Overview Of A2 Media Studies

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  • Words: 677
  • Pages: 7
Welcome back to A2 – Congratulations on yoru grades!

Outline of the lesson • • • • • •

Dates until Christmas Recap of Advanced Production Results and UCAS Contact Details Contracts Rich Mix





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Contract • • • • • • • • • • • •

As a committed media student I agree that – When I am late I will apologise and begin work immediately I will treat others with the respect I would expect The room should be left as it is found and equipment should be properly looked after I will participate to the best of my ability with all class and homework Detention Policy for Missed Deadlines If you miss the deadline set by your teacher this is the impact it will have on you Deadline Missed – Complete a 20 minute break time detention and bring the work in by 8.45am the following day. If this second deadline is missed – Complete a 30 minute detention at lunchtime and bring the work in by 8.45 the following day If this deadline is missed – Complete a 1 hour detention with Miss Severn after school. Receive a phone call home. Bring the work the following day by 8.45 If the work has still not been handed in you will be required to attend coursework catch up on Tuesday after school, every week until work is completed. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE REQUIRED DETENTION WILL LEAD TO FURTHER SANCTIONS.

New Departmental Approach to Deadlines • • • • •

From September 2009 we will be applying the following rules to practical work deadlines. The deadline date is the date the work must be submitted to the department on the Lacey Drive/ You Tube post. This must be done by the end of the school day. The studio will not be available and mac’s will only be available to export footage. Teachers will leave the department at 4pm and the work submitted by that time will be considered the finished piece for assessment. Teachers will stay later after school prior to this deadline. The Deadline date is the day to submit not the day to finish!

Planning You should now be up to number 4 on your list in the booklet. The first thing to do is edit posts with easily identifiable tags and learn how to embed pdfcoke documents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.Allocate job roles outlining who will be responsible for each job during each stage of production. 5. Conduct at least 2 forms of audience research ( using new technology for at least one). Evaluate how this research has contributed to your ideas. 6. Analyse at three existing products for each medium you are producing looking at - Technical construction (media language) - Construction of representation - Genre conventions - Narrative (if appropriate) This should all be posted on the blog by 13th September 8pm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.Write a final treatment for all three products making clear how the products synergise to construct the brand of the show. 8.Produce detailed flat plans for the DVD cover, a magazine front cover for the series and a storyboard for the television elements. 9.Production Schedule for the campaign. 10.Call sheets/ Recce images for each production session. This should all be posted on the blog by 8pm 11th October The video shooting deadline is Monday 2nd November. The interim edit deadline is Wednesday 11th November. The final edit deadline is Friday 20th November. The DVD Cover and the Magazine cover/ advert final print deadline is Friday 11th December 3.30 The audience feedback and analysis to be posted on the blog by Friday 18th December 3.30. The evaluation should be posted on the blog on Friday 15th January.

You will need to reflect on the production in your blog each week. Remember this is the minimum planning/ evidence required if you wish do to more that is relevant to

Rich Mix Youth Ambassadors Scheme

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