Distant Healing Techniques

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  • Words: 712
  • Pages: 3
Distant Healing Techniques

Article by Richard Gordon

Distant healing is a simple, effective way to impact someone even if they are miles away. The beauty about utilizing distant healing is that you don’t need extensive training to do it. All that is needed is intent, a sincere desire to help people and a willingness to sit or lie quietly. Here is a simplified version of distant healing that you can use to send healing to the victims of the hurricane:

1. First, find a quiet space and begin by taking a few deep breaths. As you breathe, imagine that you can actually feel energy moving from your feet to the top of your head on the inhale, and then circulating down to the feet as you exhale. 2. As you continue to breathe, cup your hands and see yourself sending energy to your hands as you exhale. Imagine that you are holding the people that you want to care for between your hands. 3. You can “see” or feel the energy that is running through your body as light, Divine Love, or however you choose to define it. The important thing is to feel it moving with your breath. Feel the Spirit, as energy, coursing in and through your body and then sending it to those in need. Keep breathing!

4. As you breathe, imagine that there is a Divine orchestration which is providing solutions quickly, easily and powerfully in a state of wonderful grace. See that the people being transported to safe places are reunited easily with their families. Envision peace, love and light flowing into the minds of those that are suffering, so that not only will their bodies be cared for, but their minds will become unburdened and touched by joy. FEEL this as you breathe. Remember that the purpose of this activity is to envision abundance continuing to arrive miraculously to assist, feed, nourish and heal the people in the Southeast. It is an alternative to focusing your attention and energy on everything that is not going well. Knowing that the past cannot be changed, envision creative and supporting solutions beautifully created from the greatest good in people. 5. As you continue with this exercise, holding the residents of the damaged areas in the cup of your hands and extending love to them, allow for any number of healing miracles to occur. Allow inspiration regarding any other actions you can take to help (donate time, money, supplies, hold a fundraiser, etc.). 6. Pray for the highest spirit to take over in their lives. See that nothing is too big for Spirit for that which created the entire Universe can certainly intervene and bring ease to this situation. The founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association, Dr. C. Norman Shealy, tested distant healing with Richard Gordon (author of “Quantum-Touch, The Power to Heal”). Dr. Shealy discovered that Mr. Gordon’s distant healing was able to affect other people’s brainwaves as measured by an electroencephalograph machine. Upon further testing with his most difficult chronic pain patients, Dr. Shealy found that it brought about significant pain relief. This suggests that people can improve the power of their prayers and affect healing from a distance.

Instructions Things you’ll need: •

A Clean Heart

1. Step 1 Distance healing is nothing more than focused prayer. Before you debate the benefits of prayer you may want to check out the links below providing information on the work being performed by Masuru Emoto on Energy Resonance - the profound effect words have on water crystals. Therefore, step one entails opening your heart to the possibilities. 2. Step 2 Place your hand out as if you are actually touching the person you wish to provide good energy to and imagine effectuating a cure for their illness or condition. 3. Step 3 For those with a belief in the Creator of All Things, give credit where credit is due and ask that He effectuates a cure in the person who is suffering from an ailment. Ask that the ailment be a blessing on the person to make them become centered in their own lives and strengthen their own spiritual being. A weakened spiritual being is a major cause of most illness and a leading cause of depression.

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