Minimize Players Pack Final

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  • Words: 1,422
  • Pages: 6
Minimize A Hobbit sized Tournament Welcome to the Nunawading Wargames Association’s first Minimize Tournament. I hope that you will meet some new people, see some armies and most of all play some great games. In this player Pack you will find the details of the event, including the location, cost and schedule and army restrictions. I hope you will enjoy the event and I look forward to seeing you there. Good Luck and Happy Painting. Travis Stevenson Tournament Organiser

The Details Where: Croydon Uniting Church Hall, Tallent Street, Croydon. (Melways Ref: map 50 K2)

When: 7th of March 2009

Schedule: 10:00 to 10:20 - Registration and Meeting. 10:20 to 11:30 - Round 1 11:30 to 12:40 – Round 2 12:40 to 1:10 – Lunch & Beauty Pageant 1:10 to 2:40 – Round 3 (The Big Round) 2:50 to 4:00 – Round 4 4:10 to 5:20 - Round 5 (Last Round) 5:20 to 5:50 – Pack Up 5:50 to 6:00 – Awards Please note that these times may be altered on the day due to time restrictions or early completion of games.

Cost: Entry fee to the Tournament will be $10 per person. This is to cover Hall Hire and other expenses.

Force Restrictions:  Armies may not exceed more than 250 points.  You must choose one army list from the forces listed in ‘legions of middle earth’,  No Armies may use the allied contingent rule. This includes the Monsters of Middle Earth, The Nazgul and those under Champions of Good, (basically you can only take one list with no allies).  Armies must be between 3 and 30 models.  As some lists have been amended, please use the ones given in their relevant source books, e.g. Harad and Mordor.  All models included in the forces section of the current The Lord of The Rings rules manual, A Shadow in the East, The Fall of the Necromancer, Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, Return Of The King, The Ruin of Arnor, Khazad-dum, Gondor In Flames, Harad, Mordor and Legions of Middle-earth can be included in your force.  Models with rules provided only in the White Dwarf magazine may not be used.  Conversions and proxies may be used, but you must tell your opponents what they count as before the battle.  Please try to make every effort to make your army “What you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG), as it saves complications down the track..  The Spider Queen will count as a Named Character, so only one may be taken per force.  Tom Bombadil, Goldberry and Gollum may not be included in any force.

In addition to your army you must also bring 2 objective markers that tie in with your force. These objectives must be placed on a 40mm or 60mm base. Scenarios A scenario pack will be handed out on the day. The scenarios will be designed to reward players that have chosen a balanced army.

Scoring: At the start of each round a Score card will be placed on your table. At the end of the game fill out the card accordingly and had it to the Tournament Organiser (TO). Game Scores:

Major Victory Minor Victory Draw Bonus

Win Loss 5 1 4 2 3 3 +1 for killing your opponent’s designated leader

Sportsmanship: Each player will receive 2 points for sportsmanship per round by default. If you wish to give your opponent a score other than 2 (3 points maximum), you must see the organiser and explain your reasoning. A player that displays any inappropriate behaviour may be disqualified from the tournament. Refunds will not be issued. Painting: Players will score 1 point for each of the following:  Using a fully painted army  The Army has been painted very well. Highlights and shadowing has been taken to the next step.  Objective markers have been made and Painted on a 40mm or 60mm base.  The Army has been based.  The Army list has been displayed clearly and is easy to read. Please note it is a club policy that all models must be at least undercoated. Any models that are placed on the table unpainted or not undercoated will be immediately removed from the table.

Rule Interpretations and Rule Disputes:  If players have any rule interpretation problems or are unsure of a certain rule please call for one of the tournament organisers. Judgements made by the organisers are final and will not be argued further.  DO NOT ask other players for their opinion on a rule, as they have their game to play and you have yours. Any player caught interfering with other players games will receive zero sportsmanship for that round.  All Measurements will be made in INCHES  None of the Common Scenario-specific rules that are detailed in the main rule book will be used unless the mission being played allows it (they will be repeated anyway).  Objectives count as impassable terrain. Models use the normal line of sight rules for objectives.  The Spectres special rule, ‘a fell light is on them’ will be modified in the following ways: 1. A Spectre may only use ‘A fell light is on them’ during their own movement phase, either immediately before their move, during their move, or immediately after their move. 2. Models do not need line of sight to cast the power. 3. Targeted models may only be affected by the power once; however they still may be targeted multiple times. 4. Models affect by the fell light still have control zones. 5. Models targeted may not be force to perform complex actions or that cause direct harm. 6. Models may not be moved into combat.  As some board will included woods, woods will follow the following rules: 1. Any model shooting into a forest will have to pass an ‘in the way test’ this also includes models shooting at other models who are in the same wood. 2. If a model is touching the outside edge of the wood, they do not need to take an ‘in the way’ to shoot out, and they still count as having an ‘in the way’ between them and other models. 3. For a model to benefit from being in a wood they must have their base fully inside the wood. 4. Models that have their base partially in the wood count as moving at half speed.

 The Spider Queen, Shelob and Giant Spiders movement special rule will be modified in the following ways: 1. None of Spiders may end their move on a building or similar terrain feature. 2. They must have there base on the ground (in terms of the table) when they enter a combat. Design Note: the main reason for this rule so that we don’t have people running the spiders up a wall and attacking on the way down. This is to prevent models being vertical when they engage in combat and players arguing where their base starts and ends. If you have any queries e-mail me or ask me on the day.

Awards: There are three awards up for grabs at the end of the day: Overall Winner Best Sportsman Best Painted The Overall Winner: The Player with the highest overall points total will be award the Overall winner. Best Sportsman: At the end of the day each person will vote for Best Sportsman, the player with the most votes will be awarded the Best Sportsman. Tiebreaks will be decided by battle points. Best Painted: During the Lunch break, players will set their army up on the table that they are scheduled to play their next game. Players will have the chance to move around during the lunch break to look at the armies and vote for the army they believe is the best painted. The player with the most votes will win the Best Army award. Tie breaks will be decided by a secondary vote.

In Closing: Hopefully this player’s pack has provided you with all the information you need. Players that E-mail me their lists will receive bonus points (it will save time on the day). If you have any questions, please contact Travis: E-mail [email protected] Phone 5971 5951 Wargamer AU Account ‘Tackitis’ I hope you will enjoy this event. Please remember this tournament is designed for you to meet some new people and play some fun games. Hope to see you on the 7th of March. Happy gaming, Travis Stevenson (TO)

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