Oct.24 Teacher Name
Jaden Douville
Date 24/10/2018 (DD/MM/YYYY)
Subject Area Topic
Physical Education Locomotor games/throwing games
Grade Time
General Learner Outcome(s)
1/2 ~25 mins
GENERAL OUTCOME A Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits. GENERAL OUTCOME C Students will interact positively with others. C1–1 C2–1
Specific Learner Outcome(s)
C1–3 C2–3 A1–1 A2–1
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to demonstrate: 1. Different types of locomotion 2. Throwing skills
Assessment Materials Introduction
Observation • Dodgeballs -
Eyes up and pay attention- DO NOT TOUCH THE NETS
~10 mins Warm up – Over the ocean - Run it on either side of the volleyball nets (2 games) - They have to get to the other side of the gym without getting caught - Grey- safe zone - Remind them not to hit the wall when they are trying to stop Works on their locomotion/ dodging skills while playing tag also adds obstacles that they need to go around. ~ 15 mins Wonka Tag (Grade 2’s get dodgeballs) - They get a dodgeball and must hit someone with a dodgeball (below the shoulders) - They have to throw it they cannot just run up and tag them - They have to throw the ball they can’t just run around with the ball - When they are hit they must sit down until the person that hit them gets hit then they get to get back up • Girls are at the water fountain, boys are at the door.