Ny B7 Families Fdr- 2-7-04 Letter From John Cameron- Wtc Destruction And Pentagon Questions

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omas H Kean CHAIR.


sH Hamilton VICE CHAIR

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The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the U.S. 301 7th. Street, SW Room 5125 Washington, DC 20407. America. W.T.C., Pentagon attack 11 th.September 2001. Dear Sirs, Thomas.H.Kean & Lee H.Hamilton. Now retired I was a Real property valuer .Like most folks I witnessed 911 unfold. However one aspect particularly attracted my attention. This was the free fall of both WTC towers. Particularly whence South tower collapsed first, despite immense quantities of jet aviation fuel expended that exploded externally. WTC towers were specifically designed to withstand large commercial air craft strike. America has had some 100 years experience in skyscraper construction. When one considers official explanation for collapse. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that hundreds of buildings in New York city are now of doubtful construction in respect to fire. How will this effect insurance premiums.? Why did WTC # 6 collapse when only superficial external damage was sustained.? Why did WTC # 7 implode. Latest reports buildings # 6 & # 1 were pulled. What does this mean in technical terms. ? FEMA / ASCE reports, no mention of buildings being pulled.? How & Why did fires burn in WTC foundations for some 100 days.? Would not integrity of buildings / foundations have to be destroyed simultaneously for perfect collapse.? How & Why did tons of structural steel "melt" in jet fuel fire.? Please explain immense quantity of pulverised concrete dust.? Please explain seismic spikes.? What became of 8 Flight data recorders.? One is led to believe that they are "indestructible." ?

Page 2. Pentagon: Consider ground level trajectory strike E ring, outer reinforced wall. Engine pods of 757 are mounted below wings. Why were there no skid marks whatsoever on Pentagon lawn prior to strike. ? Consider profile, configuration, & dimensions Boeing 757 200 . Approximately 100 tons of aircraft. Penetrating E, D, & C rings in arrow like trajectory exiting rather small circular hole at ground level. Would not this object deviate up / down sideways as momentum slowed. This logically would not allow direct line progress as detailed unless of course velocity was substantially more than indicated & object smaller. Please explain lack of discernible Boeing aircraft wreckage. Particularly engines, wings & tail sections. ? May I add that I wrote a registered letter to President of ASCE on the 23 .November 2003. Seeking information. This august body did not even have the courtesy to reply to correspondence. I also contacted Purdue University they also did not respond. I have written to many other professional people with little or no success. Indeed I find it rather disconcerting & incomprehensible that after a major tragedy as 911 silence prevails absolutely. From day one information was rather limited & now after some two years no one is much the wiser. Even in n smaller incidents authorities usually rigorously seek out the truth so that future happenings are somewhat diminished. May I ask what makes 911 different.? Kindly accept my concerns in good faith. Our destiny is in your hands. Yours sine John Camera p. 9/11

Australia. 7th.February2004.

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