Open Search Server Documentation

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  • Words: 1,829
  • Pages: 16
Open Search Server documentation


Emmanuel Keller Author Emmanuel Gosse Author Sebastien Andrivet Translator, proofreader InfoPro Digital 12-14, rue Mederic Paris France © InfoPro Digital 2009

2 | Open Search Server | Introduction

Quick start

Installing the JDK Software Open Search Server (OSS) requires a Java™ runtime environment (JRE) version 5 or newer. 1. Download the JDK software from either Sun Microsystems or IBM. • Sun Microsystems provides its JRE (or JDK) for the Windows™ ,Linux and Solaris™ operating systems: Sun download page . • IBM® provides its JRE for the AIX™ and Linux operating systems: IBM developer kit 2. Select an appropriate JRE/JDK version and download it. 3. Install the JRE/JDK using the installation instructions.

Setting up then environment variables on a Windows™ System On Windows, the only thing to do is to add an environment variable named JAVA_HOME. 1. Right click My Computer 2. Select Properties 3. Select the Advanced tab 4. Select Environment Variables 5. Edit or create a new entry named JAVA_HOME. 6. JAVA_HOME must point toward the JDK software, for example: C:\Program Files\Java \jdk1.6.0_14

Setting up environment variables on an UNIX System You have to define the JAVA_HOME environment variable. 1. Set JAVA_HOME Replace [jdk-path] by the location of you JDK. For example: /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_14 • Korn or bash shells: export JAVA_HOME=[jdk-path] • If you are using a Bourne shell: JAVA_HOME=[jdk-path] export JAVA_HOME • If you are using a C shell: set env JAVA_HOME [jdk-path] 2. Set PATH • Korn or bash shells: export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH • Bourne shell:

PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export PATH C shell: set env PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Downloading Open Search Server Download the appropriate package file for your environment. 1. Go to the download pages: 2. Select the release version you need. Usually you will be offered the following options:

4 | Open Search Server | Quick start

• Beta : the beta version. Lastest stage of development cycle. • Stable / Release: Stable releases, intended for production use. • Unstable / Alpha: Usually the lastest trunk version. 3. Choose the appropriate file / archive: Options



The documentation you are reading now, in PDF format.

Open Search Server archive in ZIP format.


Open Search Server archive in tar.gz format.


You can use the war file if you want to deploy it manually on an application server.

4. The download process should start immediately after you click on the name of the file.

Extracting the open-search-server folder from the archive Uncompress and/or unarchive the package file using your favorite tool.

Use your favorite tool to uncompress the archive and extract the open-search-server folder. • Windows / Mac: double clicking on the archive will usually decompress it and extract the folder. • ZIP archive on Unix system: You can use the unzip command line utility, for example: unzip • TAR.GZ archive on Unix: You can use the tar command line utility, for example: tar -zxvf opensearch-server-XXX.tar.gz

Launching Open Search Server Start the server by executing the start batch file.

Start the server by executing the start batch file. • On Windows, run the file start.bat as a command.

Open Search Server | Quick start | 5

On Unix/Linux/Mac OS, open a shell, and execute

The server is running, and will now start listening to the tcp port 8080.

Displaying the web interface Open a compatible web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox/Mozilla, Safari), then enter an url matching your server. 1. Open you favorite web browser. 2. Enter an url matching your server • •

If the server runs on your desktop machine, you can use: http://localhost:8080 If OSS runs on a remote server, you should build the appropriate URL, like this: http://[serverhostname]:8080

Setting up the index directory You must provide a path to the directory where you want to store the index data. We recommend that you start with the web_crawler folder provided in the examples folder.

Enter the absolute path of the index directory. • •

On Unix/Linux/Mac systems, enter the absolute path, for example: /home/me/open-search-server/ examples/web_crawler On Windows systems, enter a Windows UNC pathname, for example: \\ComputerName\SomeFolder \open-search-server\examples\web_crawler

Entering the URL of the web site to be crawled The pattern list lets you decide which URL will be crawled. Only URLs that match these patterns will be indexed.

6 | Open Search Server | Quick start

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Select the Crawler panel. Then, select the Web sub-panel. Finally, select the Pattern list sub-panel. Enter, for example,* Click on the Add button.

Starting the crawl process. The crawl process will download and index the url(s) you inserted in the patterns list.

1. Select the Crawl process sub-panel. 2. Click on the Not running - Click to start button. 3. Later, you can click on the same button to stop the crawl.

Open Search Server | Quick start | 7

Querying the index You can use the web interface to query the data in your index.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Select the Query panel. Load the predefined search query template. Enter a word in the field named Enter the query , for example: open Click on the Search button

Testing the XML API Try the same request using the XML API to get an XML result. Open a new web browser with the following url:

8 | Open Search Server | Quick start

1. Open a new window on your web browser 2. Enter the following url: http://localhost:8080/select?qt=search&q=open

API Search / Select API Search/Select is the interface to query the OSS search engine. The call is sent through a HTTP request. POST OR GET are both available. The engine will answer with a XML result. Url call Basic relative url is : /select Example http://localhost:8080/OpenSearchServer/select?q=test&qt=search Parameters Note: Parameters have to be encoded in UTF-8. Name



Default value



Searches for keywords. Ex: q=try


yes (ou query)


Same as parameter q. Ex.: query=try


yes (ou q)


Enables you to pre-load a set query in index configuration file config.xml. Ex.: qt=requestName




Indicates the first result's rank shown. This parameter allows for a pagination. Ex.: start=10





Indicates the number of records to be returned. Associated with the 'start' parameter, This parameter allows for a pagination. Ex.: rows=5





Indicates the language of the keywords passed to



10 | Open Search Server | API Search / Select




Default value


parameter q. The engine will use the matching analyzer. Ex.: lang=fr collapse.mode

Choose [off|optimized| collapsing full] method. Ex.: collapse.mode=optimized



Active field's name collapsing on the field passed as a parameter. Ex.: collapse.field=hostname



Indicates the number of documents to send before collapsing activation. Ex.: collapse.max=2


If this parameter is passed, the documents returned by the query are removed. Ex.: &delete



Disables the cache (for the current call only). Ex.: &noCache



Enables the debug information in the result. Ex.: &debug



Adds a filter to Text the current call. The parameters can be used several times in the same call for successive filters. Ex.: fq=date:20101201&fq=color:red





Open Search Server | API Search / Select | 11




Default value



Adds one or Text (field's more fields name) to send. Ex.: &rf=date&rf=color



Same as parameter rf




Controls Text results order. Using the abbreviation + ou - to sort by ascending or descending order. Ex.: &sort=date&sort=color



Enables Text(Number) faceting for the field passed as a parameter. You can add a number in parenthesis to specify the minimum count. Ex.: &facet=color ou &facet=color(2)



Same as Text(Number) parameter facet, for use with fields containing multiple values (multi-valued fields). Ex.: &facet.multi=color ou &facet.multi=color(2)


XML result Note: The answer is in XML format encoded in UTF-8.

12 | Open Search Server | API Search / Select

War deployment guide This first version of the installation guide demonstrates that it takes few minutes to have a OSS server running and ready to be used. 1. Install Apache Tomcat or another JAVA server: This installation guide assumes that it is installed. Please refer to standard installation procedures at the corresponding website. Version 5 or newer available. 2. Deploy the OSS war file: Put oss.war in 'tomcat/webapps' tomcat directory. Rename it as you want (but keep 'war' extension !). Ex. : oss.war 3. Configuration of war in Tomcat: In 'tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/' path, create a xml file named as same as you have named your war at the step 2.1 (keep 'xml' extension !). Example : oss.xml <Environment name="JaeksoftSearchServer/configfile" type="java.lang.String" value="/mnt/all_oss/oss1/config.xml" override="true" /> 4. Configuration of the physical index: In any folder where you would like to put it (no special needs), use '/mnt/ all_oss/', create the place you want to have your physical index at. For instance oss1 ( to match the previous steps). a) put the file config.xml in. (don't change its name !). You can observe that oss.xml refers to it. b) create a single folder named 'index' in oss1, At server start, empty index files will automatically be added inside it. Example of a basic config.xml: <schema>

14 | Open Search Server | War deployment guide

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16 | Open Search Server | War deployment guide

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