Nemesis Server Documentation

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Nemesis Server Documentation

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Nemesis Server v2.0.0 1.16n client and server mod HTTP://WWW.Q3NEMESIS.COM

Developed by Cyrus and Wonkey [email protected] [email protected]



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Nemesis Server Documentation

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OVERVIEW Nemesis is a client and server modification for Quake 3 offering many of the features of OSP from 1.32 with efforts to make sure the server is as cheat free as possible. There is a very simple mission statement where we strive for a competitive arena which should be consistent between servers running Nemesis. For that reason we do not allow changing of weapon damage, weapon splash damage or splash radius, weapon respawn rates or item respawn rate.

INSTALLATION Within the server's quake 3 installation directory create a folder called nemesis. Unzip the contents of (X, Y and Z represent the release version) into the nemesis folder you just created. You will be left with a folder structure similar to the following Quake 3 Installation Directory /baseq3 /nemesis /mapfiles /modes /mm /motd description.txt nemesis-server-X-Y-Z.pk3 zzz-nemesis-client-X-Y-Z.pk3 (not required on server) zzz-nemesis-models.pk3 (not required on server) client-readme.html (not required on server) server-readme.html (not required on server) You will be able to start your server with a command similar to the following ./q3ded +set com_hunkmegs 96 +set fs_basepath `/bin/pwd` +set fs_ game nemesis +exec modes/frz.cfg +set dedicated 2

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Nemesis Server Documentation

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WHAT'S NEW? Description of changes between releases.

2.0.0 Initial public release

STANDARD CONFIGURATION Description of configuration parameters standard to quake 3.

HOST NAME sv_hostname is the name you want your server to be shown as in server browsers. sv_hostname "My Nemesis Server"

GAME T YPE g_gameType controls the type of game play. 0 - Free For All 1 - Tournament (1v1) 2 - Single Player 3 - Team Deathmatch 4 - Capture the Flag 5 - Freeze Tag (added by Nemesis) g_gameType 5


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Nemesis Server Documentation

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sv_maxClients is used to determine the maximum number of clients allowed to be in your server at any one time (this includes spectators). sv_maxClients 12

PRIVATE CLIENTS sv_privateClients is used to determine how many of the client slots (set with sv_ maxClients) are reserved for clients with the private password. The private password is set using sv_privatePassword. sv_privateClients 4 sv_privatePassword "password"

M INIMUM AND MAXIMUM PING sv_minPing and sv_maxPing set the range of ping a client must be within to enter the server. Unless you have a problem with very high pingers entering your server I'd recommend these both be set to 0. When a client connects to a server the only chance for the server to describe problems to them is the connection window (while waiting to join), but in 1.16n the message about low pings overrides everything else. e.g. if the server is full you no longer get told the server is full you get told the server is only for low pings. sv_minPing 0 sv_maxPing 150

PURE SERVER sv_pure sets whether a client is allowed to have any pk3 files that the server does not have. Set this to 1 to enable pure mode, 0 to turn it off. When pure is on, the server asks the client to send it the unique md5 hash for each pk3 file and then compares it with the file it has. This prevents a client modifying a pk3 file. If a client tries to connect to a pure server with extra pk3 files or without all the required pk3 files it will receive an unpure client message in the console window and will not be allowed to connect. If the server has sv_allowDownload enabled (set to 1) and the

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Nemesis Server Documentation

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client has cl_allowDownload on (set to 1) the client will attempt to download missing pk3 files to satisfy the server. Pure mode is notoriously buggy in 1.16n and autodownload will not even begin to work on linux servers unless they are started with the correct commandline arguments. Linux servers require the fs_basepath be set within the command that launches quake 3 q3ded +set fs_basepath +set fs_game nemesis +exec modes/frz.cfg where is set to the directory quake 3 is installed in (something like /home/user/quake3_116). After all that pure mode is often regarded as useless as the internet provides a resource to download cracked quake3 executables which can bypass the server's pure checking. Nemesis provides its own ANTICHEAT SYSTEM which is more effective. sv_pure 1 sv_allowDownload 1

FRAMES PER SECOND sv_fps controls the upper limit of how many game updates per second the server sends to clients. The actual value a client receives is determined by their setting of snaps, but the server setting prevents very high values being requested by the client. The quake 3 engine actually has a hardcoded limit of 30 so an fps of greater than 30 will never actually happen. The more updates a client receives per second the more accurate a view of the arena they can display to the client. Of course, the higher the value, the more bandwidth requirements are placed on both client and server to keep up. sv_fps 30

M AXIMUM RATE sv_maxRate controls the maximum rate a client is allowed to request from the server (via the rate command). On a LAN game a rate of 25000 is fine because of the underlying network speeds, but an internet game should have this value set at about 10000 to prevent network congestion and laggy client performance. sv_maxRate 10000

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Nemesis Server Documentation

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WEAPON DROP g_weaponDrop controls whether a player drops their current weapon when they die. 1 to enable weapon dropping, 0 to diable. g_weaponDrop 1

KNOCKBACK g_knockback controls the amount of knockback that a player feels e.g. when caught in rocket splash. The default value is 1000. g_knockback 1000

DMFLAGS You can enable/disable some standard quake features with the dmflags command. Just add up the numbers of the features you want to enable from the following list; 8 - No Falling Damage 16 - Fixed Field of View (FOV) 32 - No Footsteps dmflags 8

// no falling damage

NEMESIS CONFIGURATION Description of configuration parameters added by Nemesis.

ANTICHEAT No details yet ...

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Nemesis Server Documentation

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PROMODE g_proMode controls whether ProMode (copyrights of arQon, author of CPMA) is enabled on the server. 1 to enable, 0 to disable. ProMode changes the movement physics so that players have more air control and can double jump when coming up ramps. With VQ3 physics most players will be used to holding down forward and one strafe key whilst they are in air - in ProMode you have air control only when you are holding down one direct button. ProMode changes the weapon switch time so it is possible to fast switch between certain weapons. For example, try using the lightning gun on someone and then switching to rail. You will fire an instant railshot meaning the combination can give a very quick kill. Players running Nemesis client will also notice ProMode adds different hits sounds depending on how much damage you caused to the enemy. g_proMode 1

DELAGGED g_delagHitScan controls whether or not the server runs in delagged mode - 1 to enable, 0 to disable. Delag mode means all clients can fire directly at opponents and the server will do ping based compensations. Normally benefits high pingers, but can cause annoying side effects such as being killed when you've already run around a corner! g_delagHitScan 0

INSTAGIB g_instGib controls whether or not the server runs in instagib mode - one hit one kill. Choose from the following options; 0 - No Instagib 1 - Rail Instagib 2 - BFG Instagib 3 - Rocket and Rail Instagib g_instaGib 0

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Nemesis Server Documentation

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RAIL JUMP g_railJump controls whether rail jumping is enabled on the server. 1 to enable, 0 to disable. g_railJump 1

M ESSAGE OF THE DAY g_useMotd controls whether the motd/motd.txt file contents is displayed in the console window when a client connects to the server. 1 to enable, 0 to disable. g_useMotd 1

GRAPPING HOOK g_hookEnable controls whether players can use the grappling hook. 1 to enable, 0 to disable. g_hookSky controls whether players can hang on to the sky with the grappling hook. 1 to enable, 0 to disable. g_hookDeploy is the speed (in game units) at which the hook moves when it is fired. g_hookPull is the speed (in game units) at which the hook pulls the player towards it. g_hookHoldTime is the time (in seconds) the hook can hold on to an object before it automatically releases. g_hookEnable 1 g_hookSky 0 g_hookDeploy 800 g_hookPull 800 g_hookHoldTime 5


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Nemesis Server Documentation

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g_machineGun, g_shotGun, g_grenadeLauncher, g_plasmaGun, g_ rocketLauncher, g_lightningGun, g_railGun and g_bfgGun are used to control the weapons a player starts with. Set to 1 to start with the weapon, otherwise 0. g_machineGun 1 g_shotGun 1 g_grenadeLauncher 0 g_plasmaGun 0 g_rocketLauncher 1 g_lightningGun 0 g_railGun 1 g_bfgGun 1

DISABLE WEAPONS You can disable weapons spawning on a map using the g_weaponDisable command. Just add up the numbers of the weapons you want to disable from the following list; 1 - MachineGun 2 - ShotGun 4 - Grenade Launcher 8 - Rocket Launcher 16 - Lightning Gun 32 - Rail Gun 64 - Plasma Gun 128 - BFG If you set a weapon so a client starts with it, disabling it with g_weaponDisable only prevents it spawning on the map - the client still has it, so providing they have ammo, they can use it. g_weaponDisable 128 g_weaponDisable 148 lighning gun

// no BFG // no BFG, grenade launcher or

DISABLE ITEMS You can disable items spawning on a map using the g_itemDisable command. Just add up the numbers of the items you want to disable from the following list; 1 - Armor 2 - Health 4 - Teleport 8 - MedKit 16 - Mega Health

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Nemesis Server Documentation

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32 - Quad Damage 64 - Battle Suit 128 - Haste 256 - Invisibility 512 - Regeneration 1024 - Flight g_itemDisable 96 // no quad damage or battle suit g_itemDisable 2047 // no items

T EAM NAMES g_blueTeamName and g_redTeamName can be used to change the team names. g_redTeamName "^1Red" g_blueTeamName "^5Blue"

CREDITS Special thanks to Nel (Haste) Toronto - for Unlagged and RTF code Kevin Rhea - (OSP) for various OSP code arQon - (CPMA) for ProMode physics Darrell Bircsak - for freeze code Q3AS - for various code MatchMod - for various code IDSoftware - for such an awesome game

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