Oral Anatomy Lesson 3

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3

PARAORAL TISSUES – are structures functionally associated with the oral cavity


CHEEKS – is the lateral boundary of the oral vestibule by the upper vestibular fornix superioirly, the lower vestibular fornix inferiorly and the pterygomandibular raphe laterally

LIPS – are two fleshy borders of the mouth that are connected at the commissure and are basically made up of muscles and salivary glands STRUCTURES OF THE LIPS: • MUCOCUTANEOUS JUNCTION – the area of the lips between the skin of the face and the red part of the lips • RED ZONE/VERMILLION AREA – is the red/pink part of the lips that is covered by a nonkeratinized mucosa • WET LINE/WET-DRY LINE – is the area separating the red zone and the labial mucosa • LABIAL COMMISSURE – the area where the upper lip meets the lower lip • NASOLABIAL GROOVE – a shallow depression extending from the corner ala of the nose down to the corner of the mouth • LABIOMARGINAL SULCUS – a shallow depression extending downward from the corner of the mouth • LABIOMENTAL GROOVE – a convex depression separating the lower lip from the chin

TUBERCLE OF THE UPPER LIP – is a midline protrusion in the red zone of the upper lip PHILTRUM – a shallow depression extending from the center of the nose down to the center of the upper lip

STRUCTURES OF THE CHEEKS: • BUCCINATOR MUSCLE – the muscle of the cheeks • BUCCAL FAT PAD OF BICHAT – the fat of the cheeks that usually decrease in size with age and is called the SUCKLING PAD in infants • PAROTID PAPILLA – found opposite the buccal vestibule • LINEA ALBA – a white line found at the occlusal plane where it extends horizontally along the midline of the cheeks TONGUE – a flat broad muscular organ found at the floor of the mouth and is the principal organ for taste STRUCTURES OF THE TONGUE: • ANTEROIR 2/3 OF THE TONGUE – or the BODY is the one that is facing the palate • POSTERIOR 1/3 OF THE TONGUE – or the BASE is the one that is facing the floor of the mouth • LINGUAL PAPILLA – covers the dorsal anterior 2/3 of the tongue • LINGUAL FOLLICLES – covers the dorsal posterior 1/3 of the tongue and is called LINGUAL TONSILS collectively

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TERMINAL SULCUS – a V-shaped area separating the anterior and posterior dorsal part of the tongue FORAMEN CECUM – the slight depression of the tongue MEDIAN SULCUS – a shallow groove extending along the midline of the tongue ending in a slight depression DORSAL MUCOSA – lined by specialized mucosa VENTRAL MUCOSA – smooth and thin MANDIBULAR TORI – a nonpathological excess of bone

* The TRIGEMINAL NERVE innervates the anterior 2/3 of the tongue while the GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE innervates the posterior 1/3 of the tongue LINGUAL PAPILLA OF THE DORSAL ANTERIOR 2/3 OF THE TONGUE: • CIRCUMVALLATE PAPILLA – is arranged in a V-shaped manner and is usually 8 in number shaped as a very big mushroom papilla found in front of the foramen cecum that contains the taste buds which are sensitive to the bitter taste • FILIFORM PAPILLA – is the most numerous papilla which is scattered throughout the tongue but is the only papilla that doesn’t contain taste buds and it is hair-like, it has a conical shape, it is highly keratinized and it is the one responsible for giving the tongue its grayish-pink velvety appearance • FUNGIFORM PAPILLA – is found on the apex o the tongue. It is a mushroom shaped papilla smaller than the circumvallate

papilla that contains the taste buds for sweet and salty tastes and is clinically seen as dark red scattered spots on the tongue FOLIATE PAPILLA – are large raised papillae on the sides of the tongue that contains the taste buds which are sensitive to the sour taste

EXTRINSIC MUSCLES OF THE TONGUE: • GENIOGLOSSUS MUSCLE – the strongest extrinsic muscle of the tongue o Origin: GENIAL TUBERCLE OF THE MANDIBLE o Insertion: TONGUE o Action: depressor protractor of the tongue • STYLOGLOSSUS MUSCLE o Origin: ANTERIOR SURFACE OF THE STYLOID PROCESS o Insertion: TONGUE o Action: elevate and retract the tongue • PALATOGLOSSUS MUSCLE o Origin: LOWER SURFACE OF THE PALATINE APONEUROSIS o Insertion: TONGUE o Action: a sphincter muscle that closes the oronasal opening • HYOGLOSSUS MUSCLE o Origin: HYOID BONE o Insertion: TONGUE o Action: depressor of the tongue INTRINSIC MUSCLES OF THE TONGUE: • LONGITUDINAL • VERTICAL • TRANSVERSE

SALIVARY GLANDS – a fluid material made up mostly of water that moistens the oral cavity STRUCTURES OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS: • SUBLINGUAL CARUNCULA – is a site on either side of the frenulum linguae on the sublingual surface that denotes the site at which the submandibular gland empties into the oral cavity • PAROTID GLAND – the largest of the 3 salivary glands that is found at the side of the face in front of the ear and behind the ramus of the mandible that mostly secretes the serous type • SUBMANDIBULAR GLAND – is about the size of a walnut secretes 80% serous and 20% mucous (WHARTON’S DUCT) • SUBLINGUAL GLAND – the smallest of the 3 salivary glands located at the floor of the mouth and secretes mucous primarily (BARTHOLIN’S DUCT) • MINOR SALIVARY GLANDS – very small glands with very short ducts delivering small amounts of saliva • LABIAL GLANDS – numerous and found within the labial area • BUCCAL GLANDS – found within the cheek area • PALATINE GLANDS – found at the posterior 1/3 of palate and soft palate • LINGUAL GLANDS – found at the tongue • ANTERIOR LINGUAL GLANDS – also known as glands of BLANDIN & NUHN is located at the apex of the tongue • LINGUAL GLANDS OF VON EBNER – glands found beneath the circumvallate papilla

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POSTERIOR LINGUAL GLANDS – found on the lingual tonsils on the posterior 1/3 of the tongue INCISIVE GLANDS – found basically on the floor of the mouth behind the 2 lower incisors

TONSILS – lymphoid tissues contained within the pharyngeal fauces PHARYNGEAL LYMPHATIC RING OF WALDEYER: • PHARYNGEAL • PALATINE • LINGUAL PARANASAL SINUSES – are air-filled cavities that lessens the weight of the skull • SPHENOID • FRONTAL • ETHMOID • MAXILLARY (ANTRUM OF HIGHMORE)

-Rosette Go 070308 

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