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OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Time: 03:00 Hrs.

Class-Vth Sub- Moral

M.M: 60

Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Answer the following questions- (Any 11)

[πŸ‘ Γ— 𝟏𝟏 = πŸ‘πŸ‘]

1. How did the first rich men help the villagers? 2. How did the third rich men help the villagers? 3. Where were the three prospherous men travelling? 4. What did Sheena want to find? 5. How & where di the sisters live for some years? 6. Why were the kings sad when they were left to the why? 7. Why did the people save the life of a young man? 8. What was the indentification XT-27 Robot? 9. Why did XT-27 Robot not feel special? 10.Why were all the fish and a crap scard of? 11.What did the boy has in his room? 12.What did the XT-27 Robot think of? Q2. Fill in the blanks-


1. She was ___________ and ___________ freely. 2. The door led to a ___________ city. 3. Every one had ill ___________ and ___________ points. 4. The ___________ turned into a ___________ place. 5. He was the most upto date Robot currently ___________. 6. They ___________ him to be a king for a___________. 7. The village people ___________ at all of this. Q3. True/False-

[𝟏 Γ— πŸ– = πŸ–]

1. They came to a very poor village.



2. He was travellilng quickly.


] P.T.O

3. The sister lived there for some years.



4. This was the movement of happiness.



5. XT-27 wasn’t just any Robot.



6. XT-28, the bad most modern Robot.



7. The new fish was very ugly.



8. The little fish queen was firmly in charge of the aquarium.



[𝟏 Γ— πŸ“ = πŸ“]

Q4. Tick the correct1. The new fish ws verya) Ugly

b) Beautiful

c) Smart

2. The perfect Robot wasa) XT-27

b) XT-28

c) XT-29

3. Things become verya) Boriniigs

b) Caring

c) Instresting

4. The king went little bit inside toa) Cheek

b) Play

c) Rule

5. The third man helped by givinga) Gold

b) Food

c) Fools [𝟏 Γ— πŸ• = πŸ•]

Q5. Word Meaning1. Poverty

2. Orphans

3. Castle

5. Excited

6. Crawled

7. Huddled

4. Gesture

OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- Vth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- Social Science Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Answer the following questions- (Any 11)

M.M: 60

[πŸ‘ Γ— 𝟏𝟏 = πŸ‘πŸ‘]

1. Who is the present secretary Geneal of UN? 2. Where is the headquarter of UN? 3. What was the role of J.L Nehru in the non Aligned Movement? 4. What are the three main objectives or the NAM? 5. What do you understand by the globe? 6. Which place near London does the Prime Meridian cross? 7. Name the biggest and the smallest Oceans of the Earth? 8. What is the language of the Map? 9. What is an Atlas? 10.What is Climate? 11.What is the height above the sea level Called? 12.Why are the places near the equarterr very hot? Q2. Name the following any five questions-

[1Γ— πŸ“ = πŸ“]

1. Who was the fist Indian Woman president of General Assembly? 2. The First Prime Minister of tree India? 3. The five Principles of NAM are called? 4. A drawing of a part or the whole of the earth’s surface ? 5. A book of Maps? 6. A true Model of the Earth. Q3. Fill in the blanks-

[1Γ— πŸ• = πŸ•]

1. The security council consists of ________ members. 2. The General Assembly is an organs of ________. 3. The non-Aligned movement was born it ________. 4. The equarterrespresents the ________ degree. P.T.O

5. A simple type of map scale is called ________. 6. A book of ________ is called an Atlas. 7. The moving air is called ________. [1Γ— πŸ“ = πŸ“]

Q4. True/False1. Places at higher altitudes are hotter.



2. The climate of Kolkata is of moderate type.



3. Greenwich is situated near paris in francess.



4. India does not favour human rights for all in the world.



5. 00 Longitude is also called the prime merdian.


] [1Γ— πŸ“ = πŸ“]

Q5. MatchingA


1. Yellow Colour


2. Equator 3. Green Colour

661⁄ 20 𝑁 Security Council

4. Peace Keeping


5. Artic Circle

00 𝐢

Five Marks for Political Map.

OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- VIth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- Computer Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Answer the following questions-

M.M: 60

[πŸ‘ Γ— 𝟏𝟎 = πŸ‘πŸŽ]

1. How do you Apply Colour? 2. What is the Autofill handle? 3. What is Autoformat? 4. What is Clip Art? 5. Describe MS- Power Point? 6. What is an Algorithem? 7. What is a Flowchart? 8. What is QBASIC? 9. Explain the difference between low level and high leve language. 10.Write five uses of Internet. 11.List the advantage of E-mail. Q2. Write the steps to-

[𝟐 Γ— 𝟐 = πŸ’]

1. Create a new presentation in Power Point. 2. Save the presentation in Power Point. Q3. Answer the following in one word-

[𝟏 Γ— πŸ’ = πŸ’]

1. Who manges the Internet? 2. Write full form of ISP. 3. Write names of two Web Browsers. 4. What is the syntax of E-maili address? Q4. Fill in the blanks-

[𝟏 Γ— πŸ” = πŸ”]

1. Click on ____________ to save changes in an axisting file. 2. QBASIC is a ____________ level computer language. P.T.O

3. QBASIC works in two modes ____________ and ____________. 4. ____________ is a huge network of network. 5. Address of Web page is called a ____________. 6. ____________ and ____________ ar famous web browsers. Q5. True/False-

[𝟏 Γ— πŸ” = πŸ”]

1. Variable has a fixed value.



2. A Single Command is called a statement.



3. We can not print our slides in Power Point.



4. QBASIC has been developed from BASIC Language.



5. You can use pictures or sound with Power Point.


6. A Camera can be used to put out text in different 2 ones of lines. [ Ten Marks for Practical

] ]

OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- IVth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- Computer Note: All questions are compulsory-

M.M: 60

[πŸ‘ Γ— 𝟏𝟎 = πŸ‘πŸŽ]

Q1. Answer the following questions1. Which is the oldest religion of India? 2. What do you mean by Socialism? 3. When wsa constitution of India adopted? 4. What is the minimum age to become a voter? 5. Name the two leves of government in our country? 6. What is Our National Anthem? 7. Which is the our National Flag? 8. Where is India located? 9. Tell the number of states and Union Trerritories in India. 10.What is black soil good for? 11.Which are the minerals found in chhotanagpur plateau?

[𝟐 Γ— πŸ” = 𝟏𝟐]

Q2. Fill in the blanks1. Some area of India are _____________.

2. The ratio between the length and width of the tricolor is_____________. 3. We havegovernment at two _____________. 4. We should pay _____________. 5. India is a land of many _____________. 6. India is the _____________ largest country. [𝟏 Γ— πŸ– = πŸ–]

Q3. True/False1. We should not pay our taxes.



2. We should treat others as our equals.



3. The parliament is located at Lucknow.



4. Our National bird is Peacock.


] P.T.O

5. India is a big country.



6. A Plateau is an uneven low land.



7. The malwas plateau has black soil.



8. The Krishna river of the plateau region are longer than those of the North. [

] [𝟏 Γ— 𝟏𝟎 = 𝟏𝟎]

Q4. MatchingA


1. Mahavira


2. ZendAvesta

The President

3. Head of the State

Dakshin Ganga

4. Head of the Country

Provides Justice

5. Kaveri


6. Jog falls

2.5 members

7. Judiciary


8. RajyaSabha


9. Ashoka


10.Guru Granth Sahib

Ancient ruler of India

OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- VIIIth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- Social Studies Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Answer the following questions in short- (Any 8)

M.M: 50

[πŸ– Γ— 𝟐 = πŸπŸ”]

1. Write a short note on status of women during the British rule? 2. Why was there a necessiry for social reforms for women? 3. What do you mean by caste system? 4. Who was Harojan? Who introduced this team? 5. Name the Buildings constructed by the British in Delhi? 6. Name some important schools of art and some famous artists from the different schools of art? 7. Write about one main building of Chennai? 8. What are usages of wate? 9. Clasify the industries on the basis of ownership and size? 10.Who are marginalized groups? Q2. Answer the following questions in Long-

[πŸ” Γ— πŸ‘ = πŸπŸ–]

1. Discuss the efforts made by the government to reduce umemployment. 2. Write a short note on the role of government in improvement of Health facilities? 3. Explain the factor which influence the growth adnh location of Industries? 4. Why Earth is known as Blue Planet? 5. When was the Indian National Congress established? What were its main objectives? 6. When why and by whom was Bengal partitioned?


Q3. Fill in the blanks-


1. When the water falls from a height, it provides _____________to us.

2. _____________and_____________ use of water is a best way of water conservation. 3. _____________ is present on the Earth is the form of Oceans. 4. Evaporation and condensation gives us _____________and _____________. Q4. MatchingA

[πŸ‘] B

1. Saudi Arabia

Iron ore

2. South Africa


3. Braxil and Bolvia

Wind energy

4. Russia


5. Norway


6. Netherlands


Q5. Write short note on1. Raja Ram Moha Roy

[4] 2.MahadevGovindRanade

Q6. Draw a Diagram of Water Cycle.


Q7. Mark the following Countreis.


Asia Europe, Africa, Australia, North America and South America.

OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- VIIth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- Social Studies Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Answer the following questions in short- (Any 8)

M.M: 50

[πŸ– Γ— 𝟐 = πŸπŸ”]

1. List briefly the stages in the development of religious systems and cults in India? 2. Write a note on the life and philosophy of Sant Kabir? 3. Discuss the mainfeature of Mughal Miniatuce paintings? 4. What axe minerals? 5. Discuss the locationand climate of therice of wool industry in the velds? 6. What is universal Adult franchise? 7. What is advertising? 8. What is advertising? 9. What do you mean by market? Write its significances? 10.Explain wholesale market? Q2. Answer the following questions in Long-

[πŸ” Γ— πŸ‘ = πŸπŸ–]

1. List out the main features of retail trade? 2. What is the main purpose of advertising? 3. What are the various process of elction? 4. Where is Ganga Brahmaputra Basin located? 5. Why are the Prairies also known as the β€œGranary of world”? 6. What area the main principles of sufism?


999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999 Q3. Fill in the blanks-


1. _____________advertising has led to rice of consumerism.

2. Stamping a product with particular name of sign is called _____________. 3. _____________ o f the advertising increases the cost of product. 4. The retailers sell the product directly to the _____________. Q4. MatchingA

[πŸ’] B

1. Canada


2. American buffalo


3. South Africa


4. Merino


Q5. On the outline Map of India1. Mark the extent if Shivaji’s reminian. 2. Mark the Maratha territories during Aurangebs rule. 3. Mark the cities- Kolhapoo, Salara, Raigarh, Poona and Kalyan.


OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- VIIth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- Moral Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Answer the following questions in short- (Any 8)

M.M: 60

[𝟏𝟐 Γ— 𝟐 = πŸπŸ’]

1. Who was Anne Franki? 2. Where did she live? 3. Who got Anne Frant’s dairy published? 4. Now old was nailma when she entered her first race? 5. Who was running against neilms in 400 metre race? 6. What did the Carpenter want? 7. What is a do it yourself project? 8. How many medals in all didi neilms win in the Olympic Games? 9. What is leisure time? 10.What are the changes that occure while growing up? Q2. Answer the following questions in Long-

[πŸ“ Γ— πŸ‘ = πŸπŸ“]

1. What is scholarship? 2. Define Community health? 3. What do you mean by injuries? 4. What happened to neilma when she was four years old? 5. What did the employer ask to do?


Q3. Fill in the blanks-

[πŸ“ Γ— 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟎]

1. Anne Frank was a _____________girtl. 2. Her _____________ was the only survivor of their family. 3. The Carpenter wanted to _____________ from his job. 4. _____________ is a do it yourself project. 5. Wilma was born in a _____________ family. Q5. Write True or False-


1. If we are careful, we may get injured.



2. Burning injuries are the most painful injuries.



3. Bicycle pollutes the environment.



4. India owns its universal health care system.



5. A scholarship can only be athletic based.



Q6. Write a Short note on head and book injuries.


OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- VIIIth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- G.K. Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Answer the following questions in one word1. Name the worlds’ first uninercity? 2. Which is the most common bird on the earth? 3. Name the first Jnanpith Award winner? 4. Treatment in the pool of warm water is called? 5. What is the eight of Siberian Tiger? 6. The out of growing basai plants ia called? 7. Who was the first Deputy Prime Minister of India? Q2. Answer the following questions 1. Which continent has longest coaslime? 2. Which is Siddha medicine? 3. Why do some birds eat hebbles? 4. Why does an ice berg float in sea water? 5. What is black hole? 6. Which continent is called polar desert? 7. Which country is the smallest country in the world? 8. Which continents has longest coastlime? 9. Which UN agency deals with environment problem? 10.How mnay permanent members are in security council?

M.M: 60

P.T.O Q3. Fill in the blanks1. Chess was invented in _____________. 2. There are _____________ languages and _____________diclects in India. 3. Its coastine is _____________ km long. 4. Its area is _____________ million square km. Q5. Write the dates for the following1. First Partition of Bengal was announced.


2. Khudiram Bos was executed.


3. Kapori train conspiracy case.


Q6. Write the name of the sports1. Aga Khan cup ________________. 2. DCM trophy ________________. 3. Exra Cup ________________. 4. Dulup trophy ________________. 5. Durand cup________________. Q7. MatchingA


1. Afganistan


2. Bangladesh


3. Bhutan


4. China


5. Iraq


6. Malayasia


7. Nepal


8. Pakistan

Kuala lmpur

9. Afgeria


G.K. Oral 10.

OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Time: 03:00 Hrs.

Class- Vth Sub- Computer

M.M: 60

Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Answer the following questions in one word-

(2Γ— 𝟏𝟎 = 𝟐𝟎)

1. What are the different change case option? 2. What is a workbook? 3. What do you mena by Internet? 4. What is Modem? 5. What is orientation? 6. Describe the page margins in a document. 7. What is a bullet? 8. Give any five uses of Internet? 9. Write the steps to save a workbook in M.S. Excel. 10.What is the default left and right margin setting? 11.How can you display the drawing toolbar if it is not displayed? 12.What is hyperlink? How it is used? Q2. Fill in the blanks-

(1Γ— 𝟏𝟎 = 𝟏𝟎)

1. _________________ care coments the first letter of each work to a capital letter. 2. A _________________ is an intersection of a column and a row. 3. First page of website is called_________________. 4. _________________ connect computers. 5. Margins are measured in _________________. 6. M.S. Excel is an _________________ spread sheet. 7. _________________ case connect the first letter of each work to a capital letter.

8. Line spacing is measured in lines or units called _________________. 9. M.S. Excel does not accept your data entry until you _________________ press the _________________key. 10.Modern stands for_________________. (1Γ— πŸ’ = πŸ’)

Q3. Write True/False1. Every website on the Internet has a unique address.



2. A bullet may be a number or a letter.



3. By default an M.S. Excel document has one number.



4. Margins are measured in inches .



(1Γ— πŸ– = πŸ–)

Q4. Match the followingA


1. Hyperlink

Same command

2. LAN

Sending letters

3. Ctrl+A

A company that gives Internet connection

4. Web address

Edit a Cell

5. E-mail

Computers connected in the same room

6. F2 Key

takes us to another

7. Ctrl+S

Address of a website

8. ISP

Select the entire worksheet.

Q5. Write the stesp to do the following1. Change case of a text. OR 2. Change font colour or size.

(1Γ— πŸ’ = πŸ’)

OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- VIth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- Sociology Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Short Answer type questions-

M.M: 60


1. Briefly explain the period of selond usbanization? 2. Define Bonded labour? 3. What are the works done by the carpenter? 4. Differentiate between the Eastern and Western Ghats? 5. How did Ancient India contribute to the field of Mathematics and Medicne? Q2. Long Answer type Questions- (Do any 7)


1. What are the features of the great Indian desert? 2. Why are Fountaisn important? 3. What is sangam literature? 4. How did Sanskrit works develop during the period from 2 nd Century to the 5th Century? 5. Discuss the various ways of swal livelihood? 6. Give any three disadvantages faled by the swal labourers? 7. Why si lakshwadeep known as a oral Island 8. What is the important of puranas. Q3. Short note- (Do any 2)


1. Seceondary Occupation. 2. Dairy learning. 3. Silk soite. Q3. Fill in the blanks1. The older cult of Buddism is called _________________. 2. _________________ was the capital by kisala.



3. About _________________ % Indian depends on cultivation. 4. India has an Area of about _________________. 5. Shopkeepers plays on important role of form the _________________. 6. The mountains occupy _________________ of the total land area of the Earth. 7. The month of July is named after _________________. 8. Secondry occupation include _________________. Q4. Write True/False-


1. People who sun this own business are called self employed.



2. The head of the tehsil are called Tehsildar.



3. The Ural Mountain are in U.S.A.



4. Iron pillar is known as shikkale.



5. Silk worm makes CoCoons.



Q5. Map on the outline of the Map name and colour the region. The great India fesert, Northern Mountains.


OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- VIIth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- G.K Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Answer the following questions-

M.M: 40


1. He came to Calicut India on May 20, 1498. 2. Which is the largest continent? 3. Who was the founder of Mughal Empire in India? 4. Who wrote Asthstastra? 5. He write the songs. 6. The people who appear in crowd. 7. Which is the deepest olean. 8. Largest riva Island. 9. First English Man to circumavlgate the globe. 10.He or she improve an actors loks by applying the cosmetics. Q2. Match the followingA

(8) B

1. Benbus


2. Leaders


3. Lajja


4. Yadhustal


5. Ram Gopal Verma

Harivansha Rai Bacchan

6. Farhan Akhetar

Richard Mixon

7. Subhash Rai

he wiswallace


Q3. Write the New Name of these places1. Calcutta



2. Banglore



3. Burma



4. Malaya



5. Rangoon



6. Congo



Q4. Write Full Form-



1. BSE



2. GMT



3. ICU



4. CRY



5. BBC



6. PIN



Q5. Rearrange the letter-


1. woly



2. Male



3. Heart



4. Run



5. Tire



6. Thorn



7. Anger



OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- VIth Time: 03:00 Hrs. Sub- G.K. Note: All questions are compulsory-

M.M: 60

(𝟏 Γ— πŸπŸ“ = πŸπŸ“)

Q1. Answer the following questions1. A Scientist who studies birds? 2. A person who keeps Bees?

3. In a row one tree is sixth form either and of row. How many trees are there in a row. 4. Who is known as the β€˜Father of Indian Cinema’? 5. Who was the director of the movie β€˜Jodha Akbar’? 6. Who was the first Dada Saheb Phalke Award? 7. A game that is played with shutlock? 8. This game is played on horseback with mallet. 9. Who was first stunt woman of India Cinema? 10.Who is World Health Organization headquarters? 11.Where is Headquarter of UNOP? 12.Where is headquarter of World Trade Organization? 13.Write the Capital & Currency of China. 14.Name the actor who was nicknamed as jubilee kumar. 99 15.A person who writes the words of Songs? (πŸ“ Γ— 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟎)

Q2. Write the full form of these abbreviation1. BSNL

2. UPA

3. ISI

Q3. Cirlce the Odd Number in the given series-

4. UFO (𝟏 Γ— πŸ’ = πŸ’)

a) 2, 4, 6, 9, 10 b) 1, 4, 9, 16, 27 P.T.O

c) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10

d) 15, 14, 12, 9, 3, 0 (𝟏 Γ— πŸπŸ“ = πŸπŸ“)

Q4. MatchingA


1. Scoop


2. Green Park

leave without permission

3. Bad blood

Tasleema Nasreen

4. French leave


5. Devdas


6. Lajja


7. Tallest Animal

Green Land

8. Costlistg City

Sharad Chandra Chatterrji

9. Largest Island

Syez Canal

10.Longest Canel


Q5. Write the Antonyms of the following words1. Give Up

2. Amuse

3. Brave

(𝟏 Γ— πŸ“ = πŸ“) 4. Neat

5. Upset Q6. Write the Synonyms of the following words1. Bleck 5. Regale 10 Marks for Oral

2. Abject

3. Mrobid

4. Wierd

OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Annual Examination- 2018-19 Class- Vth Sub- G.K.

Time: 03:00 Hrs.

M.M: 60

Note: All questions are compulsoryQ1. Fill in the blanks-


1. Hat is to _____________ as socks are to feet. 2. Cat is to mew as parrot is to _____________. 3. He is an introduction by the_____________ author. 4. A book organized to show words with similar meaning _____________. 5. A dictionary of dated events _____________. 6. Wind is trumpet as _____________ is to guitar. Q2. Answer the following questions-


1. On the bank of which river Rome is sitated? 2. It is a site with many rock out tombs in Pink sandstone near the city of Amman Jordon? 3. Which is the most populous city of the world? 4. Who was Marliin huthor king? Q3. Read thechess and make words with the prefix1. Using sereral languages -


2. Unlucky



3. Not having a function



4. non costly




Q4. Rearrange the letters of the following words and make a new meaningful word. with the clue.


1. Race ________________ (to look after) 2. Teach ________________ (to device) 3. Team ________________ (to pair with) P.T.O

Q5. Answer the following questions1. What is the three times twice 15. 2. How many Zeroes are there in 10 Lakhs. 3. If cycle is car, car is bus, bus is train, train is aeroplans. What will a pilot fly. Q6. Find the odd one-


1. Lion, Tiger, Cat, Dog ____________. 2. 3, 13, 15, 18


3. Lemon, Orange, Mango, Squash____________. 4. Lion, Tiger, Cat, Dog ____________. Q7. Write the specific terrts for the following-


1. It is the last part of flying _____________. 2. It is landing area of helicopters _____________. Q8. Write the name of their capitals and currencyCapital


1. Brazil



2. Japan



3. Egypt



4. Israel



Q9. Match the followingA

[5] B

1. Land of white elephants

Jeanne Rowling

2. Indira Gandhi International Airport


3. The Guide

New York

4. India wins freexdom


5. Oliver Trust

R.K. Narayan

6. Wings of fire

Charles Dickens

7. Sorrow of China

Janathan Swift

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