Oop In Java

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  • Words: 1,539
  • Pages: 35
Object-Oriented Programming

What is Object-Oriented Programming? •A set of implementation techniques that: –can be done in any programming language –may be very difficult to do in some programming languages •A strong reflection of software engineering –abstract data types –information hiding (encapsulation)

What is Object-Oriented Programming? •A way of encouraging code reuse –produces more malleable systems •A way of keeping the programmer in touch with the problem –real world objects and actions match program objects and actions

Terms normally associated with OOP • abstraction • encapsulation • information hiding • inheritance • polymorphism

Abstraction • Functions – Write an algorithm once to be used in many situations • Objects – Group a related set of attributes and behaviors into a class • Frameworks and APIs – Large groups of objects that support a complex activity.  Frameworks can be used “as is” or be modified to extend the basic behavior.

OO in Java •Language elements: > Class-based object-oriented programming language with inheritance > A class is a template that defines how an object will look and behave once instantiated •Java supports both instance and class (static) variables and methods •Nearly everything is an object •Objects are accessed via references •Object behavior can be exposed via public methods •Objects are instantiated using the new construct

Classes Classes •A class defines the characteristics of similar objects – a specification •Objects of the same class are similar with respect to: – Interface – Behavior – State space (set of possible states, and state transitions) •Classes are used to instantiate specific objects (each with

Class • most fundamental aspect of object-oriented programming • template or prototype that defines a type of object • a blueprint from which an object is actually made • describes the state or the data that each object contains • describes the behavior that each object exhibits • classes in Java support three key features of OOP:  Encapsulation  Inheritance

public class MyPoint { // attributes private int x; private int y; // methods public void setX(int n) { x = n; } public void setY(int n) { y = n; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } public void display() { System.out.println("(" + x + "," + y + ")"); }}

• In the MyPoint class, x and y are called data members, instance variables or attributes • setX(int n), setY(int n), getX(), geY() and display() are called methods

Object • instance of a class • in order to create an instance from a class definition, use the new keyword

MyPoint p = new MyPoint(); p is a reference variable x:0



Point Object

Objects •An object possesses: – Identity a means of distinguishing it from other objects – State what the object remembers – Interface •Objects are: what messages the – Building blocks for object systems responds to – Identifiable abstractions – Behavior of what the object can do real world objects

Instance variables or attributes • define the state of an object in a class. • can also be objects. Methods • functions that provide processing to the object’s data. • determine the behavior of an object. • The collection of all publicly available methods is called the class interface.

Message and Object Communication •Objects communicate via messages •Interfaces define the set of valid messages that an object can receive •Messages, in Java, correspond to method calls (invocations) •Senders need a reference to the target object to send a message

Accessing State •State information can be accessed directly or by using messages •Using messages: –eliminates the dependence on implementation –allows the developer to hide the details of the underlying implementation •“Accessor” messages are usually used instead of accessing state directly –example: getSpeed() may simply access a state value called “speed” – or it could hide (or later be replaced by) a calculation to obtain the same value

Encapsulation • Hides the implementation details of a class • Forces the user to use an interface to access data • Makes the code more maintainable

Accessing Object Members • The dot notation: .<member> • to access the members of the class, use the dot operator

p.setX(20); p.display(); • the dot operator is used to access object members including attributes and methods • Examples: obj1.setNum (47); obj1.num = 47;

//only allowed if x is public

Example of bad class design: class MyTime { public int seconds; public int minutes; public int hour; }

Client code can access data members directly: MyTime time1 = new MyTime(); time1.seconds = 70; //no checking time1.minutes = 70; // no checking

A better design:

class MyTime { private int seconds; private int minutes; private int hour; public void setSeconds(int sec) { if ((sec >= 0) && (sec <=59)) seconds = sec; else // error handling code }

Client code can access data members directly:

MyTime time1 = new MyTime(); time1.setSeconds(70); //error will be handled in the // method

Constructors • A constructor is a method that is automatically invoked when an object is created. It is normally used to initialize data members. • It has the same name as the name of the class. It can receive parameters but it has no return value • Example public class MyPoint { private int x; private int y; // constructor public MyPoint (int a,int b) { x = a; y = b; }

Default Constructor • If the programmer did not provide any constructor, a default no-argument constructor is automatically provided.  The default constructor takes no arguments  The default constructor has no body • Enables the user to create object instances with new Xxx() without having to write a constructor • If the programmer writes a constructor, the default constructor is not anymore provided.

Constructing and initializing objects Calling new ...() causes the following events to occur: • memory is allocated for the new object and instance variables are initialized to their default values • explicit attribute initialization is performed • the appropriate constructor is executed

Declaring MyPoint p; allocates space only for the reference. No object is created unless the new operator is invoked. MyPoint p = new MyPoint(10,20); MyPoint q =p; q.setX(50); p.display(); // displays (50,20)

• In the MyPoint class, in the method display(), which x and y values are displayed? They are the x and y values of the object which invoked display. Example: MyPoint p = new MyPoint(20,20); p.display(); --> p is

the x and y values of the object referenced by displayed.


this reference

• How does display know that it is the x and y values of the object referenced by p that is supposed to be displayed? • When a method is invoked by an object, the object reference is implicitly transmitted as a hidden first argument to the method. Inside the method, the reference has a name and it is called this.

public class MyPoint { private int x; private int y; public MyPoint(int x,int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } }

Method Overloading • Java allows the definition of two or more methods with the same name within the same class provided that the order and type of parameters are different. Example: class Dummy { public void display() { } public void display(int x) { } public void display(int x,char ch) { } }

Overloading Constructors public class MyPoint { private int x; private int y;


public MyPoint(int x,int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public MyPoint() { this(0,0); }

Package Statement • allows for the grouping of classes • should be placed before any class or any import statement. • corresponds to a directory structure

package mypackage; public class MyPoint { }

import Statement • in order to specify the specific package/directory where the classes to be used in the class are located, use the import statement • should be placed after the package statement but before any class definition

import mypackage; public class UsePoint { }


is used to : a. factor common attributes and methods in superclass b. extend existing classes to support new abstractions c. represent problem domain abstractions more accurately Defining an inheritance hierarchy has several useful advantages : a. organizes classes b. eliminates redundancy of definitions c. simplifies specialization d. facilitates code reuse

Inheritance (continued) Inheritance Example : Generalization



SavingsAccount CheckingAccount

- Superclass contains attributes and methods applicable to all subclass instance.


Person Employee Teacher



Method Overriding • The method name that is used in the parent class can also be used in the child class. • If the method has different number and type of parameters, it is still overloading, but if the method has exactly the same signature, it is called overriding. • Overriding provides a way to redefine a method in the parent class.

The Object Class -

the root of all classes in Java


any class that is created automatically “extends” the Object class.


the Object class includes certain useful methods which can be overridden by any class. Some of the useful methods are:

public boolean equals(Object obj); - returns true if obj is equal to this object

public String toString(); - returns a string representation of the object

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