Oral Questions Dr Abdelbaset

  • November 2019
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‫بسم ال الر حم ن الرحيم‬ Some oral questions These are some oral questions of Dr.Abdelbaset El.naggar ?What’s the normal ext. appearance of the eye-1 a-The eye lid are in normal position,the upper and lower lashes .are attached to the corresponding lids B.(Normal eyes have parallel lenses without deviation(no squint c.Normal corneal luster d.Normal position of brows ------------------------------------------------------------------How can the patient see after hypermature cataract without-2 ?surgery As there’ll be degeneration of zonules leading to drooping of the lens .backwards then light can enter the eye and the patient can see -------------------------------------------------------------------?What’s the position of light in light perception &hand motion tests-3 .In light perception-----light is behind the doctor .In hand movement-----light is behind the patient ---------------------------------------------------------------------?How a patient with artificial lens can’t see well after sometimes-4 .As there’s opacity in the post. Capsule ---------------------------------------------------------------------?How can cataract operation causes binocular diplopia-5 If the artificial lens was put in front of the eye and it hasn’t the-1 .same power of the other eye when we put a glasses as its high lens is in front of his operated eye-2 .and the other eye have no lens in front of it

If there’s subluxation of the lens in one eye leading to formation of-3 .two images on its retina so, the patient see more than one picture ---------------------------------------------------------------------?Does monocular diplopia occurs in hypermature subluxating lens-6 No, As in hyper mature cataract there’s complete opacity of the lens, meanwhile when subluxation occurs, there is two refractive media of the light ,the lens &the cornea. So in hyprmature subluxation .there’s one medium refracts the light so there’s no diplopia -----------------------------------------------------------------------How the patient with cataract has normal thickness of lens with-7 ?.bilateral shallow A.C .As the patient is bilateral hypermetrope N.B.In cataract with normal lens thickness and bilat. Deep A.C.- .there’s bilat. Myopia ------------------------------------------------------------------------?What’re the common drugs causing cataract-8 .a-Pilocarpin---cat. Starts ant. Capsular&subcapsular .(b-Cortisone---cat. Starts pst.capsular(post surface of the lens ----------------------------------------------------------------------?How can foreign body trauma cause cataract-9 As the F.B. causes lens penetration-----leakage of aquous---- .cataract in hrs. if there’s penetrating trauma -----------------------------------------------------------------------?What’s the normal iris pattern-10 N.B.:Don’t say that the iris covers the lens anteriorely and is .attached to the cilliary body posteriorely, It’s a common mistake Tha normal iris pattern is: It’s ant. circular muscular part of the eye and formed of :Cilliary border, papillary border with serrated ruffle, regular crypts near the cilliary border with contraction furrows .and the collarette near the papillary border with radial lines -----------------------------------------------------------------------Why D.M. and Hypertension are important in past history in diag. -11 ?Of cataract .a-To control it before operation

b-They may be an additional cause of progressive painless .diminution of vision as diabetic retinopathy in patient with diabetes -----------------------------------------------------------------------?How can you make a diagnosis from the coplaint of patient-12 :By asking him about .Diminution of vision or other complain-1 .progressive or not & incidence-2 .panful or painless-3 .In which eye-4 .Since how long-5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------?What’s the common disease affecting the macula-13 It’s diabetic retinopathy .Its common signs:-Difficulty in reading, colouring &details .optic N. lesion---------------------------------------------------------------------?How can pterygium affect the vision-14 .By compression on cornea leading to irregular astigmatism-1 .In advanced pterygium reaching the pupil-2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------?How can you differentiate bet. Active & passive pterygium-15 The active pterygium has a white line of corneal infiltration(cap) on .its head ---------------------------------------------------------------------------What’s the most important measure before removing of-16 ?pterygium Before removing it, we should make it staitionary first(stop its progression)by giving corticosteroids and decongestants, to prevent its .recurrence after removal ------------------------------------------------------------------------?How can you differentiate bet. Pseudophakic & normal person-17 By countin the numbers of purkenji images. It’s 3 images in normal .person while it’s 2 in pseudophakic -----------------------------------------------------------------------?What are the clinical applications of testing iris shadow-18 .a-Dignosis of the degree of cataract

.b-In following up the case to limit the time of operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------?What is the cause of absent iris shadow in partially opaque lens-19 In case of brown nuclear cataract (cataracta negra) as the colour of .the shadow is the same of the nucleus of the lens ------------------------------------------------------------------------?What are the causes of lens induced glaucoma-20 Hypermature cataract - denaturated ptn. -exit of lens fibres --1 . engulfing by macrophage -closure of angle of filteration .(It’s called phacolytic glaucoma (2ry. Open angle type Phacomorphic glaucoma -swelling of lens - contact bet. Iris-2 & lens - collection of aquous behind the iris - bulging of iris - .closure of angle of filteration .In spherophakia(ronded lens) -Irido-lenticular touch-3 Microspherophakia(small rounded lens leading to touch of the-4 .(periphery of the lens by the iris - closur of the angle .Ant. Dislocated lens-5 .post. Dislocation of the lens - causing bulging of vitreous-6 N.B.: Ant. Dislocation is more dangerous than post. Dislocation as if it is left for 24 hrs. -corneal opacity as it distructs the endothelium .-needs keratopathy plus glaucoma operation Traumatic rupture of lens - exit of lens material - periph.-7 .Ant. Synaechia - closure of the angle pseudo-exfoliation of lens and by the rubbing movement of-8 amyloid like material by the the miotic – mydriatic action of the iris  distribution & accumulation of the material to the periphery and .the centre becomes clear -closure of the angle Pigmentary glaucoma by: rubbing of iris to the lens -dispersion-9 .of pigmented cells of the iris - 2ry. Open angle glaucoma ----------------------------------------------------------------‫تمت بحمد ال‬ ‫وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد ل رب العالمين‬


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