Oral Anatomy Lesson 2

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 461
  • Pages: 2
ORAL ANATOMY LESSON 2 ORAL CAVITY PROPER PTERYGOMANDIBULAR RAPHE – a fold of tissue that spans between the hamulus to the posterior end of the mylohyoid line PALATINE UVULA – a bell-shaped mass of tissue found at the midline of the palate which is actually a downward projection of the soft palate ANTERIOR PILLAR OF FAUCES – or the PALATOGLOSSAL FOLD is a fold of tissue attaching the palate to the tongue (GLOSSOPALATINE ARCH) POSTERIOR PILLAR OF FAUCES – or the PALATOPHARYNGEAL FOLD is a fold of tissue attaching the palate to the pharynx (PHARYNGOPALATINE ARCH) PALATINE TONSILS – are masses of lymphoid tissues found between the anterior and posterior pillar of fauces HARD PALATE – anterior bony 2/3 of the palate that is lined by a mucosa which is similar to the mucosa of the gingiva SOFT PALATE – is the movable 1/3 of the palate without bony support and is made up of soft tissue that is particularly muscles and glands and is darker red in color with yellowish tint since it has more blood vessels and salivary glands TORUS PALATINUS – a nonpathological excess of bone found at the midline of the hard palate INCISIVE PAPILLA – a round, soft, raised tissue prominence found at the anterior portion of the hard palate directly behind the upper

central incisor and it covers the INCISIVE FORAMEN MEDIAN PALATINE RAPHE – a soft tissue prominence running vertically aling the midline of the hard palate PALATINE RUGAE – are paired transverse palatine folds of tissue at the anterior portion of the hard palate * The soft palate moves up to cover the nasopharynx to produce sounds like B & P SOFT PALATE STRUCTURES: PALATINE FOVEA – or PALATINE FOVEOLA OF STEIDA are two small depressions on either side of the raphe found at the junction of the hard and soft palate *PROSTHESIS – replacement of a lost part of a body VIBRATING LINE – found about 2mm anterior the palatine fovea HAMULUS OF PTERYGOID PROCESS – the bulge of the hamulus of the maxillary bone LATERAL WALL: • Maxillary part is continuous with the oral roof • Mandibular part is divided into: o Mandibular Lingual Gingiva o Lingual/Oral Alveolar Mucosa FLOOR OF THE MOUTH: SUBLINGUAL SULCUS – a horse shoe-shaped space where the attachment of the tongue laterally and anteriorly are found • PREMYLOHYOID – found adjacent from canine to canine • MYLOHYOID – found adjacent from premolar to 2nd molar

RETROMYLOHYOID – found adjacent from 2nd molar posteriorly

LINGUAL FRENUM – a fold of tissue found attaching the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth PLICA SUBLINGUALIS – folds of tissue running transversely from the floor of the tongue to the sides

- Rosette Go 070208 

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