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Selected Comments from the Petition Impact on Students Alfredo Lee - My daughter is a major in Biology, from La Sierra, this summer. She told me at least three years ago about this situation. Sadly, now she believe in evolution as some of her teachers at La Sierra. I am a pastor, and I send my daughter to a Christian and Adventist University, I never expect this. I feel frustrate and betrayed. Julie Cook - When I was a graduate student at LSU, I remember a conversation I had with a student who told me that she no longer believed in the creation week because of her time at LSU. This student belonged to a different protestant denomination and I remember thinking that not only did the school have a responsibility to uphold Adventist doctrine but to protect the faith of all Christians that attended it. Cynthia Salvador - My daughter is attending LSU and is a biology major. I homeschooled her all her life and raised her in the Adventist belief. I had no idea when I put her in to La Sierra that they would be teaching evolution as truth. I am so disappointed and sad. They have raised doubt in her mind. Joseph Collins DDS - Having attended four years at Loma Linda University, classmates who previously attended La Sierra University told me how this concept of macroevolution had been taught there. One of these students who told me became agnostic as a result and thanked his professors at this "Adventist" university for "enlightening" him on the issues. Others remained SDA and mentioned concern for such heretical beliefs being taught within our own schools. Verah Huso - Parents who have been dedicated and sacrificed for Christian education and Biblical creation feel betrayed by our own system. What could we have done differently? I have two granddaughters now attending La Sierra and one is now questioning Creation. Michelle Doucoumes - There is a time to speak. When students tell me of sleeping through class in order to "not lose their salvation," and recount stories of friends who abandoned Christianity due to SDA classes which undermined their faith in the Bible, I feel the time to speak and ask for clarification has come. Testimonies About The Ongoing Promotion of Evolution at La Sierra Ezequiel Vasquez - I attended LSU and I am fully aware of the controversy first hand. As I attended LSU I was a fresh convert to not only Adventism but Christianity. The debate on this issue really shook my foundation because I expected different. I was not taught evolution as a competing theory but as the only valid one. This needs to change. Zachary Page - I attended La Sierra University for two years and personally witnessed this problem in the biology department. Cherisse Loo, DDS - I graduated from LSU with a BS in biology and can verify that evolution was taught not only as a theory namely by biology faculty such as Larry McCloskey and Lee Grismer. Religion faculty were not any better. I did not agree with this. By signing this petition, I agree that LSU should be honest and disclose that they are teaching evolution and / or get rid of faculty who do not believe in the fundamental beliefs of the SDA church. Ralph W Clark, MD - I attended La Sierra University from 1996-1999, and evolution was being taught at that time by teachers who believed it was a fact. After I attended La Sierra University, I attended LLU School of Medicine, where I graduated in 2007. At no time during medical school were we taught that evolution is a fact, or was my belief in Creation undermined. For this I am grateful. Amber Strother - My husband went to La Sierra and knows first hand what it being taught there. It is not what we as Adventist believe. Please do something! Christopher Urrutia - Unfortunately, I know this is true because I heard it taught in my biology classes at La Sierra University. Louie Bishop - Current Biology student at La Sierra University, where evolution is being taught to the exclusion of evidence for a young-age earth as stated in the Bible Lori Skeoch - My first hand knowledge of evolution being taught as THE factual account of history at La Sierra University has been heart breaking. Shame on the University for playing Russian Roulette with our most prized possessions....our youth and future leaders of our church! Alumni Comments Greg Lundquist - This has been going on for at least 15 years of which I am aware. Please uphold the Biblical position in this matter. As Jesus supports the Genesis account, any alternatives make Christianity untenable and Seventh-day Adventism meaningless except as some sort of cultural curiosity.

Annette Ward, MSN, RN - I took 3 quarters of general biology in the late 70s from Dr. Lester Harris, and the Biblical account of creation was upheld. I am gravely disappointed. William Stone - This is not what Lloyd Downs or Earl Lathrop taught when I attended La Sierra Lois Purdy-Mundall - I attended LSC 1964-1968. I graduated with a BA in Elementary Education. I am grateful for the teachers who affirmed me in the belief of a literal six-day creation. I am appalled that the SDA Church would condone the evolutionary theory by retaining a professor who espouses the theory… Bruce Babienco - I graduated from LSC in 1954 and have given to the alumni fund every year but this year as the teaching of evolution at LSC ( David Asscherick letter to the GC) has turned me off from supporting. John Manuel - Looks like education has gone down hill since I attended LSU. Cheryl Howell - I am ashamed that evolution is being taught in the University that I loved and graduated from. I will not support the university financially in any way as I no longer view the university as a Seventh-Day Adventist institution that looks forward to the return of Jesus. Andrew Shurtliff - I took Biology from Dr. Brian Ness at PUC and I thought he did a good job at presenting the case for creation both logically and scientifically. This was in 2004. Marshall Wareham - I am saddened and appalled that my alma mater has drifted so far from Seventhday Adventist beliefs. If they persist in doing this, certainly the organized church should withdraw ALL financial support from them. All alumni should be informed, so that they can stop their contributions if they agree. If the problem continues, all ties should be severed between the church and La Sierra University. Parents of Prospective Students Gordon Holland - As a parent, I have to do what I think is in the best interest of my children. Until I hear that LSU will definitely not be teaching theistic macro-evolution as fact, only one of many world views, and that they will definitely be teaching creation as the one and only known fact. Until then, I will not even be considering sending my children there. Sincerely, Gordon Holland David Hunzelman - My daughter is preparing to attend La Sierra University in a few weeks and I am very concerned to hear that evolution is being taught there. The reason I am sending her to an Adventist college is to keep her away from this apostasy. If I hear it affects her curriculum I will remove her. Joy Chalker - I will not be sending my college age children to La Sierra, even though we live in CA and I attended under grad there. It is a shame that we have to be signing petitions to have a Christian worldview taught at a Christian University. Patricia McClain - My daughter is a senior at Great Lakes Adventist Academy. She is now looking for a college to attend. La Sierra is now off that list! Sharalyn Lombard - I have a daughter that will be attending La Sierra University in a few years. I want her to study the Bible true word of evolution. Not follow mans idea. Claudia Davisson - I have 2 sons, 1 about to enter college, and he was recruited by all the SDA colleges. I would not consider sending him to La Sierra for the express reason that it has strayed from core SDA teachings as far as we can tell. Richard Chadwick - …As a parent with a child in her senior year looking at her options for college this gives me pause as to which university she will attend. Michael Fenton - This certainly influences which SDA college I will send my daughter in the near future! Laurie Wissink - I have children who will be considering which colleges they will be attending in the next few years. A full disclosure of what a college offers is extremely important in the decision making process. Michael Cookenmaster - I am very concerned about the lack of historical Adventist positions being taught by our institutions, especially my alma mater. As a parent who will have children of university age in the next two years, I wonder where I will be able to send them to continue their Christian Education. Darla Humphries - This is shocking to me. Why would I, as a parent, spend thousands of dollars to send my child to an Adventist College when they can be taught the same thing at a public state college where things like scholarships are available. Some teachers need to be accountable for the content of their lectures. Evonne Richards - As a parent of two SDA college students and two academy-age students, I agree with this petition. Evonne Joyce Reiswig - I deeply believe in a literal 6 day creation. Without that belief, nothing else in the plan of salvation makes sense, and especially the sacredness of the 7th day Sabbath. I hope that parents are informed about what is being taught in our schools.

Karen Holverson - Parents and prospective students should have full disclosure of what our colleges and universities are teaching so they can make informed decisions and have realistic expectations regarding the philosophy and quality of education being offered." Scott Richards - As a parent with college aged children, this is a very important issue to me. Edwin Dysinger - I support the idea of full disclosure of what is being offered at SDA colleges. How else can parents and/or students make informed decisions? Sharon Wallington - We currently homeschool our two daughters. At some point I had envisioned sending them to one of our colleges. But if La Sierra or any of our other colleges choose to ignore Biblical truths, I most definitely will avoid supporting them with contributions or tuition of any kind. Noelle Cappa - I cannot believe that this is being taught in a Christian school, especially an Adventist school..I will ensure that my children in the future do not attend any school/university that does not adhere to biblical principles... Cristin Salgado - My daughter will someday attend La Sierra, just as I did, and I would hope her education would be as God intended and not a worldly diversion such as this naturalistic evolution!! Marlin Gimbel - Although I graduated from LSU, I am not comfortable sending my daughters to learn this brand of science. They have attended public community college for their first 2 years and have learned enough about evolutionary theory. I expect our Adventist education system to show how science strongly supports short creation and a Master Designer. Heather Brautigan - I am very concerned about this as I have two children that are very close to being ready for a college education. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I needed to be concerned about the Biblical teaching of Creation at one of our schools. I look forward to hearing the resolution to this issue in a very timely manner. Parent Comments Re: Paying for a Christian Education Linda Fischer - My son plans to attend LSU in 2013. Are they wanting to "keep up" with secular institutions? This is most disheartening. We parents make a tremendou$ $acrifice to have our kids in Academy; is all this only to have their spiritual values negated? Peggy Emery - My daughter went to La Sierra. I would not have sent her if I would have known the evolution theory was taught. We spend a lot of money giving our kids a Christian education with Christian values. I would not waste the money on such a revelation. Shawn Shives - I have a hard time accepting that our church is teaching this as a fact. We do not send our children to our universities at great personal expense to be misled Arthur Westphal - I wish enough difference between an SDA school and a Public school to be worth the expense. Why should I sacrifice to put my children in a SDA school when they can get the same thing for free. Taletha Robinson - We have a daughter at Southern, and will soon have a son there also. I would be furious if we were to find out that our children were charged the enormous tuition fees for classes that misrepresent Biblical truths. They can receive THAT kind of education anywhere, ... and for much less expense. We expect MORE from our educational institutions than what one would find elsewhere. Comments Re: the Need for Disclosure Robert Dunn - I have children who live near the campus and attend the church and they are hearing some of the views that go against anything we have ever taught or believed. It will be a good idea to share a complete disclosure of what is taught and who teaches it and that person or persons world view… Jesse R. James - We have the right to know what our schools are teaching BEFORE we send our young people there. Deception is being practiced by the school administrators. How can they look parents in the face while paying lip service to SDA education? Matt 18:6 Mark Haddad - In the name of honesty they should at least let everyone know their true positions so parents and students can decide. Gerald Haeger - Some years ago we sent our children off to a Seventh-day Adventist College naively supposing they would be taught Biblical truth as understood by the Adventist Church. Experience taught us that was a mistake. It is high time families have a heads up as this petition would make possible. Beverly Peters - I definitely believe parents and students should know what is being taught in our universities, especially something as important as a class in Theistic Macroevolution.

Additional Parent Comments Karen McPherson - My daughter went to La Sierra. When I discovered they were teaching naturalistic evolution - I transferred her to Pacific Union College. The transfer was for this reason alone!! Todd Christensen - As parents we will diligently seek to send our children to an SDA college that is upholding Bible truth and the doctrine of the SDA church. Andrea Griggs - I have my children attending an SDA elementary school so they will not be confused by teachers saying things at school that conflict with what they are learning at home and at church. When my children are ready for college, we will be looking for a school that teaches Biblical principles. Mark Write - I send my precious son to an Adventist school to learn the Adventist world view and beliefs and to be with like minded teachers. I am appalled to hear that even one Adventist University will allow its professors to teach evolution as if it were fact. Brad Osborn - I have a 11 year old daughter and would not knowingly send my daughter to one of our colleges or universities if they taught Macroevolution. I believe the Gen. 1 account of creation is the foundation of the bible. If we teach contrary to this we will undermine the faith of our children in the Bible and the God it tells about. Ruth Corson - I have college age children and it is disturbing to think that they are taught something other than a 7 day creation week. Mary DeVasher - I am so grateful that our children attended Southern Adventist University, where I believe the theological education more nearly matched the beliefs held in our home, that creation was an act of God completed in six literal days, with the seventh day being set aside for rest and communion with God, the creator. Mark Mulder - Now that I am aware of this problem I will certainly be carefully evaluating what is being taught at the Adventist college my teenage children decide to attend and encouraging them to attend one which upholds what I have always taught them which is that creation as taught in the Bible is a fact and that we need to try to find ways to reconcile that with any scientific findings in the natural world. Any other approach denies the whole Bible. Julie Musgrove - I am very sad to have to sign a petition against evolution being taught as fact in our colleges and universities. I would never send my children to such a place of erroneous teaching. Judy Borowik - My 2 daughters attended this University. As a parent, I thought it my duty to sign this petition. I am appalled to learn of this development at La Sierra University. How dare they have evolution in one of our universities. Pastor Comments Robert Folkenberg - The most eloquent defense will be a continuing process by which the students of each class which may refer to this topic are asked if their faith in the Biblical story of creation was increased or decreased by this class, the results consolidated, presented to the Board, and made available to constituents including prospective parents. Bradley Williams - I have two college bound children and I am afraid of what is going to happen to them if they go to one of our colleges where theistic evolution is promoted.,,,Students who have attended our universities have shared their classroom experiences with me. They have convinced me that partiality toward evolution in some of our science departments is real….Do you think I want to send my precious children into a lion’s den? But, where else can we go? We have been betrayed… Pr. Steve Wohlberg - Seventh-day Adventist educational institutions should not teach naturalistic evolution as fact. It is a false theory that directly challenges one of our most fundamental beliefs - the seventh day Sabbath. Pastor Berghan - This is unbelievable! God for give your church for allowing this to even get to this point! But now please empower us to change it! Pastor Byron Corbett - This is a serious issue that strikes at the very heart of Revelation 14:6, 7 as well as the fourth commandment. I pray that our leadership has the courage to "stand for the right though the heavens fall." Pastor Clarence Hoag - It is high time to consider what our Universities are teaching. If not true Adventism then we need to close that educational unit and move on. Pastor Clarence Hoag Pastor D. Randolph Brehms - I whole heartedly agree that our education system has paraded teachings and materials that are at variance with Basic Adventism, and then cried witch hunt, and academic freedom as the reasons why there should be no accountability… Pastor E. B. Price - I hope and pray that this will include our colleges of higher learning in the South Pacific Division, - especially the one that without their certificate no person can now be ordained or

receive a full ministerial salary in Australia or New Zealand. Pastor Gary L. Jensen - … For too long we have allowed our educational institutions to have teachers on the staff who do not support all of our beliefs. I personally have known several. If pastors were teaching these things, they would be fired. But for some reason, our church leaders are afraid of our academians. It will be interesting to see if our leaders have the backbone to take a quick and strong stand. I pray that they will. Pastor Glenn Marshall - Please consider the possibility of evaluating all of our educational institutions for doctrinal integrity starting at the university level. Our prayers are with you. Just do the right thing and leave the results up to God. Thanks. Pastor John Johnston - Teaching the theory of evolution cannot be allowed to be taught in our schools. Please address this situation in a Christ-like manner Pastor Ron Wooten - If we use the Bible, it is very clear, God created the earth in 6 LITERAL days, and rested the 7th. Pastor Tom Bentley - Macro evolution is by default secular humanist and atheistic. God help us if our leaders do not make a strong and life changing stand in this battle. Pr. Jonathan Martin - My concern in is not whether or not macro-evolution is taught, but whether it is taught as the more accurate model. I recognize that evolution is accepted by science in general and our students must be exposed to it. I would like to see more focus on creation science in our classrooms to balance the teaching of evolution, taught by teachers who actually believe in a literal 6day creation. Pr.Lucas M. Otwera - The Bible is its own interpreter any scientific findings should be tested by the scriptures not the opposite. True education leads to biblical salvation. Rick Howard - As a pastor in the SDA church for the last 35 years, I am finding it more and more difficult to recommend our colleges that are teaching theories that deny the Biblical 6 day creation so clearly taught in Scripture and supported by the inspired statements of Ellen White. Ron Hendeerson - As a Pastor and researcher in science/evolution I am saddened to see our leaders not removing those who cannot subscribe to fiat creation as taught in Genesis and through out the Bible. Academic freedom does not entitle us to employ those who cannot uphold our SDA beliefs on creation, the Fall, and redemption. Love and fidelity must draw the line between belief and unbelief. Elder Donald Gettys - I am the senior pastor of a 1100 member church in Collegedale, TN. This is not just a LLU problem. If it remains uncorrected, We as a church are straying off the straight and narrow towards a ditch that will take us far from true Adventism. Please take action. I trust God will lead you in this critical matter. Physicians & Dentists Daniel Choo, MD - I have a 17 year old son who is considering going to Adventist colleges. This is a very important issue to us. Joseph Kretschmar, M.D. - I will soon have a college age child, I do not wish to send my child to a college that will destroy my child’s faith in our fundamental teachings. Lela Lewis, M.D. - I was taught theistic evolution at Pacific Union College 14 years ago and it nearly cost me to leave Christianity and Adventism all together. Please take a firm stand on this issue. Sudhir Pandit, MD - As a physician/scientist it is my studied opinion that the theory of macroevolution is one of the greatest of lies ever to be foisted on the human race. It is inimical to true Seventh day Adventism, being in reality a direct assault on the Bible and our end-time Prophet, and must be repudiated totally, absolutely, without reserve, wherever it dares to surface. Ted L Stephens DDS - Although I am a California resident and went to La Sierra my grandchildren will not attend ANY school that teaches Evolution even if we have to send them all the way to Southern. Donald R Lunt DDS - I urge care and guarding of our long standing Biblical teaching. To me, care of the foundational pillars is most important. DRL Paul Giem, MA, MD - I am opposed to summary dismissal. But it is high time for some sunshine in the biology departments of our schools (and probably other departments as well). Harley D, Miller, MD - Darwinianism and Lyelism are far from being fact. The rocks and fossils support a general flood but not the above. They do not support and old age of the earth. Sean Pitman, M.D. - For additional information on this issue see: John S. Wang, M.D. - The Lord used His fingers to write the 4th commandment. I believe in "thus saith the Lord" Stan Abrams, M.D. - No change=No support!

Kenneth Kelln, MD - This problem has challenged all Adventist colleges/universities, and some have yielded to the pressures. If this trend continues, these institutions will no longer have a reason to exist. Norman McNulty, MD - I personally ask as a graduate of Loma Linda University and a member of Loma Linda University Church that our world church stand up and affirm our Biblical beliefs on Creation and hold accountable those who are undermining that belief. Roger Seheult, MD - I am not against the teaching of the theory of evolution in our schools - only to its teaching as truth to the exclusion of other theories such as a six day creation. Michael Adjei-Poku, MD MPH FACC - I am very sad to read that this is happening in an Adventist University… John S. Wang, M.D. - This issue must be addressed by the church leadership, must not be ignored. H Dale Warren DDS - I think an investigative board needs to be set up with representation from both sides to evaluate the whole matter. Doug Plata, MD, MPH - "I have not seen a workable model of theistic evolution unless you postulate a very different god that the one described in the Bible" Ariel Roth, Fmr Director, Geoscience Research Institute Fred Bischoff, MD - "Like the Sabbath, the week originated at creation, and it has been preserved and brought down to us through Bible history. God Himself measured off the first week as a sample for successive weeks to the close of time. Like every other, it consisted of seven literal days. Six days were employed in the work of creation; upon the seventh, God rested, and He then blessed this day and set it apart as a day of rest for man." {PP 111.1} Other Comments David J Tan, President ASI SSD - Dear Elder Jan Paulsen, I would strongly urge that our Educational Institutions around the world to stop immediately the teaching of evolution theory in whatever form or nature if it is done and uphold one of the important believes of SDA which is the Biblical Creation which the Sabbath truth is founded and has its meaning. Appreciate very much your serious consideration. Yours in Christ, David J Tan, President, ASI SSD Danny Houghton - Fully support the ASI Missions Inc. letter. David Duffy - Our universities, of all places, should be teaching truth. There is bountiful evidence disproving the theory of evolution and plenty more supporting creation. We should be teaching this information in our schools so that students are armed with both Biblical and scientific information with which to defend their faith and witness to others. Bill Tucker - I am dismayed by the trend of some of our professors who seem to dismiss or diminish the Biblical narrative of creation week. May our church leadership have the holy boldness needed for these times to stand up for truth according to what has been established by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in General Conference Session. Nicholas Urrutia - I have seen first hand how professors actually deride a literal six-day creation and people need to know what is going on. Mary Vollmer - I had discussions with a couple of the professors at LSU re: their evolutionary stance and was told I was naive, stupid and uneducated. Allen Roy - I am currently studying Paleontology at public university MSU as an undergrad. I am a Creationist who is well educated in the pseudoscience of evolutionism. It is shocking to find evolutionism taught as fact in SDA schools. If those professors want to teach evolutionism--fine. But, NOT in an SDA institution. Karl G. Wilcox, Ph.D. - As an Adventist College English professor, I believe the time has come for the North American Church leadership to review its affiliation with SDA colleges where professors actively undermine SDA doctrines and beliefs. At the same time, we must also promote SDA colleges where SDA beliefs are fostered through independent thought and a desire to further develop our God-given insights as a church. In my view, neither secular Adventism or a superficial conservatism will suffice, since both parties essentially occupy the same ground. Abigail Cosgrove - I am a young person - I would not want to be sent to a school that taught against my beliefs.

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