protected]

Committee Vice-Chm Membership Chm

Keith Glover Greg Moyer

319-3785 481-4613


[email protected] [email protected]


Bob Rolleri


Advancement Chm

James Mickle



[email protected]

Blue & Gold Chm Blue & Gold Asst

Kris Stone Gail Rolleri

678-1349 460-7333


[email protected] [email protected]

Blue & Gold Asst

Jane O'Brien


Blue & Gold Asst

Jennifer Landry



[email protected]

Blue & Gold Asst Camporee

Beth Cowan Chris Schwartz

577-9933 851-0422


[email protected] [email protected]

Fall/Spr Campout

Chris Schwartz



[email protected]

Fall Roundup

Jerry Minore



[email protected]

Newsletter Editor

Chris Harney



[email protected], [email protected]

PW Derby Asst PW Derby Asst

Chris Schwartz Robert Bardon

851-0422 319-1904

483-2059 515-5575

[email protected] [email protected]

PW Derby Asst

Todd Britton



[email protected]

Popcorn Sales Chm

Emerson Sox


[email protected]

Popcorn Col Asst Quartermaster

Beth Cowan Brad Beauchamp

577-9933 362-8150

[email protected]


Bob Evans



[email protected]

Webmaster Asst

Marina Evans



[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] 678-0660

[email protected] [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]


Pack 218 Handbook

[email protected]

[email protected]

2001-2002 Pg. 5

Pack 218 Calendar 2001-2002 August 2001 – SongFest 13 Traditional School Year Begins 15 Committee Meeting 8:00 16 District Roundtable Dinner (6:30) 23 Cub Scout Roundup 26 Hike/Welcome Dinner 5-7

February 2002 – Our Native Peoples 3 Scout Sunday 6 Committee Meeting 8:00 10 Bowling 21 District Roundtable 8:00 23 Blue and Gold Dinner/Pack Meeting March 2002 – Dollars and Sense ? Mall Expo, District Pinewood Derby Race 6 Committee Meeting 8:00 18 Pack Meeting 7:00 ? Re-charter Due 21 District Roundtable ? Cub Camporee – Camp McNeil ? Cub Basic Leader Training ? Cub Leader PowWow 31 Easter

September 2001 – All Aboard 5 Comm. Mtg/Den Ldr Kick-off 7:00 8 Annual District Uniform Sale 9 State Capitol and Museums 17 Pack Meeting 6:30 Bond Park 20 District Roundtable 22 Popcorn sale starts October 2001 – Down on the Farm 3 Committee Meeting 8:00 12-14 Fall Camporee (Webelos) 13 Cub Basic Leader Training 15 Pack Meeting 7:00 18 District Roundtable 26 Popcorn Sale ends 26-28 Pack Campout - Jordan Lake

April 2002 – Forces of Nature 3 Committee Meeting 8:00 15 Earth Day Activity / Pack Meeting 7:00 18 District Roundtable 26-28 Pack Campout (TBD) May 2002 - Abracadabra 1 Committee Meeting 8:00 5 Spencer Yards 16 District Roundtable 8:00 20 Pack Meeting 7:00 ? Cub Basic Leader Training

November 2001 – Hometown Heroes 3 Thunderbirds – Pope AFB 7 Committee Meeting 8:00 10 Popcorn Distribution 15 District Recognition Dinner 6:30 19 Pack Meeting 7:00 21-23 Thanksgiving Holiday

June 2002 – Critters, Cubs, Campfires 2 Pack Picnic (4-7) 8 Pack Planning Retreat 21 District Roundtable ? Scout night, Durham Bulls 24-28 Cub Day Camp

December 2001 – Works of Art 8 Cary Holiday Parade & Holiday Party 5 Committee Meeting 8:00 17 Pack Meeting 7:00 20 District Roundtable

July 2002 – Inside Out and Backwards 1-5 Cub Day Camp ? ACTIVITY - TBD

January 2002 – Did you get my message? 2 Committee Meeting 8:00 17 District Roundtable 21 Pack Meeting 7:00 (MLK Day) 19 Pinewood Derby

August 2002 14 Committee Meeting 8:00 15 District Roundtable Dinner (6:30) 22 Cub Scout Roundup 25 Hike/Welcome Dinner (5-7:00)

Pack 218 Handbook

2001-2002 Pg. 6

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