Asa Constitution

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,438
  • Pages: 5
ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this organization shall be African Students Association at Saint Cloud State University, hereinafter referred to by official abbreviation of A.S.A. at S.C.S.U. ARTICLE II. PURPOSE The purpose of the African Students Association is to: • • • • •

Bring together people of African descent on the St. Cloud State University campus, as well as the community. Share the culture and tradition of the African nations that are represented within the organization with the St. Cloud State University campus and the St. Cloud Community. Support and participate in activities and functions organized by other campus organizations and off campus organizations in support of human rights issues. Educate the membership (members), by making it possible for each member to attend conferences held within the State of Minnesota, as well as other parts of the United States. African Students Association shall serve as home away from home for students who are classified as both international and or otherwise, by providing support and a friendly environment.

ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP & PRIVLEDGES Mandatory requirement for the AFRICAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION membership shall be: • • • • •

Any current S.C.S.U. student. A due of $10.00 per semester. Meeting attendance of three-fourths (3/4%) per semester. Active participation of all A.S.A sponsored activities. All members are expected to conduct themselves in a dignified manner when participating in organization-sponsored activity, including weekly meetings, as well as on and off campus events. ο Individuals who are found to be disrespectful or out of line during the meetings and the organization sponsored events are considered for removal from the organization. ο Removal from the African Students Association can be exercised by two-thirds (213) of the voting membership, and an individual has the right to be heard by the whole membership before removal. All members who meet the above stated qualifications are members of the organization, and therefore have full voting privileges.


Candidates for and incumbents of A.S.A. office must comply with current requirements for student officers as stipulated by the University. Must be full-time students at St. Cloud State University Must have been a member of the organization for at least one semester prior to election. No prior leadership experience necessary. Presidents of the Organization must at least be a sophomore or second year student at S.C.S.U. St. Cloud State University requires that all officers (executive members) have a 2.0 G.P.A

ARTICLE V. ORGANIZATION POSITIONS AND DUTIES 1. President • Shall be the chief executive officer of this organization • Shall preside over all meetings • Shall call special meetings • Shall act as an official representative of The African Students Association at all official functions. • Shall select appointees to fill committees • Shall enforce this constitution • Shall keep an archives of the organization records • Shall vote in the event of a tie • Shall be responsible for the development, implementation, and review of all legislative policies and resolutions developed by the organization. • Shall participate in all events sponsored by the A.S.A. 2. Vice President • The Vice President shall assume all the duties of the President in his/her absence. • Shall attend the meeting as a voting member • Shall email the members about the weekly meetings • Shall participate in all events sponsored by the A.S.A. 3. Secretary • Shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all A.S.A Meetings, executive and the general meeting. • Shall take weekly attendance at the meetings • Type and Copy Agenda for weekly meeting • Email the review of the weekly minutes to all members

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Maintain current roster of the membership Shall keep and maintain members current email account Shall participate in all events sponsored by the A.S.A.

4. Assistant Secretary • Shall assume all the duties of the Secretary in his/ her absence • Shall be responsible for submitting an up to date membership list and the executive board list to the University Organization within the first month of the semester • Shall be responsible for typing up the current executive board contact information and post it in the office. • Shall participate in all events sponsored by the A.S.A. 5. Treasurer • Shall keep an accurate account information on a spreadsheet • Shall maintain an account of all financial matters of the organization • Shall provide the executive board with a monthly report of the A.S.A.'s financial accounts. • Shall participate in all events sponsored by the A.S.A. 6. Assistant Treasurer • Shall assume all the duties of the treasurer his/her absence • Shall work hand in hand with the treasurer • Shall participate in all events sponsored by the A.S.A. 7. Public Relation Officer • Shall Promotes activities sponsored by the organization • Shall keep connection with other organization and inform about the upcoming campus events in every A.S.A meetings. • Keep connection with Student Government and inform about the current news in every A.S.A meeting. • Shall represent the organization in other meetings held by the Student Organization, Student Government, and SRA etc in the event that there is no representative. • Shall participate in all events sponsored by the A.S.A.

ARTICLE VI. ATTENDANCE • Attendance is Mandatory. Excessive unexcused absences or lateness will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may result in dismissal from the Executive Board


An Officer can serve as many terms as elected. Procedures for filling vacant offices: 1. Announcement of open positions 2. Self-nomination or nomination by the membership (subject to the acceptance of nomination). 3. Interview by the Officers as well as the general membership 4. Candidates for each office are to be placed on the ballot in random order, with space provided for write-in votes under each office

Procedure for removal from office: 1. Officers unable to perform the duties of their positions, are given verbal warning, then written warning followed by a dismissal is subject to discussion of the removal by the Officers and general membership.


Meetings are weekly at 5pm on Thursdays at a predetermined location Meeting shall be opened to all S.C.S.U. students The Public Relation Officer and the Vice President will be responsible for the announcement of the meetings Members will be notified through via email as well as by a sign posted on the Descendants of Africa's Office The executive board in case of an emergency can call special meeting.


Every Voting member of the organization is required to pay dues every semester Dues are payable with in the 1 st month of every semester The collection of dues and the disbursement of funds are in the hands of the Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer.


A change in the constitution of the organization has to be made with the approval of % of members in attendance of meeting. Members will be given the chance to vote on the proposed change of the constitution.


An advisor's duties include but not limited to: 1. Providing aid to the organization with the implementation of ideas brought forth by the membership 2. Support and guide each member who asked for aid or assistance

Role of the Advisor: 1. Must attend 2 meetings a month 2. Duration of term is a year, if the membership is in agreement on the adviser he or she can serve a longer term 3. An adviser must be nominated and selected by the members 4. If the adviser is not performing his or her duties that are determined by the membership and the organization he or she can be changed.


Anyone disrupting the meeting (either by being rude, instigating, name calling, failure to respect that the meeting is in session, etc), will be given: 1. A verbal warning by the executive board 2. Follow by a written notice by the executive board 3. Then will be banned from attending the meeting for the rest of the school year. A motion for removal of any seated officer or any member may be made by a petition signed by at least 10 representatives of A.S.A. and requires a twothird (2/3) membership votes for passage; voting by paper ballot. Probable cause in negligence of duty or failing to respect when we are in the meeting No one will speak in the meeting without raising their hand and without the president's approval or anyone running the meeting

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