October 18, 2009

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O Immaculate Virgin, mother of the true God and mother of the Church! You, who revealed your clemency and your pity to all those who ask for your protection, hear the prayer that we address to you with filial trust, and present it to your Son Jesus, our sole Redeemer. Mother of Mercy, teacher of hidden and silent sacrifice, to you we dedicate on this day all our being and all our love. We also dedicate to you our life, our work, our joys, our infirmities, and our sorrows. Grant peace, justice, and prosperity to our people, for we entrust to your care all that we have and all that we are, our Lady and Mother. We wish to be entirely yours and to walk with you along the way of complete faithfulness to Jesus Christ and his Church: hold us always in your loving hand. Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, we pray to you for all the bishops, that they may lead the faithful along paths of intense Christian life, of love and humble service of God and souls. Grant to our homes the grace of loving and respecting life in its beginnings, with the same love with which you conceived in your womb the life of the Son of God. Blessed Virgin Mary, protect our families, so that they may always be united, and bless the upbringing of our children. Thus, Most Holy Mother, with the peace of God in our conscience, with our hearts free from evil and hatred, we will be able to bring to all true joy and true peace, which come to us from your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

OCTOBER 18, 2009 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR OF THE PRIEST 1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148 Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692 Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139 WWW.CTKLOMBARD.ORG

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October 18, 2009

PARISH STAFF Rev. Robert Schoenstene 630.629.1717

Deacon Fred Francl 630.629.1717

Deacon Frank Lillig 630.396.6077 [email protected]

Deacon Wayne Storrs 630.629.1717

Deacon Peter Robinson Coor. Pastoral Care; 630.629.1717 [email protected]

Rev. Peter Jarosz, Pastor 630.396.6079 [email protected]

Eileen Maggiore Pastoral Associate/Adult Faith Formation 630.396.6076; [email protected] Elaine Ward Business Manager 630.396.6073; [email protected]

Sherry Rochford Coordinator of Faith Formation 630.396.6078; [email protected]

Bill Runge Director of Music and Liturgy 630.396.6075; [email protected]

Marge Zilinsky Religious Education/Parish Secretary 630.396.6074; [email protected]

Carol Clishem Pastor’s/Parish Secretary 630.629.1717; [email protected]

Jill Placey, Academy Director Kindergarten Teacher 630.627.0640; [email protected]

Karen Hanish, Pre-School

Lori Bhardwaj Academy Secretary/Parish Finance Asst. 630.627.0640; [email protected]

Jan Waas, Pre-School Aide

Tony Azzolin Facilities Manager 630.629.1717; [email protected]

Michelle Iwinski, Kindergarten Aide

Maintenance Paul Sweder, Joe Iapichino Victor Mandin

In the Example of Jesus During the earthly ministry of Jesus…..his teaching and preaching were not done in isolation but were accompanied by frequent manifestations of His healing power. Members of the church follow the example of Jesus, therefore, when they carry out the work of healing---not only by providing care for the physically ill, but also by working to restore health and wholeness in all facets of the human person and the human community… Health and Health Care (1981, USCC) Support health care reform that respects the life and dignity of all people from conception to natural death. Get the long standing teachings of the Church and the latest updates on health care reform—visit www.usccb.org/ healthcare. Pray for our President, the Senate and Congress—lets pray for peace! During this respect life month come join us for our Holy Hour for life, Rosary, time at Adoration, saying a prayer as you drive by the Aanchor abortion clinic. Tell your parents how much you appreciate them bringing you into life, remember the dying, unborn and pray for an end to capital punishment. Thank you for all those who come to pray at the clinic on Wednesdays ands Saturdays. Lets celebrate life to its fullest this day and every day through Christ who is our King! Fr. Jarosz

Visit www.ctklombard.org/Prolife

October 18, 2009

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Save the Date for these events:

Facts from the Past Did you know… Chicago Bears player and parishioner Mike Ditka and his teammate, Johnny Morris, served as announcers at a parish fashion show and luncheon sponsored by the CCW at Elmhurst Country Club in the l960s. A few of the players’ wives were models in that show as well as Mike’s son, Michael, who was only 3 years old at the time.

Do you have any “facts from the past” that we could include in future bulletins? Please call the rectory 630-629-1717 ext 6050 or email [email protected].

Nov 1, 2009:

Jubilee Mass with Bishop Sartain (12:00) with reception to follow

Nov 2, 2009:

All Souls Day Mass (7:30 p.m.) – Remembering all our deceased parishioners from the past 50 years

Dec 27, 2009: 12:00 Mass and Alumni reception Jan 24, 2010:

Whole Parish Catechesis: Celebrating Family Life

Feb 13, 2010:

Mardi Gras celebration (7:30 p.m.) 50th Anniversary Memories Display

Mar 7-17:

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land w/ Fr Peter

Mar 21, 2010:

Family Fun Fair

Apr 25, 2010:

Spirit of Life Concert

May 9, 2010:

May Crowning following the 10:00 mass

June 6, 2010:

Feast of Corpus Christi Procession

Sept 18, 2010: 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance

Foundations of our Families Please consider donating a brick for the reflection place Surrounding the Ten Commandment / Beatitude Monument. Having your name and message engraved on the brick is a special way of commemorating an event or honoring your family. Below are some of the messages you can place on the brick.

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Commemorating a first communion Honoring a serviceman in the family Celebrating a 20th wedding anniversary

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Giving thanks to God for a prayer answered In memory of a love one A remembrance of your life in our parish

Donating a brick also benefits our parish in many ways. Pays for some of the maintenance and repairs in the campus. Pay for the snow removal which could be substantial. Make extraordinary payment towards reducing the Parish mortgage. Provide a place for reflection and contemplation.

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If you have questions or suggestions please send your email to [email protected] or contact us at the rectory 1630-629-1717. Your donation is Tax deductible. You can send your completed order form to the rectory. Let us be grateful for the past, celebrate the present and pray for wisdom in the future, through Christ our King. Administration Commission

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October 18, 2009

What is "CRHP" or Christ Renews His Parish?

Water for Life

Christ Renews His Parish is designed to give both the individual and the parish community an opportunity for renewal and growth in spiritual life. As we grow in awareness of God's love and respond to His call, we grow together as a parish family.

Most people know that 75 percent of the world’s surface is covered by water, but few people know only 2.5 percent of that is fresh water. Seventy five percent of freshwater is in the ice caps. Humans are left with less than one percent of the world's water to use for drinking, washing, irrigation and manufacturing.

A History of Christ Renews His Parish: "CRHP" began as a "renewal" weekend at Holy Family Parish in Cleveland in 1969. The members at Holy Family found the enthusiasm and positive response to this initial weekend overwhelming. This process helped their faith community understand in a new and more alive way that Jesus Christ was its center. Now, some 30 years later, Holy Family has celebrated its 80th "renewal" weekend and over 3,000 men and women from their parish have participated. During the 1970's, news of "CRHP's" success at Holy Family motivated other parishes throughout the Cleveland Diocese to adopt the program. Through the 1980's and 90's "CRHP" spread to 750 parishes in 62 dioceses across 27 states and received the recommendation of the renewal office of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Today, "CRHP" continues to promote the development of vibrant faith communities and full service parishes by transforming the hearts of committed believers. CRHP is about Renewal! "Christ Renews His Parish" is an effective spiritual renewal process, which calls parishioners to experience personal conversion and Christian community in the environment of their own parish. The secret of the "what" is its simplicity. The program is based on the basic Christian principles of evangelization, reconciliation, catechesis, initiation, formation, community, and personal vocation. As the program manual states: "However sincere and deep our initial commitment to our faith, it requires by its very nature, continuous renewal and deepening. It must be a moment-to-moment process of saying, "yes" to God." Christ Renews His Parish is Christ Centered. With Christ in the lead, our journey will go down the correct path. It is a program designed to bring members of a parish together in Christ. The emphasis during the weekend is on small group participation. The process is centered around witnessing by presenting team members. Discussion and sharing is enjoyed by all participants. "CRHP" is a response to the need that every follower of Christ has to experience "church" and to experience "being church" and finally, to experience "being church for others". The primary challenge is taking your next first step into the rest of your life in Christ. The weekend is that first step and He has his arms open to welcome you. We have two weekends a year at Christ the King parish: 1 for men and 1 for women.

UPCOMING RETREATS: Women's Weekend: October 2-3, 2010 Men's Weekend: October 16-17, 2010 If you would like to speak with someone who has attend a previous CRHP Retreat, please contact Roberta Beckman 630-629-1717 x0, Fr. Jarosz 630 396-6079

The United Nations Water Department reported in 2006 that almost 20 percent of the world’s population lack access to safe, potable water. This means, "one billion people do not have clean drinking water and 2.6 million people are without any sanitation systems." A rapid growth in population and the movement of people from the rural to the urban areas has put enormous strain on what little water resources are available. The human population is increasing so fast, that in 24 years, the world will need to produce 55 percent more food than it does at present. In order to produce that much food, more water for irrigation is needed because agricultural irrigation consumes 70 percent of all freshwater. This is but a small glimpse of the whole picture. Catholic Relief Services (CRS,) in partnership with the National Council of Catholic Women, has created a new DVD, called Water for Life. The nineteen minute DVD shows the broad picture of water use in the United States, then moves to Malawi, Africa and Brazil, South America. Christine Pawlowski, CCW International Affairs Chairman, will show this DVD at the CCW meeting, October 19 at 7 o’clock in the East Room. Please plan to attend this enlightening, interesting evening. Refreshments will be served.

Thank You from CCW Our Council of Catholic Women would like to thank everyone who helped with our medicine collection and Undy Sunday. The response for the expired/ unused medications was our largest. The medical missions will be so grateful and everything usable will be sent to those who have no access to any medication. Your generous response to Undy Sunday will be kept here in Lombard to help low-income families.

October 18, 2009

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50th Anniversary Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Father Peter Jarosz A meeting will be held on October 22 at 7pm in the Parish Life Center for all those who are interested in going to the Holy Land. Kim White, parishioner and staff member of Totally Yours Pilgrimages will be there with Fr. Peter to answer any questions you may have about the pilgrimage. Questions, call Kim at 630.627.1074.

Holy Land Pilgrimage March 7-17, 2010

Carson Community Day November 14, 2009 The teens will be selling Community Day Coupon Booklets for $5—Purchase one and get all this plus more! • Great Door Busters • $10 off any Purchase • Early Bird Specials • Special Pricing– 6 extra coupons Funds will be used toward resources for Youth Ministry

John Angotti ...In concert Coming to St. James the Apostle 480 S. Park Blvd., Glen Ellyn Monday, October 26th 7:30-9:00 Accepting Free Will Donations This Concert is being brought to you by the parents of David Ringenberg, June27, 1990-August 29, 2009, who participated in St. James’ youth ministry . This Concert celebrates his life!!

OK, so maybe trying to get that little toddler dressed and ready for church really wasn’t so tough after all. At least you got them to church. Now that little toddler is an adolescent and it seems like you have no idea what to do anymore! You want to make sure you pass your Catholic faith to your child, but how? Join other parents like yourself for an evening of practical approaches to enhance faith development among young people. Presenter Bob McCarty, Executive Director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, will identify critical characteristics of adolescent faith to successfully and willingly take on the role of fostering faith in their teen.

Join us for one of two sessions being offered: Friday, Nov. 6, 2009 7-9 PM St. Michael Church 315 W. Illinois St., Wheaton Saturday, Nov. 7, 2009 10-Noon Immaculate Conception Church 134 Arthur St., Elmhurst

Brought to you by the South of the Border Cluster of Youth Ministers Contact Sherry Rochford for more info! [email protected] 630-396-6078

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October 18, 2009

Retreat for the Unemployed Are you out of work and losing heart? The Arch Diocese of Chicago is having a retreat for you. Please follow the link below for more information. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 FINDING WORK WITHOUT LOSING HEART: A RETREAT FOR THOSE IN JOB TRANSITION http://www.ctcchicago.org/WHR.asp

It is better to be the child of God than the king of the whole world. ~St. Aloysius Gonzaga Join Fr. Peter and parishioners at the Aanchor abortion clinic on Saturdays from 8-9:30. Come for 15 minutes, for a moment, drive by even for an hour and just pray! Interested in going call Father .

Sacristan Ministry: The Liturgical “Behind the Scenes” Note Saturday Date Change It takes much “behind-the-scenes” work to ensure our liturgies are smooth and prayerful. One of the ministries that is vital to this is the ministry of the Sacristan. We are thankful to all who have helped fill this ministry in the past: Ditas and Arsenio Alzona, June Carlson, Matt Novak, Andy Tuszynski, and Mary Nicholas. Their continued service to the parish is greatly appreciated. Working behind the scenes, sacristans prepare the worship space before and after each liturgy. A sacristan typically arrives 20-30 minutes before mass and readies the church by performing a variety of duties, from lighting candles and preparing for baptisms, verifying that lectors, altar servers, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are present. Sacristans remain after the liturgy to ready the church for the next celebration. Though most liturgical ministries serve the assembly, the role of the Sacristan is to minister to the presider and deepening your knowledge of the Catholic traditions, while helping to ensure that the liturgy proceeds smoothly. We are currently in need of more sacristans here at Christ the King, for weekday and weekend masses. If you or anyone you know is interested in this ministry, please come to a training session for new and existing sacristans on Wednesday, October 21, at 9:00am, OR Saturday, October 31, at 11:00am. If you have any questions, please call Bill Runge at 630.396.6075, email him at [email protected], or stop by after any weekend mass.

Jewel Osco Pharmacy Flu Shots Available October 18, 2009 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The seasonal flu and pneumonia vaccine is free for patients with a Medicare A/B card. For all other persons, the cash price is $24.99 for flu and $40 for pneumonia. If you would like to get the vaccine through Medicare you must bring your Medicare card to the screening event! Also, Healthy Life Labs Diabetic Risk Assessment Glucose & Hemoglobin A1c Screen will be available. One in four people is at risk for Diabetes. The cost for both the glucose and HbA1C is $30.

Please RSVP to Eileen Maggiore at 630.396.6076.

A Collection of Thoughts and Prayers As part of the 50th Anniversary celebration of Christ the King Parish, members of the Council of Catholic Women have published a booklet of our parishioner’s favorite prayers and thoughts. The hope in creating such a booklet is to promote the benefits of personal prayer. This amazing little collection will be available at the next CCW meeting on Monday, October 19 at 7 p.m. in the East Room. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, join us at our October meeting, contact us at [email protected], or call and leave us a message at the rectory.

Parish Office Hours To accommodate our parishioners, we have extended our hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Monday 9:00am-3:00pm Tuesday 9:00am-6:00pm Wednesday 9:00am-6:00pm Thursday 9:00am-6:00pm Friday 9:00am-12:00 Noon

October 18, 2009

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Every Child Brings Us God’s Smile + Respect Life 2009-2010 The birth of one’s first child is the event most Americans cite as the “high point” of their lives. New parents are understandably awed by the miracle of their new son or daughter. They are awed by a love that stretches their hearts almost to bursting, and awed (and a little terrified) by their responsibility to protect and nurture this precious life entrusted to them. Pope Benedict’s observation quoted above—that every child brings us God’s smile—reflects this truth and much more. Even on a literal level, it’s clear that children are bubbling wellsprings of joy amidst the serious and sometimes stressful world of adults. Who is not moved by a toddler’s giggle-fit? Given a reasonably secure and caring environment, young children have an extraordinary capacity for love and laughter: one researcher found that the average American child laughs 400 times a day; the average adult, only 15. On a deeper level, every little boy and girl is a unique and irreplaceable creature designed by the God of love, his personal gift that comes to us bearing his image and likeness. While biological parents assist in God’s creative act, God contributes the child’s eternal soul—his or her intellect, consciousness, will, and the capacities to reason and love, to hope and aspire. Children also inspire the self-giving love of family members, increasing the happiness and holiness of all. Human beings have always sensed these truths, but the advent of contraception and the legalization of abortion brought about a widespread disdain for unborn children. In the United States over one million boys and girls are killed by abortion every year. The bodies of many aborted children have been used in fetal research. Fertility clinics manufacture, freeze, and discard human embryos like biological products, and some scientists create and destroy little human beings for embryonic stem cell research. While many today readily acknowledge the dignity and value of human life after birth, they seem to think that ascribing dignity and value to lives before birth is a throwback to outmoded religious beliefs, having no place in our modern scientific world. Yet it is science that is proving them wrong. Science shows us the humanity and personhood of children in the womb who, far from being inert and passive tissue, actively direct their own development. A new human being comes into existence at conception, when a sperm cell enters an ovum, resulting in a one-celled individual called a zygote. Even before the first cell

division at about 24 to 30 hours after conception, the zygote’s 23 chromosomes from mom and 23 from dad already contain the baby’s unique DNA—the entire genetic blueprint and instructions for developing from a single-celled person to an adult. Within minutes of conception, the zygote sends out chemical signals to change its outer protein layer to block other sperm from entering. When only a few hours old, the zygote sends out “ovum factor” to signal the mother’s immune system not to attack. The protein “early pregnancy factor” (EPF), which suppresses the mother’s immune response, is detectable in her blood before her child is 24 hours’ old. About 6 days after conception the embryo’s outer cells bind to the lining of the mother’s womb and release enzymes that digest and separate maternal cells to permit implantation, so the child can begin receiving nutrition from the mother.

toes. Already 75% of fetuses show righthandedness, and the rest are lefties or have no preference. By 9 weeks, the unborn child begins thumb -sucking. He can grasp objects, open and close his jaw, sigh, and stretch. At 10 weeks nails and fingerprints begin to emerge in patterns that will uniquely identify this child throughout life. By 11 weeks the fetus can produce a variety of facial expressions, including a smile. Between 12 and 16 weeks fetuses often touch their mouths, up to 50 times an hour. Teeth begin to grow by 13 weeks. Beginning at 14 weeks behavioral differences between boys and girls appear: female fetuses move their mouths much more frequently than males.

By 16 weeks an unborn child produces many of the same hormones as adults, for example, a painful procedure will trigger By 8 days after conception, the embryo the release of cortisol and other stress horproduces a hormone called hCG. It intermones. rupts the mother’s normal menstrual cycle by signaling her ovarian follicle to continue Rapid eye movements—the pattern of producing estrogen and progesterone. movements seen during dreaming—begin Pregnancy tests can detect hCG in the between 18 and 21 weeks after conception. mother’s urine and blood by 8-9 days after Between 20 and 24 weeks after conception, the unborn child responds to loud conception. noises, pressure, movement, pain, taste, By day 21, the three primary sections of the light, heat, and cold. brain can be identified. On day 22, the embryo’s heart begins beating. The little heart Children born at 24 weeks post-conception will beat nearly 54 million times before he have a greater than 80% chance of survival. or she is born! Between 4 and 5 weeks after conception, the child’s brain develops at an incredible rate, and the stomach, esophagus, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, and even reproductive organs are all developing. Between 5 and 6 weeks the embryo begins to move spontaneously and reflexively—e.g., in response to touch the embryo will withdraw.

Long before the completion of full-term pregnancy at 38 weeks from conception, the unborn child is listening and learning from the external environment. Newborns prefer their mother’s voice to any other; they prefer familiar lullabies heard before birth to those heard only after birth.

Every child, at every age of development, brings us God’s smile and invites us to By 6 weeks plus 2 days an embryo’s brain recognize that life is his gift, a gift to be welcomed with love and preserved with waves have been recorded by EEG. care always and at every moment. Bones are forming, the immune system is maturing, and by 7 weeks, the ovaries ap- How then can Americans remain indifferent pear in females, while testes begin to differ- to the killing of these marvelous little boys entiate in males. The child is now called a and girls in fertility clinics, and laboratories, and in abortion facilities throughout all nine fetus, which means "offspring" in Latin. months of pregnancy? We must work with Fingers and toes are fully separated by 7 urgency to change our attitudes and laws, 1/2 weeks, at which time fetuses can bring helping others to discover, celebrate, and their hands and feet together and kick their cherish the miracle that is every human legs. being, from the beginning of our life’s adBy 8 weeks the digestive system is working venture at conception to our last breath and kidneys are producing urine. When before entering eternity. fetuses are touched, they may squint, move their jaw, try to grasp, or point their

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October 18, 2009

Operation Support Our Troops Christ the King’s CCW will be accepting donations for Operation Support Our Troops - Illinois after Mass on November 14 and 15. Some of the items that the troops are asking for are:

50th Anniversary Commemoration Community Project

Crossword Puzzles, Energy Bars, Packs of Powdered Coffee Creamer in Different Flavors, Foot Powder, Breakfast Bars, Cold Drink Mix Packets, Unscented Wipes, Beef Jerky, Bags of Nuts in Ziploc Bags (from World Market), Lip Balm, Feminine Hygiene Products, Hand Sanitizers, Canned Soup/Pasta, Canned Fruit, Pringles, Pop Tarts, Mouth Wash, 4 Pack Batteries. E-mail [email protected] for additional information. OSOTIL’s website is http://www.osotil.org/

Knights of Columbus News Our congratulations to Mark Schaaf who received his 2nd and 3rd degree advancement in the Knights of Columbus on Sunday October 4, 2009. Anyone interested in joining the Knights of Columbus Council #11027 please contact Ed Schumann at (630) 627-8213.

Woman’s Choice Services Banquet Woman’s Choice Services 3rd Annual Choices for Life Banquet will be held Saturday November 7th, 2009 from 6:00pm -10:00pm at the Drury Lane at 100 Drury Lane in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois. The featured presentation will be the debut of Sister Act, with singing nuns! Come join us in supporting and celebrating life in Northern Illinois! Cost is $750 for table of 10, or $85 per person ($95 at the door, but seating is limited!) Go online at www.womanschoiceservices.com to register, or to print and mail in forms. For more information call Woman’s Choice Services at 630-261-9564. Thank you for your help! Fr Peter and parishioners will be attending. Please come and join us!

The Administration Commission in the September 20 bulletin announced an opportunity for you to commemorate an event or to have a lasting remembrance of your loved one or in thanksgiving by having your name and theirs engraved on a brick to be placed around the Ten Commandment monument. The bricks will completely surround the monument. There will also be benches for you to sit. Our goal is to have a place for reflection not only for the present generation of parishioners but also for future generations. Your contribution will help our parish meet the cost of repairs and maintenance. It will also help in making extraordinary payment towards reducing the Parish mortgage. We will accept your contribution until the end of this year. We would encourage you to make your decision as early as possible as we need to refine the design and placement of the bricks. Your contribution is tax deductible. Please help us and the parish achieve our goal. In the Joliet Diocese our Parish is the only community with a Ten Commandment/Beatitude monument. If you have any questions please send your email to [email protected] or leave your name and phone number at the rectory (630) 629-1717 x0 and we will get in touch with you. The form can be sent to the rectory with your information. Additional order forms can be obtained at the website www.CTKlombard .org or at the Church Narthex. Let us be grateful for the past, celebrate the present and wisdom for the future, through Christ our King. Happy and Holy anniversary Christ the King parishioners. Administration Commission

October 18, 2009

Page 9 Mass Intentions

Saturday, October 17

St. Ignatius of Antioch; Sweetest Day Rom 4:13, 16-18; Lk 12:8-12

2:00 Murphy/Brennan Wedding 5:00 Aleykutty Chittet

Sunday, October 18

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Is 53:10-11; Ps 33; Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45

8:00 Patricia Norkus 10:00 John & Deanna Cavello 12:00 Larry Palumbo

Monday, October 19

8:30 Elizabeth Kilcoyne

Tuesday, October 20

8:30 Agmes Karsch

St. John de Brébeuf, St. Isaac Jogues, and their companions Rom 4:20-25; Lk 12:13-21 St. Paul of the Cross; Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Lk 12:35-38

Wednesday, October 21

8:30 Charles Hall

Thursday, October 22

8:30 Richard Hartman

Rom 6:12-18; Lk 12:39-48

Rom 6:19-23; Lk 12:49-53

Friday, October 23

8:30 Kay Weisenburger

Saturday, October 24

5:00 Louise Dabrich

Sunday, October 25

8:00 Patrick Maloney 10:00 Russ Rusevic 12:00 Gloria Kirch

Ministry Schedule for October 24/25 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 J. Iapichino, A. Waters, A. Weselak, G&F Zelazny 8:00 L. Redor, F. Rossi, M. Stellmach, A. Tuszynski, K&R Uhart, R. Wakely 10:00 H. Sokalski, J. Maka, V. Sujewicz, E. Sweeney, K. White, C. Pilar 12:00 L&L Torralba, M. Urbonas, S. Pennisi, W. Storrs Altar Servers 5:00 J. Emmert, K. Zelenka, A. Achenbaugh 8:00 Need Servers 10:00 Z. Calderon, N. Campbell, K. Sweeney 12:00 C. Coleman, J. Czernak, B. Beahan Lectors 5:00 B. Grabowski 8:00 D. Aikman 10:00 A. Patel 12:00 P. Millsap

Presider 5:00: 8:00: 10:00: 12:00:

Fr. Bob Fr. Bob Fr. Peter Fr. Peter

Ministers of Care K.& M. Campbell, M. Gonzalo, E. Lay, L. Michalik, S. Pierscionek, Chub Thompson, C & M. Novak, E & E Mears J. & E. Rodenas,

St. John of Capistrano Rom 7:18-25a; Lk 12:54-59 St. Anthony Mary Claret; Blessed Virgin Mary; Rom 8:1-11; Lk 13:1-9 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52

Rest in Peace Our condolences to the friends and family of Robert Joseph Zelenka, Stella Bruno, and Henry Sadowski who passed away last week. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Pray for Healing Tony Rudinski, Jean Brzezinski, Margaret Kalina, Diana Crue, Peter Christoff, Dolores Hrabec, Jay Perry, Roberta Dirschl, Joan Frichtl, Ed Fontona, Cathy Castro, Frank Nelson, John Sheehan, Mark Wettsteadt, Denis Perry, Joan Temborius, Rose Fenske, Lorraine Wick, Marilyn Melichar, Carmen Giacalone, Isabel Carey, Efren Iraola, Mary Lou LeRoy, Sharon Barsaloux. Please pray for all the sick in our parish, our families, our friends, our community.

October is the month of Our Lady of the Rosary Come to Mass early during the month of October and pray the most holy Rosary. We will begin praying the rosary 30 minutes prior to each mass on Saturday and Sunday. Take time during the week, also, to pray this powerful prayer of the church. If you are not sure how to pray the rosary, visit our website. We also gather every Tuesday at 5:30 in church to pray the rosary.

Pray for our Military Joseph Velasco, III, Richard Godman, Jack Melvin, III, Steven Van Dyke, Jeremy Guenther, Frank Minniti, Andrew DaMitz, Patrick J. Doran, Kevin Dollens, Jessie Blanton, Michael Whelan, John Pierczynski, Thomas Pierczynski, Scott Allen Petersen, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Nikita Majcen, Tom Clohessy, Benjamin Raymond, Jason Peters, Andrew Sargent, Stephanie Olson, Joshua D. Braun, Brandon Hartmann, Jeffrey W. Erickson, Mark Kuhar, Matthew Beifuss, Francis Beifuss, David Starke, Melissa J. Gertie, Patrick Nicholson, Andrew Miller, Lara Owczarski, Frank Wilkins III, David Jurk, Kyle Villalobos, Douglas Wozniak, Jeff Maicke. Do you have a loved one in the armed forces? Email, call, or drop a note in the collection with their name.

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October 18, 2009

Stewardship of Treasure October 3/4

Position Available The Finance Office of the Diocese of Joliet is seeking a full time Auditor/Accountant to perform parish audits, assist parishes with financial matters, and compile and analyze annual parish financial reports; will also assist with internal audits and complete various projects. Must have a Bachelor’s Degree with emphasis in accounting, and several years of accounting experience. Previous experience with auditing and preparation of financial statements is desirable. Knowledge of accounting software and Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access required. Must possess strong written and verbal communication skills; and be a Roman Catholic in good standing. This is a full time exempt position with benefits. Some evening meetings or work may be required. Interested applicants meeting the necessary qualifications should email cover letter, resume and salary requirement to [email protected], or call (815) 834-4077.

# Registered Families Account White Envelopes

1380 Amount

# 384


Non-envelope users


This week’s total


Weekly Budget



Green Envelopes*

- $818.08



Restricted Budget**

$2,308 .00

Difference Gold

-$563 54


* Thank you for reaching the goal this past week! Let’s try to reach our goal of $2,500 weekly to bring down our debt!

Stewardship of Treasure has never been easier! Sign-Up for Electronic Giving You can have your white, gold, and/or green envelope contributions automatically withdrawn from your account on a weekly or monthly basis. Visit our website, www.ctklombard.org or contact the business office, 630.396.6073, for more information.

2009-10 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal Diocese of Joliet The Catholic Ministries Appeal supports God’s work all over this diocese. The parish does not always have the resources to help parishioners, so the diocese supplements us with ways we can help people help themselves. We would like 100% participation. We still need to meet our goal. Let’s try to reach this before Bishop Sartain comes to our parish on November 1st. Fr. Jarosz

Goal: $58,150 Pledges: $36,092

October 18, 2009

Page 11








Religious Ed Classes Flu Shots Adoration Sign-Up Adorers’ Reception PADS

8:30am All Masses All Masses 1:00pm 5:30pm

Academy PLC-N Narthex PLC-S Off Site

Break Open the Word Knights of Columbus Holy Land Info Meeting Prolife Holy Hour

10:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

ER ER PLC Church



9:00am 5:00pm

Church Church


MONDAY Food Pantry Usher Meeting CCW Meeting

12:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm


4:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Church Church ER PLC Narthex Church

TUESDAY Children’s Choir Teen Ensemble Rehearsal Administration Meeting 1st Communion Parent Meeting 50th Anniversary Meeting Ensemble Rehearsal

WEDNESDAY Sacristan Training Religious Ed Classes Choir Rehearsal Woman’s Choice Services Bible Study

9:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Sacraments Baptism: Arrangements for baptisms are made by attending a preparation meeting. Parish registration is a pre-requisite for attending this meeting. First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation: Christ the King offers Faith Formation both in our Parish Academy, and in our Religious Education Program. Weddings: Weddings are scheduled in the home parish of the bride or groom. We require an eight month preparation time. The church date is set before any other commitments are made. Anointing of the Sick: If you or one of your loved ones are in need of the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the rectory, or see the priest after Mass. In case of an emergency, please call the rectory, ext 1.

Sacristy Academy Church PLC ER

Prayer Group

SATURDAY Council of Nurses Mass Vocation Speaker

NEXT SUNDAY Religious Ed Classes Vocation Speaker RCIA Generations of Faith

Mass Times Monday-Friday 8:30am Sunday Obligation Saturday Vigil at 5:00pm Sunday at 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00 Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays: 4:00pm-4:45pm And by appointment St. Peregrine Devotions Second Saturdays at 11:00am Rosary and Chaplet Weekdays at 7:35am Tuesdays 5:30pm Eucharistic Exposition 1st Thursday 9:00am until 8:00pm 1st Friday at 7:00am Other Thursdays 9:00am-8:00pm

8:30am Academy All Masses Church 10:00am ER

Rectory Hours Mon: 9:00 am-3:00 pm Tues, Wed, & Thurs: 9:00a.m.– 6:00 pm Friday: 9:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

Bulletin Articles Bulletin articles are due on the previous Friday in order to be published in the following weekend’s bulletin. Please send articles to [email protected].

Registration On behalf of the pastoral staff, we welcome you as a family member of Christ the King Parish. It is our hope and prayer that you feel at home with us at weekend masses, prayer times, and parish activities. Welcome!

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