October 6th

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cofa talks

Kaldor Public Art Projects

John Kaldor and Anthony Bond speak at the college of fine arts, UNSW

WHEN 6:00 pm Tuesday 6th October

WHERE College of Fine Arts, UNSW Cnr Oxford Street & Greens Rd, Paddington, Sydney, NSW, 2021 Main Lecture Theatre, EG02

John Kaldor and Anthony Bond in conversation on the Kaldor gift to the Art Gallery of New South Wales and the development of Kaldor Art Projects. Anthony Bond is currently Assistant Director Curatorial at the Art Gallery of NSW where he has been responsible for collecting international contemporary art since 1984. He has curated many significant projects at AGNSW in those years. He recently worked on a survey of 40 years of John Kaldor projects and is preparing for a major series of exhibitions with the Kaldor collection and Contemporary AGNSW collections starting 2011. His major future project is Kurt Schwitters 2012 at AGNSW. 

WHO John Kaldor Anthony Bond

COST Free and open to the public

John Kaldor AM is a devoted collector, patron and supporter of contemporary art. He has been collecting and commissioning art since the late 1950s and since 1969 has shared his love of art with the Australian public through his series of art projects. He has brought innovative contemporary art to Australia for over 40 years through what is now the not-for-profit organisation Kaldor Public Art Projects. Kaldor Art Projects have included such memorable installations as Christo & Jeanne-Claude’s Wrapped Coast at Little Bay in 1969 and Jeff Koon’s Puppy in 1995.

IMAGE C h r i s t o a n d J e a n n e - C l a u d e 
 , Wra p p e d Co a s t : O n e M i l l i o n S q u a r e Fe e t , L i t t l e B a y, Sy d n e y, A u s t ra l i a , 19 6 8 – 69, 
9 0 0 0 0 square metres of erosion control fabric and 56. 3 k ilometres of rop e. 
© Christo 1969. 
Photo: Harr y Shunk , 
Colle c tion: AGNSW.

COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS  |  T HE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES Phone 9385 068 4 Email [email protected]. au Web w w w.cofa.unsw.edu. au

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