October 24, 2009

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Parshat Noach

October 24, 2009 6 Cheshvan, 5770

Rabbi Frand Thoughts on the Parsha Torah Artscroll, 30 Hertz, 26 Haftorah Artscroll, 1131 Hertz, 41 Times Candle lighting

5:45 pm


5:50 pm


8:00 am


8:30 am

Parsha Shiur

8:30 am

Main Minyan

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am

Mincha (week of October 25th)

5:40 pm

The Raven Tells Noach, "Send The Guinea Pig on This Mission"

ravens would literally be responsible for sustaining all of mankind.

The pasuk [verse] [Bereshis 8:7] tells us that Noach sent out a raven to check whether land could already be seen. The Medrash says that the raven complained to Noach that, of all the animals and creatures in the ark, he was singled out for this mission. The Medrash continues that Noach answered him back, "What does the world need you for? You are not edible nor are you fit to be offered as a sacrifice." [The commentaries on the Medrash point out that although there were other non-kosher birds on the ark, the raven was the least appetizing of all such birds.]

We have to understand a number of things. First of all, why did G-d in fact use the ravens to sustain The generation of Achav Eliyahu? should not be thought of as worthless. Although no one I saw an interesting interpretation should ever minimize the sin of from the Menachem Tzion. The idolatry, the generation of Menachem Tzion quotes the Achav did have outstanding Talmud in Pesachim [113b] that merit by virtue of the fact that there are three who love one they practiced Love of Israel another, one of whom is the raven. (Ahavas Yisroel). Through the Thus, ravens do have a redeeming z'chus [merit] of this Ahavas social value: Other animals, as well Yisroel, when they went to war, as human beings, do not get along. they were always victorious. They fight and argue. Ravens, There is a second message however, love one another. that G-d was sending to This is why G-d picked the ravens Eliyahu. The ravens brought to feed Eliyahu. Eliyahu felt that the the meat to Eliyahu -generation of Achav was worthless. according to the Gemara in They were idol worshippers. He Chulin [5a] -- from the kitchen saw no purpose in their existence. of Achav. "This Achav that Yet, the Gemara says [Jerusalem you, Eliyahu, think is Talmud Peah 1:1] that in the worthless, is, in a certain generation of Dovid, when even sense, sustaining you." children were well versed in the laws of purity and impurity, at times Thus, G-d is again teaching when they went out to war there Eliyahu not to discount Achav were casualties -- because there and his generation. No human were slanderers among them; being can be discounted. however in the generation of Every creature has its purpose Achav, even though they were all and has to be treated as such. idolaters, they were victorious in Nothing in creation is without their battles because there was unity and love of Israel among purpose. Even a raven and them. even an Achav have their This is the lesson that G-d wanted purpose. to hint to Eliyahu: These ravens will feed you. These birds, who you Moshe and Noach as Two think, and who Noach thought, Ship Captains in Stormy have no redeeming quality -- they Seas in fact have a tremendous quality. There is an interesting

G-d, however, told Noach that he should not have been so harsh with the raven, for there Gemorah Shiur 4:35 pm would come a time that the world would need the raven. Mincha 5:35 pm There would come a time Shabbat Ends 6:52 pm when a Tzadik would arise who would make the whole Sunday, 7:30 /8:30am world dry (referring to the October 25th decree of Eliyahu in the time Mon., & Thurs., 6:35 am of King Achav that there would be a drought) and this Tues., Wed., 6:45 am Tzadik would need the ravens Fri., to bring him food [Kings I 17:6]. Second Shacharit 7:45 am By keeping Eliyahu alive, the Minyan (Daily) ravens ultimately kept the

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei October 24

9:57/10:51 am

October 31

10:01/10:53 am

Next Shabbat – Lech Lecha Candle lighting

5:36 pm


5:40 pm

world alive, because the world needed Eliyahu to remove his curse. Hence, the

Kiddush is Sponsored by Great Neck Synagogue

They love one another. This is a quality which is redemptive for the ravens and redemptive for the generation of Achav as well.

Bima Flowers Are sponsored by Randa & Jeff Pittell In honor of their sons Blake & Harlan Layning And the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Polina

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

Medrash at the end of Devorim. Moshe Rabbeinu has a dialog with various personalities in Tanac"h. Noach boasts to Moshe that he is greater than Moshe, because he was saved from the generation of the Flood. To which Moshe responds, "No, you saved yourself, but were not able to save your generation; I, however, saved myself and saved my generation. When did I save my generation? When G-d said 'Desist from me and I will destroy them,' [Devorim 9:14] I pleaded with G-d and was successful in saving both myself and my generation. Therefore, I am greater than you." The Medrash compares this to two ships that were lost at sea. In one case, the captain saved himself and let the boat sink. In the other case, the captain saved himself and saved the boat and passengers. The Medrash comments that, obviously, the latter captain deserves the greater praise. Therefore, the Medrash says, Moshe Rabbeinu was greater than Noach. We've mentioned in past years, that even though Noach tried to have an effect on his generation, for whatever reason, he was not successful in saving the generation. The Zohar points out this is why the flood is referred to as "the waters of Noach" [Isaiah 54:9], because Noach was to blame for not being able to save his generation. I once read a eulogy that Rav Shmuel Rozovsky said on the Ponnevitzer Rav. The Ponnevitzer Rav was a tireless worker and labored for Torah causes throughout the world. He built the Ponnevitz Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, that is not only a Yeshiva but is an entire city. He spread Torah throughout the world. He was indefatigable. He could not be stopped. Even when he was already an older man, when other people of a much younger age would fall from exhaustion, the Ponnevitzer Rav would continue on his mission. Rav Shmuel Rozovsky addressed the question, "What motivated the Ponnevitzer Rav? -- What kept him going?" Rav Rozovsky said that he heard many times from the Ponnevitzer Rav that he was haunted by the fact that he himself was saved from the Holocaust of Europe but he wasn't successful in saving his generation. From the Lithuanian Rabbinate, the Ponnevitzer Rav was one of the very few that made it out of Europe alive, but he was constantly plagued by the fact that he had not been able to save his generation. The Ponnevitzer Rav would accuse himself of the Medrash's accusation of Noach, "Myself I have saved, but my boat I did not save." Instead of sinking into depression, however, this thought motivated him. He became 'obsessed' with the idea that, "If I couldn't save that generation in Europe, there is a new generation that I can save." When I go to the Heavenly Yeshiva, I want to be able to say "I saved myself and I saved my generation." We live, Baruch Hashem, in a time where we have the freedom and the ability and the opportunity to do mitzvos without limit. Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Michael Bleicher, Rabbinic Intern Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Shabbat Announcements Parshat Noach 5770

But, we also live in an era of a Holocaust. If not an era of a Holocaust of gas chambers, Rachmana l'tzlan, one in which Jews are being lost spiritually. I am afraid that one day we will also have to answer to an accusation that "We have saved ourselves, but we have lost our ship." We, with all our mitzvos, and our charity, and our learning Torah -- all very fine -- have, thank G- d, been able to withstand the "tests of America." But that is not enough. There is always an accusation of "You have saved yourself, but not your generation." Therefore, whatever our walk of life, whether its in teaching, or in community service, or whether it's in business or medicine or law or accounting or anything, there is always the challenge to not merely look after our own spiritual needs, but also those of our generation. If we do not have the holy soul possessed by the Ponnevitzer Rav, and we live normal lives and are not 'obsessed' with this idea, as he was, at least we have to be motivated into some kind of action so that in the future, we will also be able to say "We saved ourselves, and we also saved our generation."


Great Neck Synagogue 58th Annual Dinner Honoring

Gary & Lillian Chubak Glenn & Heidi Zuckerman Boneh Habayit

Gilbert Aronowitz Saturday evening December 5, 2009 Gala Buffet Dinner will be served.

Dear Ladies, In His infinite wisdom, G-d created a universe and provided us with a blueprint for our lives, yet holiness and G-dliness lie below the surface, sometimes making it difficult to observe all of His commandments. Women were created with an innate spirituality that enables them serve as an inspiration to their families and to our community. We would like to invite you to join us on a journey to discover and develop this spiritual potential by participating in a new program for women at Great Neck Synagogue called Torah, Tefilah and Togetherness on Tuesday. Starting at 11 am, Amit Yagoubi, an amazing young woman from our community who has taught in Israel and the United States will be giving a class based on a book written by Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus called the Gates of Prayer. This class will help us understand that Tefilla is our gift from Hashem, how to access a higher form of prayer and pray in a manner that will bring our prayers closer to Hashem. At 12:30 pm we will have a lunch and learn program with a video broadcast from Shira Smiles, a graduate of Stern College and the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education, who currently teaches at the Darchei Bina Seminary, and who is a world renown speaker and teacher. At 2 pm we will offer a Hebrew class given by Roberta Flatow, who will teach how to read and translate prayers, psalms and liturgy and help us develop a new appreciation of Hebrew. You may attend one class, two classes or all three of the classes. All classes will meet at Great Neck Synagogue in the Weinstein Torah and Technology Center. The cost for these programs will be as follows: $10 Amit Yagoubi $15 Lunch and Learn $10 Hebrew or $25 for all three classes Torah, Tefilah and Togetherness on Tuesday begins October 27. Come and give it a try and make Tuesday your springboard for spiritual growth throughout the week. Please RSVP to the Great Neck Synagogue office at 516-487-6100. This first class will be dedicated to the memory of Helene Gersten, z”l. Very cordially yours,

Cindy Hodkin Chairperson

Rabbi Dale Polakoff

ANNOUNCEMENTS WITHIN OUR FAMILY HIGH SCHOOL PIRKEI AVOS CLASS There will be a Pirrkei Avos shiur for High School and college Mazal Tov to Jacqueline & Stanley Fischer on the birth of a students every shabbos afternoon approx. 40 minutes before granddaughter, born to their children Martine & Steven mincha given by Cary Schwechter in the GNS Youth Center. Newman in Florida. Mazal Tov to Shulamit & Moussa Soleimani on the birth of a RABBI REISMAN SATURDAY NIGHT TELECAST granddaughter, born to their children Tina & Eric Lalo. The Rabbi Reisman telecast in the Weinstein Torah & Mazal Tov to Gloria Wang & Leon Miller on the birth of their Technology Center at 9:00 pm. great-grandson, born to their children Efrat & Yuval Attoun. RABBI MANNE 6AM CLASS Mazal Tov to Debbie Wang Etzion on being honored by the The 6am class has resumed. It meets in the Chalfin room Great Neck Hadassah Lulav group as Woman of the Year at the every weekday. Annual Dinner, on October 28th. Mazal Tov to Randa & Jeff Pittell on the Bat Mitzvah of their YOM KIPPUR APPEAL daughter Polina. Mazal Tov also to grandparents Vickie & Barry There is still time to contribute to the Kol Nidre Appeal at Maher. Great Neck Synagogue. Please call the Synagogue office to make your donation. CHAI LIFE LINE CHESED

SISTERHOOD ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP (FREE) DINNER We are excited to annouce that the Sisterhood Annual Paid-Up Membership Dinner will be held on Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Wednesday evening November 18th at 6:00pm at Chatanooga Restaurant. This year's dinner and lecture by special guest speaker Rabbanit Malke Bina will be dedicated to our beloved Sisterhood President Emeritus, Helene Gersten z"l. Rabbanit Bina is the founder of Matan, the first Women's Institute for Torah Studies in Israel and abroad. In 2006, she received an Honorary Doctorate from Yeshiva University for her work in teaching Torah to women and in 2008, she was Emunah's Women of the Year. We look forward to seeing all of you there! For further information, please contact the dinner co-chairs Judy Lillien 487-6845 or Anne Sandler 829-8839. Please consider being an event sponsor - bronze $18, silver $36 or gold $72. CHANUKAH SCOPE MAGAZINE DEADLINE The deadline for all articles, advertisements and Scope sponsorships ($36/issue) is November 2nd. Please email all submissions to [email protected] WE WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBERS Joslane & Shimon Babaev, Mojdeh & George Bonheur, Julia & David Jadidian, Liliya & Itzhak Katan, Dalia & David Khalili, Ellen & Alex Lyakhov, Coby & Nadine Noy, Esther & Moshe Pinsky, Elana & Daniel Roshan, Iris & Michael Wiener, Marcia & Daniel Williams, and Davida & Marc Yehaskel.

For her upcoming Bat Mitzvah on October 24th, Polina Pittell is doing a chesed project for Chai Lifeline collecting art supplies. If it’s convenient for you, there is a list of requested items at Raindew. Please drop off the supplies on the porch of the Pittell residence on 9 Cypress Avenue, or contact Randa Pittell at 448-6428. SHARE ZEDEK MEDICAL CENTER The 3rd Annual Children’s Champion Comedy Night at Crash Mansion NYC will be on Saturday night October 24th from 9-12pm. For details, sponsorships, and to register go to www.acsz.org/comedy for info contact: Daniella & Jonathan Muller and Emma & Bart Baum. FUNDRAISER FOR BEIT HAGALGALIM On Saturday night October 24th, Samara Lipsky, Rachel Lipsky, Bryan Lipsky, Keren Etzion, Danitte Etzion, Ilana Libby, Eve Libby, Josh Orbach, and others are hosting a fundraiser for Beit Hagalgalim, a charity for Israeli children with severe physical disabilities. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. 21+. For more information, please contact Bryan at [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE The Iranian American Jewish Federation will be holding their Annual Dinner, Tuesday, Nov 10, 2009 at Leonard’s of Great Neck. For info call 516-570-6936. SAM AHARONOFF MEMORIAL SHIVTEI TORAH CAMPAIGN The NSHA and the NSHA High School, in conjunction with the greater Great Neck Jewish Community, is holding a unique and unprecedented campaign that involves the commissioning and dedication of 12 new Sifrei Torah. The Siyum will take place on Sunday, November 22, the Yahrzeit weekend of Sam Aharonoff z”l. All proceeds will support the Sam Aharonoff Memorial Scholarship Fund to help offset tuition costs for dozens of needy students. To participate in the campaign or for more info: www.shivteitorah.org, or call Arnie Flatow 487-8687 ext 2.

DANCE CLASS Join us for dance class every Wednesday at 9:30 am. Classes are free. MEN’S CLUB BLOOD DRIVE Our Semi-annual drive for the 56th year will take place on Sunday, October 25th from 8:15 am until 1:30 pm. Every unit of blood that we collect helps 5 different people. We need donors, and remember giving blood is a good way of earning another mitzvah and starting a new year. FEEDING THE HUNGRY To help feed those who have no food for Shabbat, a cooler will be set up on Fridays only, between 11 am and 1 pm outside the front door of the home of Morris & Cindy Hodkin, 18 Birchwood Lane, Great Neck, 11024. Please put your well wrapped food in the cooler between these hours ONLY. This food will be picked up and delivered to those areas where it will be needed. GIVE OLD MAGAZINES A NEW LIFE Please drop off your CURRENT used magazines to the Synagogue office to be donated to NSUH. Please cut off labels, do not tear.


Saturday, 6 Cheshvan Paul Brody for Joseph Brody Lillian Singer for Isidore Kitay Sunday, 7 Cheshvan Jill Swartz for Harvey Kronish Monday, 8 Cheshvan Harold Domnitch for Alice Smoklow Leo Mindick for Hyman Rubinstein Tuesday, 9 Cheshvan Felix Glaubach for Cyrilie Glaubach Sarita Greszes for Hersh Rosenberg Wednesday, 10 Cheshvan Albert Miller for Israel Miller Thursday, 11 Cheshvan Harvey Brenner for Susan Brenner Mellan Evelyn Henis for Harry Noah Roslyn Korman for Charles Wasserman Friday, 12 Cheshvan Frank Buchsbaum for Josephine Buchsbaum Roslyn Dicker for Miriam Gottlieb Tricia Moslin for Nycha Solomon Ellen Siegel for Shirley Crair

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