Ohclc Newsletter September 08

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Holy Cross has been asked to staff the hospitality table, where maps and ID tags are given out. Thanks to Don and Joanne Olson for organizing this part of the drive, and to everyone else for generously providing the food bank with food for their ongoing work.


What's Up! Saturday September 20, 2008 Volunteers meet at the United Church Centre 43 riverside Drive (formerly the Ginger Tea House) Join us for muffins and coffee at 8:30 am canvassing 9:30 to 11:30 am Town of Okotoks residents may leave donations of non-perishable food on their doorstep for pick-up by volunteers between 9:30 and 11:30 am or drop off directly to the food bank at the United Church Centre. For more information or to find out how you can help call 403-651-6629

Soup Sundays

Sunday Morning Bible Study This year we decided to run a Sunday Morning (9am to 10am) Study group. The first series of studies will be on prayer. The coffee will be on!

Confirmation This year we are starting a new 2-year cycle. A meeting for Confirmands and parents will be held immediately after church on September 21st.

At this meeting you will be introduced to the curriculum and the schedule for the first half of the year. Confirmation students are typically in Jr High. For more information call Pastor Rod 403-938-4979

Holy Cross Lutheran

Every fall the Okotoks Food Bank conducts a town-wide collection of non-perishable foods. This year the drive takes place on September20th. Volunteers are asked to gather at the United Church (43 Riverside Drive W) at 8:30am for muffins and coffee. Door to door collections will be from 9:30am to 11:30am.

Hello Everyone and Welcome Back!

kind and I thank you.

I hope your summer break was long enough to restore the tired spirit and short enough to help you refocus on coming challenges. Summer around the church is typically quiet but September is a real wake up call! We have many things to do, needs to address, programs to launch, none of which (I trust) will keep us from having fun together.

There are some obvious changes coming up. Lesley has decided to give her notice to the church. She wants to spend more time developing her new business as a distributor for “Feminine Flair” fashion accessories. She will continue to act as our Office Administrator until a replacement is found. Unfortunately her hours will have to flex as she juggles her new

I was surprised to notice that I am creeping up on my first anniversary as your pastor. The first year has been remarkable ‘normal’ although I cannot deny the existence of a learning curve. You have been very Inside this issue:

responsibilities. Thanks, Lesley, for your many contributions to the life of this church. As we look ahead there are many things we cannot yet see. Somehow, that is not daunting when we know that we need see the Lord Jesus only. May the months ahead be blessed adventures for each of us. Pastor Rod

The Wednesday morning Men’s Breakfast group continues to meet over hash browns, eggs, bacon, and coffee! Place: Grissom’s Deli—49 Elizabeth Time: 7am


Inside this issue:


Pastor Rod


Choir & Atonemen


Men’s Breakfast


Fall Food Roundup


Sunday School


Soup Sundays


Youth Group


Sunday AM Bible Study


University Care Packages




Ladies Fellowship


Stamp Box



Ladies Fellowship


Welcome Back! We are looking forward to starting up again. Sunday school begins September 14 with a “Sundae Sunday”. Bring your appetite for ice cream and toppings.

class, which is working well. We have two teachers for our new youth class and could use another couple people to allow for some rotation and substitution. We have a May, we were running really nice group of children two classes with a total in both classes and they are of 10—20 children per fun to teach and to spend Sunday. We think that is time with. If you could take terrific! Our younger a week, a month, or a week class is children ages 4 to per month, please call Debgrade 4, and our youth bie at 403-938-2846. The class is for those in curriculum follows the same grades 5—9. lectionary we use in the adult We have six Sunday worship service. school teachers rotating Sundays in the younger

Our Sunday school is blessed with children, teachers, and a church body that supports the importance of Christian education for our children. Last September we started with an average of 5—8 children in one class. When we finished in

Youth Group Get Ready! Get Set! Youth Group starts a new year of fun and activities Friday, September 12 at 7:30pm. Shannon Deardoff will be the ‘head honcho’ and ‘supreme leader’! Shannon has recruited a

Please join us at Holy Cross on September 17 at 7:30 pm

Stamp Box number of willing volunteers to join in the fun with our Youth! Thanks to all who have offered to help for one or more Fridays! Last year we started with 4 youth and ended with 10—12. Was it the fun? Was it the study?....

Was it the food???? Calling all young people ages 12 and up….Come on out on Fridays and see what all the excitement is about! Starts Friday

September 12 7:30pm

Post-Secondary Student Care Packages It is the time of year again that we are looking for information about post-secondary students in our congregation for Holy Cross’ renowned student care packages! If you know of an eligible student, please provide the following information:

Name of Student Post-Secondary Institution Program/Year of Program Current Address at school Phone Number and/or Page 2

Holy Cross Ladies Fellowship is a time for women. Together we fellowship and encourage one another in our walk with Christ. Holy Cross Ladies Fellowship will be about 1 ½ to 2 hours encompassing Prayer, Music, Mission Offering, Devotion, Program, and a Social Time. Our purpose… is to proclaim the transforming love of Jesus Christ, encourage spiritual growth, and nurture fellowship.

Email Address The care package is a reminder for students that their church family is thinking of them and interested in their progress as they take another important step forward in achieving their educational goals.

Holy Cross received many Please email this information to Marlene Gouldie at cards of Thanks from last years [email protected] students! This is or phone her at 403-236-5934 a real treat for them! Thank you Marlene!! H O L Y CR OS S L U T HE R A N C HU R C H

Near the bulletin boards is a box with a hole in it and a request that you deposit cancelled postage stamps there. Leave a margin of envelope around the stamp, 1/4 to 1/2 inch is fine. You don’t need to be precise, but there is a reason for not tossing in half the envelope. The stamps go to the Canadian Bible Society to raise funds for specific projects by selling

them to stamp collectors. They are sold according to weight and the buyers don’t want to pay for excess paper, but they also don’t want stamps with a corner torn off. Then these wholesale buyers mix them with stamps from other countries and sell an assortment,

still with their paper backing, to collectors who want specimens from around the world. The box was recently emptied and many stamps were removed. Keep up the good work. Terry and Rita Storch look after this project and you may address questions to them.

Choir and Atonemen Choir and the men’s chorus, The Atonemen both begin Sept 11. The Atonemen at 7pm with Choir directly after. If you would like to be part of either of these wonderful ministries, please

contact Joanne Olson or Philip Pack or come on out Thursday Sept 11 to join in the fun! New voices are always welcome!

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