Operating Instructions For Cast Iron Type Hydraulic Gear Pumps

  • Uploaded by: Huseyin TASKIN
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,025
  • Pages: 3
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR CAST IRON TYPE HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMPS OF HEMA/DBH 1. BEFORE ASSEMBLY OF THE NEW PUMPS YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW BELOW PROCEDURE a) Discharge hydraulic tank,hydraulic oil ,main hoses and its connections .As little and harmful metal particles which comes from old pump can have got into in your hydraulic components and it causes big problem for your system. Therefore you must clean it carefully. b) Disassemble to the valves which are out of order previously in your hydraulic system. And then check these valves. İf necessary repair it. c) Discharge all hydraulic oil which is used by hydraulic components from whole system, d) Renew connection and old hydraulic hoses in your system.Especially renew suction hydraulic hoses which lost quality. In order to succeed that touch it and check to the softness of the hose. e) Before assembly of the gear pump to the machine you must open to the pressure relief valve,valve groups. And check to the spring and spool holes . Renew conic elements ,spool and faulty or break spring. f) Adjust set pressure of the pump pressure relief valve to the zero position . g) Throw out of the old filters which is used in pressure line ,suction line and return line of the system .And then you must use new filters which is suggested by machine manufacturer .These new filters must have original filtering degree . h) Dissassemle of the suction line strainer and clean it.During this cleaning operation if necessary dissassemble of the connection hoses and then clean and dry to the tank entirely. i) Connect to the clean connection hoses and pipe connections .Close valve of the tank and fill up with proper hydraulic oil which is suggested by machine manifacturer till maximum level of the indicator on the tank. j) Check drive shaft and coupling which is in the motor and gearbox. Broken or out of order shafts must be changed. Otherwise pump gears ,parallel shaft,spline and shaft bearings can be damaged easily.

2-ASSEMBLY OF THE PUMP TO THE MACHINE a) Install pump shaft to the setting place .Mounting flange must be seat to the assembling place where on the drive shaft hole . And then mounting flange connection bolts and nuts must be tıghtened .These bolts and nuts must have 8.8 quality .Last tightening process must be done with torquemeter. Using torquemeter equalize axial load on every bolts. b) Fill up to the suction hoses with hydraulic oil and connect to the suction port flange with bolts.Hose flange or coupling oring must be installed properly. c) Check pressure line hoses ,oring and these hoses must be tightened to the pressure line of the pump .Especially in multiple pumps connection of the pressure line hoses must be checked .As pressure line hoses can be tightened wrong pump MOST IMPORTANT ; Disassemble hoses must be checked because some piece of clothes can got into disassemble hoses .Therefore these hoses must be checked manually d) After completing to the hoses connections and checking to the valve .Tank valves must be opened and decreasing of the oil level must be observed and completed . e) Suction port flange bolts must be loosened slightly. Till hyraulic oil appears .As soon as hydraulic oil appears these bolts must be tigthened again. These process must be made perfectly. As while operating of the system .Pump musn’t be sucked air for any reason 3-START UP TO THE HYDRAULIC GEAR PUMP a) Before starting up to the machine while all valves in neutral position.Revolve shaft one or more revolution finally start up to the motor which operates to the pump on neutral and unloading position b) During operating of the motor. You must listen to the hydraulic equipments and region where the pump is in .In addition to this new pump must start up between 10 and 15 minutes c) During this 10-15 minutes hydraulic oil level in the tank hydraulic hoses must be checked due to leakage of from hydraulic hoses d) During above procedure if you didnt any improper function . Presure relief valve of the pump must be adjusted from hydraulic diagram During start up of the hydraulic equipments (motor,pump,lift etc ) you musnt adjust pressure relief valve because e) Presure relief valve operates when hydraulic components comes to at the end of the stroke .

f) After you adjust to the pressure relief valve .if your hydraulic circuit contains shock valve you must adjust shock valve .Shock valve set pressure always set to the over % 15 of the opertaing pressure of the system. g) Check oil level of the hydraulic equipments, h) Adjust to the level of hydraulic oil in the tank while maximum hydraulic oil out of the tank i) Check temperature indicator on the tank .Temperature musnt pass to the 85 C° .During initial start up of the pump you must check that pump frequently in first 5 hours manually, j) If you observe overheated in your system you must check radiator absolutely your radiator may have dirt .If your radiator contains fan ,Fan motor maybe breakdown, k) You dont start up new pumps on overheated and over operating pressure Otherwise you facedwith some problems like that fire,cutting shaft, bearing failure and body crack, 4 . In order to do not faced with any problem you must obey to the periodic care rules which are given to you by machine manifacturer. If you dont have you must follow these procedure , a) You must check hydraulic oil leakage ,hydraulic oil level and dirtyness condition of the system once every 50 hours , b) You must check hydraulic filters and oil level in the tank once every 250 hours, c) Renew hydraulic filters once 500 hours , d) Change hydraulc oil once 1500-2000 hours. During changing operation of the hydraulic oil from the tank. Check air ventilation of the tank and Check tightening of the connection bolts and nuts to the pump e) You must make maintainance of your hydraulic gear pump every 6000 hours, MOST IMPORTANT: DONT REUSED IMPRAGNATED PAPER FILTER. WHEN FILTER ELEMENTS BECOME CHOKED YOU MUST DISCARDED AND NEW ELEMENTS FITTED


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