Ompliance With Foreign Law.docx

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12. 13.

Elabore un vocabulario como mínimo de 10 términos técnicos en inglés, con su respectivo significado en español. Foreing safety Standard: Estandares extranjeros de seguridad conformity assessment: valuación de conformidad: self-declare compliance: declaración propia enforcement actions. absolute quotas: cupos absolutos customs duties: derechos de aduana tariff classification: clasificación arancelaria, tariff rate: tasa arancelaria Antidumping: Son las medidas tomadas por los países importadores para luchar contra los países exportadores que aplican a sus productos precios anormales. Los gobiernos utilizan estrategias a nivel colectivo, el código anti-dumping GATT. Countervailing duty: Los derechos compensatorios, también conocidos como derechos antisubvenciones, son derechos de importación de comercio impuestos bajo las reglas de la Organización Mundial del Comercio para neutralizar los efectos negativos de las subvenciones. Se imponen después de que una investigación descubra que un país extranjero subvenciona sus exportaciones, dañando a los productores nacionales del país importador. Ad Valorem Duty: es un impuesto basado en el valor de un bien inmueble o mueble. Es más común que un impuesto específico, es una tasa que se impone sobre la cantidad de un bien, como por ejemplo: céntimos por kilogramo, sin consideración del precio. import license exemptions: exención de derechos de importación Value-added taxes: Impuesto al valor agregado

Elabore un resumen del texto utilizando los diferentes tipos de oración

COMPLIANCE WITH FOREING LAW Before to export or to sell or to a quote to a a foreign costumer every american Company has to know the law that could affect the sale. The information about the foreing law the company that is trying to sell or to quote could have from his own client or form his distributor to who the company is trying to sell but it is very important that the company confirm the information with third parties includyng attorneys Banks, governement agencies, to have the certainty to understand the foreing laws needs. Next there are some examples the company have to consider: Industry Standars: Is common that in the cities there are some laws and requeriments that they are promulgated and enacted by the foreing manufacturers and the trade associations, and it is necessary that the companies that are trading or selling or quoting to a buyer that cities have to be sure o make all the modifications. It is necessary to identifay such standars even before to manufacturate the producto or to modify the product before export it. In the market it can be evidenced that there are imports that comply with these provisions since they place acronyms to the product according to the place where it is being imported like JIS(japan), CSA (Canada), and UL (underwriters laboratories), Products that do not comply with the aforementioned directives can be subject to fines or can be seized, in such cases the manufacturer can make its own assessment of conformity and self- declare compliance, however can also hire a specialized and authorized company to help with the certification to comply with the conformity assessment. The company that produces must maintain a techinical construction file to support the declaration and must have an authorized representative located within European Community to give support to the company. A very important source of information in USA is the national Center for standars and Certification Information, and it belongs to commerce deparrment Institute of standards of technology. 2.Foreing customs laws: The countries of destination to where the merchandise is shipped may have an estimated maximum amount of quantity per acceptable item that can be imported and exceeding that amount may be prohibited. It is important to know what the customs taxes assigned to the product will help determine what is the tariff that should pay the product this helps the importer to know if the product will be profitable in the place of destination is important to know if in the country of destination have antidumping, countervailing or other special taxes that may affect the importation of the product. There are many countries that not uses the gatt valoration so they can put some asses duties on fair market value rather tan the sell. The other thing that the companies has to know is the assist. If the buyer will be furnishing some items used in the production of merchandise, such as tools or other things whether that is the buyer or the seller through an agent) may pay other customs duties on such items, and the companies sellers has to declare in the invoice. Many countries have severe penalties for import violatins and penalty fees. 3. Government contracting sales: When the company makes sales to foreign governments, governmental or partially governmental agencies. this implies that the private company has to carry out specialized procedures of documentation, such as Tendering and fulfillment of invitations to the bidding and procurement regulations, and the offer

of offer bonds, performance bonds, Guarantees, letters of credit and numerous certifications can be necessary. The commissions may be prohibited, or the disclosure of them. It is possible that government purchases may qualify for tariffs, quotas or import license exemptions. Barter or compensation can be necessary.

4. Buy American equivalent: Most government law agencies create laws to support and give preferential treatment to products manufactured by their own country, this can create an absolute advantage over the products of the market, and therefore can also mean an advantage of prices making them more competitive with the products of the rest of the market is important therefore the seller knows if there are such laws in the country where you want to import to know if the product will not be affected by them

5. Exchange control and import licenses: Many nations except the United States have policies of exchange control systems ant they regules the limits of the amount of their own money that can uses to buy to foreing products. this countries need an import license from a central bank or for the government to aval the purchase. and they are designed to help the costumers in that country to pay for imported products. A USA exporter it is important to determine: 1. If the Exchange control systems exist in the country that is importing his product and if he should have a license to import his product to the foreing contry. 2. The periods of time that he needs to get the licenses. 3. The rules he has to follow and the conditions he has to fulfilled an the documentation that he has to have to get the licenses.

6. Value added tax. Many countries impose a value-added tax on the production and distribution stages. These taxes are generally applied to imported goods. The amount of the assessed tax can be significant, since it is generally higher than traditional sales taxes. and, therefore, if the product can have a competitive price in the foreign market it is a question of analysis.

7. Specialized laws. Foreign countries often prohibit the importation of certain products except in compliance with such laws. In the United States, there are many special laws that regulate the domestic sale and import of a wide variety of products. In any case, like the United States, foreign countries often have special laws that affect certain products, and it is important that the company that is doing the negotiation that sells and buys study if this regulation exists before manufacturing or quoting a product

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Grabe el audio en inglés, con el resumen elaborado en el punto anterior. Identifique y clasifique las frases en sus diferentes tipos

Declarative Sentences: 

The manufacturer must maintain a technical construction file to support the declaration and must have an authorized representative located within the European Community to respond to enforcement actions. For a U.S. exporter who wishes to get paid, it is extremely important to determine the conditions that must be fulfilled and documentation that must be provided in order for the importer to obtain such licenses. Many countries impose a value-added tax on the stages of production and distribution. Such taxes usually apply to imported goods, so that the importer, in addition to paying customs duties, must pay a value-added tax based, usually, on the customs value plus duties.

Imperative Sentences: 

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it is important to identify the amount of customs duties that will be assessed on the product, which will involve determining the correct tariff classification for the product under foreign law in order to determine whether the tariff rate will be so high that it is unlikely that sales of the product will be successful in that country, It is especially important to confirm that there are no antidumping, countervailing, or other special customs duties imposed on the products. For a U.S. exporter who wishes to get paid, it is extremely important to determine (1) whether an exchange control system exists and an import license is necessary in the foreign country, (2) what time periods are necessary to obtain such licenses, and (3) the conditions that must be fulfilled and documentation that must be provided in order for the importer to obtain such licenses.

Conditional sentences: 

However, if the customer or distributor is incorrect in the information that it gives to the exporter, the exporter may pay dearly for having relied solely upon the advice of the customer Another problem is ‘‘assists.’’ If the buyer will be furnishing items used in the production of merchandise, such as tools, dies, molds, raw materials, or engineering or development services, to the seller, the importer of record (whether that is the buyer or the seller through an agent) may be required to pay customs duties on such items, and the seller may be required to identify such items in its commercial invoices.

 Elabore un gráfico con el cual explique los diferentes ejemplos de cumplimiento con las leyes extranjeras, utilizando las preposiciones de lugar.

Compliance with foreing laws


Comply with industry standards, generating a conformity assesment and self declare compliance

fill the requirements of foreign customs laws, Carry out the export process personally or hire a customs agent, to get the correct classification or to have the correct valuation of the merchandise to pay the correct duty rate

Identify the amount of Customs duties that will be evaluated on the product

Make the proper payment of export taxes according the correct tariff rate




make a correct tagged

It is important to know what is the maximum amount of product that can be imported

Get the correct valuation to Generate non tariff requeriments

maintain a thecnical construction file to support the declaration

Satisfy all the quality standard productions

Generate exports

know if the producto pays value added tax

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