Our Children

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“Saving our children is not a black problem, it’s not a white problem-it’s our problem”


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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced Stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any Means –electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwiseWithout prior permission of Wanda Delite Casey © April 9, 2007- Wanda Delite Casey

FOREWARD On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet Him, and cried, “HOSANNA”: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. John 12:12-13 KJV

MISSION STATEMENT Ana Adonai Hosanna International Ministries, Inc. is a full service Ministry, which provides Training and Service in the areas of: grant writing, preparation of 501C3’s, foundations, Yeshiva’s, charter and private school licensing, curriculum and implementation. The “Hosanna” Program is our Children’s Prison Ministry. This portion is dedicated to the building of Adonai’s Structural and Spiritual Temples of incarcerated individuals between the ages of 6 through18 years of age. Accordingly, we travel throughout the State of Florida training, motivating, and accelerating our children confined to the Department of juvenile Justice. In accordance with the Abrahamic Covenant, let’s invoke their birthright (to have life more abundantly), civil rights and human rights by building temples of academic, social, ministerial, economically, spiritually, emotionally and physically. As adults, it is our duty to train them to redeem their inheritance.


Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Concept Paper “Hosanna” is one of the many Programs housed under Ana Adonai Hosanna International Ministries, Inc., (hereinafter “Hosanna”) Hosanna is the actual academic portion, the implementation of faith based Academic Institutions. Same will provide the law, prayer, training, teachings and proper equipping of our children. Galatians 4:21 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? On January 12, 2007, in Hillsborough County, Florida a 7 year old boy was arrested for throwing a back pack. According to the article the mother screamed “take him”! The state attorney’s office decided not to charge him, despite his being handcuffed and hauled off.

When 6-year-old Desre’e Watson threw a tantrum in her kindergarten class a couple of weeks ago she could not have known that the full force of the law would be brought down on her and that she would be carted off by the police as a felon. A 6 year old arrested in Central Florida-the article in part reads:” But that’s what happened in this small, backward city in central Florida. According to the authorities, there were no other options. “The student became violent,” said Frank Mercurio, the nononsense chief of the Avon Park police. “She was yelling, screaming — just being uncontrollable. Defiant.” “But she was 6,” I said. The chief’s reply came faster than a speeding bullet: “Do you think this is the first 6-year-old we’ve arrested?” The location of the article is referenced below for those desiring to read it in its entirety. Apr 8, 2007 ... BALTIMORE — Police arrested a 7-year-old boy, handcuffed him and hauled him down ... Imagine, a six-year old throwing a tantrum in school. ... welcome-to-pottersville.blogspot.com/2007/04/bob-herbert-6-year-olds-underarrest.html - 283k - Cached - Similar pages 3

Throughout the United States, we are losing our children at an alarming rate. On April 14, 2008, I attended a conference in North Carolina and two weeks later in South Carolina. We came together as one; to discuss the crisis of our children that enter in the department of corrections as early as the age of 6. The meeting was hosted and attended by Pastors from around the country. After collaboration and sharing of thoughts and ideas we concluded that we had all better do something swiftly. So, each of us have returned to our communities in agreement to stick together and be effective and supportive of one another as the body of Christ. We accepted responsibility as our brother’s keepers and have since returned to our respective communities, hopeful, communicating and collaborating. Within the last week, one of the pastors notified me that he had two children under the age of 7 expelled. It was requested that I come expeditiously for prayer and guidance. At the meeting, we gathered to discuss the building of an alternative school for elementary students and/or the implementation of programs to help the families cope with the problems plaguing these minors. According to my colleagues, in South Carolina, if a child is expelled three times or more (regardless of sex or age) the child is never to return to the public school system. As stated in the opening paragraph, this problem is not simply confined to Hillsborough County, Florida but extends to other states as well. The sad realities depicted here are all too common place. The painful part is that one was expelled for being improperly dressed and the other asked a girl for a kiss. Without sounding opinionated or judgmental based on the age of the 2 boys, it appears that their parents were or should have been held accountable for their actions. For purposes such as this or similar to this, in the state of Florida there exists 26 Juvenile Detention Centers and 118 juvenile residential and correctional facilities, boot camps or halfway houses, youth academy’s, juvenile correctional facility, juvenile prison, serious habitual offender program, project step, Eckerd challenge and a variety of other euphemisms for “baby jail.” In accordance to state law the classification varies from low risk to maximum risk residential; with the children being assessed for a maximum of 30 days. After such time their fate will be determined. It is impossible to work with a problem without considering the source or the root. Of course, there are times when punishment is warranted, especially for heinous crimes such as murder, armed robbery, assault, carjacking or something as horrifying as a home invasion. Then there are times when incarceration is just plain wrong. Too often, parents feel overwhelmed and all too often rely on either the church, school or someone else to provide structuring and rearing of their child. Hosanna’s intent is to empower the youth and families. One of the means that this can be accomplished is through the building of a team of crusaders, WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET TO ACCOMPLISH THIS ALL IMPORTANT TASK; your prayers, ideas (how to maximize our effectiveness, recruiting, assistance, skills and most importantly your time and talent).


21 Days to wellness stress relief plan Week 1 - Journal of Emotional Stress Identification of Issues- what pushes your buttons 3 poisons – anger, attachment, avoidance (ignorance, anger, greed) 3 demons – power, possession, perversion 7 deadly emotions 6 greedy thieves – constant need for stimulation Week 2 PERFORM Psycho-pressure 3x daily Week 3 Cultivation of 3 antidotes, Generosity, Wisdom, compassionate understanding/loving kindness

STRESS STATUS EMOTIONAL STATE MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. SUN. Anger /Depression Fear, Anxiety Sadness, Loneliness Grief, Sense of Loss Worry, Obsessive Guilt / Shame JOY INNER PEACE

Recognition of The Power Within Record P for positive or N for Negative trait, in each category Inner Healer








Destroyer Self Love / Self Destructiveness Truthfulness / Dishonesty Humility / Arrogance Assertiveness / Weak willed Thoughtful Response / Unkind Words


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