On Bashing Lsu

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  • Words: 699
  • Pages: 3
Posted June 2nd, 2009 by Ervin Taylor By Ervin Taylor A coalition of fundamentalist Adventists are conducting a carefully orchestrated assault on selected La Sierra University (LSU) science faculty and administrators. At the same time, we should quickly note that many conservative Adventist scientists have refused to become a party to this unprovoked assault. They are to be commended. The ostensible reason for this attack is that (1) LSU biological science faculty members are teaching students state-of-the-art biology which happens to include biological evolution, (2) the LSU president is defending his faculty's right to teach cutting-edge science, and (3) certain church officials refuse to organize an Adventist version of the Inquisition. The protestors are also demanding that all faculty members at Adventist colleges and universities support without question and qualification the entire list of 28 fundamental beliefs of the Adventist Church as interpreted by these protesters or be removed from church employment. When a reasonable individual carefully reads the materials distributed or posted by the attackers, it is clear that the charges they are trying to press against LSU faculty and administration are largely discredited fundamentalist objections to the contemporary biological sciences. The issues that they raise have been asked and answered many times to the satisfaction of all rational non-fundamentalists. In light of this, a natural question that has been raised by a number of individuals is: So what is really going on? Someone is investing a lot of time and money in creating a problem where none exists. Why is this issue being pressed at this time? One answer is that this brouhaha has less to do with La Sierra University and

the teaching of evolution and more to do with a much broader agenda. A carefully contrived smoke screen has been created. One hypothesis is that the attack launched against LSU is really a testing of the waters to see what kind of political traction might be gained as part of a plan by reactionary forces in the North American Adventist Church who wish to control the election of the next General Conference President at the 2010 General Conference Session in Atlanta, Georgia. Some may view this hypothesis as stretching and straining the facts. In response, the following points are offered for consideration: (1) It is widely known that a certain General Conference (GC) Vice President (VP) is being strongly touted as the next GC President by his father (a former GC president) and by former and current leaders of the Adventist Theological Society. (2) The currently sitting GC President is a conservative but a reasonable, well-educated, pragmatic, and moderate conservative. However, he is not conservative enough for the reactionary, fundamentalist, right wing of the church. (3) There is a possibility that moderate elements might convince (a) the currently sitting GC president to stand for reelection in 2010, or, if this is not possible, (b) assist the most moderate of the current GC VPs to succeed the current President. (4) Reactionary forces will do most anything to prevent either (a) or (b) from taking place. (5) One way to accomplish the agenda of reactionary elements is to incite controversy, appeal to church officials, and then complain loudly that nothing is being done by these church officials. In this scenario, the attackers are

deliberate and conscious provocateurs. They seek to show that administrators are not defending the church's teachings with sufficient vigor and that there needs to be a general house cleaning so that a new GC leadership can take firm control and bring Adventist educational institutions into line. Time will tell if the scenario outlined here represents a paranoid interpretation or a prophetic insight. If paranoid, these prophesied events will not come to pass. If prophetic, actions can be taken that will make sure that the predicted events never come to fruition. The current GC president will be reelected or a moderate successor will be elected as the GC president in 2010. In the meantime, the president of La Sierra University and all of his faculty and administrative colleagues who are defending the academic integrity of LSU should be congratulated for their principled stand. They need the active, public support of all Adventists of good will.

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