Official Asa Constitution

  • July 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,826
  • Pages: 6
ASIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Preamble: The Asian Student Association (ASA) at Westfield High School recognizes that prejudice and discrimination can be overcome only when cultural, social, economic, political and historical understanding among diverse peoples is achieved. As an umbrella organization comprised of multiple sub-cultural groups, the ASA accommodates multiple conceptions of community. Article I: Name & Nature The organization shall be called the Asian Students' Association, or hereby referred to as the ASA. Article II: Aims & Purposes Section I. The aims and purposes of ASA shall be to: (1) Educate ourselves and others on the Asian culture (2) Mobilize and coordinate Asian culture activities (3) Provide assistance in academic, athletic, volunteer, and extracurricular endeavors (4) Assist Asian foreign students in acclimating to Westfield High School (5) Serve as an information resource on Asian American issues and provide the Westfield HS Community with a forum in which those interested in Asian American affairs can exchange ideas and experiences

(6) To promote unity and harmony among Asian students (7) Coordinate community service projects, fundraisers and charity drives

(8) Provide members and the public with more familiarity of the following languages: Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese Section II. The Asian Student Association understands and will adhere to the policies of Westfield HS. Article III: Membership Section I. Active membership shall be open to all grades in Westfield HS. Asian Student Association openly admits participants to its membership and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation. Section II. Voluntary withdrawal of membership is permissible. Section III. An ASA member is defined as a Westfield High School student who has payed his or her dues of $10 in full and has attended at least 1 meeting every 2 months. Article IV: Meetings Section I. Meetings shall be held at least once a month. The number of additional meetings will be decided upon by the officers. Section II. A meeting is defined as any activity, event or gathering which all ASA members should attend Article V: Officers Section I. All the officers of the Asian Student Association shall promote active recruitment of new members, maintain a relation with each other and the members of the organization, and attempt to attend all meetings unless otherwise informed by President. Section II. Responsibilities of officers overlap and as such, officers must coordinate in order to carry out any given event smoothly and successfully.

Section III. The officers of the Asian Student Association consist of the President, Vice President, Executive Secretary, Executive Treasurer, Executive Activities Chair, Executive Public Relations Chair, Executive Representative Chair for each sub-cultural group. Each officer must perform the duties and responsibilities of their elected office with dedication, enthusiasm, objectivity, and punctuality. (A) The President shall: (1) Be the chief Executive officer and facilitate all meetings unless he/she delegates otherwise

(2) Monitor and oversee all activities and functions of the ASA and ensure that its purpose and policies are fulfilled (3) Take actions as necessary to ensure the timely completion of set out tasks and duties

(4) Give the final approval for all decisions unless otherwise delegated. (B) The Vice President shall:

(1) Assume the presidential office in the absence of the President; as well as the responsibilities of another officer in the absence of him or her. (2) Be responsible for reporting all combined ASA standing committee activities to the President

(3) Be the liaison between the sub-cultural group representatives of the ASA (4) Act as a mediator for internal conflicts (5) Assist the President in the daily operation of the ASA (6) Serve as the alternate to all meetings unattended by other officers (7) Monitor the progress of activities, events, programs, and plans (8) Take actions as necessary to ensure the timely completion of set out tasks and duties, as long as such actions are approved by President

(C) The Executive Secretary shall: (1)

Keep complete records of the proceedings of at all meetings


Compile the complete ASA membership roster within six (6) weeks of the beginning of each semester


Handle all ASA files and paperwork; and maintain and update all official records pertaining to ASA business


Be responsible for scheduling ASA events, ensuring that these events are not in conflict with the events of other major events or meetings approved by President


Notify all members when a meeting is called


Maintain and update ASA Facebook group, and contact list of all ASA



Attend all meetings unless otherwise informed by the President


Assist in the production of all ASA events, activities, and programs

(D) The Executive Treasurer shall: Maintain records of all financial transactions


Make regular reports on the status of the ASA budget


With consultation of the officers, draft the ASA budget proposal


Oversee and coordinate all financial matters of the ASA


Be responsible for the ASA financial account. (*This is a significant

responsibility and concern)


Process payments of ASA liabilities and expenses in a timely manner


Safeguard all ASA properties and assets


Promote fundraising activities


Assist in the production of all ASA events, activities, and programs

(E) The Executive Activities Chair shall: (1) Be responsible for and oversee all matters relating to ASA events, meetings and activities, including the organization, scheduling, budgeting of, etc. (2) Actively endeavor to make all events, meetings and activities of ASA as interesting and accessible as possible (3) Actively attempt to incorporate and accommodate all Asian cultural holidays, customs, and activities.

(F) The Executive Representative Chair shall: (1)

Be chosen by the members of his or her respective sub-cultural group and be responsible for communicating with said group (2) Gather ideas for upcoming ASA activities and events every month, especially concerning his or her respective sub-cultural group (3) Listen, respond to and report any complaints, comments, or questions respective sub-cultural group may have

(G) The Executive Public Relations Chair shall: (1)

Be responsible for informing all members and the Westfield community at large of all events through flyers, banners, emails, announcements and advertisements in a timely manner (2)

Be responsible for all official correspondence for the ASA


Be responsible for all ASA email and Facebook correspondences to ASA



Be responsible for promoting the ASA’s image


Design and lay-out ASA printed material (i.e. flyers, posters, invitations,



Ensure that all information to be communicated is precise and correct


Be responsible for the production and distribution of all publicity materials (flyers, newsletters, ads, etc.)


Actively improve existing communication medium; and actively seek out new mediums and methods to successfully publicize and promote ASA and its activities


Keep photo albums, scrapbooks and video records of all ASA events and meetings; or delegate this responsibility to another willing student who is competent with

President’s approval. Furthermore, not all meetings must be recorded by media unless President specifies Section III. The above job descriptions for each office are not absolute. Each officer may, at certain times, take on the responsibilities of another officer. In special circumstances and with the majority consent of the officers, one person may hold more than one position within the organization. Section IV. Temporary committees will be held for every event or activity ASA sponsors or coordinates. These committees will be chaired by the respective officer. These committees provide ASA members the opportunity to volunteer for these committees in order to provide input and improve the quality of any given event or activity. Article VI: Holding Office Section I. Officers will be selected by election or by President appointment. This choice will be made at the President’s discretion. Section II: Elections (1) Elections will be held as soon as possible after initial commencement of ASA.

(2) Official nominations for election pf ASA officers shall be opened at the convenience of ASA members. However, officers are strongly recommended to open nominations some time before the last 2 ASA meetings

(3) Candidates may run jointly with a partner running for a different position (4) Candidates may also run jointly with a partner for one position, if approved by the President (5) Another member of ASA must second all nominations (6) All those wishing to run for office must be an ASA member and submit an application (7) Officers will be determined by a majority vote of ASA members. In case of a tie, the officers will make the final decision Section III: Officer Appointments (1) In the case of extenuating circumstances, the President may appoint the officers (2) The President may also entertain the notion of mixing appointments and elections at his or her discretion (3) In both cases of the above (1) and (2), at least one officer besides the President must approve the appointment Section IV. Terms of office for all officers shall commence on the first meeting of the ASA in the Fall Semester, and conclude on the last meeting of the Spring Semester Section V. If an officer wishes to resign, he or she must give the officers at least three (3) weeks prior notice and maintain his or her position until a new officer is elected. The treasurer may not resign during a financial crisis of ASA. If there is unanimous consent among the remaining members of the Executive Board, immediate resignation may be accepted Section VI. Any office of the ASA in violation of the purpose of the constitution of Asian Student Association may be removed from the office by the following process: a) A written request stating valid reasons for the removal submitted to the Executive Board by at least three (3) members of the general body. Validity to take action on such removal request is contingent upon discussion of the Executive Board. b) Written notification from the Executive Board requesting the officer’s presence at his/her hearing.

c) Written notification from the Executive Board to the general body one week prior to the impeachment hearing. d) A majority of three-fourths (3/4) of members and all officers must be in attendance to remove the officer. e) Should an officer resign or be removed, a special election will be held one week after the resignation or the vote for removal. Section VII. Voting will be conducted by secret ballots and then counted by the officers immediately after the election has been concluded. Article VII: Amendments Section I. Amendments to the Constitution may be made within reason and should not stray too far from the original. Certain sections such as Section I of Article III and sections similar shall not be amendable however. Section II. In order for an amendment to be made, all officers must agree unanimously. ASA members must be informed and a majority must support the move as well. Section III. Amendments will be effective immediately upon ASA member knowledge of outcome. Section IV. It should be noted that this Constitution was made with the intention that it be interpreted loosely. Amendments should not be made lightly.

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