Pa 2

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 706
  • Pages: 3
option strict on public class shipping dim inttounces as integer 'declare global variables dim intcounter as integer private sub btnexit_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles me.close() 'close the program end sub private sub btncalculate_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles callall() 'execute all subroutines needed to perform function lstoutput.items.add(txtid.text & " " & txtpounds.text & " lbs " & txtounces.text & " oz " & txtcost.text) 'print data to listbox end sub private sub callall() dim e as integer = 0 'declare hella variables because i believe i need them dim intlb as integer dim intoz as integer dim tb as textbox = txtpounds dim x as integer dim testp as integer = 0 dim testo as integer = 0 testp = txtpounds.text.indexof("+") + txtpounds.text.indexof("-") + txtpounds.text.indexof("*") + txtpounds.text.indexof("/") + 4 'check for mathmatical functions testo = txtounces.text.indexof("+") + txtounces.text.indexof("-") + txtounces.text.indexof("*") + txtounces.text.indexof("/") + 4 if testp > 0 then 'return result of check badsymbol() tb = txtpounds selfocus(tb) e = 1 elseif testo > 0 then 'return result of check badsymbol() tb = txtounces selfocus(tb) e = 1 end if if e = 0 then try 'begin try catch if txtpounds.text = "" then 'convert a blank box to 0 intlb = 0 txtpounds.text = "0" else intlb = convert.toint32(txtpounds.text) 'continue with inputed number end if catch ex as exception tb = txtpounds 'set up focus box/error message/block check on second box msgbox("you must enter a positive whole integer for pounds!", , "you goofed up!") e = 1 end try try if txtounces.text = "" then 'convert a blank box to 0

int0z = 0 txtounces.text = "0" else intoz = convert.toint32(txtounces.text) 'take value if 16 < intoz then 'correct lb/oz values (17oz = 1lb, 10z)

corrected values

value set

x = intoz \ 16 intoz = intoz mod 16 intlb = x + intlb txtpounds.text = convert.tostring(intlb)


txtounces.text = convert.tostring(intoz) end if end if catch ex as exception tb = txtounces 'error message/focus box/block script

msgbox("you must enter a positive whole integer for ounces!", , "you goofed up!") e = 1 end try end if if e = 0 then 'block or execute script convertlb(intlb, intoz) 'call subroutines txtid.text = nextid() 'set function to textbox totalweight() totalcost() txtpounds.focus() 'set focus/select txtpounds.selectall() else selfocus(tb) 'focus on errored box end if end sub private sub convertlb(byval l as integer, byval o as integer) dim x as integer l = l * 16 'convert lbs to ounces inttounces = l + o + inttounces 'add all oz up x = l + o cost(x) 'calculate cost for package end sub private function nextid() as string intcounter = intcounter + 1 'counter if intcounter < 10 then 'place beginning zeroes/return value return "awb00" & convert.tostring(intcounter) elseif intcounter < 100 then return "awb0" & convert.tostring(intcounter) else return "awb" & convert.tostring(intcounter) end if end function private sub totalcost() dim x as decimal 'declare some variables x = inttounces * 0.12d 'calculate total cost txttotalcost.text = formatcurrency(x) 'post total cost end sub private sub totalweight() dim intlb as integer 'declare some variables dim intoz as integer

intlb = inttounces \ 16 'convert oz back to lbs intoz = inttounces mod 16 txtweighttotal.text = intlb & " lbs, " & intoz & " oz" 'print total weight to txtbox end sub private sub btnclear_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles intcounter = 0 'clear everything and reset values/focus inttounces = 0 lstoutput.items.clear() txtid.text = "" txtpounds.text = "" txtounces.text = "" txtcost.text = "" txtweighttotal.text = "0 lbs 0 oz" txttotalcost.text = "$0.00" txtpounds.focus() txtpounds.selectall() end sub private sub cost(byval x as integer) dim y as decimal y = x * 0.12d 'calculate item shipping cost txtcost.text = formatcurrency(y) 'print said shipping cost end sub private sub selfocus(byval tb as textbox) tb.focus() 'select focus for desired textbox tb.selectall() end sub private sub txtpounds_enter(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles txtpounds.enter txtpounds.selectall() 'highlight value in txtpounds end sub private sub txtounces_enter(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles txtounces.enter txtounces.selectall() 'highlight value in txtounces end sub private sub badsymbol() msgbox("just enter a positive integer, digits only, please.", , "what are you thinkin?") 'return error end sub end class

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