Open Your Eyes

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Open Your Eyes

MUHAMMAD AWAIS TAHIR [email protected]

In the name of Allah the beneficent, the Merciful

Open Your Eyes! This is not criticism, it is a cry. Many people are ‘confused’ as to what the ‘reality’ is, because it’s hard to ‘filter’ out the ‘truth’ from the vast volume of information dished out in the press, on the air and the mini screen. Many others form opinions on the basis of a ‘particular’ news source. And yet many others are satisfied with their own ‘personal’ life. Where did we go wrong? We have long forgotten that we’ve got a divine book with us as well. We never used it for guidance in this issue. Let us open our eyes now. Owing to the fast media, nowadays, every second person is an ‘analyst’ and a ‘politician’. We can sit for hours and discuss and disagree on the ‘hot news’ around us, but very little is done in terms of ‘action’. We can get disturbed on pity issues and squander hours of argument without any genuine work on the practical side. Where did we go wrong? In a single cup of tea, we can criticize so many people, so many groups, and so many organizations, based on our limited knowledge. We start from argument and end at criticism, we start from national and end at global, but we never think about ‘personal’ input that we are giving to the society. We have long forgotten the very purpose of our creation. Let us open our eyes now. We all have our own set of ‘brother’ enemies. ‘Religious’ enemies: This is my sect, this is your sect. ‘Political Enemies’: This is my political party, and I’ve to waste no single opportunity to harm the other parties. The set of enemies extends way beyond this, we have provincial discriminations, country based biases, caste based prejudices etc. On a much broader level we have a ‘religious’ population, and a ‘non religious’ population. Where did we go wrong? Aren’t we supposed to be one Ummah, one body? Deeply engrossed in clashes with our own set of enemies we are hurting our own ‘body’ and forgetting who our real enemy is. Let us open our eyes now. "The believers, in their love, mutual kindness, and close ties, are like one body; when any part complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever." (SAHIH MUSLIM) It’s amazing to know how ‘firmly’ the Jews used their own written, turned and twisted scriptures for policy making and how lavishly have we made our ‘true’ divine scripture a ‘decoration’ piece. Then the Messenger will say: O my Lord! Surely my people have treated this Quran as a forsaken thing. {AL-QURAN, SURAH AL FURQAN, 25:30}

What are they really upto? Allah had already warned us: They will not cease fighting with you until they turn you back from your religion (AL QURAN,AL BAQARAH, 2:217) O ye who believe! Take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks: they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they only desire your ruin: Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths: What their hearts conceal is far worse. We have made plain to you the Signs, if ye have wisdom. (AL QURAN, ALE IMRAN, 3:118)

Here are some quotations from the Jewish scriptures. Non-Jews are termed as gentiles, goy or Goyim in the Jewish scriptures. The quotations below are from Talmud. Talmud is a collection of 63 books written by rabbis as a guideline for Jewish thought. It reflects the attitudes of the Jewish leadership and their adherents toward nonJews. It is in fact, their code of conduct. Michael L.Rodinkson writes in the preface of Talmud “The modern Jew is the product of the Talmud”

Jews are not allowed to praise gentiles: Do not say anything in praise of them, lest it be said: How Good that Goy is! [Abhodah Zarah (Idolatory) 20a] Jews can takeover the possessions of gentiles: All things pertaining to the Goyim are like a desert; the first person to come along and take them can claim them for his own [Babha Bathra (Last Gate) 54b] Jews are allowed to deceive gentiles: It is permitted to deceive a Goy [Babha Kama (First Gate) 113b] No Gentile is allowed to study Judaism:”A Goy who pries into the Law is guilty of death” *Sanhedrin (Courts) 59a+ (I hope there’s no Jew around) Figure 1 Jewish Talmud

It is permitted to rob a Gentile: It is not permitted to rob a brother, but it is permitted to rob a non Jew [Baba Metsia(Middle Gate) 61a]

Gentiles are unclean: A certain man was pouring wine from one jar into another by means of a tube, when a Goy came along and touched the tube with his hand. As a result all the wine (in both jars) had to be thrown away. [Abhodah Zarah (idolatory) 72b] Jews May Steal from Gentiles: If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile it does not have to be returned [Baba Metsia(Middle Gate) 24a] Gentiles are not humans: Goyim are not humans they are beasts [Baba Metsia(Middle Gate) 114a] Graves of gentiles (goyim) do not impart levitical uncleanness by an ohel (standing or bending over a grave), for it is said, 'And ye my sheep the sheep of my pasture, are men.’ *Ezekiel 34:31]; you are called men but the idolaters are not called men [ Yebamoth (Sisters in Law) 61a] Gentiles are to be executed: Even the best of the Goyim should be killed [Abhodah Zarah(Idolatory) 26b] And if you doubt that those feeling were in the ‘past’. Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg declared, "We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a goy is not the same thing." (NY TIMES, JUNE 6, 1989, P.5) Rabbi Yaacov Perrin said, "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." (NY DAILY NEWS, FEB. 28, 1994, P.6) The teachings of our Islam are as beautiful as: We prescribe to the children of Israel that whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men (AL-QURAN, SURAH AL MAIDA, 5:32) The Ayah above tells us that the same ruling was for the ‘Jews’ too but they have changed the ‘rules’ and given a religious look to their destructive movement. Now you understand the massive killing in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine or do you still doubt who the terrorists are? Now we have realized who our real enemy is and what sort of enemy he is! Now you understand how wicked your enemy is and what sort of tricks he can play to harm you. Now you understand what Allah had already told you They will not cease fighting with you until they turn you back from your religion (AL QURAN AL BAQARAH 2:217) .What troubles them is your religion and their rabbis have given them a free hand to kill you, rob you, cheat you. Now you understand why no one is allowed to study Jewish scriptures. Zionists, which are basically Jews and have included many Christians and Hindus in their movement as well, are collectively fighting against us. They have many objectives (that we also normally discuss), but sometimes we become a part of their movement too. We, knowingly or unknowingly, serve their purpose. The message of Islam is very beautiful and striking. Zionists and Free Masons want ‘one party rule’ in the whole world (also based on certain Talmudic Quotations); the main threat to them is the system of Islam, which has great affinity. They have used the media to defame the image of Islam. They have twisted the Quranic verses, quoted

them out of context, and invented ‘alien’ verses in attempt to end the peaceful Islamic spread, because it is a real threat to them. We never knew that the Zionists were using the media for a ‘purpose’, we kept silent. Now we have opened our eyes. We’ve got certain scattered individual efforts to reply to them, but there is hardly any organized work. This is just one dark picture, yet another darker picture is that we never bother to study the divine teachings ourselves, what to talk of answering others. Our youth is so busy in its own fun and frolic, that it has no time to study religion. A robber bursts in your home, will you carry on fighting with your own brother or direct your ‘weapons’ towards the real enemy? Those who are adding fuel to sectarianism within the Muslim Ummah are actually serving the Jews. We have a non religious Muslim population and a religious Muslim population: two broad sects. Its time to bridge the gap. Having realized that being a Muslim means to submit your will to Allah, how can we think of being a non practicing Muslim? Jews want us to turn away from the religion and Allah is calling us towards Himself, by being a non practicing Muslim, whose purposes are we serving? Demoralization and corruption of youth is a part of their psychological war on Muslims. Our youth can get angry at the air raids in Palestine but it cannot stop watching ‘their’ movies and songs. We hate India so much that we cannot even write the letter ‘I’, but their movies and songs are in our homes, colleges, mobiles, hotels, etc. Their movies portray us Muslims as gangsters, they make fun of our teachings, they ‘purposely’ make songs that involve ‘polytheism’ but we cannot miss out a ‘single’ movie. They are ruling our ‘culture’. Modern movies play in subverting youth from their homes, their country and more importantly their religion. If you can’t stop the Israeli tanks from bulldozing a Palestinian girl alive, at least, don’t serve their purpose. Sayyidina Ibn Mas’ud (RA) reported that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “The feet of the son of Adam will not move away from his Lord on the Day of Resurrection till he is asked about five things about his life, how he spent it;

about his youth, how he passed it ; about his wealth, how he earned it; and on what he poured it; and what he did with that which he learnt.” (JAMI TIRMIDHI) If you have not found a reason what you’ll die for, you are not fit to live! Make your life and your youth count!

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