Ozdemir Kocer Ens208 Proj2

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In this project, two innovation will be designed. Before this, we had a research on the existing some products to give some information about the products. Later we have some tests about the products. At the end, we concluded our innovation with TRIZ. The first innovation is to design the shakeable safety box

1. Selection of a baby product category or baby product.

As a result of the researches on some web sites like Amazon, Graco and Chicco, we decided to choose the improvement of an existing product category as baby buggy such as push chairs. Pushchair is found in United Kingdom in 1980s by the British aeronautical designer Owen Maclaren in 1965. He was awarded by Queen Elizabeth 2.The weight of first buggy is just 6 pounds (we gave more detailed information in Step 3.). Baby buggies are designed by thinking of baby health and comfortably. Baby Buggies keeps safety of a baby from dangerous conditions like hot weather or dust situation. It has three of four wheels which can be preferable by the customers. It is covered with figured fabric which again can be preferred by the customers. Its function is to carry babies from one place to another place. With this functionality process, it can carry their babies without embracing them. This is because sometimes the families can travel a bit long distance by walking. Some of them include a special baggage capacity for the mother’s bag or the baby goods like baby bottle or comforter. A special fabric sheath covers baby to protect baby from dangerous conditions,as we mentioned before. In addition to special cover, in the sitting place of baby buggy also has some another safety functions such as safety belt with five points which is special design for babies to prevent sudden attack. Also it keep the baby in the buggy. In other words, it doesn’t allow them to escape from the baby buggy. Some of them include toys which a baby’s interest is focused on those toys. In order to keep stable condition of buggy, also the foot brake is developed. Another problem which the families suffered in the past is the size of baby buggy. If they want to go somewhere they can not carry the buggy. However, the today’s buggy is designed with respect to two concepts like pliable and pratic. Please see the Figure 2 . Now, people can travel easily with their baby. Finally, the baby buggy are designed by considering not only the health and safety of babies but also the families situation like transportable.


Figure 1. The Pushchair as a baby buggy

Figure 2. The pliable and pratic stroller


2. Identification of consumer needs Today, many family which has a 0-36 month-old baby prefers to use push chairs for babies. Some old people also use basic baby buggy to carry the products which are bought from marketing. This is because of its functionality of wheel system. In addition to the families, some baby community homes like in the shopping center has also baby buggies. The main demand for the families and the others is to carry the babies under the safety and comfortably conditions. According to some web sites like şikayetim.com and şikayetvar.com, some families are complaining of baby buggies about their functionaries. The detailed information about person and its demand are given in the Appendix 1. For instance, mostly, the families are complaining the weak components like wheels, foot brake, and some special featured setting hands. They are broken easily. And the families want them to be designed stronger. Some other families are also complaining about the place of sitting or lying. They realized that their babies are crying whenever they are placed in the the baby buggies. Therefore, they expect to design the place of sitting or lying more orthopedic for the babies. There are also some complaints regarding the products’ performance, price, deliver time and the guarantee conditions. Performance demands are explained above. We haven’t came across any complaints about the price. This is because there are a wide variety of this baby buggy product and the different price. Every people can buy these product with respect to their economical budget. The guarantee conditions and the deliver time is the favorite complaint for the families. Many people can not benefit from these conditions. They are calling the 3

agencies and are informing the authorities about their condition. However, they can not get response positively. These kind of people messages can be found also in Appendix 1. The complaints until here are taken from web site called www.şikayetvar.com. Now, We presented the some interviews which are done with Hakan’s grandmother which lives in Giresun in Black Sea , Akbank manager of cash management products, Şefik Şahin (pediatrician and child doctor) and. The dialogs are translated from Turkish to English and presented successively below.

1)The interview first: Hakan Grandmother Hakan: Our project topic is the baby products. Can you explain me that in the past, without baby buggy, how you can your children carry from one place to another one? His Grandma: In the past, like in 1950s-1960s, because of the Turkey political and economical conditions, the baby buggy hadn’t existed in Turkey. You can better know me that at that time, also there were some problems about export-import. Hakan: And also can you explain my question by considering the transportation like roads? His Grandma: The high amounts of highlands has made transportation very difficult and suffering. It is not like today. Therefore we had carry your mother and her daughters by hugging. I mean hugging that I had roped one bed sheet from my neck to the my breast. And I covered my children with that bed sheet (Actually this product’s is today’s kangaroo type carrying system. (See the Figure 3.). At that time, in another part of Turkey, you can carry your baby much easier than Black Sea. But technological developments provides new opportunies with inventions to the families. Today is not like the past.

Figure3. The kangaroo carrying baby type


2)The interview second: Cash Management Products Manager in Transaction Banking Departmant of AKBANK, Özge Çebi and his son Emre Çebi Hakan: Hello Mrs , First of all, the birth your Emre made me so happy. I hope that your family live with wealthy and healthy in a longer time together. MRS: Thank you very much Hakan: Before birth of your Emre, you had some preparations about his needs and bought some products. Since his birth, you began to use the baby product. Is there any complaints which you have came across until this time? MRS: By birth Emre, our life changed too much. It brings us more responsibility about pour lives. Therefore, we are very carefully about his care. As a result of this, we chose his bed, his baby buggy, toys and other needs carefully by buying from very famous companies like Chicco and Kraft. However, I have some problems with my baby’s pushchair. My problem is that the wheel system is not developed very well. Or it is a my bad chance to buy this pushchair. The wheel system is not functioning properly. Hakan: What is the exact problem?Can you give me more detailed information please? MRS: We broke one component of one wheel system. The wheels are not turning properly. We have to force a bit more to go to correct direction. Due to forcing many times, I think, we broke one component of the system. Hakan: Have you called the agency or the shop which you buy it? May be the guarantee can meet the cost of that component and repair also the all the wheel system. MRS: Of course, I did, Hakan. I call them to explain my problem. They sent a one truck to get the pushchair. When they brought it back to me, they told me that they changed the broken component and also they put some oil in the wheel system mechanism. After that I checked to see how it is functioning at that time. However, it wasn’t still functioning very properly. I told this the technique service. Their answer is that after you should drive it a few times, it will recover the problem. Hakan:I forgot to ask that did the technique service accuse of you about this problem? For instance, you are forcing it too much. And you broke the one wheel component. MRS: No, they can’t. If they told me, I can suggest them to drive the pushchair. After, if he can drive it easily, I can accuse myself. Anyway, after a while, I drove it in the park,on the street. But the result is zero. I didn’t realize any difference. And again I called the agency. And I demand to change the pushchair. As a result of this, we have still waited their answer


for 9 days. And this time is a Kurban Celebration. Everyplace are closed . I think we are going to wait for one week. Hakan: Thank you for interview MRS . I am going to publish our conversation on my project. MRS: Thank you Hakan. Good Luck for your project.

3)The interview third: DOKTOR, Şefik Şahin (pediatrician and child doctor) Hakan: Hello Mr. Şahin, my friends and I are planing to design a special baby buggy like pushchair for 0-36 month-old baby. Therefore, we need to get some information about the babies. Mr. Şahin: What kind of information do you get from me? Don’t you want to what materials you need to build this buggy, do you? Hakan: As I said, we are going to build one special buggy. It will be a different product from marketing. We consider the health and the safety factors to build it. But I want to get just special features. For instance, you don’t need to explain safety issue like safety belt or foot brake. Anyway, I will direct what I want you. Let’s begin with health and safety factors. Can you give me a some information about this? Mr.Şahin: You starting point is perfect. This is because the babies spent most time in the baby buggy. They can sleep, sit or travel. As you know, the improvement of baby is very sensitive at these time. You have to make its comfort perfect. My first advice is that you should the surface of the sitting place with orthopedic size and shape. Also you have cover some fabric goods. Otherwise, the surface can hurt them. Don’t forget that the results of one problem which can occur time between 0-36 month can create very serious problem. So you should design a sitting place very well. I am not giving the advise about the safety issues. You must know this In short, you should design such a buggy, there will be many space for baby to move easily, but he can not leave the buggy, of course. Hakan: All right, is there any idea about this design buggy project? I mean that can you give some special factors which the babies like and they are going to feel relief. For example, Should I put toys around the buggy. Is it can be dangerous for it? Mr. Şahin: When it is designed properly, nothing happen I think. For example, You can design such a design that one interesting toy will be hang on the sun blind. Whenever the baby becomes peevish, the mother will give it to her baby. Also the toy will be stick to buggy. This is because while the mother is busy with his work, the toy will not fall down. And this will not disturb the mother. 6

Hakan: The figured fabric like Micky Mouse or Bugs Bunny can affect the baby to feel relief. In other words, Can the figured fabric on the buggy help baby to calm down? Mr. Şahin: Yeah, it can help. The babies are interested in the cartoon characters. But the age between 0-36 month-age baby will not realize the Bugs Bunny or Micky Mouse. The babies believed in the colored and lovely figures. You can draw inside of the buggy with colorful and lovely figures. For outside of the buggy, you can draw with respect to customer choice. Hakan: Is there any other attractive factor which the babies can feel relief? Mr. Şahin: No, use the imagination. Go and enter the web car sites in your university. Look at the cars’ features and realign their features to the baby buggy. For example, you can put directional signal light. Use the imagination Hakan: Thank you Mr. Şahin, I will take a consideration for your advise. Maybe, I can call you in one time to ask some other baby problems. 3. Benchmarking of leading companies and their products in the industry. With respect to comparing the competing companies’ products among themselves, we preferred the famous companies like Chicco, Graco and Maclaren baby buggies. Because of the famous brand and their variety products, we decided to compare these three companies. Especially the Maclaren company is preferred. This because the first person who found of the first buggy (pushchair)(more information is given below.). By getting information from www.wikipedia.com, we can give some brief background information about the three companies. The first one is that Chicco is founded in 1958 and established by an Italian company and an Artsana subsidiary. The aim of Chicco company is to make babies safety equipment,clothing, toys, and cosmetic products for older children. Chicco is existed in 33 different countries such as Brazil, China, Japan, Portugal,Spain and Iran. The second one is that Graco company is owned by Newell Rubbermaid. It was established in 1942 in Philadelphia by Russel Gray and Robert Cone. For the first time, this company works for the metal products. After Cone left the company, the company aimed to works for baby products. Today, this company also produces the car components. The third and the last one is that Maclaren company was established by Andrews Maclaren. The first designer buggy in the world is Owen Maclaren in 1965. Since 1965, the company has developed the buggy system with their inventions. He designed first flod-flat buggy in 1984 and the first twin flod buggy in 1991. Maclaren company designed the first car seat pushchair which allow the babies to be carried from the home to the car. Today this company is existed more than 60 different


countries like UK or USA. Now, we are going to compare these 3 companies’ buggy (pushchair) with respect to Maslow metric type for buggies. 1) The three companies designed their products with respect to physiological needs such as sleep, and shelter. The aim for all three companies to provide the best comfortable shelter place. However, Maclaren comes across better than the others. This is because of the first foundation of the push chair type buggy. For example, Maclaren designed a special foot muff to cover babies body to keep them from the dangerous weather conditions. According to customer demand, they can modify the buggies with the foot muff. 2) Because of the safety of babies, the security needs are met with five points seat belts and the shelters with different figured fabric for all the companies. Regarding security conditions, it can be seen a car seat as an accessory for Graco and Chicco. It is a part of buggy. The buggies are pliable;therefore, while the families put the buggies in the their car baggage, they can put the car seat in the car. This car seat is also designed with respect to thinking of the babies security conditions. 3) According to family wants, foreign people can hug the babies. In other words, foreign people can take the babies off from the buggies and show their loves. 4) The self esteem or self respect for the babies are designed with respect to drawing different colorful figures. The babies will not afraid to be put in the buggies. It will not disturb them psychologically. 5) For self fulfillment, the dining table is designed in front of the buggy. The babies can learn how can they eat the food. For all the companies, this feature is available. The features of buggies are these five ones under the Maslow rules. Now it is presented 8 rules determined by Garvin list with respect to one company’s aims or missions. At the end Appendix(1) we gave some complaints about the companies with respect to customers’ demands.  Performance: The purpose of the all three companies is to design the best buggy product with respect to customers’ demands. Today, these buggies are equipped with the best suitable materials like wheel, foot brake, fabric and other ergonomic system to prevent any brakes of these materials. As a result of these designs, the aim is to make the performance the best.  Features: Firstly some features are listed and detailed below. After this, it is presented three products of the three comapnies; Maclaren, Chicco and Graco succesively.


 The double covers; It is designed with two layers. One of them is to protect the baby from ultraviolet lights. It is like a sun visor. Other layer is to protect the bad conditions like rain or snow.  Car Seat; This product is also available on today. However; by placing this car seat in the safety box, the parents don’t need to buy a car seat separately from the Rally King. This car seat is removable from the original sitting place. For instance, when the parents travel with their car, they can fold the stroller and put it in the baggage. Also they can remove the car seat from the stroller and put it at the back sits with the baby securely. Please see the Figure 4.  Baby carrier; Apart from the car seat, it can be designed also baby carrier as an part of the pushchair. It will be removable. And the seat can be converted neither the car seat nor the baby carrier. Please see the Figure 4.

Figure 4. The pushchair with its baby carrier and its car seat. http://www.tadleyroundabout.co.uk/images/for_sale/06/12.06.06/pushchair_kevi n.jpg  Removable screen for flies; It will be pliable and moveable int he baggage under the safety box. By using this, the baby can be protected from mosquitoes and bees. Please see the figure 5.


Figure 5. Removable screen for flies http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.no-fliesnets.com/ebayimages/250/BABYPRAM.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.no-fliesnets.com/&h=234&w=250&sz=44&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=T69xn_uhvnEQM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dstroller%2Bflies %26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4ADBS_en___TR203%26sa%3 DN  Mini radio; By putting a small radio, while the parents are driving the Rally King, they can also listen to music. This activity is also likable by the babies. If a baby fusses, bu opening the radio, that baby can be calmed down.  Foot muff; This product can be used to protect the babies from cold weather. Its fabrics can be wool, silk, leather or cotton. These fabrics can be preferable by the customers. Please see the Figure 6.

Figure 6. The foot muff http://images.google.com.tr/imgres?imgurl=http://www.babyzoop.co.uk/images/j ane/nest.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.babyzoop.co.uk/jane/Janeaccessories.htm&


h=311&w=238&sz=17&hl=tr&start=18&tbnid=wAQHr1NwrmY5vM:&tbnh=1 17&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfootmuff%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Dtr  Wheel system; The wheel system will be designed in two different aimed structure. The first one is that the numbers of wheels will be three. The aim of this condition is to decrease the baby to shake. Sometimes, the roads can be very slope or pebbly. By designing the three wheel system, the contact between the Rally King and ground will be decreased. The second one is that the big size of wheels will be designed. It is mentioned before that the roads can be sometimes very pebbly. Due to this, the small size of wheels are being frayed. In other words, the structure of wheels are broken down. Also, there can be some spaces on the road. For example, some parents are forced to drive the push chair, while they are entering the underground train. There is a space between ground and the door of the train. The families push the stroller hardly. And this can damage the wheel system. This is also possible for the pavement. The pavement structure in the some countries like Turkey has very high height. The families are forced to come across on the pavement. By using the big wheels, they can drive easier. In order to go beyond easily on the roads, the wheels can be made bigger. Please see the Figure 7.

Figure 7. The three and bigger wheels http://www.e-bebek.com/Product_Detail.aspx?ProdID=24076  The light system; The babies are not only going out at the sunshine. The parents can sometimes go out to visit somewhere. For example, the electricity can be cut at home, at outside or anyplace which the electricity is not existed. In order to take baby under the control, they can use the lights


which will be placed in front of the security box and at the back of the Rally King.  Two baggages system; The one is for the babies and the other is used by the person who drives the Rally King to keep some packages or her bags.  Ergonomic handless to adjust like the height, wide and the shake system


The weights between 3 kg to 7 kg

5 point harness

The highest grade aliminium for lightweight and strong component

Removable/washable seat

Coordinating foot muff available

Single-hand fold

Hood and rain cover included

Lockable swivel wheels

Ergonomic handles

Carry handle

Storage pocket on back of hood

Reflective accents

UV treated sun visor

Expendable leg rest

Front swivel wheels with locks & suspension

Height adjustable shoulder harness straps

Different figured colors

Foot muff


The weights between 3 kg and 7 kg

5 point harness

Rain, sun and leg cover

Reclinable backrest and padded seat

Twist handle (adjustable 8 positions)

Washable fabric

Multiple aimed baggage 12

Brake system by hand and leg

Demountable cover

Front swivel wheels with locks & suspension

Easy convolution and movable

Removable the wheels

Ergonomic handles for settings

Car seat placeable

Different figured colors


Extended weight limit up to 50 lbs

3 or 5 point harness

Height adjustable handle

Flat reclining seat

Extra large storage basket

Automatic storage latch

Front swivel wheels with locks & suspension

180 degree rotating canopy with peek a boo window

Removable head support

One touch brakes

Aluminum welded frame for maximum durability

 Reliability: For Maclaren company; This company has existed in many countries like USA, UK, France, Turkey and many other regions. The information will presented from USA. According the Maclaren official web page, the company is worked with UPS cargo agency. The shipping cost per order in USA is 7.5 $. The agency specifies that if there is bad weather conditions or disasters, they can not bring a customer’s product on time. Normally, the order reaches its customer in 10 business days. The Maclaren company, The buggy is given one year guarantee from the date of purchase under normal use and in compliance with the operating instructions. It has also present freedom from any manufacturing defects. Another rule is that a customer has to buy the product from the original retailer; otherwise, it is going to be out of the guarantee limit. The guarantee which is determined by the Maclaren doesn’t cover these rules: 13

1. A fault is the cause of misuse or poor maintenance. 2. A buggy is damaged as a result of an accident. 3. Repairs are carried out by a third party. 4. The buggy is faulty due to general wear and tear which is the result of everyday use. 5. Maclaren is not satisfied that the stated warranty terms and conditions have been met. For Graco company; this company has also limited warranty. In USA, This company warrant the products to be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase. The guarantee doesn’t cover misuse or failure to follow the instructions on installation, abuse, alternation, involvement accident, and normal tear or and wear. Also the company sets up a condition for the customers to buy the Graco products in original retailers. Otherwise, the problems are not going to be responsible by the Graco company. According to Graco web page, most orders in stock items will ship within two business days. The orders can be done by connecting internet or coming their retailers. The countries around USA are demanded extra money. The orders reach to customers in 10 business days. For Chicco company ; Like Graco and Maclaren companies, this company has also limited warranty. Th products in this company include the user information book. If a customer doesn’t use a product by ignoring the information book, the product is out of the guarantee limit. However, if there are some manufacturing mistakes or problems, the guarantee document takes care of the repairs. According to eBay web page, the Chicco company also works with the UPS company. The shipment cost is more expensive than Maclaren. Its average is almost 9 $. For Canada, extra money is demanded. The orders are arrived in 14 days  Durability: The Maclaren reputation has since been built on its uncompromising high quality, ease of use, light weight and compactness. Designed by our team of engineers and designers in the UK, all Maclaren products must pass our own rigorous in-house testing for durability before we produce them for sale. For Graco company, the durability information is obtained by sending e-mail to the official Graco web page. The lady who answered our mails explained that their strollers are very durable if taken care of and used how they are intended to be used, according to


manufacturings guidelines. In other words, the durability condition is conneced with the use form of customers For the Chicco company, the designers are applying the various tests on the products to evaluate the power, structure and energy. The aim is to obtain longer lived products. In order words, the products can be used for many years by the customers safely. With point of this view, the Chicco company tries to go to beyond the limits.  Serviceability; For all three companies, because of the demountable feature of the strollers, the customer can place the component by considering the user information book or he can call the service department. The cost of the service demands on the problems. For example, if the problem is manufacturing mistake, the service will be free. However, if one component is broken by forcing too much, service can get its cost. The cost of the service demands how the customer takes care or uses of the product.  Conformance; It is encountered that every company gets some complaints about the strollers. Mostly, the wheel system being criticized by the customers. This concept is also common feature like Serviceability. The wheels can be broken or the nuts and bolts can leave the system. The other complaints is about ergonomic handles. It is claimed that these handles are made of very weak materials. It can be see the original detailed complaints in the Appendix(1). In reply to these complaints, the company (Graco) defends that they don’t make products with any kind of obsolescence in their mind. And if the customers take care of the product, the conformance should last forever.  Aesthetics; The buggies (push chair) can be perceived as a mini car. This is because of the some similar features with cars. For example, buggies have also 4 wheels, a steering wheel, a seat, a mini baggage, and safety issues.  Perceived quality; According to complaints in web pages, the customers try to prefer best one for their baby. This is because their baby will live in the buggies until they walk. This is very log time. It must include the best properties like safety conditions. They don’t want to have same problem with the another family about buggies. Almost, today, many parents prefer this product for their baby.


1) Expecters: The parents expect the best stroller which will keep all the safety of their. Therefore, they want to designers to do it. The designers focus on the problems of the stroller and try to reach positive result. 2) Spokens: The customers generally complaining about the wheel system of the stroller. They affirm that the wheel system is very weak to use in longer time 3) The mechanism is not mentioned too much. The parents are interested in driving the stroller safety. They don’t care about how the mechanism is designed 4) Exciters (Delighters): Every design is possible for the stroller. But, for this, time time is needed to produce perfect feature which will keep safety of the baby. The wheel system has ben complained too much. They can expext to designers to produce a different system to use the stroller for longer year.

PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATION (PDS)  In- Use Purpose and Market  The product title: Rally King (pushchair)  The purpose of Rally king is to provide perfect value for the families who are concerned with having a high quality, security, and efficient and agreeable stroller for the babies  Unintended features which can be put to strollers are listed; When the shakeable safety box is designed, it is also necessary to design some panels around the safety box. By doing this, the more limited area is obtained with the panels. This is because the length of the side bars is increasing.  Special features of Rally King; Shakeable safety box; By designing a sensitive spring system on the two sides (left and right) of safety box, the parents can shake their baby to make them sleep.  This Rally King will compete against all the strollers and car seat producers. In order to get more profit, it will be raced with the big companies like Chicco, Graco and Maclaren.  The intended market is the baby stroller. We aim that the parents will be interested in our product. This is because they can want the baby to show around. This is also an oppurtunity to not carry baby on their shoulders.  In order to carry the babies, many parents can need to this product. This product included shake system. The parents can put their babies and shake them to sleep.


The baby can be placed safety in the stroller. Instead of being seated on the leg or being hugged, the baby can sit or sleep in the stroller safely and comfortably.  Some systems and features of Rally King is more different from the other products. For example, the climate system, and the shake system haven’t been designed by Chicco, Graco and Maclaren. These system will be our extraordinary opportunities. Also, mini radio, two baggages system and double layers cover will specify the King Rally. These features are unintended uses for the strollers. The rest of the other features are also available for Maclaren, Chicco and Graco. However, it can be thought that those features can be designed with different methods. They are presented to the customers with the wide range of color and material choices.  We think that the product will be sold in the Turkey and the abroad. This is because this product has a new design. It can take the interests of the many people. Because of the new design, the price of the stroller will be a bit more than the others. By advertisement techniques, lots of stroller can be sold.  We got some results from some companies regarding how much money they sell the buggies. For MacLaren company, They have a charged almost 800 YTL in three wheel system and almost 320 YTL in four wheel system. For Chicco company, this company have a charged almost 639 YTL in the three wheel system and almost 400 YTL in the four wheel system. The last one is the Graco company. This company have a charged almost 160 YTL in the four wheel system. This company has not had the stroller which includes three wheel system yet. We must have also the price which is almost close to these charges. These are the retailer prices. Target company prices can be 350 or 400 YTL. Also transportation cost will be paid by our company. With this respect, the retailer can make a 100 or 150 YTL profit from one stroller.  Functional Requirements  In order to be used the Rally King by the customers, margin of errors are declined at minimum level. There will be very detailed operating manual to make the customers use easily. The materials which cannot be broken down or damaged are used with respect to baby’s health and safety. The materials which are used on the safety bar and fabric are chose with respect to considering of the hygienic and unfired conditions for the babies. It is designed to decrease the mother responsibilities on her baby at minimum level. And also the efficiency or accuracy of this product is tested under special conditions. 17

 Physical Requirements; It can be given estimated amounts of the size. Except for the shaking system, there will not be any extra material to change the size. The size can be approximately; Handle Weight: 90-120 cm, Width (open): 65-75 cm, Length (folded): 80-100 cm, Wheel Size 25-30 cm (Normally small wheels are between 12 cm to 16 cm. The weight of the Rally King is again approximately between 15-19 kg with respect to adding the systems like light, shake and climate and the materials like foot muff, mini radio and double screen.  Service Environment; In Turkey, there are three types of climate. It can be established the factories in four big cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Samsun and Izmir. In these cities, different weather conditions and transportation conditions can be coincided. For example, the passing way to Black Sea is just done from Samsun because of the high slope of the mountains of Black Sea. There is a too much humidity in Istanbul. Because of geopolitical situation, the factories and storages can be set up in these four cities. The storage will not be built only in these cities; but also some other will be built in the other cities which includes more than three retailers. Mainly, every factory and storage will be established around these fur big cities. Storage can be included the climate system to protect the products from the weather conditions. This is because the weather in some regions can show different conditions like humidity, rain, pressure or wind velocity. The storages will be built with respect to sudden weather changes.  Life – cycle issues; Normally, the babies are being carried on the strollers until they can reach three years old. With this respect, it will be designed fro 3 years. The materials will be chosen for long time. In other words, materials will be enough strong, serviceable and durable. The negative effects of sunshine on the materials can be decreased by polishing with quality liquid-paint. In order to avoid mistakes about install ability, the responsibility will be given to retailers. They should instant the strollers and send them to the customers properly. Also, this install ability will be written in user training. The storages will be included all types of components. With this, when the customers call the service, the problem will be solved as soon as possible. The number of components will be adjusted with respect to the customers’ demand. For instance, the wheel and ergonomic handles are most problematic components. Their number will be more than the others.  Human factors; Because of the existence of strollers in the past, it will not be seen as a different component. The new design can take interests from the customers. This is 18

because it is included in strollers with different systems like climate system, double layer cover or a mini radio. The user training will be written in most speaking languages such as English, Spanish, Chinese and Turkish.  Corporate Constraints  Time to Market: The time is necessary. This is because we are trying to invent a new design. We have to apply some tests on the new design. Resources must be adequate. The problem is to give a shape to these materials properly. In manufacturing processing, we consider the machines which are suitable to produce the new product.  Manufacturing Process: For manufacturing, there is not any different system. However, if it is produced, it will participate in the processing line. Therefore, the process time will take a bit more time. The products can be got in the company house. This is because the materials which are used for the new product are available easily. there is not any special material limit for this product. Our aim is to use the best material to keep safety and comfort.  Suppliers: There may be some problems with material suppliers. May be they can not meet the demands. Actually, we are going to use hard plastics, soft plastics and iron. It is not difficult to supply these materials. However, there can be some problems ike strike action in supplier company. As a result, there should not be any limit on supplier condition  Trademark, Logo, Brand Name: We can give a specific name about these concepts. If the names are not used by other companies. It must be OK. Also, the concepts like trademark, logo and brand name can help us to have more profit because of selling more products  Financial Performance: At the beginning of the production, there must be some costs to produce the new product. However, today, many parents have used to stroller for their babies. By designing shakeable system on the stroller, the interests of some parents can be taken. Absolutely, not every parent will use this product for the shakeable system. But some of them will need to use it. In the return investment, the sales will meet the costs.  Social, Political and Legal Requirements The Rally King stroller will be produced under the legal standards which a government applies. This product included four type of patents. These patents haven’t been used yet. The climate system, shakeable safety box, the double layer cover and a mini radio can be all the 19

patents for the Rally King. Also, as can be mentioned before, the guarantee documents will be prepared by considering the customers’ benefits for the product safety. 4. Search of products within the selected product category or search of different variations of the selected product. In this part, Five specific products that exist in the market and three specific products that exist in the patent literature are compared each other with respect to different stroller types. The information about these 5 existing products are taken from web pages. The more detailed references about these web addresses are given in the References. Existing products in the market can be arranged; a. Twin Stroller b. Travel System Stroller c. Double System Stroller d. Duplex System Stroller e. Stick Stroller 1. Twin Stroller: For this product, we had a look Cam & Stork company product. The information about this product is taken from http://www.e-bebek.com. Its selling price is 530 YTL. This product is very weak (8.1kg). It has double cover to protect baby from weather conditions. Folding is also possible. The stroller has a handle to carry the stroller when it is folded. The number of wheels are 4. These wheels can turning around and lockable to one direction. The brake system which is controlled from back wheels is designed. There is large baggage to put the baby’s or the carrier’s goods. In the handle place, there is a space to put a glass. The seat can be also adjusted with respect to a customer preferences. For security, five point safety belt is designed. The fabrics and double covers can be removed from the stroller to wash.

Figure 8.Twin stroller http://www.e-bebek.com/Product_Detail.aspx?ProdID=20909 20

İlk 5 ürünümüzden ilki ikiz bebek stroller. Bu ürün için Cam & Stork firmasının ürününü tercih ettik. Bu ürünün bilgisi http://www.e-bebek.com adresinden alınmıştır. Bu ürünün fiyatı yaklaşık olarak 530 YTL. Bu ürünün ağırlığı 8.1 kgdır. Çift katlı örtüsü bebeği hava koşulları gibi dış tehlikelerden korumaktadır. Ayrıc katlanabilir özelliği olması bu ürünün istenilen yere tasınılabıleceıgını gosterıyor. Kol kısmında ayrıca bu katlama için ayrı bir kol bulunuyor. Tekerlekleri 4 adettir. Bu tekerlekler kendi etrafınfa dönebilir ve gerektiğinde bir yöne kitlenebilinir özelliğe sahip. Fren sistemi arka tekerleklerdedir. Ayrıca bebğin ve sürcünün eşyalarını koyması için bebeğin alt tarafına bagaş design edilmiştir. Koltuk ayarı sayesinde koltuk istenilebildiği sürece yatırıabilinir. 5 nokta emniyet kemeri bulunup, çift örtüsü ve kumaşı stroller dan cıkarıplıp yıkanılabilir. 2. Travel System Stroller: This system is taken from Kraft company. The information is taken from www.e-bebek.com . This is called Travel system. This is because this stroller has also removable seat from the stroller. Its is price 370 YTL. A customer can remove the seat and he can carry it with their hands. Another function of this travel system is that the seat can be used as a car seat. The parent can put it in the car. The babies can be traveled with this removable seat. This product has 5 point safety belt for baby security. Folding is also possible. Customers can carry the travel stroller. There is front tray which includes toys. This front tray is also removable. The seat can be changed in 4 positions with respect to a person choices. The brake system is controlled with foots. In order to protect baby from weather conditions, the stroller also includes blanket.

Figure 9. Travel system stroller http://www.e-bebek.com/Product_Detail.aspx?ProdID=9837


Bu ürün için Kraft firmasının ürününe başvurduk. Bilgiler www.e-bebek.com dan alınmıştır. Bu ürünün fiyat 370 YTL. Travel system stroller in adı bu üründe koltugun arabadan ayrılarak daha farklı fonksiyonlar sağlıyor kullanıcıya. Kişi bunu ayırarak isterse eliyle tasıyarak bir yerelere götürebilir. Ayrıca bu araba koltugu seklını aldıgı için arabasına koyarakta bebeği tasıyabilir. Bu ürün gelişmiş 5 nokta emniyet kemeri içermektedir. Portatif olup katlanabilir özelliğine sahiptir. Ürünün ön tarafında oyuncak tepsisi bulunmaktadır. Bu kısım ayrıca arabadan ayrılabilinir. 4 şekilde öne, arkaya, sağa ve sola olmak üzere koltuk ayarı yapılabilinir. Frenler arka tekerliklerden kişi tarafından istenildiğinde uygulanabilinir. Bu üründe ayrıca bebeği hava koşullarından korumak için özel battaniye design edilmiştir. 3. Double System Stroller: One example of double system stroller is taken from Graco company and its official web page ( www.gracobaby.com ). The price of this product is 295 YTL. This stroller is used with 2 babies. One of them is sat front and the other one is sat back. Both seats can be removed from the stroller to carry. The parents can also carry them with their hands or they can put it in the car. The back seat is also adjusted by elevating for babies to see better around. There is sun visor. It can be removable. This stroller is also included storage basket to put babies’ goods. In order to put the baby bottle, cup holders are designed. The wheels are 4 units. The wheel system includes lockable wheels and suspension. For seat, there is 5 point safety belt. The seat can rotate in 180 degrees. The head support for babies can be removed from the stroller. By using ergonomic handles, the parents can change the situation of the stroller. The seat pad can be dismantled from the stroller. The different feature for Double system stroller is EPS (Energy absorbing foam). For each baby, there are also covers to protect babies from weather conditions.

Figure 10. Double system stroller. http://www.gracobaby.com/products/subcategory.asp?N=400+10417+125&act=A20 22

Graco firmasının yapmış olduğu bu ürünü, Graco nun resmi sayfasından bilgiler edindik. Öncelikle bu ürünün fiyatı 295 YTL. Bu üründe 2 bebek tasınabilinir. Bir arkada diğeri önde olmak üzere. Bebeklerin koltukları arabadan ayrılabilir. Dolayısıyla aile isterse elinde tasıyabılır isterse arabasının içine koyabilir. Arka koltuk dilenirse yükseltilerek bebeğin çevreyi görmesi sağlanabilr. Alt tarafta bebeğin ve sürücünün eşyaları konulabilir. Her bebek için hava koşullarından koruması için tepe örtüsü bulunmaktadır. Bu araba ayrıca bebeklerin biberonu içermektedir. Bu arabanın 6 adet kitlenebilir tekerleği olup, tekerlekler süspansiyon özelliği taşır. Koltuklarda 5 noktalı emniyet kemeri bulunup koltuklar 180 derece dönebilmektedir. Ön panel istenildiğinde çıkarılabilinir. Ergonomic kollar sayesinde, koltuk ayarları yapılabilir. Bebeğin yastığı ayrıca çıkarılabilinir. Burda farklı bir system olan EPS bulunmaktadır. Bu sistem arabanın daha rahat kullanışlı olmasını sağlamaktadır. 4. Duplex System Stroller: One Duplex stroller example can be given in Comyf company strollers. The information is taken from www.hepsiburada.com . The price of product is 220 YTL. The duplex stroller can be adjusted by removing cover front and back. The mother can want baby to see around or to look at herself. By controlling the cover, she can do what she wants. The duplex stroller is being also folded and carried. The removable front tray is designed. The seat can be sloped in 3 positions. All wheel system is included suspension. The brake system is controlled with back wheels. The front wheels can turn around. Totally, 8 wheels are included in this product. The storage box is designed for baby’s and mother’s goods. The fabric can be removable and washeable. The last this is that in order to keep hot baby, the special blanket is designed for baby’s body.

Figure 11. Duplex System Stroller http://www.hepsiburada.com/department.aspx?CategoryID=10342 23

Comyf firmasının tasarlamış oldugu duplex sistem stroller 220 YTL. Bilgiler www.hepsiburada.com adresinden alınmıştır. Bu üründe arabanın üst kısmında bulunan kapak sayesinde, kişi bu kapağı öne ve geriye oynatarak ister bebeğin kendisine bakmasını isterse bebeğin çevresini izlemesini sağlamak gibi bir opsiyona sahiptir. Duplex (çift yönlü) ismide burdan gelmektedir. Arabanın ön kısmında çıkarılabilinir tepsi bulunmaktadır. Arabanın koltuğu 3 farklı seviyeye göre ayarlanabilir. Tekerlekeri toplamda 8 tane olup hepsinde süspansiyon sistemi bulunmaktadır. Frenler arka tekerlekten sağlamanta olup ön tekerlikler kendi etrafında dönebilmektedır. Anne ve bebek eşyaları için arabanın alt tarafına bölme yapılmıstır. Arabanın kumaşı sökülebilir ve yıkanabilkmektedir. Son olarak ise bebeğin üstüne özel battaniye örtülebilmektedir. 5. Stick Stroller: Until this time, we showed the perfect ones. Now we are presenting more portable, weaker and ergonomic one; Stick Stroller. The product of Mascott company can be taken as an example for his part. The information is provided from www.hepsiburada.com . The price of this product is very cheaper than the other types of buggy. Its price is just 110 YTL. This product is designed very basic. Therefore, the babies must be put on it after 6 months. When stick stroller is folded, its shape like stick or umbrella. Because of this, it is called stick stroller. The stick stroller has very low weight. This small item is also very practical to use. When the parents use social transportation like bus, they fell relief. This is because it is folded very easily. It covers very small space in every place.

Figure 12. Stick Stroller http://www.hepsiburada.com/department.aspx?CategoryID=301135

Şimdiye kadar çeşitli fonksiyonlar içeren iyi gelişmiş strollerlar gösterdik. Bu sefer 24

Daha farklı bir stroller sunuyoruz. Stick stroller, stroller çeşitleri arasında en hafif en ergonomic ve en kolay taşınabilir özelliğe sahip bir stroller çeşitidir. Mascott firmasının bir tane stick stroler tarzını sunabiliriz. Bilgileri hepsiburada.com dan alımıştır. Bu ürün çok basit bir şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Bundan dolayıda fiyatı en düşük olan stroller çeşiti bu üründür. Firmalar uyarıyor ki bu ürün bebeklerin 6 ayını doldurduktan sonra kullanmaları gerektiğini ayrıca belirtiyorlar. Bu stroller katlandığında bir baston bir şemsiye şeklini almaktadır. Ayrıca adı da burdan gelmektedir. Bu ürün gerçekten çok hafif olup kullanılması son derece kolaydır. Aileler toplu taşıma aracı ve ya kendi arabalarını kullanırken bu strollerı katlanmakta hiç bir zorluk çekmiyorlar. Baston şeklini aldığından dolayı çok küçük bir hacim kaplamaktadır. After the introduction of 5 existing stroller types, now we are presenting 3 stroller types which has a patent in worldwide. a. Foldable Three - Wheeled Jogging Stroller b. Foldable Stroller with Memory Recline c. Infant Carrier 1. Foldable Three – Wheeled Jogging Stroller ; The publication number of this patented product which is invented by Santoski Paul (US) on 2006-07-18 is US7077420. The grating company ,in other word; applicant, is American Recreation Prod (US). This three wheeled jogging stroller can be folded and deployed with respect to a customer need. In this stroller, there is a single wheel at the front and double wheels at the back. For folding and deploying, there are some handles. The handles can be rotated to control this transition between folded situation and deployed situation. The brace can be adjusted not only locking in the locked position but also stabilizing in the deployed position. This stroller also includes pulleys and cables . The pulleys are linked together with cables. The function of these cables and pulleys is to lead in motion from the folded condition to deployed condition by rotating the handle member toward deployed condition. As a result of this rotating, the stroller moves from folded condition to deployed condition, it was folded. Another function for this product, three wheeled jogging stroller includes a frame which is mounted for the wheels and the seat. The frames are two types; right side housing and left side housing. In the front member, there are two legs which are spaced apart to each other. The legs were mounted on the front wheel to keep the wheel stable. At the rear member, the handle member is 25

places to change the stroller from deployed situation to folded situation. All these members provide folding with its frames, legs, and handles. These members are mounted each other to keep stability and safety of the stroller.

Figure 13.A stroller of one embodiment of the invention

Figure 14. A view of the stroller but with the seat and other accessories omitted 3 tekerlikli jogging stroller arabası 18.07.2006 tarihinde Amerikalı Santoski Paul tarafından icar edilmiştir. Ürünün patent numarası US7077420. Bu ürünü sahiplenen firma is American Prod (US). Bu üründe temel esas, bir bebek arabasının katlanmasındaki mekanismayı dile getirmektir. Bu ürün önde bir ve arkada 2 tane olmak üzere 3 tekerlekli sistemden oluşmuştur. Ürün bazı ergonomic kollar içermektedir katlanmayı sağlayabilmek için. Bu kolların çevrilmesi dahilinde ürün çok daha küçük bir hacim kaplar hale gelebilmektedir. Kasnakları ve makaraları kablolarla bütünlüğü sağlanarak katlanma gerçekleşmektedir. Ayrıca ön tekerlikte sabitliği sağlamak, tekerleğin dönme mekanizmasını kontrol etmek ve ön üyelerin


bütünlüğünü sağlayabilmek için 2 çubuk bar bu noktalarda birbirine tutturulmuştur. (Figure 17-19). 2. Foldable Stroller with Memory Recline ; The publication number of this product is US2005242549. This product is invented by Longenecker Michael L (US) and Williams Bruce L (US) on 20005-11-03. The granting company for this product is Chicco USA INC (US). This stroller has a complimentary infant travel seat. It can be removed from the stroller The foldable stroller frame is designed on 4 corners of the stroller which are front and rear points, and left and right sides. The frame has legs and rails to be mounted from wheels to frame. This is because of controlling rails and legs about brake system. These legs and rails are also considered as a supportive item for the frame. Another aspect of this product is the actuator control. Because of mounting the rails to the wheels, the actuator can control the locking and unlocking of the system by moving the item in 2 position. In addition to foldable frame and controlled locking system, another aspect of this product is that the foldable stroller includes a reclineable back support. With the movement of the left and right legs and the left and right support rails, the seat can be adjusted. This reclineable support is kept security to frame. This reclineable system is functioning with plurality of grooves (See figure 18 and 19). With these grooves, it can be moved in several levels to recline the seat back. These grooves also help a person to fold the stroller easy. In other words, these grooves are benefited with two aspects like reclining the seat back and folding the stroller.

Figure 15. Foldable stroller with a complementary travel baby seat to emphasize the points of engagement between travel seat and stroller.


Figure 16. More close approach to the engagement point (grooves) Bu ürünümüzün patent numarası US2005242549. Bu ürün Longenecker Michael L (US) ve Williams Bruce L (US) tarafından 03.11.2005 tarihinde bulunmuştur. Bu strollerın kafesi ön- arka ve sol- sağ olmak üzere 4 tarfaftan desteklerle ve çubuklarla design edilmiştir. Çubuklar ve destekler tekerlek ile kafesi birbirine bağlamaktadır. Bu sayede fren sistemi kontrol edilebilmektedir. Ayrıca bu çubuklar ve destekler sayesinde arabanın genel bir desteklik sağlamaktadır. Diğer bir fonksiyonu actuator controlüdür. Çubukların tekerlek sistemine monte edilmesiyle, actuator arabanın kilitlenebilir ve açılabilir olmak üzere 2 fonksiyonana yön verilebilir. Bu ürün için en önemli olan belkide patent almasını sağlaycak bir durum arkadaya yaslanabilir koltuk designının yapılmasıdır. Bu arkaya yaslanmasında çeşitli boşluklar(girinti ve çıkıntı) bulunmaktadır. Bu boşluklar sayesinde çubuklar ve bacak takımları ayarlanarak koltuğun yatırılması sağlanabilmektedir. Ayrıca bu arabanın katlanmasındada bu girinti ve çıkıntı noktalarının etkiside bulunmaktadır. Kısaca, bu design edilen girintiçıkıntı (grooves) sayesinde tüketicinin hem arabayı katlamasına hemde koltuğun yatırılmasını sağlayabilir. 3. Infant Carrier ; The patent number of this product is US2006138826. The product is invented by Caton Marguerite I (US); Cooley Kara M (HK); Griffiths Sharon L (US) on 2006-06-09. The grating company is Graco Childrens Prod Inc. This invention is corresponding to an infant carrier. This infant carrier can be carried by the parents. Also it can be placed and removed in the stroller mechanically (See Figure 22). For example, when the parents travel some where they can remove the infant carrier from stroller and use it as a car seat. This product is also can be


carried with carrier’s shoulders (See figure 22). The infant carrier has a bottom panel and a non rigid side wall. The non rigid side wall is connected to the bottom panel. And there is a strap which can be connected to the body and the stroller with at least 2 attachment points. At least one fastener is used to connect strap to the body. The another is to connect infant carrier to a stroller. The strap also can be coupled to the body. The infant carrier is coupled with first and second fasteners to the first and second side panels respectively to the stroller.

Figure 17. One perspective view of infant carriers (It shows how a baby will be positioned.

Figure 18. One view of the infant carrier by coupling to stroller


Figure 19. One view of the using of infant carrier by a mother

Figure 20. One top perspective view of infant carrier Patent numarası US2006138826 olan ürünün bulucusu Caton Marguerite I (US); Cooley Kara M (HK); Griffiths Sharon L (US)’ dır. Bu ürünün patenti 09.06.2006 da alınmıştır. Patenti alan firma Graco firmasıdır. Bu ürün aileler tarafından rahatlıkla kullanılabilinir. Bu infant carrier denen aksesuar ayrıca özel çıt çıtlı yapısıyla stroller’a mekaniksel olarak bağlanabilinir. Mesela bir örnek vermek gerekirse, aileler arabalarıyla seyahat ederken infant carrier stroller’dan ayrılarak arabanın içine yerleştirilebilinir. Eğer araba olmadan bir seyahat gerçeklerşirsede kişi bebeği infant carrier ile de taşıyabilir omuzları vasıtasıyla. Bu infant carrier de sert olmayan yan barlar ve alt panel bulunmaktadır. Burda sert olmayan yan bar, alt panele bağlanmaktadır. Omuzlarda taşınan sistem kemer yapısını barındırdığından dolayı ayarlama yapılabilinir. 2 noktadan vücüda ve stroller a bağlanmaktadır. Omuzlara kemer sistemiyle bağlanırken, stroller’a ise çıt çıt sistemiyle bağlanmaktadır. 5. Concept generation and evaluation At this stage, we are going to generate ideas or concepts and evaluate the applicability of these ideas or concepts. In order to reach the result, we will use Theory of Inventive


Problem Solving (TRIZ). TRIZ is was developed by Genrich Altshuller and his stuff in Russia in the begining of 1940’s. The had studied on lots of patents. They concluded their results with 40 incentive principles. Before this, it should be focused on technical contradictions related with the product. Firstly, we studied on 39 parameters about contradictions. The new design on stroller is that there will be shakeable safety box on the stroller. If it is necassary, the caretaker of the baby can shake the shakeable box in some places like parks, restaurants or any social places. With this view, some negative effects like damaging to the wheel system are solved. For example, The caretaker and his baby go to the park. When the baby acts peevishly in the stroller, the caretaker can shake the stroller. However, this damages to the wheel system because of the stability of the stroller. Today many parents are complaining about the wheel system of the strollers (You can see in the Appendix A.). In order to prevent the wheel system from those damages, it will be designed the shakeable safety box on the stroller. While the caretaker shake the safety box, it will not damage to the wheel system. In order to design this system, it is need to put some addings. For instance, some barriers will be placed around the safety box to keep baby. In addition to this, in order to shake the system, it is need to elevate the safety box. For this reason, it will be designed a spring system which is adjusted to elevate up or down with the handle under the safety box. There are some grooves to couple the front legs and rails like the front bar or the components which form the back support system of the stroller. In order to change the shakeable system ,there will be also some pliable parts at the back and front of the stroller. For this reason, it is need to add some materials like aliminum and iron. As can be listed below, these addings lead to some problems about the shakeable safety box. After the decision of the the new design, 39 parameters will be considered to see the problems with the constraints. By designing the shakeable safety box, we are facing with 2 developed factors in 39 parameters. The first one is 12th (shape) in the 39 parameters. We have to change its shape by adding some materials. In other words, we have to develop the safety box with a new view.. The development of the 12th parameter leads to some problems on 8th (volume of the non moving object) parameter. For instance, the stroller has to include some bars. This leads to increasing o the volume. The second one is 14th (spheroidality) parameter in the 39 parameters. The developments of the 14th parameter results in some problems for other parameters. These problems can be seen in 13th (stability of object), 3th (length of moving object) and 26th (amount of substance) parameters. Regarding stability of object, the design can generally leads to imbalance of the stroller. For example, when it is being shaked, the 31

stroller can fall over. And this can create a very dangerous conditions like disability for the babies for their future lives. The amount of substance is increasing due to adding new materials. And the length of the moving object must be also risen up to keep balance with wheels. After this, it is gone to constraints matrix table to solve the these problems. For the firts one, the challenge factor is increasing the volume of the non moving object. When we have a look at the constraints matrix, we come across with 3 possible solutions such as 2th (extraction), 7th (nesting) and 35th (Transformation of the physical and chemical states of an object). For this problem, the suitable solution is coming from the 7th parameter. This is because the stroller has a car seat which can be removed from the stroller. If we design the shakeable safety box, we can design it by thinking of a car seat. It can be shaken with a car seat together in one unit. But also A car seat can be removed with shakeable safety box. In other words, we can design a dismantlement point which the shakeable safety box will be removed from the mechanic part. By doing this, we can decrease the volume of the system. With the development of nesting method, we can also observe some improvements on the 35th (adaptability) parameter in 39 parameters. This is because in this time, we design such a system which the systems can adopt both a car seat and the shakeable safety box. They can adopt each other (Please see the Figure 24.).

Figure 21. A car seat and the stroller separate. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://z.about.com/d/gofrance/1/0//6/babycarseatstroller.jpg&imgrefurl=http://gofrance.about.com/od/travelwithchildren/ss/pack ingforbaby_3.htm&h=400&w=400&sz=10&hl=en&start=49&tbnid=ckNsUL32uVoZvM:&tb nh=124&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcar%2Bseat%2Band%2Bstroller%26start%3D4 0%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4ADBS_en___TR203%26s a%3DN However, in this time, because of the improvement of adaptibility paramater, manufacturability parameter has a problem. The problem comes how the company can produce this product due to mixed system. The solution of this problem comes from the 13 ( Inversion). The car seat and the shakeable safety box will be designed with allocation concept. These concepts can be removed from the stroller with a handle. Because of this, the


bottom system of the stroller (the stroller without a car seat and the shakeable box) can be produced in one department and the upper system a car seat and the shakeable box) can be produced in another department. At the end, both of them can be combined in one system. The line between the bottom system and the upper system is important. This is because this part of the stroller will keep totality. In other words, this line will be main part of the stroller. For the second one, by adding hard materials, the level of strength will increase. However, this creates some problems on some of 39 parameters. The first one is stability of object. When the shakeable safety box is shaked, it can fall the stroller down. This will create a very serious problem for the baby. Because of this, when we have a look at the 40 incentive principles, 1th (segmentation), 4th (Asymmetry, 18th (Mechanical vibration) and 33th( homogeneity) solutions can be used for a solution. However, this stability problem can be solved with another rule which is 7th ( nesting). In other words, this problem will be solved with the rule which is out of the intersection concepts in the constraints matrix. The solution comes out the wheel system. The wheels are coupled to the legs. If we increase the length of the leg from in to out, the stability will be kept when the safety box is shaken (See Figure 25.). In the picture, the balance legs are so long.

Figure 22. The long balance components (without nesting)

By nesting, we have two positive results about the two problematic paramters. Stability of the object. And the other one is that the length of the moving object. This is because if we have a look at the Figure 24, normally the wheel system will be very long. However, we shortened it by nesting. As a result of this, by designing the balance system by nesting, we can design the product which will cover less space and keep safety more. For the safety, people can stumble upon the wheels of the stroller. For the balance system, it can be very godd example in today’s life. For example, the truck transporter place the car on the semi


trailer. In order to prevent the balace of the truck, the truch has two legs which is placed on the ground. This is because if the truck can not elevate the car up, and if the truck loses its balance, it will trun over. In other words, the truck will use the hydraulic balance (See the Figure 26.). We are going to use this model on the stroller.

Figure 23. Hydraulic balance For the third one, amount of substance is increasing by adding the materials to the stroller. We can decrease the amount of the material. The solutions rules can be chosen in 29th (Pneumatic or hydraulic construction), 10th (prior action), 27th (Inexpensive, short-lived object for expensive, durable one). For this problem, 29th (Pneumatic or hydraulic construction) can be used. The stroller can include handles, grooves, holders to adjust the components like especially seat, tray, and bars. We can use more pratical and easy materials, if we include handles, grooves or holders. Therefore, it is also easy to manufacture. This is because the necessity of material will be decreased. The concept generation methods that we can find in literature are airconditioned system in the stroller cover. In other words, When the parents close the cover all. The aircondition can ventilate in the stroller. With this application, the baby can breathe easily. The control of the aircondition will be provided by his parents with the remote kontrol which can be designed outside of the cover. The another is can be elektrical blanket. For example, when the baby is driven to somewhere in cold weather, the blanket can be covered on the baby. And it will keep baby hot. After the determination of the innovation, the eight primary dimensions of quality can be evaluated to see more detailed about the innovation. This steps are applied for the stroller which includes the shakeable safety box. 1. Performance: The performance of this innovation is to make the parents’ lives easy. The shakeable safety box is designed by combining with a car seat. Because


this, the parents doesn’t need to buy any cradles separately. The shakeable system will be shaken by the caretaker. The system is very easy. The caretaker should apply some adjustment. He will fold some parts of the stroller. Two of them are at the back of the stroller. The another one is the front. When the front one will be folded, the seat will be automatically lay down.(Please see the Figure 28.). After this folding process, the caretaker change the handle under the safety box and the seat will elevate up. There is not any component to keep the seat stable on the elevated time. Therefore, by shaking the safety box, the baby will be swung. This leads to baby to feel comfort and to sleep. The other performances are that caretaker need to push it to function. Also caretaker can remove the car seat from the stroller to carry the baby with his hands or to put it in the car. 2. Features: The new addings of this products is the shakeable safety box. The other ones can be listed below;  The shakeable safety box; As it is explained above, the shakeable system will be shaken by the caretaker. The system is very easy. The caretaker should apply some adjustment. He will fold some parts of the stroller. Two of them are at the back of the stroller. The another one is the front. When the front one will be folded, the seat will be automatically lay down. After this folding process, the caretaker change the handle under the safety box and the seat will elevate up. There is not any component to keep the seat stable on the elevated time. Therefore, by shaking the safety box, the baby will be swung.  The cover; This feature is to protect the baby from ultraviolet lights. It is like a sun visor. And also is to protect the bad conditions like rain or snow.  Car Seat; This product is also available on today. However; by placing this car seat in the safety box, the parents don’t need to buy a car seat separately from the Rally King. This car seat is removable from the original sitting place. For instance, when the parents travel with their car, they can fold the stroller and put it in the baggage. Also they can remove the car seat from the stroller and put it at the back sits with the baby securely.  Baby carrier; Apart from the car seat, it can be designed also baby carrier as an part of the pushchair. It will be removable. And the seat can be converted neither the car seat nor the baby carrier.


 Removable screen for flies; It will be pliable and moveable int he baggage under the safety box. By using this, the baby can be protected from mosquitoes and bees..  Mini radio; By putting a small radio, while the parents are driving the Rally King, they can also listen to music. This activity is also likable by the babies. If a baby fusses, bu opening the radio, that baby can be calmed down.  Wheel system; The wheel system will be designed with three big wheels. The aim of this condition is to decrease the baby to shake. Sometimes, the roads can be very slope or pebbly. By designing the three wheel system, the contact between the Rally King and ground will be decreased. Also, there can be some spaces on the road. For example, some parents are forced to drive the push chair, while they are entering the underground train. There is a space between ground and the door of the train. The families push the stroller hardly. And this can damage the wheel system. This is also possible for the pavement. The pavement structure in the some countries like Turkey has very high height. The families are forced to come across on the pavement. By using the big three wheels, they can drive easier. In order to go beyond easily on the roads, the wheels can be made bigger.  Store basket ; This can be used to store the baby’s goods or the caretaker’s goods.  Ergonomic handless to adjust like the height, wide and the shake system  Cupholders: It is a space which caretaker can put the baby’s bottle.  Front tray; There is some toys on the front tray. The baby can spend time by playing with them.  Five point safety belt; In order to keep all possible dangerous conditions, the baby can be stabilized with this safety belt  Front swivel wheels with locks & suspension  Flat reclining seat  Height adjustable handle  Washable fabric 3. Reability: Normally, one year guarantee is given by the companies like Maclaren, Graco and Chicco. For this product, it will be almost same. However, we have to determine some rules which is out of the guarantee limit. Several examples can be given. For example, The product can be misused without looking at the user 36

defined book, it will not cover the guarantee limit. A stroller can have some problems because of the accident. Repairs doesn’t have to be recovered by the customer. These all rules are out of the guarantee limit. Other problems can cover the guarantee limit. 4. Durability: The guarantee limit is one year. However, if the customer uses the product with respect to considering the user defined book about the stroler, the stroller can be used more than one year. Otherwise, the life time of the stroller will be shortened with misuse or poor maintenance. 5. Serviability: Because of the complexity of the shakeable system and a car seat, the customers should not repair it by themselve. The system includes mechanical designs. They can damage some parts the stroller. And this can lead to product to be out of the guarantee limit. 6. Conformance: The standards must be met with the new addings. The shakeable system is the new design. It must take the interests of the customers. The parents can feel relief. For example, they can go to the park, they can shake the stroller. And this also give a relief for the baby. Because of this, it will not damage the wheel system to outwear. 7. Aesthetics: The product can be perceived as a cradle with the wheels. When the baby to create a disturbance, the caretaker can shake the stroller to calm the baby. It has also a car seat. Whenever the caretaker wants, they can remove it from the stroller. The stroller will be used for transportation, safety, comfort, and shake. There are many funtionalities of this product. Therefore, there should not anxiety to feel negative effects. 8. Perceived Quality: The product includes a new design of the stroller. The customers can compare similar features with the other companies’ product. However, this product has a specific feature; a shakeable safety box which is never seen before. After this invention, it may not be need to buy a cradle. This is because of extra charge for the cradle.



Figure 27. The general structure of the stroller Follow the next pictures with respect four numbers


Figure 28 The foldable front bar By designing the grooves, the caretaker can the move the bar up and click the fasteners in to the grooves. During this time, the baby will be laid down by changing the condion of the seat. See the Figure 28.

Figure 30 By nesting, the wheel system The caretaker have to make the wheels longer by nesting to keep balance of the all system. With this, while the baby is shaking with a caretaker’s hand, the stroller will not turn down.See the Figure 30


Figure 31. The foldable back structure The two components of the back side will be folded. Onw of them the is holding area. It will be brough down. The second one is that one of two legs will be moved from 1 to 2. See the Figure 31.

Figure 32. The shakeable system with the spring system and its handle At the underside, there is a handle to change position of the stroller from the stability to shaking. The structure of oval system and the pipes by nesting can be see in Figure 32.


The second innovation study is “Orası cız bebeğim" alarm sistemi

1. Selection of the baby product category: Baby safety products

In this part, we will make a research on the baby safety products. Safety protects are very important, because they are the products which affects the babies’ health directly. There are a lot of dangers for the babies in daily life. In the household, babies can go into the dangerous areas such as the environment of a fireplace, oven or the windows. To protect them from these environments there are gates and locks for the babies. There are also protections for sockets and power cables, which can be dangerous for the babies, too. Babies are not safe, even if they are asleep in their beds. They can be drowned, as they sleep or fall from the bed. Different products are made for such dangers. Monitors can be seen as the most important products about this topic. While bathing the babies have also a risk of being drowned or falling down, which can be prevented by “safer bathers”. Another danger at home can be falling and hitting his head to a sharp corner. It is also thought by producers and they have produced soft edge and corner guards. There are also a lot of dangers outside of the household for the babies. Safety products like child locators or other systems, which prevent the children from being get lost, car seat savers, sun block shades and some other products are designed for the outdoor dangers. It can be said there are really very technological products about baby safety. Child production products such as door monitor, “safe pool”, child alarm, “safety turtle” and “why cry?”, which we will talk about in the next chapters more detailed, are some examples for these technological products.

Figure01. An electormagnetic field absorber

Figure02. A digital video baby monitor


We have selected this category, because the safety problem is common for all babies and it can be easily said, that safety of their babies is the most important thing for the families. As we have talked above, the safety should be everywhere in the daily life of the babies, indoor, outdoor, in the bath, as sleeping, in travel etc. So the category has a very wide range of products. That is why we thought that this category is suitable to make new innovations or developments of the existing products.

By looking at www.amazon.com, www.rubystone.com, store.babycenter.com, www.ebebek.com and www.bebekmarket.com, we have seen that there exist many products about the safety of babies. My own product, as you will see a detailed description of it in the next chapters, will be about the safety of the baby at home. I have realized that babies can have a lot of problems even indoor after they have begun with walking. It takes only some seconds that the baby disappear from the sight seeing of his mother and come close to a dangerous areas like the environment of an oven, windows or balcony. For such dangers there are baby monitors, which shows you if your baby is lying in his bed or not and some alarm systems like door alarms, which give an alarm if the baby enters a forbidden door. My innovation will be a bit more complicated system of them. You will have the possibility to pick up some areas (more than 1, maybe 4-5) as dangerous areas, where you do not want your baby to go in, at home. If the baby comes close to these areas, the baby will be recognized by receptors and an alarm will be given to mother through a base unit, which the mother carries. At the same time the sound of the mother or father will be played from a speaker in the opposite direction of the dangerous area, which makes the baby to head this direction. So the baby loses time to reach the forbidden area and the mother, who have seen at which point her baby is, can go there and take her baby safely.

Figure 03. A latch


2. Identification of the consumer needs

As we have stated in the first part, the safety products are used by all the parents, because they are indispensable for their babies’ health. Every family wants to be sure that their baby is safe at home or outside. So they can pay for safety products without hesitation. In other words we can see all the parents as the potential consumers of baby safety products.

The important thing is if the consumers are satisfied with the existing products. Which sides of the products are liked by the consumers and which sides are not. To know the answer of these questions and the expectations of the consumers are very important by designing a new or developed product. To get this information we have interviewed some people.

Apart from the interviews we have also looked at the web sites www.sikayetvar.com and www.sikayetim.com . At www.sikayetvar.com we have found a complaint, which is written by “syildirim73” about the delivering of a baby monitor by Btmarket.com. So we see that the delivering time and way of the product is important for the consumers. We could not find any complaints about baby safety products at sikayetim.com. At www.consumeraffairs.com we have find an article which tells that the children are not only drawn in pools, they can die also in bathtubs or toilets. It shows us the importance of the safety tools which are used to prevent the babies from being drowned. (http://www.consumeraffairs.com/recalls/drown.html). Another complaint, or this one can be called as an advice, can be seen on the web site www.babyresource.com/reviews.htm. The consumer talks about the Safe1st 900 MHz InSight Color Hand Held Monitor and tells that the monitor works well, but it would be nice if he could talk through the components of the monitor and had the ability to ask his wife if everything is OK there. This is a good idea to improve the existing product from a consumer. We found another important issue on http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2006/12/nhtsa_safety_seats.html . At this site there is an article which tells us that the parents still do not use properly the new safety LATCH, which is Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children, because they are not good educated about the new system and they do not know exactly how to use it. This example shows us that the producer should educate the target consumers about his new product and the user guide must be obvious. If the consumer can not understand the product well, they decide not to use it. There are also some complaints about the safety latches. Isora of Cresskill NJ tells that his son was able to open the latch easily and his other 1 year old son tumbled down the stairs. 43

(http://www.consumeraffairs.com/toys/safety_1st_safety_latches.html) The producers should take care of how easily the latches can be opened.

Figure 04. Chicco baby monitors

Now, here are the interviews we have made about the baby safety products.

First interview is with Öznur Koçer, Koray’s mother:

Koray: Hi, mom. I want to talk about the baby safety products with you. First of all tell me, what do you know about these products?

Öznur: Hmm, the mosquito nets are very old; they existed as I was a child, too. These outlet and power strip safety covers were also there as you were a baby. But I think that was all. Now I see there are a wide variety of these products. I know that there are monitors to watch the baby asleep, seat savers for the travels, latches for doors, ovens and refrigerators.

K: That is pretty cool. Which of them have you used as I was a baby?

Ö: Actually we did not use any of them. As I said, there were not so many safety products and the existing ones were not so popular at our time.

K: So, it must have been hard to take care on the baby every second?


Ö: You were always in our sight, we never let you alone. If we were going to somewhere by car, I was sitting by you at the back. So we did not need seat saver for you. If there were goods which can be easily break down or hurt you in the environment, we carried them out. And to prevent you from falling from the bed, there was railing at your bed. You were not led to go in the near of sockets by us. Namely, you were protected by us, not products  K: Thank you . Would you use the safety products if you had a baby now?

Ö: Of course. For example, these monitors. They are really very comfortable for the parents. We should come to your room and look if you are OK every minute. By a monitor you see your baby without going to his room. That is a big ease. Apart from that, seat savers in the cars are very practical, too and I believe that they are safer than sitting beside the baby. Latches for doors, oven etc. can be also used, but you were a good boy, we would not need them for you. The pillows which prevent the baby from being drowned are very useful. We let you sleep face downwards, because if the baby throw up as he sleeps supine, he can be drowned.

K: What would expect from these products and according to you what are the advantages and disadvantages of the products generally?

Ö: If I would use these products, I wanted to be 100% sure that they are really safe for my child and that they are healthy, too. The materials used in them are very important, because they will always be in the near of the baby. The products have a lot of advantages of course, they led the baby grow up in a safer world and the parents can live more comfortable with these products. But I see also a disadvantage of these products. From my point of view, the products weaken the emotional contact between the baby and the parents. The baby is surrounded by technological safety products.

K: That is a good point mom. Thank you for the interview.

Ö: You are welcome son.

The second interview was with Koray’s grandmother, Refika Akçıl:


Koray: Hi, grandma. Can you tell me if you know anything about the baby safety products and if you have used any for your children?

Figure 05. An apparat which provides the chlid’s finger from jaming Refika: I don not know much about them. I have heard or seen some safety products for babies such as seat savers for cars or some special beds, pillows. I, of course, did not use any of them, because at our time they did not exist or maybe they did, but we did not know them. I had led my 4 children grow up in a village in Çanakkale. They could not have special beds or pillows; they all were sleeping at the same bed! The thing that we do for their safety was always watching on them. We did not use any product, but they were always safe by us, because we were very careful on them. K: Would you use these products, if you had a baby now? R: No, I would not use them. My 4 children have grown up without them and if there was a 5th one, he would also grow up without the. K: That is interesting. And what do you think about the advantages and disadvantages of these products? R: The parents at that time are very lazy compared to ones in our time. I was teacher at the school of the village, maid at the house and mother of 4 children. We do not have wash machines, we should wash dishes by hand, make our self bread in the oven and beside I was occupied all of this work, I was watching on my 4 children. The mothers of today do nothing thanks to technology and get lazier because of these safety products. They need not to go to baby’s room, because they can see them through a monitor or they need not to watch on the baby every minute, because everywhere is covered with safety tools. For them these products lead a lot of ease. If you think in this way, they are very advantageous. But I do not agree with this idea; in this way they get lazier every day and lose the contact between them and their babies.


K: Thank you for your opinions grandma. R: You are welcome Koray.

And here is the interview with Doctor Hürriyet Yalçınkaya:

Koray: Hi, Ms. Yalçınkaya, can you give me some information about the baby safety products? Hürriyet: Of course Koray. These are the products which let the babies grow up in a safer environment. The risk of an accident for the baby is minimized by these safety products. That is why almost all the parents prefer to use them. For every parent the safety of their baby is in the first place. K: Do you an idea which products are used mostly? H: I think in every house there are latches, outlet and power safety covers. Bed rail are also widely used. If you look at the rich families, you can see that they use technological products for their safety of their baby. K: What do you think about the safety products, which advantages/disadvantages do they have? H: The babies of that time are very lucky. These products are really very useful for their healthy growing. At our time babies could fall from windows, can die due to an electric shock or while sleeping or can get lost. Thanks to these products babies have a safer life now. You can even easily understand why your baby is crying, because there are products which tell you the reason. I mean the safety products are very useful and become indispensable for parents.

Figure 06. A gate


And the last interview is with Hatice Güvenler, a neighbor who has a 1 year old baby:

Koray: Hi, Ms. Güvenler. I want to make an interview about the baby safety products with you. You have a new baby, which products do you use for his safety?

Hatice: We use sunlight adhesive helt, which is fixed to the edges of the tables. This is really very useful product. Sometimes Tuna (his son) falls and may hit his head, but nothing happens due to this helts. Apart from that we have used protector for his knees as he newly began with crawling. But we did not need gates to prevent Tuna from going somewhere, because he is listening to us. If we tell him “Don’t go there!” or “Come here!”, he obeys.

K: Are you happy with the safety products that you have used?

H: Yes, yes, of course. As I said, especially these helts for the sharp corners is very useful. We also trust in the car safety seat of the baby. We feel that he is really safe in this seat in the car.

K: And as a last question; what do you think about the safety products generally?

H: They are very important in the lives of the babies. They prevent them from dangers. But I think that there is a more important point. That is how you discipline your baby. If he/she listens to what you say to him/her, that is the most affective safety way for him. For example, we did not need latches for doors, because Tuna was not going there until we said him that he can go.

K: Thank you for your time!

H: That was nothing.

3. Benchmarking of leading companies and their products in the industry Graco and Chicco can be seen as the leading companies of the baby safety products like in other baby products. These two companies have tens of safety products and their products are sold and used with a lot of parents, the companies are trusted by parents. Just to remind, 48

because we have talked about it in the previous category, Chicco was an Italian company and an Artsana subsidiary, which was founded approximately 50 years ago. Babies’ safety equipments, which is our topic now, cosmetic products, clothing and toys are produced by Chicco. It exists in 33 different countries including Turkey. Graco was as you remember an American company and is owned by Newell Rubbermaid and established in 1942, in Philadelphia by Russel Gray and Robert Cone. The company was working on metal products as it was open and then after Robert Cone has left the company, it began to work on baby products. And now it has become one of the most important and known baby product producers. The company also produces some car components. (www.wikipedia.com)

As we look at the baby safety products of these 2 companies, we realize that they have a wide variety of products. As we can see on the web sites www.e-bebek.com and http://www.chiccousa.com/home.php?cat=3 Chicco has mosquito nets, special pillow which prevents the baby from being drowned, latches for cabinets, doors, protectors for the doors that babies do not clamp their fingers at the door, outlet and power strip safety covers. Apart from these there are also different kinds of seat savers and monitors of Chicco. For the products of Graco we have looked at http://www.gracobaby.com/products/category.asp?N=405 and realized that Graco has save seats and monitors as baby safety products.

Figure07. Baby monitors with 2 components

If we compare the products of these two companies, the first thing we can say is that Chicco’s product variation is wider than Graco’s. Graco has only save seats and monitors for babies, but Chicco has also products such as safety covers, latches and pillows besides them. Maybe Graco has not so many kinds of products for baby safety, but it produces many different kinds


of save seats for cars. There exist 3 different product types, which are infant, toddler and youth booster car seats. You can choose the save seats by age, weight or height of the child, by color, price range or pattern name. Their price is between $80 and $190. On the other side, if we look at the official web page of Chicco, we see only 4 kinds of safety seats. The price is $150 for Chicco car seats. Graco has digital, digital video and analog baby monitors. There are 3 different types of digital one and their price rage is $50- $150. One type of digital video baby monitor exists, which costs $200. Analog baby monitors, which are cheaper than the digital ones, are between $30- $50. Chicco’s monitors’ prices are between 135- 225 YTL. The digital video monitor of Chicco costs 525 YTL.

To sum up, one can say that at the categories car seats and monitors Graco has more variety of products than Chicco, but Chicco has products in other categories such as safety covers, latches and pillows. The prices of the two firms of the common products are approximately the same. Both of them are respectable companies and their products are sold worldwide.

Apart from the products of these 2 leading companies I want to mention that they are companies such as Ionkids, Fellows, Telko and Safety Turtle, which are not well-known companies in baby production sector, but they have specific products such as alarms for baby safety. Our topic is more related with such products, that is why we are going to write more detailed about these products in the 4th part.

Now we can compare these companies and their products according to performance metrics. First, we should point out that these products are, as it can be understood from their name, serving for safety and security needs of the human. Then we can evaluate the products according to Garvin’s list of eight primary dimensions of quality:

#1-Performance: Performance is one of the most important dimensions to evaluate a product, maybe the most important one. We said that Graco and Chicco are world-wide known and respectable companies for baby safety products and it shows that their products perform well. We could not find complaints about the performance of monitors and car seats of Chicco and Graco. They are very critical products for babies’ safety and should work properly. There are some complaints about the door latches that they can be opened very easily as we have written about. Chicco produces also door latches, so it should be careful with their performance. 50

#2-Features: For the car safety seats there are different kind of types, which have different harness types, height and weight limits: Chicco Key Fit Infant Car Seat 5-point

4-22 pounds



Graco Infant Safe Seat

5-30 pounds



5-22 pounds



30 pounds

20-40 pounds and 40"


Graco SnugRide Graco ComfortSport

5-point 3-point 5-point 5-point

20-40 pounds 30-100 pounds

Graco Platinum/Treasured/Ultra CarGo



$69-$99 $129-

Graco Toddler Safe Seat


20-40 pounds


Graco My CarGo

High back

30-100 pounds



High back

30-100 pounds




40-100 pounds



Graco TurboBooster


Figure08. Why Cry

The exact list of the features of a car safety seat is given below: 

EPS, Energy Absorbing Foam Liner

5-Point Harness with Front Adjustment

Innovative belt lock-off tightly secures the vehicle seatbelt

One-hand adjustment dial to ensure proper installation

GracoPedic™ Luxury Foam



Removable infant body support

All weather boot with integrated blanket

Convenient Stay in Car Base

Lightweight carrier with ergonomic handle provides premium cushioning and comfort

2-Piece chest clip visually indicates proper position on child

Three harness height positions to accommodate your growing child

Easily snaps into most Graco strollers with a child's tray

LATCH Equipped

(http://www.gracobaby.com/catalog/product.aspx?modelNumber=8A02SMB&productID =870&tab=features&CategoryID=1&subCatID=) And the features of a baby monitor are listed below: 

100% Digital Technology

Crystal clear clarity! Digital offers clear reception that is especially sensitive to the sounds mom wants to hear

Complete privacy - your neighbors won't hear you - and you won't hear them!

Up to 2000 ft. range lets you move through the whole house and stay connected

Rechargeable batteries

Docking stations to recharge parent units

Parent unit finder

Child unit battery back up for peace of mind

Soundlights for visual connection to baby

2 parent units monitor baby from 2 locations

(http://www.gracobaby.com/catalog/product.aspx?modelNumber=2795DIG1&productID=77 0&tab=features&CategoryID=13&subCatID=)

#3-Reliability: For the baby monitors the guarantee period is approximately 1 year and the possibility that the product breaks down before this period is low until the user let it fall or try to open it when there is a trouble at the product. The product also should not fall into the water. For safety car seats there is also a low possibility that they break down before their guarantee time is over. 52

#4-Durability: Both the baby monitors and car seats can be used for many years if they are used in a right way. Especially for car seat there is a very low possibility that they break down, so these products can be used by the parents until their child gets to big for this seat. The baby monitors also have a life of at least 3-4 years if they do not fall.

#5-Serviceability: For baby monitors it is really very easy to provide a service. The product can be taken from the consumer and can be repaired by technicians easily. By car seats it is maybe not as easy as by the monitors, but it is still not hard to service for them. Car seats can be also repaired, if there is a problem.

#6-Conformance: I think the car seats meet the expectations of the consumers well. The consumers expect that their baby can travel in safety and this is the mission of the car seats. Most of the consumers trust in car seats and they feel comfortable if heir baby sit in the car seat. The expectation of the consumers from the baby monitors is that they can always see their baby when they are not beside him. The monitors serve for this mission and meet the expectations of the parents. A complaint about the monitors is that the parent can not speak through the monitor, but there are also such monitors, and even monitors with digital camera. So we can say that they do everything to meet the consumers’ expectations.

#7-Aesthetics: Both the car seats and baby monitors have a very good looks. They of course do not smell or taste. The car seats do not disturb the aesthetics of the cars and monitors look very stylish. The consumers should be satisfied with the aesthetics of these products.

#8-Perceived quality: It is very easy that the consumer understands the quality of a baby monitor. If it is one with digital camera, the user sees the quality of the image at the monitor, or by a normal monitor, the user looks at the quality of the sound and if the system can transmit the sound quickly or not. By the car seats it is a bit more difficult that the consumer perceives the quality of the product. The criterions to understand can be that the baby is comfortable in the seat and that it really secures the baby in travel.


Figure 09 A door latch

The levels of the consumers can be classified as follows:

1) Expecters: The parents expect the safety or alarm system which will keep their children away from dangers at home. The product should care for the safety of the child and give an alarm if there is a danger for the child.

2) Spokens: The customers have problems with the safety of their children, because they can not be besides them every second. So they tell that the children mat be in danger when they are outside of their parents’ sight.

3) Unspokens: We think that the safety of their babies is very important for the parents, so they say everything about the safety problems. There is nothing or nobody left as unspoken.

4) Exciters (Delighters): Some families have also alternatives for the existing problems. For example, some of them offer that they can speak through the 2 components of a baby monitor, so the father can ask the mother, if everything is OK over there.


Product Design Specification (PDS)

1. In-Use Purposes and Market * Product title: “Orası Cız Bebeğim” Alarm Sistemi * Purpose or function the product is to perform: The purpose of this alarm system is to prevent the babies from going to areas that you have mentioned as dangerous for the baby and to alarm you if your baby is in the near of this area and show you where the baby is. At the same time your baby will hear the sound of his mother or father from the opposite direction from a speaker and go into this direction, in this way he will not enter into the dangerous area. * Predictable unintended uses the product may be put to: The product serves directly to its mission and we could not find any other unintended uses of the product. * Special features of the product: The special thing of my product is that it reports the parents that the baby is in a dangerous area and shows them where their baby is and tries to prevent the baby from coming close to this dangerous area by sound at the same time. For example you do not want your baby to come close to the oven. So you mark the oven as the 1st dangerous area and if the baby comes to let say 3 meter near of the oven the system sees him through a chip at his watch. You will have a base unit, which you can carry easily and it will alarm and show you which dangerous area your child has come close to. As you see this alarm and the location of your baby, the baby hears your sound from a speaker, which is located in the opposite direction of the dangerous area. You can record something like “Come here, darling” which will lead your baby to head the speaker where your voice is coming from. And the baby will lose at least some seconds to reach the dangerous area and you will be there in this time. You can pick more than 1 area as dangerous such as the oven, balcony or the windows which the baby can climb on. You can turn off some points if you want. For example if the window or the door of the balcony is closed you can turn off these areas or when your baby is not at home you can turn off the system completely. * What types of products will the product compete against and who makes them? Our product will compete against door monitors, child alarms and cabinet guards. The door latches can be also seen as competitor of our product. All these products alarm if the baby enters in a room or they do not allow the baby to open the doors. Door latches are produced by many different companies such as Chicco and Dreambaby. Door monitors, child monitors and cabinet guards are produced by Telko and Fellowes.


* What is the intended market? The intended market is the baby safety products and we aim that parents will buy our product to provide their babies’ security at home. * Why is there a need for this product? There is a need for this product, because this product is the only one that prevents the baby from the danger as it alarms the parents and shows them where their baby is. There are some products which alarm if the baby enters a door, but they can scare the baby by their sound and it can be late till you go there and hold the baby. By our product the baby will hear his mother’s or father’s sound and there will be nothing to fear for him. Furthermore it will be safer than just an alarm. Another point is that this system is better than the door latches, because by door latches you limit the moving area of the baby very much. You can also forget to lock the door or you can let a window open. By our system the baby has a wider area to walk and open doors and windows will not be so dangerous. * Relationship of the product to other company products: No relationship, because this a new designed product. But there are some alarm systems, which alarm if the baby is to far away. Our product maybe can be seen as a variation and development of such a product. * Anticipated market demand (units per year in Turkey alone and other regions of the world): I think that this system will be sold in Turkey better than in other regions like Europe or the USA, because in these regions there are systems like this. But in Turkey especially rich people with children would buy this product. If there is a big house, our product eases the protection of the babies very much. Let say 3000 parents would buy the product per year in Turkey and if it become known here, another 3000 products can be sold in neighboring countries such as Bulgaria, Iran or Russia. * Target company selling price (the price at which the company sells to retailers) and estimated retail price (the price at which the retailers sell to the consumers): Basic door monitors are approximately 20$ and a bit complicated systems which tell you that your baby is out of the safe area and can find where he is if needed are up to 200$. Our product is more similar to the second one, but it will be used only indoor. Consumers would prefer a product like ours to a basic door monitor. This product’s target will be rich people with big houses. So I think the consumers would pay 150$ for this system. Company can sell it for 110-120$ to the retailer companies, which leads the retailer company a profit of 25-30%. 2. Functional Requirements * Functional performance: The system will use electric to function. But the flow of energy will not be so high. It can be thought like a security alarm system of a house. The base unit works with 2 batteries. The watch will also work with battery. Detailed information should be give to the user while setting up the system. There will be also a detailed user guide for the 56

product. But it should be pointed out that it is not so complex to use the system. The materials for the system are little receptors and speakers, which can repeat an entered sound in the past by a notice, which will be send from the receptor after seeing the baby in the border of the dangerous area thanks to the chip at his watch. A base unit will be there and it will have the ability to collect the signal from all the senders. Operational steps begin with the receptor. The receptor sends signals to speakers and the base unit, after the baby appear in the given area. The next operation is made by speakers, which plays the recorded sound and the base unit, which alarms and shows at which point is the baby. The system is very efficient, if it works fast and without mistakes. * Physical requirements: The system will not cover a big area. The receptors can be hidden and not seen by anyone. The base unit is also small; it is as big and heavy as a command. There are also very little speakers. * Service environment: The system will be set up and function indoor, so it will not have problems such as wind velocity, rain or salt spray. Maybe the base unit can get wet, so it must be prevented from it. The noise level of the speaker can be turned up or down * Life-cycle issues Useful life: at least 5 years Reliability (mean time to failure): 5 years Robustness: Until you do not let the base unit fall, the system can work safely. After some time the receptors, watch and speakers can break down. But it is a low possibility that they break down if there is no knock on them.

Maintainability: The maintenance of the system is easy. The batteries of the watch and base unit should be switched when they are off. In particular periods the receptors and speaker can be controlled if they still work properly. That is to do for the maintenance of the system.

Testability: To test the system is also easy; you open all the receptors, take the watch and go to the dangerous areas, i.e. to the sight area of the receptors and you watch if the speaker and the base unit works correctly.

Reparability: The system can be repaired by technicians if it does not work properly anymore.

Instability: The system will be stable for a long time, because there are not any effects from outside that can hurt the system. 57

Retirement from service and recyclability: I guess that after 7-8 years the system can break down and can nor be repaired anymore. So it can be retired from service and if there exist some components, which are safe and can still be used, they can be taken from the system and recycled.

Cost of operation (energy costs, crew size, etc.): The cost of this system is higher than the standard alarm systems, of course. But it is not so high anyway. Energy costs will be not so high, too, because the receptor and speaker do not consume so much energy.

* Human factors: There were already alarm systems like these. Human know what these alarm systems are and how they work. So this product is not a very new thing for them, them is why they can easily adapt to it. If human believe that a system will secure the safety of their children perfectly, they will accept it easily. It can be said that “Orası Cız Bebeğim” Alarm Sistemi advantageous by the human factor.

Aesthetics: The product does not have a positive effect on the aesthetics of the house. But they also do not have a negative one. The speakers seem not so bad and the receptors can be hidden. I think that the parents will not care about aesthetics, if the product is about their babies’ safety.

Man-machine interface, ergonomics: The system will adapt to the house well and will work in accord with the house and parents well.

User training: The system is very easy to learn. After the service men show the user how the system works, the consumer can adapt at it easily and train himself by looking if the system is working well. The user guide also can help the user by the training.

3. Corporate Constraints * Time to market: Is there adequate time, given the resources, to design a quality product and its manufacturing process? * Manufacturing requirements: Will it be required to use in-house (halihazırda firma bünyesinde mevcut olan) manufacturing capabilities, and if so, will this limit available


manufacturing processes and constrain cost reduction? Are there limitations on materials selection because of corporate policies? * Suppliers: Do existing relationships with suppliers limit choices? * Trademark, logo, brand name: What are the constraints, if any, in using these marketing tools? * Financial performance: What are the corporate criteria on profitaibility and return on investment (ROI) that must be met? * Corporate ethics

4. Social, Political, and Legal Requirements The system will be produced for the security and safety for the children. There will not be any negative effects of the system on the system. That is why is will not be hard that it is adaptable for safety and environmental regulations. Of course there will be standardization for the production of the alarm system. It should work properly and without mistakes. We made a research for the patent of a similar product, but we could not find any. So this is a new product and useful for the parents that their children can hang on safely at home. The only possible problem can be that there will be used a patented technology, the receiver and transmitters. For this technology the system must take a license.

Figure 10. Latch for the closet

4. Search of products within the selected product category or search of different variations of the selected product


1 st product: The first product we will talk about detailed is ion kids system. This system claims that the parents will never lose their children if they use ion kids. The user does not need GPS and does not pay any monthly costs. You can use ion kids for up to 350 feet outdoor and 200 feet indoor. The system gives an alarm if your child leaves the user-defined range and can find the location of the child, if it is put into ‘Find Mode’. You can look for up to 4 children at the same time. The system is designed by caring on the ergonomics and simplicity. There are two components. One is the wristag, which looks like a watch. The child wears it and it has a strong safety clasp that it can not be opened easily without its key. Another characteristic of the wristag for the security is that it gives an alarm if it is not next to the skin, i.e. if the wristag has fall or somehow stolen. The wristag also alarms that the child is out of the safe range and shows on its screen the location of the child. It is funny to wear for children, because it has different decorative skins. It is water resistant. You can type the names of the children in the base unit and watch how far they are. If any of them goes out of the range, an alarm, vibration and flashing light is activated on the base unit. By pressing “Find” button, the base unit shows the location of the child out of the range. The system includes 1 base unit and 1 bracelet, 1 charger, 6 decorative stickers for children and owner’s manual. There is a one year warranty for the product. The price of the product is $190. We have chosen this system first, because it is similar to our own product. (http://www.rubystone.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=RBS/PROD/CP1/IKS and http://www.ionkids.com/product.html)

Figure 11. ion kids’ components

İlk olarak hakkında detaylı konuşacağımız ürün “ion kids” sistemi. Bu ürün, eğer aileler ion kids kullanırsa, çocuklarını bir daha asla kaybetmeyeceklerini iddia ediyor. Sistem için GPS kullanmya veya aylık sabit ücret ödemeye de gerek yok. Dışarda 350, ev içindeyse 200 adıma kadar kullanılabiliy. Sistem, çocuğunuz sizin belirlediğiniz bölgenin dışına çıkarsa alarm veriyor ve “Bulma” moduna getirildiğinde çocuğunuz yerini tespit edebiliyor. Aynı anda 4


çocuğa kadar bakmak mümkün. Sistem ergonomic ve kullanım kolaylığı göz önüne alınarak tasarlanmış. Ürün 2 kısımdan oluşuyo. Birincisi saat görünümlü bir bileklik. Bu kısımı çocuk taşıyor ve bileklik özel anahtarı olmadan açılamayan güçlü bir klipse sahip. Ayrıca güvenlik için tasarlanmış bir başka özellik ise, bu bilekliğin deriyi tanıması ve eğer deriden bir şekilde ayrılırsa, yani düşerse ya da çalınırsa, yine alarm vermesi. Eğer çocuk belirlenen alanın dışında çıkarsa bileklikte alarm çalıyor ve çocuğu uyarıyor. Ayrıca bilekliğin üstündeki ekrandan çocuk nerede olduğunu görebiliyor. Bileklik farklı renkleriyle çocuklar için takması eğlenceli bir hale geliyor. Ayrıca su geçirmez. Diğer alet ise ebeveynlerde duruyor. Bu alete 4 çocuğa kadar çocukların adları girelebiliyor ve hepsinin aynı anda ne kadar uzakta oldukları görülebiliyor. Eğer çocuklardan biri belirlenen alanın dışına çıkarsa alt alarm veriyor ve “Bul” tuşuna basıldığında çocuğun nerede olduğunu gösteriyor. Sistem 1 bileklik, 1 alıcı (ebeveynlerin elinde duran), 1 sarj aleti, 6 renkli dekoratif amaçlı yapıştırma ve kullanıcı kılavuzundan oluşuyor. 1 yıl garantisi olan ütünün fiyatı yaklaşık 190 $. 2 nd product: Our second product is “Safe Pool” 24 hours protection. This product, as you can understand it by its name, protects the children from drowning it the pool. If your child falls into the pool, it can cost his life and it is almost impossible that you realize it after he falls, because he will sink immediately. That is why this product can save life. It is very easy to use this simple product. It gives a loud alarm when a child goes close to the pool area. For adults it has a “pass-through” button. It works all the day and is weather-resistant. It is widely used in the USA. Its cost is $24. (http://www.rubystone.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=RBS/PROD/CP1/CP12)

Figure12. Safe Pool

İkinci ürünümüz “Güvenli Havuz” 24 saat koruma. Adından da anlaşılacağı gibi bu ürün çocukları havuzda boğulmaktan koruyor. Eğer çocuğunuz havuza düşerse, bu onun hayatına


malolabilir ve çocuk havuza düştükten sonra sizin onu görmeniz neredeyse olanaksızdır çünkü dipe batacaktır. Bu yüzden bu ürün bebeğinizin hayatını kurtarabilir. Kolayca kullanılabilen basit bir alettir. Eğer çocuğunuz havuzun yakınına gelirse system yüksek sesle bir alarm çalar. Yetişkinler için bir “bas-geç” tuşu mevcuttur. Bütün gün ve her hava koşulunda çalışır. Amerikada yaygın olarak kullanılan bu ürünün fiyatı 24 $. 3 rd product: The 3rd product we are going to talk about detailed now is the door monitor. The door monitors are produced by Telko, the producer of the “Safe Pool”. It is the simplest way to control if your baby going through a door. Two types of sounds, a warning sound or a chime can be selected to play if the baby enters the protected door. There is also a reset button for silent adult operations. One of the ON/OFF, ALARM or CHIME operations is selected and the safety is there. The product’s value is $20. (http://www.rubystone.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=RBS/PROD/CP1/CP13)

Figure13. Door Monitor

Hakkında detaylı bir yazı yazacağımız 3. ürünümüz kapı monitörleri. Kapı monitörleri Telko firması tarafından üretiliyor. Telko aynı zamanda demin bahsettiğimiz “Güvenl Havuz” ürününün de üreticisi. Bu sistem bebeğinizin bir kapıdan geçip geçmediğini kontrol etmenin en kolay yolu. Bebeğiniz korunan kapıdan geçtiğinde çalması için 2 türlü ses seçebilirsiniz. Biri uyarı sesi, ikincisi ise zil sesidir. Yetişkinlerin alarmı çalıştırmadan geçmeleri için de bir tuş mevcuttur. Kapı monitörleriyle güvenliği evinize taşıyabilirsiniz, fiyatı 20 $’dır. 4 th product: This is a child alarm. Different from a door alarm, this system prevents the child from getting lost or being lured off by predators. This is a very useful product to prevent many children from missing. There are one receiver and one transmitter. The transmitter is attached at the child and the receiver is carried by parents. If the child is more than 15-25 feet


away from the receiver, it sounds an alarm. It can be used in shopping centers, Luna parks or festivals. By using this product, the parents can quit worrying about their children in crowded environments. It costs $30. http://www.brickhousesecurity.com/mommy-child-locator.html ,

Figure 14. Mommy I’m Here’s teady bears

Bu ürün bir çocuk alarmıdır. Kapı alarmından farklı olarak, bu sistem çocuğunuz kaybolmasını veya kaçırılmasını engeller. Her gün kaybolan yüzlerce çocuğun arasına sizinkinin katılmasını bu sistemle engelleyebilirsiniz. Sistem bir alıcı ve bir vericiden oluşur. Verici çocuğun bir yerine takılır ve alıcı ebeveyn tarafından taşınır. Eğer çocuğunuz sizden 15-25 adımdan fazla uzaklaşırsa alarm ötmeye başlar. Festivallerde, lunaparklarda ve alışveriş merkezlerinde kullanılabilir. Bu ürünü kullanarak aileler çocuklarının kalabalık yerlerde kaybolma korkusundan sıyrılabilirler. Ürünün fiyatı 30 $. 5 th product: Mommy I’m Here Child Locator is the last product we will talk about in detail. There is a teddy bear, which can be clipsed to the belt or shoe of the child and works as a receiver, which can emit an alarm. Parents’ transmitter is attached at a key ring and it can catch up the signals from up to 150’. It is also ideal for zoos, shopping areas, airports and parks such as the child alarm. http://www.rubystone.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=RBS/PROD/CP1/CCA,


Figure 15. Child Alarm

“Anne ben buradayım” da bir çeşit çocuk alarmıdır. Yukardakinden farklı olarak sistem bir oyuncak ayıcıktan ve alıcıdan oluşur. Oyuncak ayı çocuğun ayakkabısına ya da kemerine monte edilir ve gerektiğinden alarm verebilen bir verici olarak çalışır. Ailenin alıcısı ise bir anahtarlığa bağlıdır, böylece kola kaybolmaz. Bu alıcı 150’ e kadar uzaklıktaki sinyalleri yakalayabilir. Hayvanat bahçeleri, alışveriş merkezleri, havaalanları ve parklar gibi alanlarda kullanmak için idealdir.

Here are 3 patented child safety products:

1 st patented product: First product is wireless children’s safety light. The publication number of this product is US2005073405, publication date 2005-04-07, the inventors are SPOLTORE MICHAEL T (US); ADONAILO ROBERT S (US); ORLANDO ROBERT J (US); LIZZA ALFRED M (US); SIMON SCOTT (US) and the applicant company is Honeywell Int Inc (US). This safety light system is activated by a home security system, which detects fire. If there is a fire in the house the safety lights show the rescuers where the children can be located in. It can be recognized quickly by the rescuers and saves a lot of time by saving the children. They also show the direction of the exits. (http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?DB=EPODOC&IDX=US2005073405&F=0)


Figure 16

Figure 17


Figure 18

İlk ürünümüz kablosuz çocuk güvenlik ışığı. Bu ürünün patent numarası US2005073405 ve patent alma tarihi 7 Nisan 2005. Ürünü bulanlar hepsi Amerika’dan olmak üzere Spoltore Michael, Adanailo Robert, Orlando Robert, Lizza Alfred ve Simon Scott. Ürünün sahibi firma ise Honeywell Int Inc. Bu da bir Amerkan firması. Çocuk güvenli ışığı sistemi evin yangını algılayabilen genel güvenlik sistemi tarafından aktif hale getiriliyor. Eğer evde yangın çıkmışsa güvenlik ışığı kurtarıcılara çocuğun hangi odada olabileceğini gösteriyor. Kurtarıcılar tarafından kolayca farkedilebilen ışık, kurtarma işlemi sırasından vakit kazandırıyor. Çocuk bulunduktan sonra da system çıkış yolunu gösteriyor.

2 nd patented product: Second product is a baby monitor. Its publication number is US2006232428, its inventors are DESROSIERS CRAIG S (US); PACE RONALD G (US) and the publication date 2006-10-19. The applicant of the product is Graco Childrens Prod Inc (US). There is a child unit, which catches up analog signals and converts them to an outgoing digital data. Then this data will be transported to the parent unit as a wireless signal. Then these signals are transmitted into the digital data on the parent unit again and the monitor let the parents see their children in this way. (http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?DB=EPODOC&IDX=US2006232428&F=0) 66

Figure 19.

Figure 20


Figure 21 2. patentli ürün bebk monitörü. Bu ürünün patent numarası US2006232428 ve ürünün mucitleri DESROSIERS CRAIG S (US); PACE RONALD G (US). Patent 19 Ekim 2006da alınmış. Ürünün sahibi firma ise Graco Childrens Prod. Bu sistemde bir adet çocuk ünitesi var. Bu unite çocuğun hareketlerini analog sinyaller olarak yakalıyor ve bunları digital bir bilgie dönüştürüyor. Daha sonra bu bilgi (data) kablosuz bir sinyal aracılığıyla ebeveynin ünitesine ulaşıyor. Bu unite de aldığı digital bilgiyi analog sinyale dönüştürüyor ve böylece bu ekrandan bebeği görmek mümkün oluyor.

3 rd patented product: The last product is a baby seat mirror, which is invented by Hatchett Pamela R. (US). The publication year of the product is 2004-08-10 and publication number US6773123. It is a simple apparatus which provides the driver to see the face of the baby who is sitting in a rear facing car seat in the rear of the car. The apparatus has the shape of an “L” and has approximately the width of the car seat. The bottom of the apparatus is placed under the car seat and the other part extends up the back in the back of the car. In that part there will be a mirror and the baby will face directly this mirror. So the driver can see the face of the baby through this mirror and the mirror of the car. (http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?DB=EPODOC&IDX=US6773123&F=0&QPN=US677312 3)


Figure 22

Figure 23

Figure 24

Son patentli ürünümüz ise bir bebek koltuğu aynası. Hatchett Pamela R. (US) tarafından 10 Ağustos 2004 the patenti alınan bu ürünün patent numarası US6773123. Bu basit düzenek arabanın şoförünün, arka koltukta yüzü arkaya doğru bakarak bebek koltuğunda oturan bebeğin yüzünü görmesini sağlıyor. Düzenek L şekildeki bir sistem ve yaklaşık olarak bebek koltuğunun genişliğinde. Bu L’nin alt kısmı koltuğun altına güvenli bir şekilde sıkıştırılıyor. Diğer tarafının ucunda ise bir ayna var ve bu ayna arabanın arka kısmında yükseliyor. Bebeğin yüzü bu aynanın hizasında kalıyor ve böylece dikiz aynasına bakan şoför bu 2. aynanın da yardımıyla bebeğin yüzünü görebiliyor.

5. Concept generation and evaluation 69

Our new designed product “Orası cız bebeğim” alarm system is a safety system for the children at home. There are different kind of monitors, which give you the possibility to watch your baby at a fixed place, especially most common at his bed while he is sleeping. There are also alarm systems, which warn you that your baby has entered a forbidden area. Latches are also used to hold the baby under control by locking doors or other things like refrigerator. The aim of all these products is to be sure that the child is in a safe place at home when you are not besides him. You watch and see that he is in his bed or you put an alarm if you do not want the child to enter a door. The idea behind all is the same: the safety of the child at home. We thought about this problem and find out a better security system for the children at home. The engineering system used in “Orası cız bebeğim” is not so complicated. A receiver, which can be attached at the child somehow, is needed. It can be a watch for example. Then transmitters will be located in the areas, which are selected by user. The parents will pick up the area, which can be dangerous for their child and those they do not want their child to go in. Then speakers will be located in the opposite direction of these dangerous areas. The last component of the system is a base unit, which will be carried by the parents. On this base unit there will be number 1, 2, 3.. and if the child approaches the dangerous area number 1 (let say that you have picked up the oven for umber one), the base unit will give an alarm and number 1 on the base unit will give a flash light. At the same time the speaker will take the signal from the transmitter and will begin to play the voice which was recorded before. The idea here is that the child hears the voice of his mother or father, which calls him over and heads into the direction of the speaker. Or at least the child will listen to this voice and will stop, where he will lose some time to reach the dangerous area. The mother/ father hears the alarm and sees where the child is, but she/he needs some seconds to reach this room and get the baby. The system diverts the baby in this period and the parents can catch him in the safe place.

By adding the voice system to the “Orası cız bebeğim” alarm system, we are improving 2 factors in these 39 parameters. The first one is the 27th (reliability). When the baby approaches to a dangerous place, the system will warn the parents about the condition of the baby. In other words, the system will determine the place of the baby. After this, the main component of the system will alert this to the family. This will be done with the voice. This voice can be heard in any place of the home, when the main component is alerting the parents. Also the collateral tools will do another function. The collateral toll which the baby attends in 70

the room will sound with the one of the family members to stop the baby to go the dangerous direction. ‘No, don’t go there’, ‘stop’ or any other speeches which the can like can be put in the system. The voice will be saved by the family. Therefore, the parents can ad what sounds they like. In this time, the caretaker go to the baby and stop the baby to move. This will earn more time to reach the baby. Because of this, the reliability of the system will increase. The second one is 39th (productivity). Normally, the system which determines the place of the baby and warns the parents has existed. However, in this system, the voice factor is being added to earn more time to zoom the baby out. The more productivity will be obtained with the voice system. However, the improvement of the 39th (productivity) leads to a problem. For example, the baby is going close to the kitchen. And the system can sound and alarm, also when it is no useful. But the baby is not so close to the dangerous area. The problem parameter is 6th (Area of non moving object). The action boundary of the system creates a problem. For this reason, If we have a look at the 40 incentive rules, the intersection point productivity and area of the non moving object is 10th (Prior Action), 35th ( Transformation of the physical and chemical states of an object), 17th (Moving to a new dimension) and 7th (nesting) parameters can be used for a solution. The most close the parameter to the solution is 10th (Prior Action). We can improve the alarm system by increasing the volume gradually. In other words, the alarm sound again, but, in this time, the strength of the voice will be low. If the baby comes near more to the dangerous area, the force of the alarm will go up.

Now we will evaluate our product “Orası cız bebeğim” alarm system according to Garvin’s list of eight primary dimensions of quality:

#1-Performance: The performance of the system is expected to be very high. Although the system seems to be a bit complicated, it can perform well with a good receiver and transmitter. The speakers will play a recorded voice with a warning and the base unit will also alarm and give a flash light. When the system is set up without mistakes, it can work well and its performance can help the parents very much by the caring of the baby.

#2-Features: The features of the alarm system are one base unit, one receiver such as a watch, which can be attached at the baby, as many speakers and transmitters as wanted. That is all you need for the alarm system.


#3-Reliability- The warranty period for the system can be 1 or 2 years, but the system can used for more than 5-6 years, if it is used carefully. It is not expected that the system breaks down before the warranty time, because it will work properly until there is a negative effect from outside on such as a crash. But if the system can breaks down before the warranty time, it can be repaired and can function again

#4-Durability: The system may need some repairs sometimes, but can be used for a long period. Your child can grow up to 7-8 years with this system at home.

#5-Serviceabilty: A service for this product can be easily provided. Some technician will work at service-men and if there is a break down in the system, the technicians can repair the system. If they can not do that and the warranty of the product still continues, the system will be set up again.

#6-Conformance: This product will perfectly meet the expectations of the consumers. They want their children to stay away from danger at home and want to know if there is a danger for their child. And this system is there for this problem! It serves the safety of the child and the consumers need such a system. We think that they will be very satisfied with this system.

#7-Aesthetics: The system is there for security, not for aesthetics. But it can be designed also for aesthetics if wanted. The receiver for the child can be designed as a funny, beautiful watch for the child and the transmitters can be hidden, even into the walls, so they are not seen by anyone. The speakers can be good-looking and the base unit is something just like a commander.

#8-Perceived performance: The consumer will perceive the performance of the system 100%. He can easily test if the system is working or not by bringing the receiver into the dangerous areas and look what happens.


Figure 25




IP Case number : ________ (Office Use)

SECTION I: INFORMATION ON INVENTOR (S) & CONTRIBUTORS Please provide the list of all the SU member inventors below. Please also include a list of co-inventors who have direct creative and intellectual input to the present form of the invention. Indicate with an (*) the name of the primary inventor(s)





(*)Hakan Özdemir


[email protected]


Koray Koçer


[email protected]


Please provide the list of all the inventors, who are not SU faculty, below. Please also include a list of co-inventors who have direct creative and intellectual input to the present form of the invention. Indicate with an (*) the name of the primary contact regarding the invention Name





Please provide the list of contributors to the invention. Briefly indicate the nature of contribution. Name




Please provide the name of the inventor who will be the primary contact for this invention

Hakan Özdemir


Nature of Contribution


SECTION II: INFORMATION ON THE INVENTION Brief title of the Invention: The shakeable safety box Date of conception: _30__/ __01__ / __2007______

Documentation available  Lab documents  Unpublished abstracts  Other

_________________ Category of intellectual property  Patentable technology __________________

 copyright

 industrial design

 other

Is the invention subject to a sponsored agreement? If yes please provide the details below: Project Code:

__ . ___ ___ . ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Principal Investigator _________________________________________________________________________________ Agency/funding type

 Grant agency  Commercial contractor  Internal funds  Jointly sponsored : Indicate sponsors and their estimated % resource contribution Agency/ Institution

% contribution





Please provide a detailed description of the invention and attach technical documentation (pictures, drawings, lab work etc. as you find appropriate) to this report. Please make sure you present the invention under the headings below:

The new design on stroller is that there will be shakeable safety box on the stroller. If it is necassary, the caretaker of the baby can shake the shakeable box in some places like parks, restaurants or any social places. With this view, some negative effects like damaging to the wheel system are solved. For example, The caretaker and his baby go to the park. When the baby acts peevishly in the stroller, the caretaker can shake the stroller. However, this damages to the wheel system because of the stability of the stroller. Today many parents are complaining about the wheel system of the strollers (You can see in the Appendix A.). In order to prevent the wheel system from those damages, it will be designed the shakeable safety box on the stroller. While the caretaker shake the safety box, it will not damage to the wheel system. In order to design this system, it is need to put some addings. For instance, some barriers will be placed around the safety box to keep baby. In addition to this, in order to shake the system, it is need to elevate the safety box. For this reason, it will be designed a spring system which is adjusted to elevate up or down with the handle under the safety box. There are some grooves to couple the front legs and rails like the front bar or the components which form the back support system of the stroller. In order to change the shakeable system ,there will be also some pliable parts at the back and front of the stroller. For this reason, it is need to add some materials like aliminum and iron




Please provide the names of individuals who have technical or economic knowledge in the fields relevant to the invention. Please note that these individuals may need to be contacted for further consultation to facilitate the evaluation process Name







SECTION III: Invention Assessment - Commercial Development Potential Please try to address as many questions as you can to the best of your knowledge. 1.

If you had conducted any prior art search please provide a list of findings and include patent numbers.


At what stage of development is the invention?  Idea

 proven concept

 working prototype


According to your rough estimation what steps and how much funding is necessary to carry the invention to the commercial development stage?


What are some immediate and future fields of application?


In what ways does this invention benefit the commercial buyer? (cost performance, increased efficiency, improved accuracy? etc.)


What may constitute a hindrance on the commercial application of your invention?


Which firms may be interested in commercial development of this invention?


Has the invention been disclosed in any form at, included informal sharing with colleagues and/ or other researchers in this field? If yes indicate format and enclose a copy where applicable.  Conference paper

 abstract

 informal discussions

 other _______________________

 thesis

If no; is any form of enabling disclosure (publication, presentation etc.) scheduled in the next 3-6 months? 9.

Please provide an estimation on time and financial resources expanded for the invention.

10. Which products / technologies will be directly competing with this technology? 11. Is it easy to demonstrate the functionality of the invention? 12. Is it easy for buyers to adopt this technology? 13. Are there any formal industry standards, which apply to this invention? If yes, is the invention in compliance with such standards? 14. What may be the perceived life cycle of the technology on which the invention is built? 15. Based on your experience what may be the potential economic value of the invention in terms of annual revenue?  less than $20.000

 $20.000-$100.000

 $100.000-$500.000

 over $500.000

16. Is this a broad-based platform technology expandable to large number of applications or patent portfolio, or does it offer a custom made solution? 17. Has there been an external interest indicated or commercial approach made directly to any of the inventors? If yes, what is the current status of relationships? Please provide contact information.

SECTION IV: SIGNATURES (Must be original) I hereby declare that the information provided in this report is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. If there is a decision for commercial development through Sabancı University efforts, I agree to sign a waiver to enable sharing of IP rights in accordance with Intellectual Property policies and procedures of the University. (Copy & use additional sheets if necessary) Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:













Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:















IP Case number : ________ (Office Use)

SECTION I: INFORMATION ON INVENTOR (S) & CONTRIBUTORS Please provide the list of all the SU member inventors below. Please also include a list of co-inventors who have direct creative and intellectual input to the present form of the invention. Indicate with an (*) the name of the primary inventor(s)





(*) Koray Koçer


[email protected]


Hakan Özdemir


[email protected]

Please provide the list of all the inventors, who are not SU faculty, below. Please also include a list of co-inventors who have direct creative and intellectual input to the present form of the invention. Indicate with an (*) the name of the primary contact regarding the invention Name





Please provide the list of contributors to the invention. Briefly indicate the nature of contribution. Name




Please provide the name of the inventor who will be the primary contact for this invention

Koray Koçer


Nature of Contribution


SECTION II: INFORMATION ON THE INVENTION Brief title of the Invention: ____”Orası Cız Bebeğim” Safety Alatm System_______________________________________________________________________ Date of conception: __30_/ __01_ / __2007___

Documentation available

 Lab documents  Unpublished abstracts  Other

 industrial design

 other

_________________ Category of intellectual property  Patentable technology __________________

 copyright

Is the invention subject to a sponsored agreement? If yes please provide the details below: Project Code:

__ . ___ ___ . ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Principal Investigator _________________________________________________________________________________ Agency/funding type

 Grant agency  Commercial contractor  Internal funds  Jointly sponsored : Indicate sponsors and their estimated % resource contribution Agency/ Institution

% contribution






Please provide a detailed description of the invention and attach technical documentation (pictures, drawings, lab work etc. as you find appropriate) to this report. Please make sure you present the invention under the headings below: 

Our new designed product “Orası cız bebeğim” alarm system is a safety system for the children at home. There are different kind of monitors, which give you the possibility to watch your baby at a fixed place, especially most common at his bed while he is sleeping. There are also alarm systems, which warn you that your baby has entered a forbidden area. Latches are also used to hold the baby under control by locking doors or other things like refrigerator. The aim of all these products is to be sure that the child is in a safe place at home when you are not besides him. You watch and see that he is in his bed or you put an alarm if you do not want the child to enter a door. The idea behind all is the same: the safety of the child at home. We thought about this problem and find out a better security system for the children at home. The engineering system used in “Orası cız bebeğim” is not so complicated. A receiver, which can be attached at the child somehow, is needed. It can be a watch for example. Then transmitters will be located in the areas, which are selected by user. The parents will pick up the area, which can be dangerous for their child and those they do not want their child to go in. Then speakers will be located in the opposite direction of these dangerous areas. The last component of the system is a base unit, which will be carried by the parents. On this base unit there will be number 1, 2, 3.. and if the child approaches the dangerous area number 1 (let say that you have picked up the oven for umber one), the base unit will give an alarm and number 1 on the base unit will give a flash light. At the same time the speaker will take the signal from the transmitter and will begin to play the voice which was recorded before. The idea here is that the child hears the voice of his mother or father, which calls him over and heads into the direction of the speaker. Or at least the child will listen to this voice and will stop, where he will lose some time to reach the dangerous area. The mother/ father hears the alarm and sees where the child is, but she/he needs some seconds to reach this room and get the baby. The system diverts the baby in this period and the parents can catch him in the safe place.


Please provide the names of individuals who have technical or economic knowledge in the fields relevant to the invention. Please note that these individuals may need to be contacted for further consultation to facilitate the evaluation process Name







SECTION III: Invention Assessment - Commercial Development Potential Please try to address as many questions as you can to the best of your knowledge. 18. If you had conducted any prior art search please provide a list of findings and include patent numbers. 19. At what stage of development is the invention?  Idea

 proven concept

 working prototype

20. According to your rough estimation what steps and how much funding is necessary to carry the invention to the commercial development stage? I think a funding of approximately 10.000 YTL could be enough. The necessary steps for the development of the product are development of a receiver, which can be attached to this child, a transmitter which take the signals from this receiver and can send signals to the base unit and the speaker, a speaker, which can play the recorded sound after it becomes a signal and a base unit, which sounds an alarm and shows the point where the signal comes from. 21. What are some immediate and future fields of application? The baby safety products at home is the field of this product. 22. In what ways does this invention benefit the commercial buyer? (cost performance, increased efficiency, improved accuracy? etc.) The efficiency of the basic door alarms or child alarms and baby monitors is increased by this system. 23. What may constitute a hindrance on the commercial application of your invention? Maybe it can be a disadvantage that my product will be more expensive than the basic alarms. 24. Which firms may be interested in commercial development of this invention? Firms in the baby safety sector such as Chicco, DreamBaby or Safety1st can be interested in the product. 25. Has the invention been disclosed in any form at, included informal sharing with colleagues and/ or other researchers in this field? If yes indicate format and enclose a copy where applicable.  Conference paper

 abstract

 informal discussions

 other _______________________

 thesis

If no; is any form of enabling disclosure (publication, presentation etc.) scheduled in the next 3-6 months? 26. Please provide an estimation on time and financial resources expanded for the invention. This product can be the only alarm system in his own style In one year. 27. Which products / technologies will be directly competing with this technology? Alarms, latches and monitors can compete with my product, but indirectly. There is not a similar product like this. 28. Is it easy to demonstrate the functionality of the invention? Yes, the functionality of the product is very obvious. 29. Is it easy for buyers to adopt this technology? I think yes. They already know child alarms and monitors. Apart from these the product can be learned and used very easily. 30. Are there any formal industry standards, which apply to this invention? If yes, is the invention in compliance with such standards? 31. What may be the perceived life cycle of the technology on which the invention is built? The safety of the children will be always important for the parents, so this industry will last for very long. 32. Based on your experience what may be the potential economic value of the invention in terms of annual revenue?  less than $20.000

 $20.000-$100.000

 $100.000-$500.000

 over $500.000

33. Is this a broad-based platform technology expandable to large number of applications or patent portfolio, or does it offer a custom made solution? 34. Has there been an external interest indicated or commercial approach made directly to any of the inventors? If yes, what is the current status of relationships? Please provide contact information.

SECTION IV: SIGNATURES (Must be original) I hereby declare that the information provided in this report is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. If there is a decision for commercial development through Sabancı University efforts, I agree to sign a waiver to enable sharing of IP rights in accordance with Intellectual Property policies and procedures of the University. (Copy & use additional sheets if necessary) Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:














Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:

Inventor’s Name:














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Appendix 1 KRAFT Kırılan Arabanın Yenisini Vermek İçin Ne Bekliyor? tname [23 Kasım 2006, 09:00] Aldığım bebek arabasının arka kısmı kırılınca, aldığım mağazaya götürdüm ve iade almak istemediler. ROTA ÇOCUK GEREÇLERİ’nin Aldığı Ulaştırma Masrafı! eyupors81 [21 Kasım 2006, 09:00] Firmanın distribütörlüğünü yaptığı Manisa ili Soma ilçesinde bulunan bir iş yerinden çocuğuma Elle Enfants marka bebek arabası aldım. Yaklaşık 2 ay kullandıktan sonra bebek arabasının sol ön tekerleği kırıldı. Bunun üzerine bebek arabasını aldığım iş yerine giderek garanti kapsamındaki bebek arabasının garantiye gönderilerek yenisini veya tamirinin yapılmasını talep ettim. . Arabanın tekerleği plastik olduğundan yeniden kırılma ihtimali çok fazla. CEVAHİR Alışveriş Merkezindeki Eksiklik Gözümden Kaçmadı! hopolopes [20 Ağustos 2006, 09:00] İstanbul’da yaşayanların çoğunluğu görmüşlerdir mutlaka, Cevahir alışveriş merkezine eğer çocuğunuzla giderseniz ve çocuğunuzda daha bebklik çağında ise, bebek arabası da kullanıyorsanız vay halinize çünkü alışveriş merkezine girebilmeniz için 10–15 basamaklık bir merdiveni bebek arabasını kucaklayarak geçmeniz gerekir... bebek arabanızı tekerlekli sandalyenizi merdivenlerden taşıyarak engeli aşacaksınız, gerçi göstermelikte olsa bir sistem kurmuşlar. Ben daha çalıştığını görmedim. Allahtan çocuğum yürümeye başladı da bebek arabasından kurtulduk. EVKUR’dan Aldığımız Bebek Arabasını Ancak 1 Kere Kullanabildik! berktaci [14 Ağustos 2006, 09:00] Bundan takriben 2 ay önce küçük kızım için bir bebek arabası satın aldık. Ancak 1 hafta sonra arabanın frenlerinde ve tekerlek bölümlerinde arıza meydana geldi


POLOBABY Bebek Arabasının Değeri Kadar Telefon Ücreti Ve Zaman Harcadım! MİNNOŞ [01 Ağustos 2006, 09:00] 3 ay önce Polobaby (Babylon) marka Paston modeli bir bebek arabası aldım. Bebeğim küçük olduğu için hep yatar pozisyonda kullanıyordum ancak oturma pozisyonunda kullanmaya başlamamdan 1 hafta sonra pozisyon ayarlama kolu kırıldı.. Evde ambalajı bir açtık ki bu sefer de arabanın tutma kolu kırık. Hemen mağazayı ve akabinde Polobaby’yi aradım.Bu konuşmadan 3 gün sonra araba kargoyla geldi. Rengi başka gelmiş. Bunu bana söylemesi gerekirdi. Neyse dedim aldım. Evde bebeği içine oturtacaktım ki bu seferde emniyet kemeri kırık, üstü çizik acayip bir araba geldi. KRAFT Bebek Arabası Çok Çabuk Kırıldı! emrenasif [28 Temmuz 2006, 09:00] Birkaç ay önce e- bebek.com’dan Kraft marka bebek arabası aldık. Aldığımız günden itibaren arabanın tekerlekleri sola doğru dönüyordu ve kullanımda zorluk çekiyorduk. Daha sonra çocuğum otururken yaslanma yerinin sol tarafındaki metal çubuk kırıldı. Garanti kapsamında hem tekerlekleri hem de kırılan yeri yaptırabilmek için firmaya gönderdik. INGLESINA Bebek Arabasını Kullanmak İçin Ehliyet Mi Gerekli? büşra nur [02 Temmuz 2006, 09:00] 2 ay önce iyi bir miktar para ödeyerek aldığım Inglesina bebek arabasını şu anda iyi bir şekilde kullanamıyorum. Nedeni ise aynen servislerinin söylediği gibi aktarıyorum; kullanım hatası olduğunu oto koltuğunu yerinden kaldırırken biraz yavaş ve yamuk tuttuğumu bu durumda bir şey yapamayacaklarını söylediler. Herhalde Inglesina bebek arabasını kullanmak içim ehliyet gerekiyormuş bunu daha önce söylememişlerdi.% KRAFT Bebek Arabasının Konforsuzluğu! berlin [09 Haziran 2006, 09:00] Bebeğimiz için araba alacaktık. Kaliteli ve rahat bir araba olsun istedik. Daha birkaç aydır kullanıyoruz ama bebeğim hiç rahat değil içinde. Dışarı çıkmak eziyet oluyor resmen. Kucağımda taşıyorum bazen. 5 noktalı emniyet bandı dedikleri bandın bacak arasındaki kısmı bebeğimin bezine sıkıca dayanıyor ve oturma kısmı o kadar dar yapılmış ki aşağı doğru kayıyor devamlı. Aldığım arabanın model özelliklerinde geniş oturma yeri diye bahsediliyor ama tam tersi aslında. Bacak arasındaki emniyet bandını oturma yerinin tam ortasına koymuşlar ve bebek de çok rahatsız oluyor. Benimle aynı modeli alıp da aynı şikayetleri olan 2 kişiye rastladım. Tentesi de dar üstelik güneşten hiç korumuyor. Aldığıma çok pişman oldum. O kadar para verdik aldık ama bebeğim rahat değil, ne yapacağımı şaşırdım.


PİERRE CARDİN Bebek Arabasının Boruları Kırıldı! hakbar [01 Mayıs 2006, 09:00] bebek arabası aldım. Hani diğer ürünleri gibi kalitelidir diye. Bebek arabasını Mart’ ta aldım Ağustos’ a kadar ambalajından çıkarmadım.Ağustos bir kaç kere kullandıktan sonra Mart ayına kadar tekrar depoya kaldırdık. Havalar düzelince yeni çıkardık, 1 aydır kullanıyoruz. Ama arabayı toplamda yap-boz olarak açıp kapadığımız 10’u geçmezken arabanın gövdesini oluşturan alt borular kırıldı.

-Bebek.com’dan Alınan Ve Kullanılamayan Bebek Arabası enes2004 [14 Şubat 2006, 09:10] E- bebek.com alışveriş sitesinden 24.03.2005 tarihinde Kraft 505 Mille marka bebek arabası satın aldık. Kış olduğu için 2 ay kullanamadık. Kullanmaya başladığımızda bebek arabasının tekerleklerinde sorun olduğunu fark ettik. bebek arabasını gönderdik fakat geri geldiğinde herhangi bir düzelme olmadığı hatta daha da kullanışsız bir şekilde gönderildiğini fark ettik. bebek arabasının sorunu tekerlekleri arızalı olduğu için arabanın sola kaymasıydı. Şu an bebek arabasını kullanamamaktayız. PİERRE CARDİN Bebek Arabası Yan Borularından Mevta Oldu cagdaspoyraz [08 Şubat 2006, 11:01] Pierre Cardin bebek gereçleri çok kaliteli malzemeden yapılmış. 5 yaşındaki oğlum 2 yaz ya kullandı ya kullanmadı. Arabanın alüminyum yan katlama borusunu kırdı. Çocuk çok ağır da değil ama demek ki alüminyum malzeme kullanmamak lazım bebek gereçlerinde, çelik falan gibi. Şimdi biz o güzelim Pierre Cardin’i hurdaya çıkarıp yeni bir araba alacağız oğluma. Bir şey sormak istiyorum üretici veya ithalatçı firmaya; Pierre Cardin’den daha kaliteli bir bebek arabası markası önerebilirlerse bana onu alayım. Çocuk en azından büyüyene kadar başka araba alma ihtiyacı duymayalım. EVKUR’dan Aldığım Bebek Arabası Kırıldı Geri Göndermeleri Bir Aya Sürdü hamo [24 Ocak 2006, 17:18] Sultanbeyli Evkur’dan 2005 yılında bir tane bebek arabası satın aldım. Aldığımızda çok memnun kalırsınız çok kalitelidir dediler. Ama bir hafta sonra dışarı çıktık ve çocuğu ilk bindirmemizde bebek arabasının cıvata bağlantılarının olduğu noktadan kırıldı. Arabayı Evkur’a geri götürdüm. Yetkili arabayı bizden aldı tamir edilecek dedi. Nerdeyse dövecek tavırları vardı. Biz bir hafta sonra tatile çıkacaktık ve bir haftaya kadar bize ulaşması gerekiyordu. Araba tam bir ay sonra geri geldi. Oysa ilk kullanımda paslanmış ve çürümüş bir 91

mamulün firma tarafından değişmesi gerekmez miydi? Bir haftada bir parça demirin tamir edilemedi bir ay mı sürdü? CHICCO Kararlara Uymuyor kendisi [25 Aralık 2005, 14:44] Geçtiğimiz Eylül ayında Ankara Migros alışveriş merkezinde bulunan Chicco Mağazası’ndan iki aylık bebeğimiz için bir bebek arabası aldık. Arabayı alışveriş merkezinde üç saat kadar kullandık. Bebeğimiz huzursuzlanınca evimize döndük. Arabanın ingilizce olan kullanma kılavuzunu incelerken, arabanın 6–36 aylık bebekler için üretildiğini öğrendik. Ertesi sabah mağazayı arayıp bebeğimizin rahatsız olduğu için arabayı iade etmek istediğimizi söyledik fakat olumsuz cevap aldık. Bunun üzerine Tüketici Hakları Derneği’ne müracaat edip Chicco firmasından iade hakkımızı talep ettik, yine olumsuz cevap aldık. Bu defa derneğin yönlendirmesi ile Kaymakamlık Hakem Heyeti’ne müracaat ettik ve yoğunluk nedeniyle iki ay sonra heyetten haklı olduğumuza dair resmi bir belge alabildik. Belgede Chicco firmasından ürünü geri alması isteniyordu; Chicco bu karara uymadı. Firmanın iade almama gerekçesi ürünü kullanmış olmamız, biz bu ürünü alırken ellerinde kalan son arabaydı ve teşhir ürünü olmasından dolayı zaten kullanılmıştı. Benim anlayamadığım Chicco firması T.C. Kaymakamlığı’nın vermiş olduğu bir karara nasıl uymaz? Bir arkadaşım kaymakamlığın verdiği belge ile Tüketici Mahkemesi de dava açmamı söyledi, eğer kaymakamlığın bir yaptırım gücü yoksa ben neden iki ay bu kararı alabilmek için bekledim? KRAFT Bebek Arabası Çok Kullanışsız Guguk [28 Kasım 2005, 13:38] Kızım doğmadan önce her türlü konforu her anne babanın yapmak isteyeceği gibi biz de maddi gücümüzün elverdiği ölçüde sağlamaya çalıştık. Bunlardan birinin de aldığımız bebek arabası olduğunu düşünüyorduk eşimle. Ancak aldığımız araba bizi hayal kırıklığına uğrattı. Aldığım dükkana şikayetimi bildirdim. Araba şemsiye şeklinde katlanabiliyor ve aynı zamanda da ana kucağı ve araba koltuğu olabilme özelliği taşıyordu. Bu bizim için ideal diye düşündük. Ancak araba bizi oldukça sık yolda bırakıyor. Alışverişe çıktığımız zamanlarda alttaki vidaları düşüyor, araba kapanıyor ve çocuğum düşüyor.


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