Oxford School Administrators Contract

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  • Pages: 16


"Days" shall mean days when school is in session, cxccpt during the sumrner vacation, when "days" shall mean those days when the central office is open. If any deadline date under this article falls on a weekend or holiday, such date shall be extended ro rhe next folloqdng weekday.



The time iimits indicated at each level are maxin:ums. Ali efforts should be made to communicate and resolve disagreements in as short a dme span as possible.

2. C.


Tirne limits may be extended by mutual agreement, in writrng.

Infotmal Procedure


An administratorwho feels aggrieved shall initiate communication with his/her imrnediate supervisot within rwenty (20) days of the time he/she knew or shotr.ld have knorvn of the condition that caused the disagreement.



a satisfactory resolution to the problem is not reached within fivc (5) days such cornmunicatioa, the administtator rn^y institute a fotmal grievance.


Formal Procedute




All written grievances shall contain

i. ii. iii. iv. v.

at least the

following inforrnation:

The name of the grievant(s). The date(s) on which the alleged act or condition occured. The specific paragtaph of this Agreement which is alleged to have been vrolated, misinterpreted or misapplied. A specific descdption of the acr or condition in issue. The requested remedy.


The written grievance must be submitted to the Superintendent and the OAA President wi*rin ttrirty (30) days ftom the time that the grievant knew or should have know-n of the act or condition which caused the disagreement.


$fithin ten (10) days of the receipt of the written gdevance, rhe Supcrintcndcnt shall meet with rhe administrator and the OAA shail have the right to be present in an effort to resolve the problem.


Within ten (10) days of this meeting, the Superintendent shall render written decision to the administrator and OAA President.



Board of Education

If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved at the superintendentlel"el, or if no decision has been rendered within the specified time, the administratot, through the OAA President, may request a heating with the Board of Education. Such request shall be made in wnting to the chairman of the Board withn twenty (20) days of the receipt of the written formal grievance by the Superintendent b.

The Board, or

a desigrated subcommittee of the Board, shall meet with the grievant and his/her representative within tv/enty (20) days of receipt of the written appeal in an effort to resolve the grievance.

The Board shall render its decision in writing within ten (10) days of that meetingwith copies serit to the aggrieved, the superintendenf and the OAA President Irnpartial Arbitratiorr



any such grievance is not satisfactorily resolved at the Board of Education ievel or if no decision has been rendered urithin the specified tirne, the grievant may request, in wtiting to the oAA ptesident, that the matter be submitted to arbitration befote a single arbitrator.


Notice of jntent to submit the grievance to arbitration shall be rrrade in writing by the oAA Presidenr (.r his/her designee) or rhe individual grievant to the Superintendent of Schools, rvithin iifteen (15) days of the meeting of the Board.


within ten (10) days of receipt of such written notifi.cation,

the for a meeting to select a mutually agreeable ^uange arbitrator. If thc partics cannot the Amedcan Arbitration ^gLee, Association shall be tequested to name an arbitrator. Superintendent shall


Arbitration shall be held in accordance witl the ruIes of the American Arbitration Association. The decision of the atbittatorshall be final and btnding.


The costs of the services of the arbtftator shall be borne equally by the Board of Education and the Association.


The Superintendent and the Board shall have the right ro file


gtievance in writing with the OAA, and such grievance shall thereafter be processed in accordance with Level rhree of the Grievance Procedure' The Boatd shall pay the arbitrator's fee fot such arbitranon.



Any grievant mal' be represented at Levels One and Two of the grievance procedure by a person of his/her own choosing, except rhat he/she may not be tepresented by a representative or by an officer of any admrnistratot's arganizaion other than tlle Association. \,X/hen a gdevant is not teptesented by the Association, the Association shall be immediately notified and have the dght to be present and to state its views at all stages of thc proccdure. Any party in interest may be represented arty level of the formal procedure.



All documents, corffnunications and records shail be confidential and shall be fi1ed separateiy from the personnel flles tn" participants.




All administrators shail receive


thfuty (30) working days vacation each school year, exclusive of legai holidays, with such days to be taken dudng the schoolyeat following that in which they are earned. In the event an administrator does not take his/her earned vacation days, he/she may accumulate up to five (5) such unused earned vacatjondays pcr yeat to a maximum of trventy-fir'e (25) days. The accumulated unused eatned vacadon days nray be taken in subsequent years provided no more than thirty (30) days vacation may be taken in ye r without Board of education approval upon ^ recomrnendation of the Superintendent of Schools. Upon retirement as defined by the State Teachets Retkement Boatd, or if an Administrator with seruice for20 years, L 5 of which were in the Oxford School system, Ieaves the employment of the Oxford Board of Education, the Oxford Board of Educaton's obligation to pay the Adnrinistrator fot accumulated vacation shall be limited to a maximum of 25 days."


Admirustrators shall be granted the following holidays during the work year: Independence Day

LzborDay Columbus Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas Day


New Year's Eve NewYear's Day

Martin Luthet King Day Lincoln's Birthday Prcsidcnts Day Good Friday N{emorial Day

Board of Education meedngs -- Each administtator shall attend Board of Education meedngs v'hen an agenda item tequires his/her presence or if he/shc is requested to be prcscnt.


Prior to July 1 of the school year, cach adrninistrator shall present to dre Superintendent a proposed vacation schedule for the year, subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Schools. Alterations to such schedule shall be made by mutual agteemenr.


If the work year established for each adrninistratot in "A" above is extended with the approval or at the direction of the Superintendent as a tesult of unusual or specialwork demands, such administrator shall be compensated at lrrs/her per diem rate, based on his/her contracted yeatlv salary


Vacancies and promodons shall be filled irr accordance with the following procedure:

The existence of vacancies ot positions shall be adequately publicizedrvithin the system by posting a notice in each school of the District as far in advance of the date of filling such vacancies as possible, but in no event Iess than ten (10) days in advance.


Salary Payment

Whenever an administtator is absent fronr his/her responsibilid.es as a result of personal miury caused by an assault arising out of and in the course of the administrator's employrnent, the administrator shall be paid firll salary and benefits for t}re period of such absence u'ithout having such absence be charged to annual or accumulated sick leave. Any amount of salary payable pursuant to *ris article shall be reduced by the amount of any lf61funen's Compensation award for temporary disability due to the said injury. At nr: time, however, shall the administratof's take home pay after taxes exceed what the adrrunisttator would have earled had he or she beeo working. The Board, at their cost, shall have the right to have the administrator exarnined by a physician of theit

choosing for the pu{pose of cstablishing rhe length administtator is tempotadly disabled.


of time during which



In the event that an administtator gains temuneratron as a result of legal action which has been pursued, the admirustlator agrees to reimbutse the Board of Education such Payments which he has received undet the terms stated above. Ths reimbursement shall not cxcced the remunetation of the amount of salary and benefit payments received from the Board dudng the absence.


Extended Professional Leave


Administtative personnel tn the Oxford Pubhc Schools may be granted an extended professional leave for. a year or a half year for dre pulpose of


educadonal study or rcscarch, No more than one adminis ftator one tin:e ^t^fly be granted extended professio'al leave in any singre schoolyeat.

will z.

Each candidate must meet the follow-ing requirernents:


-lhe administrator must be a firli-time certifi.ed person who has been employed by the oxford Board of Education for four (4) consecutive years as an administratot preceding the proposed sabbaticai lcave. The adrninistrator will submit a signed statement indicating he/she fust agrees to leturn to the Oxford School District for at least three (3) years after the end of the sabbatical. During a full year extended professional leave, the administtatot will receive a stipend equal. to tluee-fourths of the expected annual salary. During a harf-year extended professional leave, t]'e administrator wjll receive stipend equal to thirty-seven and one-half percent of the expected annual salary amount. A gteater

stipend may be granted for an extended professional leave at the discretion of the Oxfotd Board of Education. If the administrator does riot returfl for one yeat, al\ costs related to salary, benefits and potential legal expenses will be rejmbursed to the Board by the Administrator.

In the event the administrator leaves the Oxford District prior to the completion of this three (3) year period, the admjnistratol agrees to reimburse thc Board for the amount of his/her sabbatical salary. such reimbursement to be proportioned to the duration of sewice after leave Q/3 rctrnbursement for one yea4 1/3 reimbursement for two years, etc.) Unless retutn or completion of the threeyear standardis precluded

by death or disability. Each recipient of a sabtratical leave gtant shall subrnit to the Board a written report oudining his/het studies and accomplishments dwing thc sabbatical leave. -').


Administrators on extended professional leave wjll advance on the salary scheduie as if they were continuing to work in the Oxford public School system. Sick leave accumulated prior to the start of the sabbaucal leave shall be tetained, While on extended professional leave, adminisftators shall receive all benefits [x and XII of this Agreement; except that sick leave (Article vII, Section A-3.) rvrll not accumulate and will not be paid during a

refeted to in Aticle sabbatical year. 5.

Qualified adrninistrators shall apply for extended professronal leave not later than four (4) months prior to the planned comlnencement of said leave.


Board action of cxtcndcd ptofessional leaves shall be completed not later than forty-fne (45) days after the application for leave.



Extenuating cfucumstances may be cause for reconsideration of the time spans referred to in Items 2a,5 and 6 above.


Each extended professional leave request will be reviewed by

the Superintendent. Based on this review, the Superintendent vzill submrt his tecommendation to the Board of Education for final acdon.


Board denial of

a request

for sabbatical leave is not grievable.

General Leave Provisions

Certatn circumstances may warrant granting spccial lcavc, with ot v'ithout pay, to administrati've personnel. Such leave shall be at the discretion of the Board after consideration of dre Superintendent's tecommendation: denial of a GeneralLeave is not grievable.


Personal Leave and Funeral Leave 1.

Personal leaves rvrthout pay m^y be granted by the Superintendent to meet serious personal problems.


Administrators w"il} be allowed three (3) work days each year, with pay, to be used for personal business. The personal days provided hereia are to be used to provide the administrator with necessary time off in order to fulfill bona fide personal needs such as the pcrformance of legal, household or other business which could not othetwise be legitimately performed outside the rvork day.


Whenever ptacticable, the request for the personal time off will be filed with the Superintendent zl least 48 hours pdor to the time requested; but, in any event, all applications fot such leave shall be in wdting. Personal leaves shall not be requested as patt of a vacation or taken the day prior to a vacadon or hoJiday, or the day following a vacadon or holiday. In unusual circumstances where thc

provisions hctcof caflrlot be rnet, the Superintendent may waive these conditions. 4.

A leave of absence not to exceed Eve (5) work days immediately following the date of death shall be granted to any adrninistratot whose wife, husband, father, rnother, brother, sister or ch.ild dies. Such leave shall be with pay. At the discretion of the Superintendent, this limit may be extended due to extfaordinary circurnstances.


Time off to attend the funeral of a mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-inlaw, son-in-law, of an existing matiage; aunt, uncle, step-mother, step-father, grandparent or grandchild, shall be granted. Such leave shall be vith pay not to

exceed one (1) day, except at the discrction of the Superintendent. This limit may be extended due to extenuating circumstances.


Pregnancy DisabiJity Leave 1.

Appropriately filedprcgnancy disabiliry leave requests will be granted approval by the Superintendent of Schools.


Administrators must notifi7 the Superintendent as soon as they are aware of the pfegnancy so that affangements may be made to propedy staff the school. Notice to the Superintendent must be accompanied by a statement from rhe adrninistrator's physician indicating the expecred date of birth.


A recommended starting date of pregnancy/disabiJity leave shall be indicated i3 the physicianrs statelrrent to the Superintendent (Item 1). Insofar as possible, the Superintendent rvill grant leaves effective on the date recomm.nd.d. A subsequent rcquest by an administratoi for a change in fhe recommended date must be supported by a physician's statement which indicates the desirab:lity for such change.


Pregnancy disability leave shall terminatc whcn, in the opinion of the physician,s

written statement to the Supelrntendent, the Adrninistrator is capable of resuming their full-time administrative duties. The effective date of

reassignment to fulItime administrative duties will be mutually determined by the admirustrator and Superintenden! takinginto considemtion the needs of the shrdents and the effective operation of the school program. 5.

Accumulated sick leave, as of the effective starting date of pregnancy disabiJ-ity leave wili be charged against prcgnancy disability leave -time and each administrator will teceive their fult salary andfiinge benefi.ts for the period equal to accumulated sick leave. After the accumulated sick leave has been exhausied, adminisftators will condnue on pregnancy disabiJity leave without salary or fnnge benefits paid by the oxford Board of Education. Fringe benefits may be paid at Boatd expense beyond the time of exhaustion of accumulated sick leave

at the


of the Board, based upon the Superintendent's

recommendation. 6.

upon returri to rvork at the termination of pregnancy disabi]ity reave, an administrator will be placed on tfre salary step effective at the time of the comrnencement of the pregnancy disability leave, provided the administrator returns duting the same school year in rvhrch pregnancy disability leave corntnenced. If the administrator retums to full time duties in a subsequent yea4plzcement on the salarv schedule will be at least at the same salary step as was effective at the cornmeflccrncnt of pregnancy disability leave, Benifits accumulated at the cofnmencement of the leave, and rrot used during the Pregnancy disabiJity leave period, shall be credited to the adminisuator when rhe

administrator terurns from ptegnancy disability.

Attendrng any meeting both the Administrator and Supcrintendent would feel to be a benefit to the school system. These are not to be considered as personal

or sick days.



Step 2

Step 3

Assistant Pnncipal













Elementary Principal




$111,i 15.09










Middle School Principal & Director of Special Ed 2010-2071












High School Principal 2010-201.1






A drninis


Po sitions

The Board of Education resefi-es the right to make new administrative appointments. The Board resenres the right to place new appointees at an apptopriate level of the new salary


schedule based on the assessment of thc Board on the appointee's exper{ence, training, and



Tuition Reimbutsement

Duting the normal school year, administlators rvho, with the approval of the Board tnd/or superintendent, undertake graduate studies beyond those needed?or certfication for the benefit of the Oxford schools shallreceive reimbursement for up to Two ThousandDollars ($2,000.00) Perye^t for thc cost of tuition for those courses, upon successful completionwith a grade of B

ot better ol: "pass" in a pass/fail course; provided, Lo-..r.r, for each u,l-irrirt ,o-b*ittirrg u "to, claim for reimbursement, the admrnistratot shail sign a statement that he/she shall remain in the

employ of the Boatd for rrvo (2) school years following the school year in which the administratot teceives the reimbutsement. In the event the alminisftator shall not be employed with the Board for two (2) subsequent school 1,ears, the adminisuator shall teinburse the Board firlly fot all teimbursement provided during the two (2) school yeats prior to separation of employment, unless such separation was invoh:ntary or due to health r"lurorrr.


I{-12 Assessment/Data and Section 504 Coorclinators


$5,000.00 annual stipend shall be pard ur recognidon of sewices provicled as I{-12 /Data Co-ordinator., The stipend u-o.rni*y be d.ivided unit membets cofrlmerisutate with division of responsibiJities, as agreed upon by the"-trrg Association and the Superintendent. A$l,500.00annualstipendshallbepuidforseruiceasl{-l2DisuictWide$504 Coordinator. The strpends are merit bascd, and the aiministrator(s) provrding the sewices there Assessment

undet are subject



annual evaluadon. The stipends may b. to another adrniflistrator(s) if the Superintendent determines that ti. p.rformance is ^*urd.d notsatisfactory. The stipends are payable in thirds in each contract year: Noiember, February and June. These stipends shall sunset effectirte close of businessJune 30,2013 or at such tjrne as the Curriculurn Coordinatot or equivalent position is appointed, whichevet occurs fust. These stipends shail not continue in a successo-t agreement unless murually ar,d affrtmatively agreed of on by the Parties.

E EffectiveJuly 1, 2010, the Boatd shail pay the annual sum of $8,000 as a stipend to the Administrator performing the functions of t-he Athletic Director. This stipend shall expire at the time that a full time Athletic Director is appointed, or when the Adminisffator currentlv performing the functions, leaves the position, whichever frrst occurs. ARTICLE IX. MEDICAL BENEFITS A.

Health Plan The Board shall continue to maintain and conttibutc to the qualified HSA plan that became effective on Octobet 1,2009 (pet signed settlement lgreement berweel the Board of Education and the Oxford Administrator's Associauon). Effective July 1, 2010, the Board shall pay eighty-fir'e (s5%) percent of the insurznce premium and"the adrninisttator shallpay fifteen Wn p.t..tri EffectiveJu\y 1,Z)llthe Boarcl shallpay


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go uoqzrord e ur trFsar


Boatd-ptovided insutance coverage upon written notice to the Board of Education. Upon tcccipt of such nod.ce, insurance coverage shall be reinstated. as soon as possible, sub ject, however, to any regulations or restrictions, inclucling rvaiting periods wiich rnay then be prescribed by the appropriate insurance carders. Election-to waive insurance and/ or election to tesume coverage during the school )rear shall result in a proration of the above referenced annual payment.


Individuai Life Insutance

All administrators shall receive tetm life insurance coverage in the amount of 2-1/2 times thef salarv rounded to the next thousand, provided the individual is insurable. Double indemnity wdl be paid for accidental death. The Board wdl pay the ful1 premium costs of the administratots'individual life insurance. The administtators may contiaue their cutent Lifc & Accidental Death and Disability insurance after tetiremeni; provided , it is a tme retirement under tire STRB; and only to the extent allowed by the

catrier' It is further understood that the administrator shall pay the .ntire cost of whatever life insurance is continued after retirement with no cost to the Boatd of Education whatsoever or in any regard, and with the unrlerstanding that the administratots pay 1007o of the cost regardless of what that cost may be or how it rnay increase ovet time.


Disability Irrsurance Each adrninisftator shall receive an annual dollar amount to be used to purchase Cash Value Return Disability Insurance. Each adrninistrator will receive $1,850. The decision as to the disabrliw program that is available to each administrator is bascd on an individual need andmav be evaluated annually. The Boardwillmake its contribution directly to the admirristrator identi{ied insurance company or the company's designated agents.


The Board will Protect and save harmless any administ:ator frorn any financial loss and expense, including legal fees and costs arising out of any claim, dernand, suit or judgment, as provided by the Statutes of thc State of Connecd.cut,


If an administratot is inr.olved in an automobile accident while uansporting children to and from a related school activity, the Board of Education will be r"rponiibl. for the damage to the administrator's owfl vehicle in an amount equal to the deductible, not to exceed $500, in the adrnirustrator's own jnsurance policy.



necessary business travel, rncludrng Board of Education rneetings and regulady scheduled adrninisttative staff meedngs, but excluding travel between the district and the administrator's home, shall be reimbursed on the basis of actual rnilcagc at the published IRS rate per mile.


The Board rvill assume the financial cost of cach admjnistratot's rnembership,

development plan, professional orgarizattons Superintendentr s approval.

of the member's

ARTICLE XIII - EVAIUATIONS All evaluations shall be conducted in accordance with the evaluation procedures of the Board. Nothing herein shall preclude modification of evaluation procedures in accoldance with State guidelines.

ARTICLE XIV - SEVERANCE PAY EffectiveJuly 1,2AO1,upon retirement as defined by the State Teacher's RetirementBoard, any administrator rvho retires ftorn his/her dudes after service for twenty Q0) years, fifteen (15) of vdich were in the Oxfotd School Systetr, shall receive foty perceflt (40'/r) of his/her accumulated sick leave as severalrce pay. Such payment shall be based on 1/23A of the employees annual salary atthe time of retirement.

ARTICLE XV - REDUCTION IN FORCE In the event that positions coveted by this contract are elirninated or reduced, the following procedure will be used in the order listed:


Any adrninistratot relier.ed of his/her duties because of reducdon of staff or elimination of position shall be offered an administrative opening, if one exists, in his/her classification for which he/she is certified and qualified.


If thete is no existing administrative opening in his/her classification, the displaced administrator shall be offered the position of an adrninistrator with the least seniorityin the same classification as the displaced admrnistrator in a position for which the displaced administratot is certjfied and qualified.



If there is no position available fot the displaced admimstator under paragraphs a or b hereto, he/shervill be offetcd an administrative opening, if one exists,t oth.r administrative classification for wluch he/she is cernfiecl an

If an adminisftator is telieved of his/her duties because of a reduction in staff or elimination of position and another admrristrative position is not otherwir" xl,rilable as aforesaid, he/she rr,'ill be offered a teaching position subject to the Reduction in Force provision of the Oxford Education Association's Agrccrncntwith the OxfordBoardof Education.


If an adminisftator is relieved of his/her duties because of reduction in staff or an elirnination of position and employed as a teacher, he/she wili be given the erperience credit on the salary schedule according to the teacher's Labor Agreement foihis/her administtative and teaching experience within the school system and shall retain all accumulated sick leave, providing the accumulated and ye rry acquired sickleave does not exceed the lirnit in the tcachcrs' Labor Agreement and does not violate pertinent state statutes.


Failure to accept 2n offer or to receive an administrative position as provided above w-ill result in termination of the adrninistrator's employment as an admimstrator.


Any adrninistrator who has been tetminated as aforesaid or who takes a teaching position shall be placed on a reappointment list for two (2) years. While on thc list, air admjnistratot shall bc rccalled to his/her former admjrristrative position if it becomes open or to other administtative positions for rvhich he/she is certified and qualified according to administrative seniority in the Oxford School system pioviding appointment to such a position does not constitute a promotion to a hrghei classification. If a reappointment is offeted consistentwith the above and is reftised by the administr^tor, he/she shall thereupon be removed from the reappointment list.


For purposes of this Article, administrative classifi.cations shall be as follows:


A{iddle School Principat


Elementary School Pdncipal


Assistant Principal


Director of Special Education

The Superintendent of Schools shall dctctrnine u'hether an admilistrator is qualified under this Article ptovided that his decision shall not be arbttnry or capricious.


Seruodty is defined as the length of tirne in an administrative position both within and without the Oxford Schooi System.


In the event that an administrator is displaced to an administrative classi{ication with a lowet salary *l.an that which the displaced Adrninistrator pteviously enjoyed or to a tcaching position, such Administratorrs salarT shall not be reduced nrore that $2,000 15

(Iwo Thousand l)ollars) per year until the

appropriate level on such new salary

schedule is reached. If the displaced adrninisttator is reduced to the level of a teaching position, the RIFed administrator will be required to rvork up to 30 additional days per year beyond the days stipulated in the teachets' Labor Agreement in consideration for the difference between his/her adjusted annual salary and the salary to which he/she would be otherwise entided rn that teaching position.

ARTICLE XVI . JUST CAUSE Except as may otherwise be permitted elsewhere herein, no admrnistratol shall be reduced in rank or compensation, or suspended without just cause. The ptovisions of Connecdcut General Statute 510-151 set forth the specifically listed exclusive procedure for termination ot nonrenewal of employment contracts.


The Oxford School Boatd is a public body established under, and with the power provided by, the General Statutes of thc Statc of Connecticut. As the elected reptesentatives of the citizens of Oxford, charged widr dre responsibility for the qualiry of educatjon in, and the efficient and economical operauon of the Oxford School System, it is acknowledged that the Board has the final responsibility of establishing the education pohcies of the public schools of Oxford.


The Boatd retains all dghts it had prior to the entering into tlis Agreement, except such rights are relinquished in, abridged by, or in conflict w'ith the other provisions this Agreement,




Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as abridging any right, benefit ot privilege that cerified administrative personnel have enjoyed heretofore, unless it is specificallv stated that said practice has been superseded by a provision of this Agreement.

ARTICLE XVIII - TAX SHELTERED ANNUITY The Board shall pay annually on behaif of each administuator to a tax sheltered annuity of each administrator's choice, an amount equal to 5% of the administratot's base salary for eachyear of this Agreement. The annuity shall be stated in a form acceptable to the teacher retiremenl board to dre extent possible, for puqposes of being credited to the adminisuator pension formula, and will be subject to statutofy retirement deductions.





Agreement shail remain in effect until a successor agreement has been successfully


ARTICLE )O( - DURATION This agreement shall be in full force and effect for the period commencingJoty 1, 2010 and, endingJune 30,-2073,



IN WITNESS WTHEREOF, the parties hereto have


caused this Agteement to be executed by

duly authorized representadves.




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ll "l? "o? Date P:\GENERAL\nlk\696630\1 i9\00076438.DOC



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