Om Times September Edition

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  • Pages: 92
Humanity Healing Holistic Directory

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The Holistic Directory is designed to reflect the Community of Humanity Healing. Humanity Healing is built around Twelve Houses that we believe define the areas where individuals can find their own Path to Healing and through them, Humanity as a whole.  Individuals can be listed in up to five categories with one subscription  Individuals have the ability to customize their entry to add personal touches to a description of what they do.  Individuals can upload a personal photo or company logo. This image will show both in the entry and scrolling at the top of the Directory.  Linking to your Home Website  Advanced Search features to allow worldwide searches for Category and Location  Special features include: 

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receive emails on comments to your listing This Directory is located within a fast-growing Community of individuals with an interest in these areas.

Om-Times online magazine is a Virtual periodic published 12 times a year. Om Times is a Multimedia outreach of Humanity Healing Network. Editor in Chief : Gloria Henry Editor for Poetry: Nichespur Co-Director &Editor: Liane Legey Publisher: Christopher Buck Associate Sales Manager: Andy Buck Graphic design & Art: Beatrice Caffe Gloria Henry Production Liane Legey Photography Image after Webmaster: Gloria Henry& Jodi Littlewood Cover Design: Beatrice Caffe

Please see Humanity Healing Network For Subscription inquiries: Advertising Inquiries Writers’ guidelines Reprint Policy Terms of Use Please refer to our websites

Om-Times™ is a Trademark of Humanity Healing Network, HHN, LLC. Humanity Healing Network 9947 Hull Street Road, Suite 117 Richmond, VA 23236 (804)-859-3395 ©2009 Humanity Healing

All Rights Reserved MMIX

OM-Times is a publication from Humanity Healing Network. All editorial material including comments, articles, opinions and statements of fact appearing in this publication, represents the views of the respective authors and does not necessarily carries the endorsement of Humanity Healing and its Officers. All the information gathered from the sources is considered to be reliable, but the

accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed.

Note from the editor Lately I see many discussions about the "apocalypse", the "end of the world", "the final days". Everywhere you look there are these terrible disasters, pointless wars, and economy crises, no wonder people think the worse! But, what if we look at these times with a slightly different perspective? Instead of looking at it as something terrible and fearsome, what if we look at it as something exciting and instead of a terrible ending, what about thinking of it a wonderful new beginning? What if it is all a necessary process in order to move in to our next stage of being?

What I am saying is that we are the fortunate beings who get to witness the end of an Age. That's age with a capital A. I am not an anthropologist, nor do I have a PhD in...Anything. This is just myself, and what I think about it all. I must stress this point; this whole message is the opinion of just one woman, and her perspective. Ok, moving on. We have the Mayan calendar, which mysteriously ends in the year 2012. Perhaps, instead of some horrific apocalypse, it is the "sign" that an Age has ended, and the New Age will begin. Currently, we are now living in the Age of Pisces. A popular sign of Christianity is, of course, the fish.

And if History has taught us anything, the last few years of the dying Age is absolutely. FRAUGHT with terrible war, disease, and natural disasters. For example, around 2000 years ago, there was the fall of the Roman Empire. Civilization suffered war, famine, natural disaster (Pompeii is a good reference here), political unrest (the assassination of Caesar).... if one would refer to the celestial movement of the stars, that's around when we moved from the Age of Aries into Pisces.

According to the book of Luke, the disciples once asked Christ how long he would be with them, and in which Christ replied until they reached a city where a man who was carrying water would meet them, and then they were to follow him into "his house". If we now turn to the movement of the Zodiac signs, and follow the Ages as they have moved BACKWARDS thru the night sky, the Zodiac signs show we are merging into Aquarius, The Water-Bearer. Yep, just like the song, 'Age of Aquarius'.

Approximately 2000 years before the Age of Aries was the Age of Taurus. The Egyptian civilization took form around that time (mankind began to mark off territories and built cities, albeit amid terrible wars, famine, the assassination of several Pharaohs, and so forth).

September 2009

You may have heard about the 7 tribes of Israel, and the story of Moses destroying the idol of Baal, which happened to be a golden bull. The end of the Age of Taurus. And so on through history, back and back, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo- when the woman was the primary entity of worship. History, which is all but lost to us, lessons taught, lived, and in time forgotten. Archeologists uncover evidence of, again, terrible wars, famine, political strife, carbondating eras that are in line with the endings of Ages. How happily I could welcome a new era.

Of course, this will also require the commonsense to use our technology in line with the ancient ways. There must be an intertwining, a "hand-fasting" if you will, of the past and the future. We who are presently on the physical plane are charged with the task of being the catalyst of change. So let us welcome this change. Let us help to bring in this new Age with hope, love and unity for every action we take, every thought we think affects our progress as we move into this new Age. Collectively we can create our new reality in this new Age! Gloria Henry Editor in Chief

September 2009

From The Publisher’s Desk Humanity Healing Foundation was recently chosen to participate in this year’s Global Giving Challenge. Global Giving Foundation is a 501c3 organization whose mission is to connect individual and institutional donors directly to social, economic development, and environmental projects around the world. This is a phenomenal opportunity for Humanity Healing as success in the Challenge will allow us to have a permanent presence on the Global Giving website and access to their network of donors. The project we submitted is the Uganda Outreach.

Our Project Team in Uganda recently visited two of the refugee camps in northern Uganda. See the article “Uganda Outreach Project: YOUR Compassion in Action” Much Metta, Christopher Buck President

Humanity Healing Foundation

Meet Our Team

Participation is the key to success. We need YOU!!! ional-training-for-displaced-ugandanchildren

To learn more in how to help Our Uganda Outreach Project, Please visit:

Index “But I remember more dearly autumn afternoons in bottoms that lay intensely silent under old great trees” - C. S. Lewis

As we approach the season’s endings our hearts and soul get More aligned with the rhythms of life and its cycles, We realize only then, that we are on OM Times.

Our Cover: Charlottemarie : Inside the Voice  Art And Poetry      

Deeper From The Colors of Dreams Buy Your Will Each Awakening Black Diamond Gnosis Life in 3D Eagle’s Eye

 CharlotteMarie, Inside the Voice  Book Review 

The Hero and the Goddess

 The Visionary Art of Daniel Holman  Healing Cuisine  

Tofu Black Beans Enchilada Powerful Lemon Drink for cleaning

September 2009

 Just Spiritual     

Breakfast at Epiphanies Gratitude Every Truth Has 4 Corners (when the Student is ready) Turning Problems to Powerful Potential Clearing Space with 5 Chinese elements

 Events  Impressions of the Seasons…

  

Open your heart for the rhythm of the Season Perceptions of Fall Tiger Lilies o

 Health and Healing  

From Health Care to Self Care Healing Grief

Mindfulness Meditation

 Om Meditations  The Shift  

Asking for Directions in the new paradigm Shift Views On Prosperity

 Environment 

What gives to the Environment

 Relationships 

Why emotional Empathy stay Lonely or alone

 Short Stories Series  

The Evening of the Day A Real Angel encounter

 Uganda Outreach Project Overview  Spiritual Destinations 

The Passion Play

 World Visions 

Burma Electoral Process and Aung San Suu Kyi

 Om Times Seasonal Contest

Art and Poetry “A poem is never finished, only abandoned.” ~Paul Valery DEEPER from the Color of Dreams By Robert Strzalko

Sitting as a stoic lion Transcending stars In the light Of dreams Swimming as a fish In the autumn Of the deep Crawling On Ocean floors Touching Coral reefs

Streaming from above A Moonlit ray Escapes my grasp Obscured by A billion reflections Of eons past When Whales were spirits When Seas were young

Buy Your Will (The dance of bull fighters and/or just more common whirling dervishes) by Nichespur

Pure Rrrr-age? For there really truly is... Some sort of clarity That can come from that Sort of like stirring Just A little bit sugar into your tea Or really re-crystallizing Your own next chance to dance Simply by putting your own foot down Perhaps just a bit more firmly Upon this...our stage.

Re-member To Keep Y-OUR toes Pointed... Reality is what you're left with Once you finally come together With your true self And sum times Some people And/or other persons Including your owned self Can actually enjoy that simple fact For as long as it might "out" last All their other sense of daze. So here's to hoping that today You might finally learn "How To" Just include your self in this For that too truly is What all this free willing is really "Sup-pose" "To Be" About... And not just Some perpetually impudent expression of "Our"


Each awakening

By Lumina

Each awakening I feel the urge to embrace reality Embrace the truth Float in a state of spontaneity View problems as opportunities Letting acceptance propel me forward

Knowing in the process lives real existence In each moment is authentic life In the now lies the how When all around is chaos I return to the now And the next step is revealed

Black Diamond Gnosis

in a different picture

by Gloria Gypsy

Deep-shadowed Multi-formed I arose, kicking galaxies behind me flaying light like the jewels of Indra's net in the dark sea of the abyss. My mind like a peacock's fan Looks out a thousand directions Into you, where you see me Before and through all others. Sol lays his dying bruised head Into the soil of my breasts Yet I AM the first thing Passing out of Bejewelling silence. Among ten thousand stars Earth Mother hurls back A white ray from a black sun Sure sign that She Dances in joyous retreat To the one she knew before Undying creatrix sees the same One

This light is the final mirth With which all realities begin. Having nothing to give up We give everything Having nothing to look at We see everything. How elegant and brilliant Are we in dazzling darkness! And immaculately conceived in unceasing Renewing Intelligence! In the presence of all mysteries Thinking we had died and fallen Life presents another chance. Somehow such a satisfying reflection We see through the pain that comes before. Somehow such a renewed conception The taste of life is undulled and bittersweet. Rightly viewed from every angle! Perfect Light, Resplendent Being Let this witch be your diamond eye!

and have never dared to want more. Then there are the lonely, oh so many souls without the protection of even a single friend, who find themselves shivering, falling a part from the winds of change, that seem to leave them standing always in the same place. By themselves. Then there are the misunderstood, so many souls spending too much of their lives in this place of distorted perceptions.

Life in 3D By One Light It seems that pretty near forever I have wondered about life it's irony, it's intent, all in all is it time well spent? I mean, there are untold numbers of beautiful souls meeting with untold numbers of torments, while having 'the time' of their lives? Then there are the rich getting richer, at least it often seems that way, and often from greed, at the expense of those who cannot even grasp the concept of greed, because they've had so little

Racking their brains, they keep trying to figure out how to shine just enough light that they might be seen for whom and what they are, to be seen as Some One, who just might have something to offer those who would judge them. Then there are the powerful, some trembling underneath emperors' coats of arrogance and tyranny, others steadily touching lives with a gentle benevolence. Then there are the wise, who know how to listen and when to speak, with the serenity and reflection that accompanies inner peace. Then there are the fools, the caricatures of life, caricatures of themselves, beautifully manifesting incongruence inside ignorance.

Then there are the compassionate, who manage with such sweet subtlety, to say just the right word at just the right moment, touching the very heart of hurt with the soothing balm of Spirit.

and the fearful, who remind us of the importance of courage.

Then there are the artists, whose exquisite expressions serve as our mirrors, of all that we are or were

We arrive on a stage with an empty set in the midst of a play called "Life"

Though we are different, we share a common ground.

it is there we find ourselves alone, our tiny hands holding an unscripted page, and worst of all, not an understudy in sight. Whatever the roles we choose, it does seems strange -we often still behave as if the curtain will never really fall. we just begin and begin, and begin once again, and never ever think that there just might be an End.

or ever could hope to be who create such beauty, in forms that resonate with the sights and sounds of what must be called heaven. Then there are the evil, who exist to teach us forgiveness,

About DebbieCamarda Human, lightworker, healer, mother, friend... I am also a freelance writer and poet who enjoy all artistic expressions of the human experience, especially our connection with one another and our interaction with Spirit. I believe that each of us can make a positive difference in the world. Together we can truly be a powerful force for the Light at this critical time in human history.

Eagle's Eye

by EtherEagle

i sit in a humble way soft glow warm and humid a blanket for my soul i sweat profusely as the grandfathers release their breath of life for me Whispering truth long before given i am humbled they love me so i feel weak as i near my limit a tear of gratitude traces my cheek not forgotten i honor their memory alive in my heart i love them so finding my way to the mother i am comforted by wounds healed i pause to praise her wise council another tear she embraces i sense a new presence i greet and welcome him dismayed by the light in the depths of her womb that suddenly appears he greets me not of words but a stare from his depths my soul stripped to its core silence fills my void i am honored beyond thought my feelings overwhelmed strength to fill my being beyond all measure he accepts my weakness the gift freely given my acceptance embraced transformed me vision honed to a sharp razors edge he allowed a moment through his eye i shall not forget with each step i pray humbly courage bestowed my fears wane in the moment flowing out clarity beyond my wildest notion of belief mother earth and father sky never questioned the feeling so pure a gift from them my life forever changed i gazed upon his eye he departs in vision only his being with mine my steps in prayer i shall never forget etched in every breath

the night the eagle's spirit gazed in my soul that night i rested easy the first time in my life never alone am i guidance only a blink away i fly......always free!



Charlottemarie International Film, Music, Recording & Performance Artist Chanter/Vocalist

Charlottemarie breaks barriers creating an innovative hybrid of "new" music through her unique voice, performances and recordings. Embodying a refined voice and spiritual awareness with universal principles of sound, chant, and rhythm, her works usher a transcending musical experience. She fuses multi cultural influences, luxuriant vocals, and potent messages elegantly set on electronic/acoustic soundbeds. Charlottemarie’s hypnotic 4 octave range weaves songs, languages, sounds, spirit and wisdom through voice. Her highly developed vocal range, pure tones, and harmonics add a multi-dimensional flavor to her mesmerizing style taking audiences on an experience beyond entertainment. Charlottemarie has 7 CDs to her credit. Her musical works range from recordings fusing spirited, meditative elements with traditional, global sounds textures and rhythms, to transcendental musical theatre. She has created, scripted, composed and performed 7 “world beat operas” as well as multiple ensemble performances and solo tours worldwide. Her voice is heard on film soundtracks, internationally. Her performance and composition works have been rewarded by esteemed Fellowship and Grant Foundations.

Charlottemarie is also a published writer and poet. Her lyrics and poetry have been translated in Spanish and Farsi. Her global appeal is cultivated though life immersion in cultures that foster her talents and spirit into high quality artistic works. These works activate awareness and bridge transcendental, cultural, and human experiences through the powerful mediums of film, music, performance, and writing.

Charlottemarie's film and musical recordings and performances span the US, Europe, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands. INSIDE THE VOICE At age 6, Charlottemarie's exposure to ethic music was inspired listening to caters in a synagogue. Shortly after, East Indian Sanskrit chanting, Mid Eastern instrumentals and West African chant and rhythms initiated her life's work and journey through a world of music, teachings and sound, setting a foundation in her career, personal healing and spiritual evolution.

Charlottemarie’s life's immersion in studies, and disciplines in yoga, traditional chant and meditation opened portals of deeper awareness in the profound effects of sound, vibration and music. This foundation strongly influences her vocal performances and compositional style.

Her concerts, performances, film projects and recordings are platforms of sharing so that all people are exposed to the benefits of the vibrational universe through music, sound and voice. Her lifelong devotion, hard work, and spiritual presence coupled with her accomplished artistic vision and voice, gives audiences a direct experience of peace, awakening, awareness, love and unity. “Journeying into what lies beyond, I see the realm of consciousness beholds the nectar of healing light ... it is there where all originates trickling from vibration into form... once awake, we create in cocreative union into the depths of our existence and the heights of our love”

WHAT IS A CHANTER Chanting is an ancient art that unifies the heavens with earth though sound and vibration. Remembered and practiced by indigenous cultures but forgotten over time through the evolution of modern society. “As I venture into the unknown, a silent seed yearning to blossom in my heart breaks to light... Like a bird on it's last breath at every turn, I have to follow the flame that burns in my soul to breathe ... I now see my work has chosen me as unfolding surrender is all that is asked while the source of all creation reveals it's plan before every step” Following an inner prompting, she passionately integrated her life’s journey and artistic expression in a soul fulfilling vision of creating a voice and musical works that transcends the norm by cultivating spiritual awareness, traditional chants, sounds, textures and styles with her voice. This passion evolved in an unconventional development of voice, chant, performance and recordings.

Chanters are different than singers. Chanters are cultivated to access refined energy states that is transmitted through their voice. Traditionally chanting is used to tell stories, heal individuals & communities, communicating on all levels to open energy fields. What they chant are known as song lines. A song line can be a repetitive chant, a series of phrases or a prayer in song. Song lines are sung in the native language or in a refined language of

sound that resonates with the language of the people. There are chants and song lines for communicating genealogy and the origins of the community. There are song lines and chants that energetically unify and connect global communities. Some chants tune in to the vibrations of the elements in nature. Some chanters have the sensitivity to chant visions of higher consciousness and the sounds of the cosmos. For the most part, chanters have a refined sonic and vibrational relationship with all life forms including people, animals, and insects. Chanters vibrationally access a primordial core to the authentic heart where the divine and earthly realms meet within the body and spirit. Chanting is an all encompassing activity involving body, mind, energies, and spirit engaging all dimensions. Chanters are recognized at a young age, by the tones of

their voice and their nature. It is a humbling service to be a chanter as they give openly to bring inspiration and light for the good of all existence. In these accelerated times of change, bringing chant and song lines out into the open for all audiences to experience is essential. The artistic platforms of music and film serve as perfect mediums of communicating and unifying on all dimensions. Audiences are taken to an exciting and mystical world that opens hearts inspiring peace, expansion and awakening.

“All Humans are designed for enlightenment. Enlightenment is not an entitlement for a chosen few... It is a birthright for all”

Book Reviews Dear Colleagues,

Thanks for using me piece on "Iran and International Monitors" in Om-Times. After a bad storm, I was cut off from access to the telephone and internet for two weeks and only recently "rejoined the living". Thus I had not followed up with Christopher Buck to whom I had sent my proposals for a book review section based on four themes. However, looking at the current issue, which is more like a print journal than a permanent web library, I thought it is better to send just one review per issue. Thus I am sending below a book review (and sending the same review as an attachment because for reasons I do not understand, letters are sometimes modified in the body of an email. Separately, but in a few moments, I am sending an article on the recent trial of Aung San Suu Kyi which you might use in the same current events sub-section in which you published the Iranian piece. With all best wishes, Rene Wadlow

Jean Houston The Hero and the Goddess (Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2009, 470pp) Homer’s Odyssey is a journey through personal transformation to wholeness. During this journey, there is an interplay between the masculine and feminine principles. Masculine and feminine principles are part of the psyche shared by both sexes. In fact, as the masculine principle dominates in many societies, the masculine dominates in many women as well as men, and our understanding of the feminine is still very limited. The masculine and feminine energies are the two creative forces in the world, which when working together create wholeness. If we take the yin/yang symbol of the masculine and feminine principles operating within our individual and collective psyches, they give us a deeper understanding of the evolution of consciousness and our potential for synthesising

these two principles in a consciousness that is neither masculine nor feminine but embraces and transcends both. Many myths have as their theme the separation and then reunion of the masculine and feminine, usually depicted through archetypal heroes and heroines. Jean Houston who has a long interest in the study of ideas and their cultural background explores The Odyssey as a journey for restoring a sense of the deep connections between the mortal self (the hero) and the immortal realities (the goddess). As she writes “The realm of myth exists beyond time and space and daily reality. It is a symbolic world that dwells within us at deeper than our normal consciousness. And yet, it can be openly and vividly engaged in ways that expand the possibilities of every aspect of our lives. But to reach these depths and heights, we must pledge our commitment, our theatricality, our excitement.

“When we energetically and dramatically encounter this mythic realm and the beings who dwell there, we begin to understand that our individual lives — our personal stories — echo the events and truths of their lives and stories. We reflect these mythic beings and they reflect us. Experiencing this mutual recognition gives us access to more energy, a greater sense of joy and release, and an even deeper commitment to the unfolding planetary story. We begin living with the doors and windows of ordinary life wide open to the depth world.” Homer probably took existing separate myths concerning the interaction of heroes with goddesses and dangerous women and wove them together with one hero, Odysseus, and one setting, a long trip home to Ithaka from the war with Troy. He thus gives a unity to the events which then can take on symbolic meaning. Some writers such as Robert Graves believe that the author of The Odyssey was a Sicilian priestess of Athena who gathered different oral traditions and re-formed them into her own epic masterpiece. The Odyssey was written in a period of transition from a world of war and invaders described in The Iliad to one of a more peaceful, higher civilization, thus the image of the journey from the battlefield to a relatively peaceful homeland. Jean Houston’s book is drawn from both a close symbolic reading of The Odyssey as a transformational myth and a real trip with participants on a boat stopping at the Greek islands which have been associated with the different events in The Odyssey. At each stop, she proposed doing role playing exercises combining motion, visualization, journalkeeping where emotions and ideas are noted. These exercises and the type of emotions and experiences they may evoke are listed after every chapter analysing the events of the story and the interaction between Odysseus and a

feminine personage. There is also a guide to musical selections which can be used as background music during the guided meditations and visualizations. She also provides a useful bibliography on translations of The Odyssey which can be used for these exercises as well as authors on Greek religion and on Jungian use of archetypal psychology. Houston stresses the idea of the journey as a process of initiation with the initiators receiving as well as giving initiations and learning. All the initiators, apart from the Cyclops, are female, a shift from the emphasis on the heroes at the center of the action of The Iliad, thus giving rise to the hypothesis of a woman author of The Odyssey. As Houston notes “Throughout The Odyssey ,the earthy feminine powers — Circe, Calypso, Penelope — are seen weaving threads and wearing braided hair. They hold the powers that weave things together; they braid realities into gossamer webs that make it possible to recover something of what had been lost after the warrior-nomad invasions.” Weaving is the key concept arising from this journey, the need to bring together many different things into a harmonious whole. As Jean Houston closes her analysis, she writes “On the psychological level we grow in kind, and educate ourselves to many different frames of mind and understandings. It means learning to think in images as well as in words. It also means learning to think kinaesthetically, with subtle sensory knowing. It means harvesting the potentials developed in different cultures, and the stories of different cultures, and applying them to our own lives in ways that grant us access to intuitive and creative depths we rarely accessed before. It means too that the ecology of inner space becomes just as important as the ecology of our outer world.”

Spotlight Author

Ronald Alexander, Ph.D. is the author of the just released book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change (New Harbinger Publications, 2009). He is the director of the OpenMind Training® Institute, practices mindfulness-based mind-body psychotherapy and leadership coaching in Santa Monica, CA, for individuals and corporate clients. He has taught personal and clinical training groups for professionals in Integral Psychotherapy, Ericksonian mind-body healing therapies, mindfulness meditation, and Buddhist psychology nationally and internationally since 1970. (

The Visionary Art of Daniel B. Holeman

Artistic talent combined with life-long exploration of consciousness and spirituality has given Daniel B. Holeman an ability to depict uplifting and profound sacred imagery. His inspirational paintings have a strong and profound impact. Many are deeply touched emotionally - sometimes brought to tears - and describe his paintings as the most beautiful images they have ever seen. Daniel invites the viewer to dive into a deeper dimension of consciousness while viewing his paintings. The imagery stirs forgotten awareness of a place felt to be HOME - a warm, familiar and heartfelt state of mind - a welcome contrast to the often stressful day-to-day world we live in. His Website,, is a special world to explore and enjoy - a Domain of Beauty, Inspiration, Insight and Spiritual Awakening. In addition to the artwork, Awaken Visions is a haven for truth seekers, consciousness explorers and all who appreciate the beauty found in living from the Heart.

(Click here to experience his Angel Vision)

At a young age Daniel had a profound spiritual awakening and experienced the nature of pure consciousness from which the manifested world is created. Since then his life has been about deepening that awareness and sharing it with others through art, lifestyle and conversation. (With a few detours along the way). Daniel offers Visions of Beauty, Truth and Inspiration and encourages all to join in the

Earth’s Awakening. He is committed to bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on the planet as the guiding principle of our time. Some renowned visionaries speak about the Daniel's artwork:

"Daniel's paintings express a visionary world which lifts my spirit and releases tensions of this world" - Barbara Marx Hubbard Author, Founder of Global Family, President of Foundation for CoCreation

"Daniel does marvelous and refreshing work. I appreciate his art. His paintings are very restful." - Edgar Mitchell Astronaut, Founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences "Daniel's art aids in de-stressing; by looking at Daniel's paintings I relax and lift above worldly concerns, knowing that everything is in order." Terry Cole Whittaker D.D.S., Best selling author, speaker and Founder of Adventures in Enlightenment "I find child-like enjoyment in Daniel's pictures." - Ken Keyes Jr. Author, Handbook to Higher Consciousness and The Power of Unconditional Love. "On my living room wall is a constant source of good feelings for us and all who visit our home. Thanks, Daniel, for your beautiful work which enhances our lives." - Stan Dale Author and Founder of the Human Awareness Institute

Daniel’s Philosophy: 1) We are all the same one "consciousness" that can take itself to be anything - and thus we seem to be what we take ourselves to be. 2) All that we experience in life is based on our interpretation. Our interpretation determines the nature of our existence. 3) ALL suffering and unfulfillment is the result of faulty interpretation - of taking ourselves to be a somebody separate from others. Taking ourselves to be an identity different from our true nature. 4) Therefore, having the broadest, truest angle of vision, the most accurate interpretation is wise. 5) Truly realizing and abiding as one's true nature (consciousness), the natural state, is the only way to accomplish this. 6) The requirement for enlightenment is to make #5 one's highest priority in life, above comfort, security, pleasure, etc. Then one will naturally attract the help and support one need to wake up and stabilize in living that awakening. Stabilizing involves inquiring into and seeing all the ways in which one has avoided one's true nature, all the programming and habits and fixations, including one's very notion of being "separate".

Thus, I have found that the ONLY solution to the world's and an individual's struggle, suffering, or unfulfillment is true self-realization

(enlightenment). All other approaches and "solutions" are pseudo and/or temporary and are of the realm of hidden programming, which goes deeper than people realize. All those beings throughout history who have truly selfrealized have said the same things - among those things that we are in a state of illusion which is so profound that even our notion of separateness is illusion; that the answer to life's woes is through Truth - which inevitably leads to self-realization - the awake state. The awake state is always present behind the illusion. It is not "attained", it is what is always there and comes forth when the illusion is busted. All are now invited to wake up from the Dream. With Love, Daniel Daniel’s Post Card Animated Visions Spiritual Awakening Web Design

Visit Daniel’s Personal Page over Humanity Healing Network Here

I found this recipe on the Pillsbury bake off web site a few years ago. I love it! It’s an easy one and good starter recipe for new to tofu folks as it picks up the all flavors of the other ingredients. I hope you enjoy it. Marsha

Healing Cuisine Tofu Black Bean Enchiladas

Marsha Cook

1(15-oz.) can Black Beans, drained 1 (11-oz.) can Whole Kernel Corn, Red and Green Peppers, drained 1 cup Salsa 5 1/3 oz. firm tofu, drained, cut into 1/4-inch cubes (3/4 cup) 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce 12 (6-inch) corn tortillas, heated 1 (10-oz.) can Red Enchilada Sauce 8 oz. (2 cups) reduced-fat shredded Cheddar cheese 1 cup reduced-fat sour cream or plain yogurt, if desired

1. Heat oven to 350°F. Spray 13x9-inch (3quart) glass baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. In medium bowl, combine beans, corn, salsa, tofu, salt and hot pepper sauce; toss to mix. 2. Spoon 1/3 cup tofu mixture down center of each warm tortilla; roll up. Place, seam side down, in sprayed baking dish. Pour enchilada sauce over enchiladas. Sprinkle cheese over top.

3. Bake at 350°F. for 20 to 30 minutes or until enchiladas are thoroughly heated and cheese is melted. Garnish with sour cream.

B or C maple syrup. (Don't use Grade A maple syrup or maple-flavored syrup.

Lemon Drink for your Master Cleanse

By Michelle Bowen

LEMON DRINK for your Master Cleanse: You will need: 2 tablespoons FRESH squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon) 2 tablespoons genuine organic maple syrup, Grade B (the darker the better)* 1/10 teaspoon (a small pinch!) cayenne pepper, gradually increase (the more BTUs the better) 300 - 500 ccm (10-14 oz) pure water In a 300ccm (10-ounce) glass (to allow for 227ccm and mixing room): 2 tablespoons fresh (and organic, if possible) lemon or lime juice (absolutely no canned or frozen juice). 2 tablespoons real (and organic, if possible) grade

They are over-refined, which means that they are mostly refined sugars and lack essential minerals.) A small pinch of cayenne pepper (to taste). Spring or purified water, between room temperature and medium hot (but not cold) – fill to 1/4 liter (8 oz). Mix all the ingredients by thoroughly stirring or shaking, and drink. Or, in two 1 liter bottles: Juice of 3 lemons, divided equally between the two bottles (about 85ccm or 3 oz per bottle) An equal quantity of grade B or C maple syrup in each bottle (about 85 ccm or 3 oz per bottle) A pinch of cayenne in each bottle Spring or purified water (fill bottles to the top) Mix all the ingredients by thoroughly shaking; then drink throughout the day. Use fresh lemons or limes only, never canned or frozen lemon juice.

Use organic and vine ripened when possible. Also, mix your lemonade fresh just before drinking. Don't mix it up in the morning for the whole day. You can, however, squeeze your lemons in the morning and measure out the 2 tablespoons when needed.

* YL Clinic says you can use Agave instead of the maple syrup. Tom Woloshyn (who studied with Stanley Burroughs himself) disagrees. Clinic says if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia, use molasses. If you feel weak or have a sugar imbalance you can add a scoop of Power Meal. Or you can try Master Amino Acid Profile (MAP) for protein without any residuals or strain on the body more info here: http:/ html

lemonade drink. Drink as much of this lemonade as you want, but make sure that you drink at least twelve 1/4 liter (8 oz) glasses. The lemonade contains all the vitamins and minerals you need. This can be combined with supplements for colon cleansing such as Bentonite or Psyllium Seeds.

SALT WATER FLUSH: Drink an oral salt water enema upon arising. To do this, add 2 level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to a quart of lukewarm water (the one-quart juice bottles in which most organic juices come work very well). Shake well, then drink the entire quart. It's also good to massage the colon as well. Make sure you use uniodized sea salt; regular or iodized salt will not have the same beneficial effect. This oral enema will flush out your entire digestive tract and colon from top to bottom, usually within an hour, prompting you to eliminate several times, clearing out the plaque and debris from the walls, and the parasites that have been living there.

Lemonade Drink: Drink the lemonade mix every 1 to 2 hours. Take no other food, but do be sure to drink plenty of purified water in addition to the

You don't have to start your fast on the morning of the first day. You can begin later in the day, even if you've already eaten. Once you begin, however, eat nothing more while you're on the fast. It's also a good idea to read Stanley Burrough's book, The Master Cleanser. Note: Diabetics, refer to the special instructions on page 19 of The Master Cleanser.

Note: Bentonite is the only product known to remove plaque from the walls of the intestine and colon. The plaque in your stool will look like egg shells on the outside of the bentonite "gel." Bentonite works most effectively when the colon is empty of food. It grabs the plaque which has been loosened by the lemon juice and the resting/fasting process. The salt water enema pushes out the bentonite gel and the plaque and debris that is stuck to it and in it. The salt water further cleanses the walls as it passes through, resulting in shiny clean walls.

Herbal Laxative: Each evening you can drink an herbal laxative

tea to help with elimination, do this right before bed time.

GOING OFF LEMONADE FAST Burroughs recommends a minimum of 10 days on this. You can safely do 40 days or more.

First Day: Start with 4 oz. [1/8 liter] fresh squeezed orange juice mixed with 4 oz. water. If it goes well, drink several more 8 oz. [1/4 liter] glasses of fresh orange juice during the day. Sip slowly. Dilute with water if needed.

Second Day: Drink several 8 oz. [1/4 liter] glasses of orange juice during the day -- with extra water, if needed.

In the evening make a vegetable broth (no canned soup). Use seasonal leafy and root vegetables such as: beets and beet tops, turnips and turnip greens, kale, carrots, onions, parsley, celery, potatoes, okra, one or two kinds of legumes, squash, beans, a little salt, cayenne pepper and dehydrated vegetables or veg. powder may be added for flavor (no MSG or hydrolyzed protein). Cook lightly. Drink the broth, eating only a few bites of the vegetables.

Third Day: Orange juice in the morning. At noon have some more soup with some of the vegetables. No meat, fish, eggs, bread, pastries, tea, milk, or coffee. For Dinner, have the vegetables in the soup.

Fourth Day: Orange juice or lemon and maple syrup in the morning. Fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts for lunch. Salad or fruit for dinner.

Fifth Day: Eat normally but no junk food, dairy, tea, coffee, white flour or white rice, heavy animal proteins. If, after eating is resumed, distress or gas occurs, go back to the lemonade diet for a few days until the system is ready for food.

(Excerpt from "Healing for the Age of Enlightenment" by Stanley Burroughs -Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanse - available through Essential Science Publishing.)

Michelle Bowen is a Medical Intuitive. She operates the Hunter Valley School of Theta Healing in NSW Australia. She also works as a healer and educator.

Just Spiritual

and heartless Queen of Lust - and of Pepsi, Miss Crawford, and the Many Faces of Eve, Bette Davis. This is a time when the dominant rule of distorted male patriarchic societies is ending; a creation of the “old paradigm”. The NEW paradigm will be temporarily overshadowed, or over lighted, by the Divine Feminine, who now voyages to take her rightful place in the pantheon of Gods and Goddesses in “All That Is”. A new vision is sharpening on the holographic movie screens of my world; regarding the many shifts we’re currently experiencing which accelerate exponentially until around 2012. The precise timing is personal, so none can make generalizations. Tune into your inner clock radios for guidance and details. I find the HF (High Frequency) stations most enjoyable!

Breakfast at Epiphanies By Zany Mystic

Images of the “Divine Goddess” are cropping up in my recent posts. There is a method to my madness. The Goddess is a mysterious Feminine Archetype, whose facets have been explored by some of the great leading ladies. The innocent and naïve charm of Audrey Hepburn, exploring the boundaries of “true love”, the conniving

It’s only natural to wonder what possible experiences may be on the horizon, since so many of us are researching, awakening and hearing different versions. All versions are accurate according to their creators. Never mind that each “creator” is but a small puzzle piece, viewing the cosmos through one set of glasses or spectacles. This is related to the “gifts” and soul arrangements prior to incarnating for the “big events”. Some have an uncanny ability to synergize numerous “world views” and weave a more vast and interesting tale. A few examples are Michael Tsarion, Darryl Anka and Daniel Jacob. There are thousands of others in this cosmic cast of characters, so trust those you are drawn to, since all spokes in the hub lead to the center. There is literally “no time” to convince anyone else of having the “right way”. And what’s the point of always being a know it all, who mistakenly imagines from an egoic perspective, that they are “the Chosen One” and

only their way is the right way? How old paradigm! Literally everyone is chosen, as we choose our Selves.

What is the awakening process morphing into? I’m seeing a dual image: that of an RKO Electric Radio Tower and yellow tulips. Those who are involved actively with their own awakening, pushing the “pedal to the metal”, are accelerating at a faster pace. Yet, we are all subject to the spiraling energies which are swirling around now so rapidly that it’s indeed dizzying! Some may find themselves having numerous epiphanies, synchronicities and enlightened moments, only to return to “Abby Normal” for brief respites into mundanity, bordering on insanity. We are the Beacons of Light, wired to channel lightning bolts of energy in all directions. Most of us are more akin to flowers in a field; bright yellow tulips come to mind, whose gentle swaying kisses embrace the solar logos. Their lives may be shorter, but are nonetheless spectacular. Since we are all eternal and infinite beings of light, no one actually “lives longer” than anyone else. The appearance of death is an illusion, in which we remove our bio-body suit and walk through another door into spectacular beauty beyond description. The imaginary “hell” zealots speak of is right here, right now. If you don’t believe it, just look around with open eyes. There is no further down

the ladder we can go. This is it. There will be 3-fold manifestation from the noosphere, the field, the zero point. It can be referred to as the “higher realms, densities, dimensions”, for those who think hierarchically. The mystically inclined might prefer “the other side”. Or, make up a new name; the field of consciousness in which we swim, fishes in the sea. The basic elements are all manifestations of “divine consciousness”, which manifests as “genius” in all walks of life. Einstein and Tesla are two examples of tapping into this “field of God” and returning with many lifetimes of solutions. A “psychic prong” will be showing up, bringing more who are able to “see”, channel and commune telepathically. Though channeling gradually becomes common, it will begin to fade as the rest of us “get the message” and our frequencies rise. There will be openings of the Heart which may manifest in a variety of inspirational forms, such as the artwork of Akiane. Some kids coming in bring a broad array or palette of colors with which to paint a life of beauty and inspiration. We will all experience a “mixed bag” of these elements, as all the “Rays of Creation” begin to manifest in harmony, by aligning with our authentic selves. In rising up to meet the higher realms, the efforts made to complete our own inner revolution begin to draw from the divine blueprint, and we are infused with spirit which is sometimes referred to as “divine intervention”. It is the breath of God, literally breathing life into itself, its own creation, which is us, which is It. True Mirrors; not smoke and mirrors! There can be no separation or distance, and the imaginary distance we’ve felt for hundreds of years, through duality, fragmentation and polarization, is soon to be dropped like a discarded toy. Who wouldn’t want to literally glow with life-force illuminated from within, radiating beauty? It saves a trip to the cosmetic surgeon, to be sure,

so surgeons many not approve of this “new energy revolt”. In fact, any who are presently at the “top of the pyramid” are going to find they have gone for the booby prize. They will have the most difficult time “adjusting” to the higher frequencies of love, compassion and interconnectedness of all within a loving Creation. I’ll leave the details of how you perceive this to you, since it’s a very personal creation and source of continuous revelations. Ultimately, we are all experiencing the higher consciousness “fields”, and this may begin to reveal itself through various forms of humor and wit. Those who are more aware will be like members of an inside club, who are the insiders who “know the joke”. We will be laughing privately at the tomfoolery and naked obviousness of those who consider themselves “important people”. They have the furthest to fall, having placed themselves on their own pedestals; they are literally hoisting themselves up on their own petards! The juicy part is that rather than experiencing the “doom and gloom syndrome” that most must pass through, we will be laughing privately at the ridiculous foibles of an antediluvian mindset, which in its psychopathology imagines itself to be our gods, and us their slaves. Imagine that! Well, don’t, because it’s simply no longer the case. True, many still carry the yoke of enslavement, but by the end of this year, 2009, it’s conceivable that events will appear to conspire to collapse the old paradigms, so that the new may be birthed for all. It’s a precise process, timed to the nanosecond from higher realms, but here on this side it feels like chaos, moving at a snail’s pace towards some unknown future. Trust, relax and let go. All worries will pass away and there is literally nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, and everywhere to be happy. The first and last point is to BE YOURSELF! Who am I?

There is a distorted shell called false personality, which is our interface with others, and it has been created artificially through life’s distortions. This is not real, and will fall away. What’s left is an “essence” within, which is developed until a small child, then is usually stuffed down and trampled on, or locked in a closet due to fear, non-acceptance, judgment, etc. This is our authentic Self. It comes in with numerous wonderful skill sets, from many other lives being lived simultaneously. Because it is gentle, delicate and easily harmed, it learns to hide early on. Some have destroyed their essence, and have crystallized in the false creation of personality, which appears to be quite authoritative, knowledgeable and superior. Others of us are in touch with the “inner child”, and must re-learn how to interface with the “outside world”. To do this requires the intentional creation of a “true personality”. This is not a distorted construct, but an intentional conscious creation of spirit, to protect and nurture the essence or child within. There is a cosmic team of advisors, guides and loving souls to help us every step of the way every day, from the illusions of birth and death. Living authentically in abundance requires aligning with our authentic Selves, stripping away that which is distorted and false, meaning “not real”. It can take many years, for those of us who began early, to go through the “initiation by fire”. The ultimate fire approaches, but we have many “minor blazes” which help us along the way to strip the illusions off our reality. The true personality learns how to be authentic, without lying, manipulating or distorting. It seeks only to be authentic, and in that process discovers a beating heart, connected to other beating hearts. This is the “epiphany” which those who would control will miss: there cannot be empathy, heart, conscience in a dead essence. The false must be melted down and returned to purity. We

are not concerned with how that process works right now, but we will be seeing it occur daily in one “meltdown” after another. The higher up we travel within, the more elegant and subtle the humor. We are in a cosmic joke, and those who are most serious are going to be the last ones to “get it”. But, “get it” they will. None can escape this transitional period into vast, new realms never before experienced. We are truly the Wayshowers for each other and for many other advanced civilizations. We are doing something quite unexpected and seemingly impossible. We are creating a bridge from Gaia to Heaven and back and there will be no shortage of loving souls to “show the way” as the times become more intense. We will walk the Rainbow Bridge together, hand in hand, into the purity of illumination and a loving radiance which enfolds us all. Remember to laugh along the way. Seriousness is a fatal illness! Our own personal Paradise is right here, right now. Simply open your inner eye(s) and remember! Click those ruby slippers, and you’re HOME. It’s really that simple... See you at breakfast! Audrey ‘Image Credits

other and appreciate each other's talents and gifts. We are all unique and we can never compare ourselves. Have gratitude for your enlightened friends and acquaintances and say thank you when people are nice. Listen sometimes instead of talk. Educate yourself to what others are doing in their lives. Help someone else awake to the spiritual light that is shining in on us. Without judgment or dogma or a religion or belief system that does not include everyone. Be grateful that we are light beings in a human body for a short time. We are in the time of Ascension. While we are in this time, there will be a lot of confusion between beliefs and assumptions. Psychic ability will be elevated in those who practice it as it has never been on Earth before. Miraculous healings will bring joy and relief to the sick and the suffering. Those who refuse to progress in their beliefs really will not be able to see beyond the veil. When they learn gratitude for the gifts they have been given, as well as the gifts of others, they will understand the changing Earth as well.

Lightworkers with Gratitude By Rev. Judi A. Lynch Ahh, gratitude. What are we grateful for? For the light, for the stars, for the moon...for our health, our friends, and our families. Grateful that we are living in the time of the Awakenings and the Ascension. Great things are happening in the Spiritual Realm and people all over the World are feeling the energy and waking up. While we are on our journey here, have gratitude! For every lightworker you meet, say "I'm glad your here". We have been living in a gray world that is now filling with light! Be thankful you found each

Most of us don't live in a city of Lightworkers just yet, be very gracious if you do. There are many of us but we are spread out all over the World. In the last few years we have been finding each other and communicating. Thank God for the internet! We could never afford all the phone calls and trips around the globe to share our experiences. Have gratitude for every test your soul has seen. For everything you have overcome to get wherever you are, be thankful. Like a rock star thanking his or her fans for their loyalty, be kind to those who support you in the journey you have chosen. Be a Lightworker with gratitude!

Rev. Judi A. Lynch Spiritual Advisor and Healing Light Energy Channel. President of the non-profit charity Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. m

“Every truth has 4 corners; As a teacher I give you one corner, It is for you to find the other 3.” ~ Confucius

When the Student is ready…

By Marsha Cook

‘When the student is ready the teacher will appear,’ is a profound and ancient Buddhist proverb. Did you know that you are the headmaster? The surprise may be in discovering where the classroom is; what the lesson plan consists of; and the identity of the teacher. What exactly does that mean? Look to the quote above; and for a moment reflect. As with all reflection begin with a deep and cleansing breath. Doesn’t that deep breath feel wonderful? It is such a great way to press pause on the tape that plays incessantly in your head, relax your mind and body and focus your thinking. Now back to the classroom. In the ‘old’ days it was a room with big window sills and blackboards. Today it is anywhere you find yourself feeling an ‘excited’ emotion; fear, anger, extreme joy, just to name a few. If you are having an excessive reaction to anything or anyone, there is a lesson to be learned (the lesson plan.) The classroom has appeared. So, who is the teacher? This educator is none other than the one producing your reaction. That is, if you

are aware and awake. When you start to grind your teeth because your toddler, tween, or young adult off-spring is challenging just about everything you stand for, or, is bringing chaos to your household, do you simply get angry and explode or can you step back, take a deep breath and ask yourself what is really going on? Do you look at the big picture or are you stuck in the behavior of the moment? Not only that of your ‘young ‘uns, but your own as well. Look around you, use a magnifying glass if needed, the teacher stands before you. Why do we react the way we do? What causes our most explosive reactions? And why is it that our children have so much power over us, even the littlest ones, that they can, in the blink of an eye push our biggest buttons? The answer to that question as noted in the previous paragraph - they are meant to be our teachers. Believe it or not, on any given day, you are surrounded by teachers. Each time you find yourself annoyed, whatever or whoever is igniting your flare possesses the essence of an instructor. That which bubbles inside us, the reaction, is actually a need. Look at it this

way, when there is something you need to learn, that something is like an empty space. Like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle.

you; look instead at what is taking place. Have you been in a similar position or predicament before? If the scenario feels proverbial and you can identify just what it is that feels familiar, you will begin to see the lesson. If you pay no heed to the lesson, it will continue to present itself in one way or the other until you open yourself to it. Believe it or not, each time the lesson is repeated the size of the ‘trial’ will increase exponentially. As with all education you get a little bit at a time. Lessons are multifaceted; you will not get to graduation with the first session. What you do receive is the gift of Enlightenment. You also get to experience the teachings of a multitude of tutors.

Knowledge can fill the space. Think about the last time you worked on a puzzle. Most begin by building the frame, the pieces with the straight edge. Then the middle takes shape and the picture develops. You are the framework and the lesson needing to be learned is akin to the middle of the puzzle. With awareness we can take down our walls and be cognizant of the lesson. Rather than react to the thing that is ‘making you crazy’ look instead at what is presenting itself to you. In the moment make a choice to see the opportunity, better known as the lesson. You already possess the acumen to recognize the teacher. Now that you have quelled your initial reaction, it is time to step back and ask yourself what the lesson plan is; what is it that is being presented? Look not at the size or age of the guru before

Marsha Cook holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition and a Master of Science degree in Natural Health. Over the past 25 years she has helped countless men and women create healthy lives through her work as a fitness specialist, personal trainer and life enrichment guide. Marsha holds a 3rd degree Shotokan Karate Blackbelt; she is a women’s self-defense trainer, newspaper columnist and the mother of six.

Having said all this, what it boils down to is - if something is really getting on your nerves, challenging you as no other person, place or thing has the ability to do, there is a lesson presenting itself. It is a package deal; the lesson comes with both teacher and classroom. With you as the headmaster, you get to choose whether or not you will accept the tutorial. As always, the choice is yours. Just keep in mind; if you don’t get ‘it,’ ‘it’ gets tougher! One of the best aspects of life is that learning is infinite and second, our teachers are right there at our finger tips! Once you are ‘awakened’ you will come to recognize the most qualified instructor in your life is actually you. Until then, all the others have been ‘student teachers.’ You have what it takes to make all of life’s lessons the size of a pop quiz, rather than a 50 page essay exam! The ‘other 3 corners’ are within reach. Are you ready?

Turning Your Problems Into Powerful Potential by Maria Khalife

"The things which hurt, instruct." ~ Benjamin Franklin

I have observed that very single human being has problems of one sort or another. There's no escaping that obvious fact. I think that what makes us different is how we respond to those problems.

My question for you would be: Do you see yourself as a victim, helpless and unable to help yourself? Do you grow angry, become impatient, or dive deeply down into a mood of depression? Have you attached yourself to some unreal concept of how it's supposed to be and instead of working with the problem to solve it, you run away from it? Well, you're not alone. Many of us know the story of the man who, caught in a flood, prayed to God for deliverance

and then refused to get on the helicopter or get in to the rowboat that God had sent. Our Problems are like that rowboat and helicopter: they are the very ingredients we need to address our beliefs and fears and bring ourselves up higher on the scale of consciousness. I don't think we give enough recognition to the fact that we are mental beings and when we get

off the track of moving forward in our spiritual progress, this creates impediments to show us we are off track and to point out precisely which area in our minds needs to be corrected to return us to our natural state of harmony. I've worked to refine these off-track beliefs, and I think you can too, so that we bring ourselves up on the scale of consciousness and spirituality. We can do this either consciously because we choose to, or we can wait until our out-of-date belief rocks trip us up, bruise us, and get our complete attention so that maybe now we'll make the necessary corrections that will bring us up higher in being. It's truly a very effective system. Can you see that our problems are truly a gift and a blessing from the universe? Do you remember being in school and getting a failing grade in one subject? That's the subject you worked hardest on the following semester, right? Problems are like that: they focus our attention, and then we focus on the fix with still greater attention. If you made a list today of all the areas in your life that are uncomfortable at a minimum, or obviously painful, I would encourage you to then: work to become conscious of the fears and beliefs tucked into those problems, work intentionally to elevate those ideas to a higher level of truth, and meet the new you who is powerful enough to self-correct! I can see that our recessionary times are yet another gift to nudge your mentality into a higher purpose. Here are nine tips that are tools for you so that you can foster more positive thoughts in your life where things are now somewhat negative. I use these tips daily. 1. Use Positive Words. Try to see the glass half full. 2. View Problems as Opportunities. Make something wonderful from the ingredients you've been given.

3. Be Flexible. If one thing doesn't work, try the next thing, and the next one after that. 4. Look For The Humor In Problems. If you can joke about your situation, it will be easier to find the fix for it. 5. Get Plenty Of Rest. When you're tired, problems look much bigger than they are. 6. Be Sure to Exercise. Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins can help you recognize a solution to your problems. 7. Take The Long View. Ask yourself how important this will appear to you in a year from today? 8. Praise Yourself. You might be struggling with one issue, but how many others have you already solved? How many other things are you good at? 9. Be Of Service To Others. You can't be down emotionally and help others at the same time.

"In school, you get the lesson and then take the test. In life, you take the test and then get the lesson." ~ Unknown Source Warmly, Maria Khalifé

Maria Khalifé is the CEO of Soufrah Daimeh TV Network, Soufrah Daimeh Magazine, and Change Coaching Institute. She has written and published more then 70 cookbooks.

energy is stagnant and needs to be rattled and dissipated. It needs to be replaced by fresh, vibrant, positive energy.

While there are levels of "space clearing" that can be done on your space, an effective and meaningful personal ritual is a process I developed utilizing the 5 Chinese elements. I am including examples of tools I use; these can be modified to suit tools you have or what resonates with you.

Different energies are associated with each of the elements. You will make 4 trips around the space you want to clear (if you are clearing something in your house, I recommend clearing the entire house). Begin at your front door and keep moving to the right.

Space Clearing Using 5 Chinese Elements By Nola Woods

Clearing your space(s) of negative energy is a process that will help you feel lighter, clearer, and healthier. If someone has been ill, if you are moving into a new place, if you have had emotionally draining visitors, and if you like to rejuvenate your life on New Year's Day or in the spring, space clearing will help you. Negative

First, the Purification (Water) round—ahead of time, I prepare my water by pouring purified water into a spray bottle. I add an essential oil or lemon juice and then leave the bottle out in the sun (sunlight is the best disinfectant). When it is time to start the clearing, I walk around the edges of my space spraying it with my water blend.

Next, the Vitalization (Wood) round—the purpose of this round is to dislodge and shake up negative/stagnant energy. For this I use a drum, a gong, or just clap my hands. Again, start

at the front door and walk the edges of your space—be sure to hit the corners of your rooms as energy can get trapped in them.

Finally, the Regeneration (Metal) round—this is to seal in clear/clean positive energy. I use a special bell for this, again setting my intention. The 5 elements relate to each other in “nourishing” and “controlling” cycles. The above ritual follows the elements through an entire nourishing cycle. Water nurtures wood, wood feeds fire, fires makes earth, earth creates metal. The Activation (Fire) round is next—clear out the now loosened negative energy by lighting pre-positioned candles around the space, or by burning sage or special incense and directing the smoke into all the nooks and crannies. [Warning—be careful with the sparks and do not hover near your smoke detector!] The Transformation (Earth) phase can be used for a more personal ritual—write down something in your life you want to transform and then burn the paper with your clear intention to change the situation.

Author Bio While I still have a day job, my growing business is Wood Wind & Water, a restorative Feng Shui consulting practice. My focus is on helping people to create a supportive, vital, inspirational, loving home.

Always OM Times Calendar of Events September-October The Soul Fest Time: October 1, 2009 at 10am to October 4, 2009 at 7pm Location: southern Missouri Street: rocky top road City/Town: elk creek Website or Map: Event Type: pagan Organized By: wolvenworld

Event Description

A pagan /Wiccan spiritual gathering in the beautiful Ozark Mountains of southern Missouri. Open to all faiths. For the benefit of those who practice their faith naturally, clothing is optional. Drum circles, rituals, workshops, lectures, readers, healers, belly dancers, fire spinners, bands and more.

Om-Times Seasonal Art Contest August 15, 2009 to September 16, 2009 Location: SeasonalartContest Sharing in the Spirit of Humanity Healing Network, Om-Times Magazine is proud to launch our first art Contest; we are promoting this event because we believe in our members talents. We will be selecting Photographs, Poems, Artwork and Music to compile in an exclusive Collectors edition every season of the year. This will be a Promotional Publication in order to show the light of our creative members. If you feel you can contribute, feel free to participate. Contest Rules, subscriptions forms will be placed below, thank you for your participation.

World March for Peace and Nonviolence: World March for Peace and Nonviolence: Kick-off events on Sept 20 - Oct 2, 2009 in Auckland, Tauranga, Christchurch, Waiheke Island, Whanganui and Wellington, New Zealand. The World Peace March kicks off with a range of exciting events around New Zealand. (Note: Some times and details may change). Mayor Bob Harvey, member of Mayors for Peace, welcomes you to Auckland to join the World March for Peace and Nonviolence which starts in New Zealand and then travels around the world.

· Waiheke Island Sep 20: Starts 11am. A walk to Matiatia Wharf. •

· Christchurch – World March Christchurch events. Sep 21: Discover Christchurch peace history. Peace Walk starting at 5pm from the Elsie Locke Park at Centennial Pool and going to the Canterbury Women's Place at 190 Worcester Street. Followed by presentations and refreshments. o Sep 21-Oct 31: Gandhi exhibition. Workers Education Association, 59 Gloucester Street. o Oct 3: World Peace March Church Walk. Starts at 1pm at the Tautahi Pa site on Barbadoes Street. Ends at the World Peace Bell in the Botanic Gardens about 3.30pm where the bell will be rung in honor of the World Peace March.

· Taranga Events to be posted soon. Sep 28 or 29 (to be confirmed): Walk from Tauranga to Mangawhau (Mt Maunganui). · Rekohu (Chatham Islands) World March Rekohu events. Sep 29-30: World March Opening blessing ceremony hosted by Hokotehi Moriori Trust. · Auckland World March Auckland events. Sept 27: Launch of the Auckland Peace Heritage Walk as part of Auckland Heritage Festival, followed by a concert at St-Matthews-in-theCity. · Wellington – World March Wellington events. Oct 2: World March starts from Gandhi statue at Central Railway Station at 9:30 am and then proceeds along route of Wellington Peace Heritage Walk. Oct 2: Meet the world marchers. Open discussion for public at Tapu te Ranga Marae 7:30-9:30pm. Oct 3: Tree planting (for carbon offsetting) at Tapu te Ranga Marae restoration site at 9:30 am. o Oct 3: Ceremony at the Antarctica peace monument on Mt Victoria. 11:30am. Mayor Kerry Prendergast welcomes you to Wellington, New Zealand for the start of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence on 2 October 2009.

Related websites: Tune the World The World March for Peace and Nonviolence World March for Peace and Nonviolence (Main Page)

• Whanganui – World March Whanganui events. Sep 20: UN International Day of Peace Festival. 2 p.m. Quaker Settlement, 76 Virginia Rd Sep 21 – 29: Walk for Peace and Reconciliation. Starts Culture of Peace sculpture Handspan dedicated to a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World. Continues to Wellington over 9 days.

** Gina Alzate is also the National Interracial Relationship Examiner and the Philadelphia Romance Examiner. delivers the next edition of this series right to your Inbox. To subscribe, please visit here.

Kanta Bosniak is a writer, artist, Hypnotherapist and Life Coach. She has facilitated workshops in spirituality, art, and Guided Imagery since 1970. She is the author of "Surviving Cancer and Other Tough Stuff: (book) and "Surviving Cancer: A Sacred Journey" (audio CD with music).

Impressions of the Season

Open Your Heart to the Rhythm of the Seasons By Lorri Amsden How did we come to this place in time where each of us spends our day rushing from one point to another? How did we become so wrapped up in schedules that allow no time for self, no time for parents to spend with their children, no time for sisterly conversations or a lighthearted discussion among friends as we rush through our routine with strained, tense expressions longing desperately for more? Are you living a tender, ecstatic, gorgeous life? Do you enjoy your work environment? What do you do to make your life richer when you return home? Do you plunge headfirst to chores? Are you happy? Why is it so hard to be joyful? Why are we sometimes blind to the sacred, unable to connect with the divine? Don't let the hurry and worry of life take the wonder out of your existence. It is time to rediscover the joy of simply living. Awaken to the natural world and make your life sacred. Take time to mindfully experiencing your day. Open your eyes to the people who cross your path. Listen to their message and treat them with love. Open you heart to the natural world. See the trees as you walk in their shadows, notice the flowers at your feet and hear the voice of the birds as they call overhead. It is time to align yourself with the rhythms of the earth and

reconnecting with the seasons as you celebrate your life. Seasonal awareness, awareness of the solstices and equinoxes and reflecting seasonal changes in our own personal practices, allows us to calibrate our energy to the energies of the natural world. Celebrating these ancient rituals is a way to attune ourselves with the magical tides, to recognize the rhythms of life, death and rebirth. Living in tune with the seasons is a way of living and working with nature to harmonize with the world and to recognize that we are a part of it.

This fall take time to celebrate the harvest. Let your spirit lift with joy and thankfulness for the bounty of this season being mindful that the nights are growing longer; the darkness growing colder as the dying year gives way to winter. Give thanks for the abundance in your life. Be appreciative for each small pleasure: the amazing flavor of your morning coffee, the

peace and comfort of your kitchen, the fact that there is food in your fridge. Each and every day we take for granted so many wondrous things. Let joy fill your heart as you quiet your mind. You can not find peace until you create it within yourself. Take time to greet the morning and open your heart to the sacred. A simple way to begin is to practice daily meditation. Another is to incorporate small rituals into your daily routine. Inviting ritual into your life with even a small gesture will work to help you ground and center before you journey out into the world. Keeping an alter, lighting a morning candle, whispering a morning prayer of gratitude, silently focusing only on your breathing as you visualize what you want to accomplish during the day, all are examples of simple morning rituals and all of these work to pull your awareness from the mundane and shift it to the sacred. Through daily rituals we are able to recalibrate our energy and connect with the divine.

as the spider spins her amazing web. It is time to rediscover that each and every one of us is a crucial part of the global journey towards a Higher Consciousness. Most of humanity has experienced their most moving spiritual experience in nature. How inspiring is a thunderstorm or the sight of a brilliant sunset? What emotions were elicited last time you caught the scent of a summer rainstorm or felt the first cold nip in the morning as the seasons changed? We need to practice love first toward ourselves and then to each person we meet on our daily path. To feel empathy for living things is an essential part of the human existence and that when we love and help one another, we mend our lives and heal ourselves. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, “You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience.” Indeed we are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. We are here on this plane of existence, on a human journey, all of us caught all in different cycles of our lives as we work through life lessons until the lesson is learned and a new cycle begins. And we are all connected.

Spirituality is not to be found only in a sacred space but in our everyday lives. Life is a sacred journey. Strive to see the signs of the divine: feel its power in the wind at the approach of the thunderstorm, in the brilliance of the setting sun. See the divine outside your window as the leaves change colors, as the seasons turn, as the tiny bird weaves grass into an intricate nest and

Lorri Amsden is the founder of Liminal Landscapes a portal for dimensional living. By day she is the events manager of the Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale, AZ where she works with authors, hosting signing and writer’s workshops and is a cog in the literary community. She maintains seven book blogs and writes reviews for the monthly publication, The Booknews. She has worked as the horror reviewer for Book Crazy Radio, the fiction reviewer for Leisure Talk Radio and even did a stint as a content editor at Citation Publishing. Her most current work, They Came from Outer Space, a science-fiction/thriller, just completed filming and is slated for release in spring of 2010.

another year to adjust to the changes that change brings. Yes that life is about expansion, and that change is the only constant to sustain life and ignite growth, I am sure. But since I am a deep feeler and a mother this letting go requires me to trust to let go and let God.

The Perception of fall By Brenda Braden Since I moved eight years ago from Holland to America there has never been a season in my life that has opened the joy and the love of my heart more than the season of the fall in New England. Honesty requires me to say that I have traveled the world, lived in 6 countries and stayed in more than 75 different places, so believe me the fall in this part of the world is truly magic. By the end of August as soon as the sun turns from brightly yellow to a more deep golden honey colored tone, I feel my body’s longing to come to a rest after the intense heat and summer spell of the last months. It seems that things start to slow down for me a bit, and that I drift back to a slower pace. I don’t have to run to the beach anymore but I listen to the ocean’s lullaby from my front porch. Those sacred moments I allow myself to close my eyes and digest what has happened over the last year. While I rock back and forth in my chair, I soothe my mind that I am ready for all the new that will come. And that is a lot. I know that the fall is the season of letting go, and for me it is not a small letting go this year. After my oldest son left the nest to go to college in Amsterdam last year, I’ve had barely time to recover because another letting go is around the corner. This fall is not only a change of season in nature but for me, and many others it is a new season of motherhood. My heart will be wide open again but the joy will be accompanied with a stream of tears and feelings that I have to honor and allow. However I wished I had

As I wake up this morning, I can't believe it’s really happened. It almost feels surreal. The house feels empty and so do I. When I walk into the bathroom, the emptiness strikes me like an unexpected punch in the stomach. I don’t stumble over hairdryers, makeup, or piles of laundry. All signs of my daughter are gone. I turn around and go downstairs. In the fridge is her vegetable juice that from now on will never be touched. Yesterday, I took Systke, our 18-year-old daughter, to the airport and gave her the final push. I let her go. She left the nest to spread her beautiful, strong wings to fly across the ocean and start her new life in Amsterdam. Hours before her departure, I drove to the shopping mall to buy her a pair of black suede boots. As my last gift to her before she left, these boots were symbolic. These specific boots will “fit” her into the new world of being a college student in Amsterdam. For days before she left I pondered about what to give her. I wanted to come up with something special that would help reduce culture shock and help her shift from being an “All American Girl” to a downto-earth Dutch girl. These boots would surely do the trick. The day before she left, I saw her go out of the house in a bikini. I wondered whether she was ever going to pack. We were getting pretty close to departure day, but when I asked her if it would be a good idea to start packing, she announced that today was a “Beach Day.” Of course, the sun shone brightly and the sky was blue. What more could I have wished for her? I admire this brave, courageous girl who takes her first footsteps in Amsterdam today. At our final goodbye, I whispered in her ear that her wings are powerful and strong, and that the world would welcome her with arms wide open. She just stood

there and looked at me. She must have been wondering what the future will bring for her. Upon arrival in Amsterdam she has no housing (in Holland you don’t live on a campus) and the arrangements for the school she’ll attend aren’t finalized because she still has to take a language exam. Getting into the sorority where she wants to become a member is a matter of a "lucky draw." In other words, I’m sending her off with uncertainty. I ask myself why our life isn't simple and easy, or maybe even less extraordinary. The answer is simple, because deep my heart I know I didn't sign up for “simple and easy.” This extraordinary choice of my daughter’s brings extraordinary challenges, and – as we trust – extraordinary results, not only for me, but for Systke, too.

the NOW. It almost seemed that she was never going to leave. “This is how I cope, Mom. I can’t think of leaving all of you behind," she said one day. Then the day arrives. As I wave my final goodbye, tears stream down my face. I run to the car and drive away and it goes against every fiber in my being to leave her behind. I wonder how we mothers do it. But in my mind’s eye, I see my "little" girl standing in line with a suitcase full of faith. Not a small one, but a huge one. Next to her stands her dad, who has the honor of flying with her on the first leg of this amazing journey. I know everything will work out. It always does. But as a mother it’s a challenge to let a child go out into the world of the unknown. Back home, before I go to sleep, I climb the stairs to Systke’s pink room. I must admit that it takes some courage to face my pain. Her door is wide open and the room looks like a hurricane has paid a visit to our attic. Clothes are strewn everywhere, the bed is a mess – indeed, and nothing has changed. It looks as though she’ll be coming home tonight. But in the doorway I find one black Cinderella mule from her prom – forlorn and forgotten in her hasty packing. How could it be more symbolic? Is this a sign that she hasn’t completely landed on the other side? Is one foot still here in this world she just left?

Sometimes even I worried about why she didn't worry more herself, about all the things that were unsure. But I know why. In her mind, there’s no place for worry about anything, about how she’ll find housing on the day of her arrival in a city where the housing need is beyond telling, about how she'll become enrolled in school without the language exam, about whether or not she’ll be “lucky” in the sorority lottery. Her mind's not programmed with worry or fear, but with lots of faith and trust. She firmly believes that all will be well, that she’s safe no matter where she lands. Yesterday, she told me that her level of anxiety goes only as far as finding it annoying that nothing is finally arranged. The rest of the “how” she leaves to her parents and to the Universe. In the last weeks before she left, I watched her having non-stop fun with her friends. Her life was One Big Party. I smiled a lot because I saw how she stayed in

I pick up the mule and put it on the mantel above the fireplace. My mind drifts back in time. Oh, how I loved her first footsteps in her golden sandals, and all her steps in all the different shoes that came after. I close my eyes and tell the Universe, "Now it’s your turn. You take care of her.” I promise myself I’ll make sure our son, Florian, who flies to Amsterdam next week, takes that mule to Systke so she’ll fully land, so she has the right shoes to dance in, until the morning comes. And as I watch the sunrise this morning, I surrender. About the Author: Saskia Roell Transformational Life Coach

“The Spider Lilly” By Beverly Stewart

The summer before I sold my lake cabin we had the most beautiful and majestic Spider Lilies that I had ever seen. I had been coming to this lake cabin since I was a child and they had been there for as long as I could remember. I had never seen them grow so tall or have such large blooms. They towered up almost to my waist and the flowers were very large. The blooms had brilliant reds, oranges and yellows and they seemed so majestic and had such a presence about them. Everyone who saw them took time to comment and admire them.

They were so beautiful that I decided to cut one of them and put it in a vase of water so I could enjoy its beauty inside. Almost immediately after it was removed from its source it lost its majesty and presence. I was saddened that I had cut the flower now. I thought to myself, maybe the two other buds will bloom with the same beauty and majesty that it had before it was cut. Two days later the 2nd bud bloomed, but instead of the beauty and majesty the outside flowers had who were connected to source, this flower had lost at least 50 percent of it’s color and vibrancy and the flower opened up to only 50 percent of it’s capacity. I was deeply saddened by the flower and I began to see the lesson in the flower. Two days later the 3rd bud bloomed, but instead of the beauty and majesty the outside flowers had who were still connected to source, it had no color at all. It was only an off white dirty color and opened to only 30 percent of its capacity. This is a lesson from a spider lily that I will never forget.

The same happens to us when we are separated from God. We too continue to fade until we completely forget that we are here to be beautiful and majestic creatures. It’s time to: AWAKEN RETURN TO GOD AND REMEMBER WHO WE ARE

UNZipping Reality With host Leah LaChapelle

What is an UNZipped Reality?



New Thought


= New Paradigm Solution Consciousness

How do your UNZip Reality? Leah guides you to go beyond merely examining the left and right sides of the same old zipped up discussion. The first step is to find the “zipper pull of your conscious mind”, and then grab hold, and PULL - to see and experience a new paradigm. Awareness and Consciousness are MERGING into a new reality!! Tune in every Weekday 12:00 – 1:00 pm CST This LIVE CALL-IN internet radio show that is revealing what true Freedom is, through the discovery of who we really are as Human Beings. Be a part of the new conversation that is producing a great and welcomed SHIFT in Human conscious awareness. Listener call in line: 512-879-3805

The co-host every Wednesday is Steven of November 11th @ 11:11 am (your local time) For one hour then pass on to next time zone We unite again in song, prayer & meditation to heal the planet... As we set the intentional focus on unconditional love. We are one humanity on earth and All share in the bond of love All life is symbiotic energy We are all in this together...One Love The keys to flowing in the Universe: Attraction, Intention, Allowance & Balance ~ United as One with Love vibrations

SHIFT Happens ~ Intend and Transcend ~ Trust the Process ~ as YOU UNZip Reality!!

Health and Healing

From Health Care to Self-Care© By Lonny J. Brown, hhc

Bad News, Great Opportunity Revolutionary advances are taking place in the healing arts, and it's just in the nick of time, as the ponderous, antiquated American medical establishment collapses under it's own weight. Commercialization, corruption, bureaucracy, exorbitant prices, delayed, impersonal and minimal treatment, and hospital-caused illness and injury are all dire symptoms of a sick "health care" system. Some 200,000 Americans die every year from medical mistakes alone. If you've been relying on hospitals, insurance companies, doctors, the government, or drug manufacturers for your health, it's a portentous time to switch over to self-reliance, prevention, natural and alternative cures, personal risk management, and self-healing techniques. The success of the past century's "miracle" antibiotics and vaccinations notwithstanding, the limitations and failures of pharmaceutical medicine are becoming all too evident as debilitating side-

effects, unwanted interactions, fatalities, drug recalls, and lawsuits continue to mount. Plus, even reliable conventional medicines have become too expensive for many people. Alternatives to the Rescue

medicine takes time to work, almost anyone can benefit almost immediately from better diet and exercise, along with relaxation, artistic expression, group support, and spiritual practices. Specifically, eating restricted quantities of low-fat, high-fiber, natural organic foods, elevating your heart rate for twenty minutes several times a week, doing yoga and meditating could go a long way towards preventing (and possibly curing) most common ailments and

At the same time, a wide range of simple, inexpensive, safe and effective natural home treatments and self-healing strategies have become accessible to everyone. These range from benign medicinal herbs and homeopathic remedies to yoga and relaxation. Easily learned energy and mind/body techniques are readily available, and the empowering self-regulation modality of biofeedback has been beautifully integrated into computerized learning and fantasy games. Mind/body software programs that are fun, relaxing, and therapeutic are becoming the treatment of choice over costly, often addictive and toxic synthetic drugs.

some major life-threatening conditions, including the nation's greatest killer, heart disease. Human nature being what it is, good news and pep talks will not be enough for some people to make the healthy choices and actions necessary to successfully replace allopathic bio-chemical medicine. Natural health is a daily, participatory endeavor, and not everyone will opt in. A special mix of motivation, timing, information, support and grace determines individual outcomes. Still, even small positive changes can make a big difference for most people in energy and outlook. Self-care is a daily balancing act that over time becomes a tangible advantage in surviving and thriving in stressful times. If you've been contemplating just such options, start small, but start now, and the holistic approach will serve you well for an enhanced lifetime.

On the positive side, the mainstreaming of holistic "alternatives" is leading to progressive integrative health care even within venerable old medical institutions. Hence, proven natural and/or ancient interventions like chiropractic and acupuncture have been accepted and recommended by doctors. Nevertheless, even such forward-looking medical services do not address the underlying causes of imbalance, breakdown, and illness.

[See next page for chart: “Two Health Paradigms"]

All Healing is Self-Healing Some eighty percent of our diseases and ailments are preventable, and the evidence is now irrefutable that lifestyle and psycho-spiritual factors are the strongest determinants of health. Although behavioral Two Health Paradigms © * ALLOPATHIC *

Focuses on Measurements SYMPTOMS Disease as Entity PAIN AVOIDING General Classified Diagnosis Health as Commodity Technical Tools



Focuses on Experience CAUSES & PATTERNS Disease as Process PAIN READING Specific Individual Needs Health as Process Integrated Therapies

Remedial / Combative / Reactive Crisis Oriented: Occasional Intervention Radical. Defensive. Medicine As Counter-Agent Side Effects. Chemicals, Surgery, Radiation, Replacement Emphasis: "CURE" Speed, Comfort, Convenience Practitioner as Authority PACIFYING Patient as Passive Recipient Mechanical / Analytical / Bio-Physical Best For: Infectious Diseases, Trauma, Structural Damage, Organ Failure, Acute Conditions.

Preventive / Corrective / Pro-Active Lifestyle Oriented: Sustained Maintenance Natural. Ecological. Medicine As Co-Agent Low-Risk. Conservative. Organic. Purification, Manipulation, Correction, Emphasis: "HEALING" Restoration. Regeneration. Transformation Practitioner as Educator ACTIVATING Patient as Source of Healing Systemic / Multi-Dimensional / Body-Mind-Spirit Best For: Degenerative, Chronic Stress & Lifestyle Disorders, Toxemia, Glandular Weakness, Systemic Imbalances, Immunity.

Lonny J. Brown is the author of “Enlightenment In Our Time” (, "Self-Actuated Healing" (Naturegraph, Publ.), and the online column, The Holistic Mystic ( His writings on holistic health have appeared on AOL’s Alternative Medicine Forum and in Alternative Health Practitioner, Yoga Journal, and many other progressive publications. -

The Healing Process of Grief By Rea De Miranda Mourning the loss of a loved one is an intense and long process. Most people experience such intense emotional pain that they are convinced they will never heal. The length of grief and the intensity depend most on the kind of relationship you had with that person. Parents feel helpless and confused when a child dies and because of this disruption of the natural order of things, such as the child burying the parent, their lives feel as if it came to an abrupt end. If the loved one was living far and the relationship not very close the period of mourning will naturally be shorter and less painful. When the person died by suicide, murder or an accident instead of a prolonged illness, unresolved issues may cause deep disturbances. A feeling of things left unsaid and questions may arise to make the loss more difficult to work through. Many people feel cheated out of having the chance to say goodbye and it plays a big role in the length of mourning. There are five main stages of mourning that most appear to experience while grieving. First there is denial when the shock is too much for the brain to accept. In this stage people may experience a sense of unreality and that the loved one will come home shortly. They may even wait by the phone or cancel engagements to be home for the return of their loved one. The second stage is anger at the situation and sometimes the deceased for leaving them all alone. Some people may be angry at God for allowing this senseless thing to happen to them. Bargaining is the next step in grief. The bereaved feel they can bargain with God or the loved one to return. A deep depression almost always follows and when it is very severe the person must seek professional help. The last stage is acceptance that the loss occurred and there is nothing to be done about it.

Grief is a long process and can’t be rushed and there is no timeline to it. There are things you can do to make it easier on yourself and those around you. One of the main things is not to suppress the pain and let your emotions out in the air. Tears cleanse the soul and it relieves some of the pain. There are people who can’t show emotion and needs a different outlet than crying and seeking help. Meditation is one of the most effective ways of coping with the pain as well as praying, walking, writing, exercise or drawing. Some people keep a journal of their journey and see how they progress through every stage. If you are not one to talk openly about your suffering a journal can be very helpful in getting your thoughts on your grief out and help towards healing. Letters to the deceased loved one can be of tremendous help as well. Many people have unsolved problems and things they would have liked to say to their loved one before the loss occurred. Try to talk about your grief as much as you can with a friend or someone you trust. Joining a support group or going for grief counseling is another great method to assist the bereaved. There are a lot of literature to inform people about grief and what to expect on your journey. Books about the afterlife may ease your mind if you have doubts

or fears about where the person went to. There are many books available to educate you about suicide and what the state of mind of your loved one was in. Literature on Near Death Experiences will ease your mind greatly, because death isn’t an abomination, it is a natural part of life. Keep in mind that the pain can become so unbearable that thoughts of insanity may enter your mind. Grief is the most agonizing emotion for most people and you can feel that you are losing your mind when you experience depression and feelings of anxiety. All of these feelings are normal when grieving in an intense way. The different stages can cycle so rapidly that it feels like you are on an emotional rollercoaster ride. When you reach the stage that you can’t handle it on your own it is best to see a psychologist or other medical professional to help you handle your emotions. To admit it is getting the better of you is not a sign of weakness. Remember that you must take care of yourself first and foremost. Try to take one day at a time or even just one moment at a time and not rush your healing, it must follow its natural course. Be kind to yourself and pamper yourself with long relaxing baths, massages, soft music, loving thoughts of the person you lost, rest and love. Try to remember the good things about your loved one and times spend together and not dwell on the way he or she died. In the midst of this despair you can’t see it now but the way you lost your loved one is of no consequence to you or what you did or didn’t do. Guilt can mar beautiful memories and make the grief journey more intense than it has to be. Nothing you could have done would have changed the outcome and if you can accept that you are on the road to recovery. We are not supernatural beings and we can’t stop someone from dying. No major decisions like moving, divorce, changing of jobs or financial investments must

be made for the time being. When in deep mourning your mind doesn’t see things in reality and decisions like this can cause problems and regrets later that could have been avoided. You are not thinking rational and you may make mistakes that can’t be reversed at a later date. Some of the things that help you on your road to healing are to remember your loved one in special ways. At birthdays or other significant dates you can light a candle or release helium balloons or have a ritual or ceremony for the departed. When you don’t have a grave to visit create a special place in your garden with plants, ornaments that they liked and other memorabilia and flowers. If you don’t have access to a garden you can always have a corner in the house with photos and pieces of clothing and candles to make it special in remembrance. Some people scatter the ashes of their loved one in places that had a special meaning for them, but if you can’t part with the ashes it is perfectly acceptable. As time moves on we start experience days without any pain and tears and with that guilt returns. We may feel we are betraying our loved one if we feel times of happiness or the first laughter. This doesn’t mean you are forgetting them, it only means you are coming to terms with your loss. You are not disloyal or giving up on them, you are merely getting healed. We will never forget the ones we have lost; we just start to live the new life their void has left behind.

About Rea: I am a freelance journalist, writer and amateur photographer. I lost my son Emile to suicide on 5 February 2006 and it changed my life completely. It brought me closer to God and the spiritual realm. I have realized that we are here for a reason and I want to change my life and help others to change theirs.

The Basics of Mindfulness Meditation by Ronald Alexander Mindfulness meditation practice is a commitment that many resist, but it requires far less time and effort than most people realize. The time of day isn’t important; the regular practice is. Ideally, it should be practiced for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day in a quiet room with a closed door with no distractions. But it’s better to start doing 10 minutes once a day than aiming for the overall goal and then feeling overwhelmed by it and falling short. Use a timer to ensure that you meditate for as long as you planned. Aim for meditating at the same time in the same quiet and serene place, such as sitting down in your office chair for the first time in the morning, or sitting in your car, getting ready to drive home from the gym after your daily workout. Again, ideally choose a time when distractions will be minimal.

How to Perform Mindfulness Meditation Here is the six steps of mindfulness meditation: Step 1. Get into a comfortable posture. Sit crossed legged on a meditation cushion or with your legs extended straight out with your back against a wall for support, or sit in a chair with a firm back, keeping your feet on the floor and your spine straight, and tucking in your chin slightly to keep your vertebrae aligned properly. If you have any back, pelvic, or neck pain, back support is essential. In fact, you may want to lie down, with your head propped up at a 45degree angle. If you’re sitting up, close your eyes, but if you’re lying down, keep your eyes half open to prevent yourself from falling asleep. Step 2: Focus your eyes. With your eyes closed, focus them on one spot, ideally toward the tip of your nose or on your “third eye” (the chakra, or energy point in the middle of the forehead). Alternatively, look straight ahead at the insides of your eyelids or allow your eyeballs to roll upward. Whichever eye position you choose, make certain it feels comfortable and that your eye muscles are relaxed. If you have heightened

anxiety or fears, you may want to open your eyes halfway or even fully, looking straight ahead at a spot on the wall or out the window at a stationary object, in order to ease those feelings. Another idea is to close your eyes and imagine being in a place where you always feel relaxed, save and secure.

Step 3: Pay attention to your breathing. With your eyes closed or halfway open, fixating them on one spot, breathe in with awareness of your lungs and your diaphragm. As you inhale, say to yourself, “In.” Exhale from your lungs and then your abdomen, saying to yourself, “Out.” Do this each time you breathe. You can also use the words “rising” and “falling away,” or “comfort” and “letting go,” or “surrender” and “release.” Step 4: Place your hands in a relaxing and energizing mudra (hand position). In Buddhism, the mudra, or position of the hands, in meditation is important, because it affects the flow of energy throughout the body. There are three traditional mudras. Probably the most popular one is to touch the thumb and first finger to each other, and then hold your palms up, with your other fingers relaxed and straight, and rest the backs of your hands on your thighs. I describe two other ones common in Zen Buddhism in my book, Wise Mind Open Mind.

Step 5: Be aware. As you breathe in and out, mentally note the thoughts, feelings, sounds, tastes, smells, and physical sensations (such as itching, temperature, pain or discomfort, or feelings of heaviness and lightness) that you experience. Don’t try to analyze any of what you’re noting. Simply be present, open, alert, and watchful as you allow the witnessing mind to emerge. Observe the quality of the sensation if it has one, and categorize it: “heaviness in shoulders,” “bitter taste,” “lawn mower outside,” “painful thought about son,” and so on. Don’t explore this thought or feeling unless it occurs more than twice, in which case, ask if you need to deal with it now or after your meditation. If it needs to be addressed right away, allow yourself to be present with that sensation, feeling, or repetitive thought without judgment as it fades away or lessens in intensity. Afterwards write about it in a mindfulness journal (described in Chapter three of Wise Mind Open Mind), contemplate it or talk to a friend or counselor about it. Step 6: Slowly come back into ordinary consciousness. Take three long, slow, deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Rub the palms of your hands together to generate heat, and place the palms over your eyes and face. Open your eyes and slowly lift your hands away from your face as you return to awareness. Inhale deeply and stretch your arms up over your head, with your hands interlocked. Bend slowly to the right and then to the left. Do this several times, and then bend forward toward your feet. Reflect on whether anything of importance revealed itself to you that you wish to write about in your mindfulness journal, think about, or attend to. If you’re anticipating a stressful situation in

which it will be challenging to remain nonreactive, or you’ll need to be able to access your creativity more than usual because you’re dealing with a perplexing problem, try to schedule a mindfulness meditation immediately beforehand. I’ve had clients meditate before attending a late afternoon meeting in order to refresh themselves creatively, and before a phone conversation with their ex-spouse, and they’ve reported that just five minutes spent in mindfulness practice makes a dramatic difference in their ability to remain calm, focused, and nonreactive. Adapted from Dr. Ronald Alexander's new book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change Adapted from Dr. Ronald Alexander's new book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change (New Harbinger Publications, 2009).(New Harbinger Publications, 2009).

Ronald Alexander, Ph.D. is the author of the just released book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change (New Harbinger Publications, 2009). He is the director of the OpenMind Training® Institute, practices mindfulnessbased mind-body psychotherapy and leadership coaching in Santa Monica, CA, for individuals and corporate clients. He has taught personal and clinical training groups for professionals in Integral Psychotherapy, Ericksonian mindbody healing therapies, mindfulness meditation, and Buddhist psychology nationally and internationally since 1970. (

THE SHIFT Asking for Directions in the New Paradigm Shift BY Kimberly Rex

This last year has brought many changes. Even a few months ago in comparison to this one is likely feeling very different. We’ve watched fossil fuel come into greater scrutiny, taken notice when insurance companies, banks and companies ordered products or paid with funds they did not have, realized that investing in the

Stock Market can be risky, seen businesses pack up, budgets cut for education, skewed regulation in healthcare, and hear increasing documentation of global warming, starvation and spread of disease. How can we not have an internal response? We are being asked to reframe and reconsider our

choices in life. Through this process, we are also realizing that the old way of doing things may not work the same way. A new way of seeing and moving through the world is requiring a new map. This map is not only personal, but global and collective. It is being transcribed energetically from the Unified Field and your bio-energetic field. Resonance Repatterning works with Family Constellations and Polarity Therapy among its many disciplines. From the perspective of the Chakra System of your body which is a map of your life’s experiences, new material enters your bio-energetic field starting with the Crown Chakra from the Universal and Collective Field as an idea. Descending to the Throat and the Air (Heart) Chakra, this information becomes more of a feeling. As the information continues to descend to the lower triad of Chakra Centers which work with willpower, connection to tribe, and survival, it might become increasingly difficult to integrate.

Where your family system’s beliefs and generational patterns have embedded through tribal imprinting and perpetrator-victim stances, the process could slow or come to a halt. It is here that changes can alert painful emotional trauma, loss and bereavement with a fork in the road away from loyalty to Family and Organizational Systems. Habituation through thousands of years of survival instincts and protection of tribe and community is stored unconsciously within your bio-energetic field. Taking care of these inner places of conflict, roadblocks, and feelings is important as the new paradigm emerges. For the current process is not just personal, but planetary.

Shared values and resources for collective humanity and all life on our planet have come to a pivotal turning point. We are finding that we are not separate, but in every way related. In fact the issues of Wall Street, the epidemic of Swine Flu, the deforestation of the rainforests affect everyone and everything on the planet. In the same vein, what is sustainable and sharable through compassionate healing and understanding will also serve the greater good, and will circle back to serve us individually. Asking for direction in this time of change can happen through energizing your inner compass with truth, updating your memory bank, and opening to new possibilities. This time is not only about breaking apart, but also about breaking away from the old paradigm so that a new one can emerge. Do not underestimate the work that you do personally. It has an impact on your local sphere of influence, and also ripples out into the Unified Field, the very place the process started. Change how we resonate with our issues, and we change how we experience the world. Change how we experience the world, and the world changes! Kimberly Rex, MS is a Certified Resonance Repatterning practitioner and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. In this time of change, you can shift inner material to empower you through any transition in your life. Resonance Repatterning works anyplace on the time-space continuum, and includes Family Constellations and Polarity/Chakra work within its disciplines. As a recent client said, “It’s like Energetic Forensics that creates interdimensional change.” What you resonate with is what you experience in the world. It’s a new world! Update your inner compass and set course for new possibilities. Sign up for monthly newsletter or experience a session at:


Our current economical circumstances can encourage us to re-examine how we think about prosperity. What defines prosperity in a poor country is having basic shelter and sufficient food. To some people, giving generously to others is true prosperity. Prosperity can be the creation of business empires or the parenting of one happy, healthy child. It can be accumulating great financial wealth or living a nomadic life, free of possessions. Prosperity can be seen in a famous, gifted actor, and a drug addict demonstrating healthy recovery. It may be found in a powerful world leader, and in a monk praying for peace. Prosperity is to thrive in anything that is considered good. Often prosperity rises out of the ashes of loss, disaster and destruction. When something disturbing occurs, it is meant to motivate us to take constructive, healing action. We lose ourselves chasing after the false euphoria of addictions. This creates a life that proceeds from a memory of the past, which we then paradoxically attempt to escape. Our disasters are varieties of reprehensible behavior. We must recognize the depth of danger and destructiveness in our compulsions, and let them die in order to save ourselves. This must be a mental, emotional and physical experience, so that the energy of the problem can be discharged, in exchange for the energy of hope and higher purpose. Only then is it possible to see a path of wellness.

Surrendering compulsions and their associated dynamics, empties us of that which we are not. We are used to the lies of dysfunction dictating reality. We are used to the energy of fear in our body. We are used to a state of infantile dependency and its’ denial. So now we courageously free ourselves of defenses and defects of character. And we must temporarily

tolerate this consequential seeming insufficiency, in order to recognize real truth within us. Truth comes like a whisper, a loving nudge, a soft sensation in our body, and sometimes in warm tears of relief. It is the opposite of desperate willfulness, rigidity and resistance. It is our redemption and the beginning of prosperity.

We can realize that we were created whole, and begin to cultivate a new personal relationship that promotes health in body, mind and spirit. Prosperity is an internal and external experience. It includes the recognition and appreciation of positive, character traits and the constructive use of creativity, wisdom, talents, and skills. The more deeply we understand ourselves and life, the more that we thrive. The more that we give unselfish service to others, the more it enriches our own life. Openmindedness and willingness expand our consciousness. As fear falls away, we feel the fullness of this new mysterious life. There is no map for individual prosperity. Life is full of twists and turns. It is only important to meet our experiences with as much positive energy as possible, so that we are in the flow of solution.

Interdependence is woven into all of our earthly experience, thus prosperity is meant to benefit all. As adults, we are responsible for our own well being and growth. We also have a natural desire to provide healthy assistance to others, and to accept the same. Recovery based action, intention and communication increases our sense of belonging in the world. We prosper through an inclusive and holistic view of life, rather than exclusive and specific. When we allow our hearts to fully open and connect with others in a deeper way, it stimulates an abundance of giving and receiving. Beyond our basic physical needs, what we most desire is free. The giving and receiving of unselfish, unconditional love facilitates a thriving internal and external environment, which promotes prosperity.

We emerge from the tiny painful prison of disordered thoughts to enter a spacious garden of generosity and gratitude. In this place we are given the privilege of perpetuating peace and good will toward all. Including our spiritual beliefs in our vision of success, allows us to live from our highest values, which balance and benefit earthly and spiritual goals. If we believe that the ultimate, unlimited source of goodness comes from God or a Higher Power, then we are also unlimited in the ways that we contribute prosperity to life experience. There is no end point to thriving. It is an ongoing evolution in which we can all consciously participate together.

WWW.MARYCOOKMA.COM Mary Cook has a Master’s degree in psychology and is a registered addiction specialist, with 33 years of clinical practice and 29 years of University teaching experience. She is a writer, a national speaker, and has a private practice in San Pedro; CA. Mary is available for telephone and office counseling, consulting, guided meditation, speaking engagements and in-service training. Her book “Grace Lost and Found” will be published early spring 2010. Please see website for further information. Contact her at 310-517-0825.

“Just so you all know, I am not a healer, I am not enlightened (you already knew that), I do not channel, I am not in conscious contact with my higher self, I am not a Guru, I am simply an observer. I try to share what I see. That being said, onward!

What Gives With the Environment?

What these three topics have in common is their usefulness in convincing us that we need global establishments to deal with these large problems. The manufacturing of consent I was referring to is the process of achieving exactly that. Let’s start with the environment, a topic near and dear to all our hearts. Let me assure you, I am not suggesting I know what exactly is going on here; I am just presenting some observations from a slightly different viewpoint.

Back 30 yrs. ago in the Midwest, in the U.S., we were experiencing some of the coldest, snowiest weather in a long time. Scientists were claiming that the threat of an ice age was likely. Fast forward 20 yrs. and it became global warming. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in

I was thinking about how a manufactured consent of globalization has come front and center lately. I can give many examples of this. I will stick with just the main ones for the sake of this article. These topics would be the environment, the economy, the H1N1 flu virus.” By EtherEagle

1997. The protocol was set up to curb green house gasses thought to be causing global warming. The cap and trade system established in conjunction with a carbon credit system. Sounds all great until you dig in a little deeper.

The facts of global warming, (which was renamed to climate change after the average global temp leveled off in 2003 and has been steady declining since, and yes some say we are entering an ice age again!) are full of discrepancies. The mere suggestion that man is responsible for these changes probably stems more from a need to feel in control. Thus if we caused it, we can fix it. The truth as I see it is the planet's environment and climate is far more complicated than we can understand. The sun having a 12 year cycle of rising and falling activity is a huge contributor to the planet. The mere fact that NASA proved that the entire solar system was warming should be proof enough that man made global warming is a lie.

when a global political machine (United Nations), roles out an agenda that says taxation will cure the ills of the planet. Global cap and trade system is just a new commodity to be bought and sold by the regulators, to be passed to us through higher prices in energy consumption, brought about by the same people who are the creators of the global trade and commerce system that creates the exact problem it proclaims to cure. Nothing changes in the environment. The answers to remedy how we impact the environment already exist. The technology to produce clean, efficient, non-harmful energy is here now. It has been available for a long time. It is simply not allowed. If you want to know why, ask the cap and trade people. They won’t tell you though. They won’t tell you that if we used these new technologies then they would not make enough money. Then they wouldn't be able to control us with their fear mongering. Then we wouldn't need them telling us how to fix it.

There is also many more factors including, ocean currents, volcanic activity, geothermal activity, and larger prevailing cycles of climate change. So the science just isn't there. The need to create consent for a global authority is. Please do not misunderstand. I am not saying that everything man has done has been wonderful for the planet. It is certainly true that the widespread use of chemicals, and the stress of modern industrial life combined with a flat out disregard for our planet has caused problems. What I am saying is I have a problem

This first installment is an attempt to help you to see how the solution does not lie within those who create the problem. For their solutions only lead to much bigger problems. This will be easy to see if they are successful in implementing their complete globalization plan. Next time I will discuss the economy. How once again they role out the propaganda on how such a huge problem can only have a global solution. If you want to change things, focus on your community. That's where we can change ourselves to have a huge impact. Localize, not globalize. That is truly the only way to live a sustainable life! Be well, and many blessings to you all. Author Bio I am an independent researcher of 25 yrs. My spiritual disciplines include 5 yrs. of study in Naive American spirituality, focusing on the healing Bear lodge. I am also an artist, poet, and writer of the blog, down in a Hole. Studies include, ancient civilizations, esoteric spiritual teachings, with a particular interest in uncovering the hidden agenda of the ruling elite.


practice and workshops I’ve been struck by how many sensitive, empathic people who I call “emotional empaths” come to me, lonely, wanting a romantic partner, yet remaining single for years. Or else they’re in relationships but feel constantly fatigued and overwhelmed. The reason isn’t simply that “there aren’t enough emotionally available people ‘out there,’” nor is their burnout “neurotic.” Personally and professionally, I’ve discovered that something more is going on.


Secrets for Sensitive People to Find Relationships That Work: Why Emotional Empathy Stay Lonely or Alone By Judith Orloff Loneliness gets to some more than others. But why it hangs on isn’t always apparent when read by traditional medical eyes. In my medical

Emotional empaths are a species unto themselves. Whereas others may thrive on the togetherness of being a couple, for empaths like me, too much togetherness can be difficult, may cause us to bolt. Why? We tend to intuit and absorb our partner’s energy, and become overloaded, anxious, or exhausted when we don’t have time to decompress in our own space. We’re super-responders; our sensory experience of relationship is the equivalent of feeling objects with fifty fingers instead of five. Energetically sensitive people unknowingly avoid romantic partnership because deep down they’re afraid of getting engulfed. Or else, they feel engulfed when coupled, a nerve-wracking, constrictive way to live. If this isn’t understood, empaths can stay perpetually lonely; we want companionship, but, paradoxically, it doesn’t feel safe. One empath-patient told me, “It helps explain why at thirty-two I’ve only had two serious relationships, each lasting less than a year.” Once we empaths learn to set boundaries and negotiate our energetic preferences, intimacy becomes possible. For emotional empaths to be at ease in a relationship, the traditional paradigm for coupling must be redefined. Most of all, this means asserting your personal space needs--the physical and time limits you set with someone so you don’t feel they’re on top of you. Empaths can’t fully experience emotional freedom with another until they do this. Your space needs can

vary with your situation, upbringing, and culture. My ideal distance to keep in public is at least an arm’s length. In doctors’ waiting rooms I’ll pile my purse and folders on the seats beside me to keep others away. With friends it’s about half that. With a mate it’s variable. Sometimes it’s rapture being wrapped in his arms; later I may need to be in a room of my own, shut away. One boyfriend who truly grasped the concept got me a “Keep Out” sign for my study door! For me, this was a sign of true love. All of us have an invisible energetic border that sets a comfort level. Identifying and communicating yours will prevent you from being bled dry by others. Then intimacy can flourish, even if you’ve felt suffocated before. Prospective mates or family members may seem like emotional vampires when you don’t know how to broach the issue of personal space. You may need to educate others--make clear that this isn’t about not loving them--but get the discussion going. Once you can, you’re able to build progressive relationships. If you’re an empath or if the ordinary expectations of coupledom don’t jibe with you practice the following tips.

DEFINE YOUR PERSONAL SPACE NEEDS Tips for empaths to feel at ease in a relationship Tip 1. What to say to a potential mate as you’re getting to know someone, share that you’re a sensitive person, that you periodically need quiet time. The right partner will understand; the wrong person will put you down for being “overly sensitive,” won’t respect

your need. Tip 2. Clarify your preferred sleep style traditionally; partners sleep in the same bed. However, some empaths never get used to this, no matter how caring a mate. Nothing personal; they just like their own sleep space. Speak up about your preferences. Feeling trapped in bed with someone, not getting a good night’s rest, is torture. Energy fields blend during sleep, which can overstimulate empaths. So, discuss options with your mate. Separate beds. Separate rooms. Sleeping together a few nights a week. Because non-empaths may feel lonely sleeping alone, make compromises when possible. Tip 3. Negotiate your square footage needs you may be thrilled about your beloved until you live together. Experiment with creative living conditions so your home isn’t a prison. Breathing room is mandatory. Ask yourself, “What space arrangements are optimal?” Having an area to retreat to, even if it’s a closet? A room divider? Separate bathrooms? Separate houses? I prefer having my own bedroom/office to retreat to. I also can see the beauty of separate wings or adjacent houses if affordable. Here’s why: conversations, scents, coughing, movement can feel intrusive. Even if my partner’s vibes are sublime, sometimes I’d rather not sense them even if they’re only hovering near me. I’m not just being finicky; it’s about maintaining well-being if I live with someone. Tip 4. Travel wisely Traveling with someone, you may want to have separate space too. Whether my companion is romantic or not, I’ll always have adjoining rooms with my own bathroom. If sharing a room is the only option, hanging a sheet as a room divider will help. “Out of sight” may make the heart grow fonder. Tip 5. Take regular mini-breaks Empaths require private downtime to regroup. Even a brief escape prevents emotional overload. Retreat for five minutes into the

bathroom with the door shut. Take a stroll around the block. Read in a separate room. One patient told her boyfriend, “I need to disappear into a quiet room for ten minutes at a party, even if I’m having fun,” a form of self-care that he supports.

In my medical practice, I’ve seen this creative approach to relationships save marriages and make ongoing intimacies feel safe, even for emotional empaths (of all ages) who’ve been lonely and haven’t had a long-term partner before. Once you’re able to articulate your needs, emotional freedom in your relationships is possible.

Judith Orloff MD is author of the new book “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Harmony Books, 2009)”

Short Stories Series

For him, it was in every sense...the evening of the day.

Comfort for those who walk this physical plane without their Twin Flame…

The digital clock on his nightstand read 11:58 PM but for Geoff, counting time was no longer a concern. His head rolled to the left, though he had meant to move his whole body. His back

The Evening of the Day by Alastar He was alone, lying surrounded by memories from the past, memories faint and opaque. Picture and sound within his mind played out like sound beneath water, or seeing light from the bottom of a lake. Alone and slipping....slipping ever nearer to that brink, one of no return. His mind was no longer working for him, nay; it was working against him. Tricking him, confusing him, frightening him. It would not be long now. Noise from outside mingled with his thoughts, a disorienting cacophony of doors opening, cars starting and revving, people and their voices, all of them in a hurry heading for separate destinations. Reality was confusion, while in his thoughts there was sense, little of it but existing all the same. The television was the only light in the room, night had fallen over his home and a distant rumble heard from the opened window preceded what would become the storm of the century for those living in Newbury. The television flickered its variance of brightness over the walls of his room as the picture changed every other second, but it entertained itself, Geoff was distant...near but so far away.

Ached something awful, and he wanted off of it. Frustrated his tongue rolled around in his mouth, drool spilling out of his mouth and onto the pillow. He told his right hand to wipe away the drool, instead his left hand came up to wipe his was then that he sensed movement by the window, his eyes flicked up to it just in time to be blinded by a flash of lightening...then thunder and darkness, at least he expected darkness. But this was something much different. Sunlight bathed him; he moved his right arm over his eyes to protect them from this odd and unexpected difference. Somewhere in his mind he realized he had successfully moved his arm

as he had intended, but that thought would not grow to amaze him, for the world around him was divergent to anything he had anticipated to see when again he opened his eyes. Wind graced his face and moved through the wisps of his grey hair, the unmistakable scent of the sea filled his nose and mouth as he inhaled and exhaled deeply...breathing in a way he hadn't for decades. Trees as tall as skyscrapers towered around him, their leaves dancing and whispering in one voice, a song old as time. The soft fertile forest floor cushioned his sore feet as he stepped forward, absolutely in shock, and beginning to wonder if he had stepped into a dream. A new orchestra sounded around him. Wind was moving through a forest of pine and oak, birds high in the canopy, insects buzzing in and out of violet flowers which grew at the base of nearly every tree, then the sound of water breaking over rocks, a waterfall somewhere below him. Standing still with his face turned to the forest ceiling and the sun, he remained for some time, breathing and listening. His mind emptied and a sense of peace began to fill him, he smiled in a way he had not since he was a child…a simple mirth and joy filling him until he was…complete. Not once did the thought return to him, of how he had gotten here. It no longer mattered. For from here he would not easily be convinced to ever leave. He was still unmoving and in awe when the sound of singing reached his ears, floating on the wind to find him here, where... he could not yet know. He moved slowly against the breeze, following the voice, and somewhere in his mind he knew the Architect of that song, deep within his soul

seemed to vibrate a response. There was only one objective now, one more thing he had to do before all time ceased to hold him, he had to see her...touch her...hold her. He traveled lightly, taking in everything around him, taking time to observe this place he remembered from somewhere; of course he had been here before. Distance was no objective… he was close, closer than he had been his entire life.

A brook split the forest floor before him, running over gilded rocks and somewhere distant, into the Sea. A large boulder on the opposite shore immediately drew his gaze; and there atop as if a Queen on her throne, she sat, one leg over the other, a thin water colored gown flowing over her figure, deep brown hair touching her breast on either side, and a flute by her breath and soul extending their one song over this ethereal world.

She was just as he had imagined her throughout his entire life, the missing beat to his heart, the stride to his step, his beloved, his Twin Flame.

As if he were fifty years younger he jumped through the stream and practically flew up the boulder hand and foot. He emerged over one side at the top, as she reached out a hand to help him up. They gazed at each other for what he would later imagine was an entire lifetime, and slowly he took her hand, his flesh actually tingling by her touch. As he made to sit on the rock next to her, their gaze never left each others. Her hazel eyes into his brown, through them their souls were seemingly aflame. As one their lips parted and voices whispered, "Maelendia." And then she smiled, and Geoff laughed, absolutely uncontrolled with glee. Their laughter echoed over the forest of this separate plane, and it would follow them both, echoing in and out of time forever. She fell into his arms and he grasped her tightly, heavy tears of joy falling past his chin and into her hair. After several moments she pulled herself slowly out of his grasp and leaned in to wipe his tears. Her voice seemed to resonate from deep within him, at the same time obviously coming from her. "When Ancient Warriors find reason to weep, surely even the greatest of hearts may break." When he spoke, it was in a way he did not know he could, "But not all tears should be grieved, some are born of happiness." She smiled and said, "But no tear weather of glee or despair comes without suffering." For the first time since seeing her he glanced away from her gaze, and stared down at the rock beneath them.

Her hand grazed the side of his head and stayed there, giving him the courage to say what he felt he must, "A whole lifetime, I spent it searching for you. All my life, my strength waned in the presence of Humanity...there were times I could not stand for life!" He cast his gaze away again, for he did not want to see her expression, but there was no escaping his Twin, "It was not my time on Earth, it was ninety three years for you Maelendia, but for me it was only a moment. And in that moment I experienced every pain, every beauty, every longing as you...I am so sorry I could not have gone with you." Geoff looked out over the Boulder and into the canopy of trees. The sun was setting, and what golden light remained filtered through the leaves of the trees, and danced over every surface. He smiled and looked back at her, the sunlight in her eyes creating such a stunning effect that she smiled, and much to Geoff’s amusement felt her hand on the bottom of his jaw, closing it. Her voice was full of mirth as she said, "But now you are here, and though our work is never done...for this moment we are together. It is the evening of the day...and nothing, not even time shall come between us now." Time stopped, and a life filled with life…extinguished, but not to end. Instead the flame became as smoke, and drifted out of sight and mingled with other elements until finally it was again a part of everything, and lived anew. Two parts of one went together into light. When the storm was over in Newbury,

neighbors worked together to help each other clean up. When they lifted the massive support beam off of Geoff already knowing they were too late, all of them were amazed to see that his eyes were closed, and he was smiling. A Short Story Written and Conceived by: Aaron Alastar Scherer“For the mind can imagine horrible and dark things…amongst them the feeling of being altogether alone. Listen, and mark my words. Not for one measureable amount of time, ever, are we alone. Somewhere beyond our sight exists something else, a soul whole and uninhibited by law and fearful doubt. It is another you…no…it is you. Your souls twin; a spiritual guide walking with you always. It is love and light, immaculate.” A. A. Scherer

About the Author: My name is Aaron, but those who know me call me Alastar, a name I was given years ago, when I first began to discover the world around me. I/We am/are on a journey, one of self and worldly discovery, a journey of truth. The real implications of that word, I wonder if you can vaguely imagine?

Angel Encounter By Mariam Jensen

I had a close encounter of the third kind I'd very much like to share with you. It isn't the Steven Spielberg kind of encounter but it was no less strange and remarkable. I was living in Denmark at the time and had in fact just moved there. I looked around anxiously for a black girl to do my hair as I am African American and had happily found one in Copenhagen about 35 miles from my home in Fredensborg near the queens summer castle. I had only been in the country 3 months when I felt brave enough to drive into, the big scary foreign city that day in a car that was a loaner from my husband's company. This was my third visit to Mariska, who was a rather quiet unfriendly woman much younger than me from Ghana a country in West Africa. The Danish society, I've since found, can be cool and not friendly and many expatriates feel it strongly and become "closed off" and alienated somehow and Mariska I think was one of these sadly displaced souls. Now this particular day the subject came up about religion. Somehow we began talking about faith; Mariska with her Hell and damnation beliefs and me with my more positive outlook of tolerance and

forgiveness. Somehow our radical differences began to fade and I encouraged her to have sympathy for those that did not "measure up" to her religious beliefs. think that there may be a reason people go through the experiences they do and that God knows what He's doing. What happened was magical between brought us to tears and Mariska opened her heart to me that day.

When I left the salon I felt as though my feet were literally off the ground. I was on a high of grace I'd never experienced before in my life. I got into my car, pulled off and in one swoop and ripped the side view mirror clean off the car parked in front of me in the process. I sat there in the car feeling...baffled. After such a high how could any bad thing happen at this particular moment. It seemed to fly in the face of what I was just telling Mariska about how thoughts and feelings effected thing we experience. As I sat there, imagining the Danish Politi, forms in a language I had not yet learned to speak and the upset this would surely cause within my husband's company, tears beginning to burn behind my eyes and trying to think of what I should do next; a man suddenly appeared at my open window startling me and these were his exact words. "Now I don't want you to worry about this...we'll take care of everything, You go on home and don't worry about a thing" Now as this man spoke I remember that I stared forward gripping my steering wheel with both hands and refused to look at this stranger..and I think I was afraid to. I caught a sideways glance and noticed he was dressed in a black men's overcoat and wore a black fedora, the kind that men in the 30's and 40's wore. My father used to wear such a hat but that was many years ago. I think it was at this point also, I noticed the beard. It was soft yellowish and full…Like Santa Claus, I which was weird in

and of it. I hadn't been in Denmark long but long enough to know that no Danish men wore a beard like it, not that I'd seen, anyway. I also noticed his fingers were chubby and round as they wrapped around the edge of the open window. In a trance like state I finally summoned the courage and I shot a glance at him and saw that he had no visible irises. Where eyes should be it looked like deep spaces reflectioning blue sky with clouds! A shot of adrenalin flew up to my heart and I felt it racing...but I dutifully did as he told me and drove on.

I had reach about the count of 3 before my brain kicked in and I thought "Wait a minute, who is this person and who gave him the authority to tell me go home? He didn't even say that it was his car" I looked back through the open window where he should've been then leaned out the window and he simply was no longer there...He had vanished..Not only from the spot, I had a clear view up and down the street of row houses with open stoops and there was no one on it! I was on autopilot. I drove on in a daze. I got to the end of the street stopped and asked aloud in my car, "Dear God what just happened to me…Because I think something abnormal just happened to me...tell me what"! I felt an urge to turn on my radio for…Some kind of return to reality...I pushed the button. The volume had been accidentally turned way up and Anne Lennox's voice blared inside the car and what she sang these words "....a chorus full of Angels is playing with my heart..La la la la". Her high pitched voice floated around notes sounding like bells to my ears. I remember pulling my hand back from the radio dial with a slight gasp. At that moment it just seemed as though something else was in control of what was happening to me and that even my radio was in on it whatever it was. Involuntary tears came to my eyes. They were not from joy or sadness but something else...some other feeling I was

unfamiliar with…What was it...the feeling like some portal inside myself opening...Ok..I couldn't get around that block fast enough. It's a wonder I didn't get a ticket because I drove so fast I actually heard the sound of my own tires screeching. Fortunately, this block was as deserted as the block I'd just left, not a soul in sight, so I got around it in record time. When I arrived back at the street...all I could see was a long shiny stretch of compact cars, Not a car was missing in the long row that extended from Mariska's shop to the corner where I'd just come from. No space was empty and no car had a side view mirror missing!...not one. I got out and checked. More than this, there was a settled quiet as though it had always been this way.. How on earth, I thought ....I drove around the block.. again...same deserted street..OK this can't be really happening, I thought. As the years have passed...I have been over and over this day in my mind a million times. Was it or wasn't it?..I have told the story of this close encounter with only a selected list of friends and family, and a smattering of strangers. Interesting as my reluctance to share my tale with everyone, is just who, did and did not make the list. My mother...did not make the list, at least not at first. It was six years before I worked up to that one and the reception was Luke warm at best. I did not tell my husband, (now my ex-husband). To this day he has never heard this story. I wonder if it's somehow telling, that the woman who first taught me how to view the world and the man I shared 20 years with, were not the one's I felt excited to share my miraculous experience with. I did tell my children, Alex, who is now 22 and Michael who is 25 and I told my hairdresser (everyone knows hairdressers are pretty receptive to people’s life changing stories) and my minister. When I do find the right person I feel comfortable telling my story to I always tell it the same way.. When I finish, I let it settle on them like a new fallen snow. There is always a moment or two of silence…While this happens. Some don't let me finish before they pronounce it "angel" definitely "an angel", others sit a long long time, but they all say the same thing. It was most definitely "Them" you know "Those guys" "Angel"..."most definitely…yes". I never use

the word "angel" when telling the story. I let the listeners be the judge. Since then I there have been many times I could've used an angel, times I felt deserted, times I need reassurance. And then there were those other times ... the "dark nights of the soul" times, when you feel flattened and you think you cannot and will not survive..I have prayed and wailed and even, in the course of life, whined a little. Miraculously, they did not appear. I have asked out loud ..."Why me" "Why then" and "For heaven sake, Why not now" But I receive no definitive answer. I have had a relationship with angels, however. I sometimes have heard their gentle whisperings and firmer voices that pronounce, yeah or neah to things that I am thinking of or about, to do. They give me wisdoms in gentle patient urging voices about myself and others. I, for the most part ignore the messages about others. I have seen the horror on peoples face when I imparted intimate details about what they should or should rethink doing. It's invasive I think. I have also; never talked openly about the voices...they lock people up for that don't they? And the messages are only useful I feel, if they do not prevent those receiving them from finding their own truth, their own way; so I've given up offering them. Far better that we go it alone…Still…This one day...was the day I was absolutely sure...I was not...alone. I have since had one other encounter with our fine UN feathered friends from the other side of life. I felt it was a test. That I failed miserably is of no consequence. I've learned that failure is important stuff down here on terra firma. We fall down...we get up...and do it differently next go round. It's the bruising we have to watch out for…And the scars. Every time I re-tell my story...the story of the angel...I find a new reason to believe it and the possibilities for my life to be "More" After all how could this have happened to me if "they" didn't believe in me and this gives me, sometimes, just enough faith to believe in myself. And sometimes just enough is...well ..."just enough". The bible says "Beware how you treat strangers lest they be an angel in disguise" I

try hard to obey this simple rule. Having a close encounter with one means you can never be too sure. And perhaps there's a reason for this. Maybe that's more important than the "whys" I have asked myself over the years. I for one believe firmly, that God does know what He's doing. Maybe the reason we are not supposed to ever really know for sure that we have really encountered an angelic presence is so that we will treat each and every encounter we have, like it is sacred....because in point of fact......It IS

Mariam Jensen is an esthetican/cosmetologist and permanent make-up tattooist, living in Virginia. She resided in Denmark with her Danish born husband and children, two sons Alex now 22 and Michael now 25. music producers as well as an interview with Lars VonTrier. She is currently divorced and seeing clients in her private studio by appointment, working on an online business, where she will be selling health and beauty products and writing a book on natural health and beauty.

Uganda Outreach Project: YOUR Compassion in Action

By: Harriet Nantale, Country Director TDMI-Uganda. In August 2009, Humanity Healing Uganda Outreach Team Members from our partner NGO in Uganda, TDMI, traveled to northern Uganda to share your Compassion at two internal displacement camps

The August Humanity Healing Uganda Outreach Program was conducted in two separate internally displaced camps (IDPS) camps: Unyama and Tegotatoo. Tegotatoo is marginalized because it is far from the easily reachable camps. The majority of the internally Displace Persons (IDPS) are living in the most remote parts of northern Uganda. The programs that are run by other charitable organizations are symbolic instead of being programmatic and sustainable. The Uganda Outreach Team was involved in selecting 30 children to be retuned to school and handed over sponsorship funds to the Head teacher. Due to the on-going resettlement plan (returning all IDPS from camps back to their respective villages and districts.) most of the projects under Uganda Outreach Project are the appropriate ones needed in the disgruntled lives of IDPS. The on-going Feeding Program is totally matching with the call of the government to fight malnutrition in the above region Feeding Program

In August 2009, the Uganda Outreach Project Team provided food to 627 children. We emphasize the need to balanced nutrition in the form of rice, oranges, carrots, sweet bananas, breed, maize flour, beans, meat, glucose and milk powder to be provided to the displaced children. This helps to provide enough and qualify balanced diet for all the children. Children need proper nutrition and regular meals in order to even perform well in class. Many aid organizations and service providers will emphasize education; but there stays an equal need to have proper feeding for all children. It takes approximately $2,500 to provide food to 627 children per month. Without our support, “most of the children eat once a day or even once in every two days” as the guardians and parents have just begun to go back to their fields and villages to start digging. But that food isn’t ready as of yet. Some are still afraid of returning to their gardens because of the fear of land mines that exist in some parts of the region in this post-conflict period. Healing humanity is a process. We therefore call upon all our donors to stay at the rescue of this scattered generation. Clothing Most of the children have no clothes. Uganda Outreach Partner Organizations has continued to provide clothes to the children. We encourage donation of used (second hand) clothes that are in good condition to be donated in order to preserve human dignity. Every month, we deliver clothes through churches and local leaders. Child sponsorship All the 30 selected children for relocation to educational programs received their measurements for the uniforms that the hired tailor is sewing right now and they will be delivered to the children before September 15th. And as a matter of making our services stronger and grounded, Humanity Healing Foundation’s partner in Uganda, TDMI, has established and signed a memorandum of understanding with

various government-aided schools to partner and provide volunteer teachers with skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Sports and Physical Education. We therefore invite all interested volunteers to contact Humanity Healing Foundation offices for details or contact TDMI office in case of questions relating to such services. The Uganda Outreach Project needs sponsors who can help individual children with their education.

August Activities Accomplished. • Providing food, fruits and breed to 627

• •

children in both Unyuma and Tegotatoo IDPs camps. Measuring the sizes for the 30 children selected for sponsorship. Uniforms and shoes will be provided. Counseling child-mothers in the above camps. Examining children who need /require immediate medical attention and recommended them to nearby clinics. Free transport was provided for such children. However, clinics/health centers lack drugs. Local leaders encouraged to be part of Uganda Outreach Project by participating in their related activities.

“All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.” ~Earl Nightingale

Spiritual Destinations: “The Passion play”

The Passion Play is a dramatic re-enactment of the Passion of Christ, which recounts the trial, suffering and death of Jesus Christ. It plays a dominant role during Lent among many Christian denominations, primarily in the Catholic Church. The most notable passion play in the world is held in Oberammergau, Germany. What makes this event worldrenowned is that it is only seen once every ten years since it first came to life in 1634. In 2010, the 41st Passion play will be re-enacted from May 15 to October 3. Highlight on the Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany World Tours and Cruises Talk Radio

The Passion Play in Oberammergau began as a promise to God by the villagers in 1632, that should God spare them from the bubonic plague that claimed the region of Bavaria, the Village of Oberammergau will perform the Passion Play of Christ once every ten years through eternity.

The village was not wiped out by the plague, and in 1634 the people of Oberammergau performed the first play. They have passed this legacy on from generation to generation over 400 years. Nowadays, the play is performed by over 2,000 people of Oberammergau who begin preparations for the play two years before the event. People of Oberammergau serve as actors, directors, scriptwriters; stage set coordinators, prop technicians, musicians and all other supporting members of the production. The men auditioning for the play begin growing their hair to look the part. Auditions occur 2-3 years before the event, and the most coveted role is that of Jesus Christ. The play runs for 5 consecutive months from May to October at the end of each decade, and the performance runs for 6 - 7 hours. A meal is served during intermission. Since 1870 package tours became the way people from around the world came to see the play. The package tours included the play and 1 or 2 nights of accommodations in the area. More sophisticated tour packages now also include several destination points, accommodating every possible desire for visitors to tour nearby cities and countries. World Tours and Cruises partnered with Collette Vacations to offer 8 programs with Oberammergau Passion

Play 2010 to include destinations such as: Bavaria; France and Bavaria; Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria; Alpine Explorer with the Glacier Express; Alpine Countries; Imperial Cities of Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Innsbruck; Croatia; and Italy. The Passion Play in 2000 sold out and it is projected that Passion Play 2010 will also sell out. Book your package early to include both land and air transportation and accommodations, choose your destination stops to include must-see places in Europe, purchase travel insurance in case of emergency cancellations and medical coverage overseas, and secure your passport. Then, you can relax and wait for your departure date with ease knowing you are on your way to witnessing an experience of a lifetime, Passion Play 2010 Oberammergau.

Related website: Oberammergau Passion Play 2010 (virtual magazine) By Gina Alzate, World Tours and Cruises ** Gina Alzate is also the National Interracial Relationship Examiner and the Philadelphia Romance Examiner. delivers the next edition of this series right to your Inbox. To subscribe, please visit here.

World Visions

Anything To Keep Aung San Suu Kyi Out of Burma’s Electoral Process Rene Wadlow* The Myanmar military dictatorship currently speaks of “Myanmar’s Road to Democracy.” This is not unlike the earlier slogan of General Ne Win and his Burma Socialist Programme Party’s “Burmese Road to Socialism.” That Road led a relatively prosperous, rice-exporting country to one that is on the UN’s list of the 50 most underdeveloped countries and a net rice importer. The most recent sign post of “Myanmar’s Road to Democracy” was the 11 August court judgement of an additional 18 months of house arrest for the democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi. She has been under house arrest for 14 of the last 19 years after her political movement, the National League for Democracy (NLD) won the 1990 elections.

The 18 months is designed to keep Aung San Suu Kyi from playing any active role in the proposed 2010 national elections. She had already been barred from running for office by the new 2008 constitution which bars anyone married to a foreigner from running for office. Aung San Suu Kyi was married to the late Michael Aris, a British scholar specialized in the cultures of Burma and Tibet who died of cancer in March 1999. However, her presences in election meetings — were election meetings to be held — would have been a major force. In the 1990 elections, there were no real election meetings. A gathering of more than five people required a police permit — rarely given. The Burmese military have held power in the country since 1958 and show no signs of yielding it to civilian political leaders. They have prevented discussion of the most burning political issues which have divided the Burmese since independence in 1947: the national minorities, the insurgencies, the balance of power between central and regional administrations, the nature of the state and the role of democracy. The military leadership has been both corrupt and incompetent. They weakened administrative services, schools, health care and the state infrastructure despite a bloated public sector of underpaid and inefficient civil servants. Many educated Burmese left the country for jobs in Britain, Canada and Australia; other Burmese joined the merchant marine of other countries in order to be able to feed their families. By 1988, economic failure, lack of social services, and an oppressive atmosphere preventing discussion led to student protests. University students have always been the leaders of reform movements, in part in memory of the 1936 student strike in Rangoon which was the most visible cry for independence. In March 1988, during the “seven days that shook Rangoon”, there was a remarkable series of non-violent protests, led by students, younger Buddhist monks, and young professionals. The demonstrations received a good deal of

sympathy from the wider conditions were worsening due to ever-rising prices. public whose economic The military hit back with largeallowed. Party publications were limited; no scale arrests of students and shooting of access to radio was given. Leaders of the demonstrators. The movement began to potentially stronger political parties were put spread beyond Rangoon. Unrest continued, in jail or under house arrest. and on 8 August 1988, there was a general strike and massive street demonstrations in Confounding the military’s plans, Rangoon. Tens of thousands demanded one party — the National League for democracy, human rights and the resignation Democracy with Aung San Suu Kyi as its of the government. The army intensified its secretary-general — won 392 of the 485 crackdown, and many student leaders left seats in Parliament. A set of ethnic parties, the country for Thailand or the border areas. collectively called the Union Nationalities The military, however, recognized the League for Democracy and allied to the seriousness of the crisis. General Ne Win NLD won 47 seats, while the political party resigned and some of the military in his most allied to the SLORC gained only 10 cabinet were also ‘allowed’ to resign. seats. The SLORC was so out of touch with popular sentiment that they were surprised A slightly modified group of military by the results. Thus they had to invent leaders retained power, but to indicate that a reasons why the Parliament could not meet. change had taken place, they called themselves the State Law and Order The reason hit upon was that with Restoration Council (SLORC) and dropped the change of government, the constitution all mention of the “Burmese road to was suspended and that the Parliament could socialism”. Since there had been wide not be called into session until a new international criticism, especially at the UN, constitution was written and ratified. Thus of the brutal crackdown upon students, the from 1991 to 2008, the government SLORC decided that there should be pretended to be in a constitution-drafting elections in order to confirm their stage. 17 years is a long time to write a legitimacy. constitution, especially as there was no public discussion of what the constitution SLORC had hoped to continue the should contain. military monopoly of power following the holding of the promised elections in 1990. Just as the 200-page constitution and Their idea was to create a multitude of commentary was to be ratified, a tropical political parties built around personalities cyclone — Nargris — struck the heavily from each section of the country. In all, 93 populated Irrawaddy Delta — home for a parties with no previous legal existence were quarter of the country’s population of 57 created for the election. The anticipated million. However, the ratification vote went result would be a divided Parliament ahead on 10 May and on 24 May in the through which SLORC would continue in storm-ravaged areas. Since no effort had power by the building of fragile coalition been made to explain the meaning of the governments. In order to facilitate this plan, constitutional provisions, the government in the election procedure was weighted against many areas provided ballots with “yes” the creation of a mass party. No election already marked in. meetings of more than five people were

Despite the fact that there is now a constitution, it is not those elected in 1990 that will be called to Parliament. Rather there are to be new elections in 2010 which the military will better prepare this time. With foresight, the constitution provides that a quarter of the seats are reserved for the military. The other safeguard needed was to prevent Aung San Suu Kyi from being present at election meetings. Thus her house arrest which was to end late in 2009 had to be renewed so that she could not leave her home. One of the provisions of her current house arrest regulations is that she can not have a visitor without government permission. Thus, the government needed to find an “unauthorized visitor” so that there could be a new trial and a prolongation of the house arrest. How the government found its “unauthorized visitor” is not fully clear and would be funny in a film. What seems most likely is that an American Mormon missionary, John W. Yettaw, 54, had already once swam across the lake which borders Aung San Suu Kyi’s home in order to leave with her a copy of the Book of Mormon, the chief text of the faith, and then left also swimming. He would have been contacted by intelligence agents of the Myanmar government on the Thai

frontier with the news that Aung San Suu Kyi wanted to see him and that he could again reach her by swimming across the lake. Yattaw claims that the idea came to him in a vision. Both versions may be true. In any case, he swam across the lake. There was no real discussion of theology, but Yettaw, tired and with cramps from swimming was allowed to sleep one night in the house. As he started swimming away the next morning, he was picked up by the police who now had evidence of “unauthorized visitors.” Yettaw was tried in the same Insein Prison as Aung San Suu Kyi and received a seven-year sentence — four with hard labor. He received three years for breaching security laws, three for immigration violations and one year for illegal swimming. Hopefully, there are enough Mormons with influence in the US government so that some sort of deal will be made, and he can continue his missionary activities in safer conditions. How (and if) elections are carried out in 2010 will have to be followed closely. * Rene Wadlow, Representative to the UN, Geneva, Association of World Citizens

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