Ny B4 Nypd Mobilizations Fdr- Timeline- Overlay Radio Frequency- Highlights Deployment And Assignment Of Personnel 380

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Download & View Ny B4 Nypd Mobilizations Fdr- Timeline- Overlay Radio Frequency- Highlights Deployment And Assignment Of Personnel 380 as PDF for free.

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American Airlines flight 11 crashes into the North Tower of the WTC. T.F. portable radios airplane crash into the WTC


several police officers transmit messages to central over several different division frequencies in lower Manhattan. Including Special Operations Division, City Wide 1 Division and Transit Division 1 radio frequencies.

08:46:50 6th Pet. Portable transmits message a major aircraft just crashed into the WTC, notify everyone 08:47:45 IPct Sgt transmits a level 1 mobilization and seconds later in same transmission raises it to a level 3 mobilization. He asks that the Duty Captain be notified. 08:48:33 ESU portable Mobilization Point at Church & Vessey or W. B'way & Vessey 08:48:37 Duty Captain acknowledges message. 08:48:53 Unk unit get Emergency Services down here forthwith 08:49:44 Unk—message of don't use elevators 08:49:40 Operations Level 3 mobilization at Church & Vessey for ESU ESU advises numerous injuries request busses, ESU Lt. notify all Hospitals Have Pets, keep the bridges clear 08:50:30 1st


Sgt. asks for a notification to Traffic management

08:51:12 IPct Portable transmits message to notify the P. A. to clear the train station get people out of train station. It Pet. Sgt repeats same message. 08:51:44 Unk. Transmission to notify P.A. to keep everybody inside because of falling debris.

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08:52:50 Central asks for a 5th Pet. unit to close the Bklyn & Man bridges. 08:53:20 ESU to mobilize all ESU units city wide to Church & Vessey 08:53:48 ESU asks that the Williamsburg bridge be closed 08:53:56 SOD base to city wide have highway and Pet's concerned on the FDR drive have them clear it from 57th St down to the incident site 08:54:22 Make sure they move all traffic off and have Aviation 14 on board and also harbor units stand by and notify the MARS system. Also have 3 stagging areas set up other than the one you have for ESU commanders. 08:54:28 ESU advises it was a commercial TWA aircraft that crashed into bldg. 08:55:01 Have a staging area by Battery Park and another one Command Post by the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. 08:55:35 Set up a command post by Battery Park the other by the Staten Island ferry Terminal so they have access to everything and if they need a ferry have one ferry available. 05:55:52 SOD notify the Mutual Response System in N.J. put them on stand by and also notify the Port Authority on the tunnels to keep them open and watch for any explosive devises that may be in conjuction with this. 08:55:54 Duty Inspector advises that the mobilization point is to be set up at West & Liberty. 08:56:00 Truck 1 asks to meet aviation at heliport with a repel team. Aviation 14 suggest the Wall St Heliport. 08:56:51 Unk asks central to notify Bellevue Hospital to alert all hospital 08:56:22 ESU Adam/boy is 84 at scene going to tack 2 for communications. 08:57:15 SOD portable Do you have SOD channel for the emergency and have those diverted all 911 calls on this channel or designate an appropriate channel. 08:57:26 Car 3 raises mobilization from Level 3 to level 4 08:58:09 ESU truck Central if you would SOD is all tied up Please advise traffic that they are going to have to work with all the inbound from Bklyn and Queens and the Bronx they are going to have to set up on the south bound FDR to pull traffic from the Bklyn Bidge on down Don't let any other traffic down into the


area. That's affirmative we want to clear everything from Lower Manhattan with the exception of emergency vehicles they are going to have to pull all inbound traffic from the battery tunnel and from the bridges coming from Queens. 08:58:30 Aviation 14 advises that people are falling out of the building. Advises he can not land on roof, it is too engulfed in flames, heavy smoke conditions. 08:59:34 ESU has teams going into north tower 09:00:09 Unk unit asks about day care center. Unk. Message don't go upstairs 09:01:00 ESU Truck 1 adaml & boy 1 entering building now. 09:01:08 Man. South Operations is going to the southern tip of City Hall we are getting personnel from each command to report at that location we need to know the inspector or the captain at the scene so we can dirvert these people into the scene. Unk unit go to South & Pike get a THV in case it goes to a level 4 Unk unit Have them set up one command post over at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal we will access all the vehicles and all personnel its much safer. 09:01:24 1st Pet. X.O. raises mobilization to a level 4 1st Pet. I.C.O. to 1st Pet. X.O. requests a larger area for mobilization point. 09:01:59 5th Pet. X.O. 84 at West & Vessey St 1st Pet. X.O. agrees and sets this as new Mobilization point. Message transmitted to all units responding. 09:02:00 portable request addition units to help evacuate buildings. Aviation advises people falling from building at least the top 15 floors from the top are engulfed in flames. 09:03:00 Numerous stepping on each others transmissions advise another plane hit the South Tower of the WTC (737) Aviation advises it was a US air 737 aircraft that crashed into the south tower. Car 3 asks to have the security plan put into effect at HQ. 09:03:05 Unites Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower of the WTC. Numerous Transmissions advising that a plane crashed into building an explosion. 09:03:09 Unk unit Another plane just hit it another explosion ( repeated several times) Unk unit... Central if you go to a Level 4 go to South & Pike Unk unit.. .Central advise what Task Forces are Mobilized for this event.


09:03:50 Central... Be advised we have a Level 3 at Church & Vessey and we are getting reports that another plane has struck the WTC. 09:04:25 Operations advises mobilization point to be set at South & Pike St. 09:04:25 Unk. Reports Officer down 09:05:00 Car 3 advises to have operations notify units to evacuate buildings in lower Manhattan this seems like a planed attack. He orders HQ secured and any other high security buildings to be evacuated. 09:05:18 Unk Unit advises its now at Level 4 Mobilization Unk unit confirmed 2nd plane hit the 2nd building both buildings struck. Unk unit can you get a THV over to South & Pike the Level 4 is at South Pike. 09:05:56 Unk units request that FAA close down air space over NY. Central acknowledges. 09:06:36 ESU Sgt. request all ESU to respond to Vessey & Church states South Tower now engulfed in flames. Car 3 advises he does not want any units to land on any of the towers. Central repeats same message. Aviation 14 advises that plane was a US air 737(flight#175) commercial airliner not jus an explosion. Unk unit asks that the P.A. freeze all airports. Unk TF unit advises it was a United Airlines 737 Aviation 14 advising airports to suspend operations. In the NYC area. 09:07:37 1st Pet. detail Sgt. advises authority of the 1st Pet. C.O. that the Mayor & P.C. Are setting up a command post at West B'way & Barclay. 9X.O. repeats same Message. 09:07:57 Task Force Lt. Where is the Bronx Task Force going at this time. Central advises We have 2 separate locations we got South & Pike and we have Church & Vesey for the mobilization point We have 2 separate planes hitting the WTC at this time Lieu. Man. South operations to central have the Bronx Task Force go to Church & Vessey and all other commands to South & Pike. 09:08:20 Unk unit Central send the Task Forces to Church & Vessey and the other commands to South & Pike.


09:08:20 Unk. Inquires if they want Election Duty officers to respond. 5th Pet Lt. advises that outside commands respond with helmets. 09:10:01 Central to all units be advised regarding South & Pike that's a Level 4 mobilization all mobilizations are at 4 at this time. Central... Alright units listen we have 2 separate mobilization points 2 Level 4 mobilization points Bronx Task Force respond to Church & Vessey Manhattan South Operations is responding to South & Pike we got numerous injuries both to civilian, members of the force those are 2 mobilization points at this time Church & Vessey and South & Pike. Man. South Task force to central out of Boro camands are going to South & Pike. Central... Man. South command is going to Church & Vessey all the others are going to South & Pike. Unk unit You have 2 locations you have Church & Vessey and South & Pike 2 separate Level 4 mobilizations if you are going to the same job you have 2 separate plane crashes at the location. Central... units all emergency services units all units responding you got the Battery Tunnel the left tube is open you have a lane open for NYPD and emergency services units to respond. Unk unit central have transit shut down the subways at the WTC please. 90 Sgt advised that the Williamsburg bridge is closed down except for emergency vehicles. 09:10:20 From 1st deputy office order goes out to evacuate every high security building to include 1 Police Plaza Gracie Mansion, Municipal building and any potential target 26 Federal Plaza is being evacuated at this time. Unk unit request that the United Nations building be evacuated. SOD request that central designate 3 channels for this emergency 2 for responding units and 1 for units at the scene. Central acknowledges transmission. C.O. PC office looking for command post advised that Church & Vessey by the Post office for ESU units the other command post is at South & Pike St. SOD requests all units to use this frequency for emergency only. Unk. Unit request that central contact military liaison to lock down air space, central acknowledges. 09:12:33 Unk request that the Holland Tunnel be shut down. Central looking for P. A. on the air. P. A. reports sighting of missile launch From the Woolworm Bldg.


Unk.. Message regarding some passengers from plane stuck on the 27th floor. 5-Adam establishes a Temporary HQ at 90 Church St. Unk. Advises that P. A. has shut down the Holland Tunnel. 1st Pet Sgt advises to send all pedestrians up B'way away from buildings. 09:14:48 Central request the bomb squad respond to Mobilization point to conduct sweeps of area. Truck request that ESU desk recall all personnel to work. Central advises that Command Post is opposite the Post Office (referring to 5th PctC.P.) 09:17:28

ESU Lt. advises that OEM informed him that the military is enforcing a no fly zone in the vicinity of the WTC. Aviation advised that all metropolitan airports are closed as well as the heliports at Wall St & West 30l St. Chief Scallon advises all command post vehicles to go to Vessey & North End Ave.

09:17:37 Central.. .Advises that EMS has a triage center set up at Church & Chambers Central.. .Advises that the Bklyn Bridge is cosed except for emergency vehicles. Bklyn South Duty Captain Just advise Bklyn South units responding that the Prospect Expressway HOV lane is open they can respond that way. Central... Also advises that the battery Tunnel has a tube open for emergency vehicles. 09:17:48 Unk. Sgt. advises Bridges are closed. 1st Pet Sgt notifies the 6th Pet to open 7th Ave for emergency vehicles. Message that the THV is at C.P. on Barclay West B'way to Church. 09:18:30 SOD request central to notify Nassau & Suffolk approach at F.A.A. building to secure liaison post. 09:19:00 Unk. Unit request that Central notify the Coast Guard on Staten Island to evacuate the statue of liberty & Ellis Island. Aviation 14 advises that the Wall St. heliport is no longer suitable as a landing Zone and request that West 30th St. heliport is secured.


Unk. Unit request that the American Express and Myrele Lynch Bldg be evacuated. 09:19:04 Unk unit... All Man. South to Church & Vessey all other Boros to South & Pike. Lt. Grogan have everybody from division meet me on Wall Street in front of the Marriott Hotel I want all the bodies you can get and go just south of the towers by the Marriott Hotel. Man. South operations I need a traffic post on the FDR drive both south and North bound so I can open it for emergency vehicles. Unk unit advises the BQE from Varrick is open to emergency vehicles Varrick to the city is open. Unk unit... Notify the Triboro bridge have them dirvert traffic over there except for police personnel. Central.. Advises to avoid the FDR going south bound at 34th Street take 2nd Ave downtown. SOD request Central to notify the Tri-boro Bridge & Tunnel Authority the Verrazano, the Bklyn Battery Tunnel and all other access points to secure them. Central advises that the Command Post was at 90 Church St. and now has moved to South & North End. Aviation 14 request that ESU secure park on the corner of Chambers St. & River Terrace for a new Landing Zone. 09:25:36

ESU Truck 6 advises that he is on scene and going Tactical (Vests & heavy weapons) and notifies Truck 1 of his status. Aviation 14 has landed at Chambers St & River Terrace and has secured park as a landing zone. They request ESU units to respond also to secure landing zone area. Aviation again advises that there is no possibility of landing people on the roof. Aviation 12 leaving Floyd Bennett Field

09:26:00 Man. South operations to central We are going to need a route from South & Pike to the scene check with traffic control division so we can set up a route 09:27:00 Central advises that the following routes are clear Battery Tunnel, Williamsburg bridge the HOV from the BQE, the Triboro bridgeThe midtown tunnel.


Unk unit.. .Advises they adjusted M.P. from Church to North Cove & Vessey. Central... Advises the M.P. is Vessey & West Vessey & the West Side Highway and also South & Pike.

09:27:11 Unit request that the FDR be shut down 09:29:06 Chief of Dept. advises that he is on the scene. Central advises that the West Side Highway & FDR open for Emergency Vehicles. 1st Pet. request an assessment of 1st Pet units, run down (roll call over the air) 1st Pet. units check in with 1st Pet Sgt. 09:30:00 Aviation 6 advises of another in bound aircraft that LaGuardia tower is tracking a fast mover central repeats message. Aviation advises that aircraft may be military 09:30:40 Detective Duty Captain... Request that any detectives responding to that area report to Vessey & North End Ave. Central., reports that a triage center has been set up at 104 Washington and also at West Street & Chambers. 09:31:11 Unk unit... Advises that there is another plane in the area. Warns units to move out of area. Central... Advises all units going to the WTC do not go to the Marriott go the West & Vessey. Unk unit.. .Advises that it is a military plane enforcing a no fly zone over the city. Central.. .Advises the Midtown has a tube open for emergency vehicles 09:32:00 Aviation advises that aircraft are US military enforcing no fly zone over NY. 09:32:20 TF Sgt asks for mobilization of TF at Liberty & North End. Unk. Unit states to evacuate everything south of Canal St. Unk. Unit advises that the Mobilization Point is at Vessey & North End. 09:34:00 Central calling P.A. to close down GWB Election Duty still asking to respond to scene. 09:34:40 Operations advises that the Mobilization Point is at South & Pike in regards to level 4 mobilization.

09:34:40 Traffic Lt. Request 1 and 10 at the West 30th Street heliport to secure area and aircraft. Central... Reports that a THV is set up at Park Place and Church and request that units reporting to Church & Vessey report now report to Park Place. Central... Asdvises Bronx Task Force to report to Park Place THV and Man.Task Forces all other out of Boro comands to South & Pike. 09:35:00 suspicious package at Madien Lane & B'way 09:35:36 ESU Truck 6 setting up a Tactical Mobilization point at Vessey & West. Aviation advises that the Bklyn bridge is clear in both directions and the Manhattan bridge is clear into Manhattan. Battery Tunnel clear, Midtown Tunnel clear take the HOV lane. Trucks 1 looking for an aviation unit to meet at LZ at Chambers & River Terrace to pick up ESU officers in repel gear. Truck 1 looking to get to the roof states they are looking at the North/West corner. Aviation 14 at base refueling. 09:37:00 5 Portable has numerous people in train station wants to know if subway is Running. Central advises that subway not running. 09:37:00 Mobil 2 unit advises central of injured people in lobby of building #2. Requesting assistance forthwith. Central advises the MP is at Vessey West B'way to Church and that the C.P. is at Barclay, West B'way to Church. 1st Pet. I.C.O. extends explosion area beyond Chambers St. 09:37:15 Central... Advises Manhattan & Bronx units respond to Park Place & Church at the THV all other units from Queens, Bklyn and Staten Island report to South & Pike. Unk unit... Request EMS toset up in the park at B'way & Vessey regarding numerous injured people in the area. Task Force Lt. Reports that he is sending 1 and 10 to the West 30th Street heliport. Central... Advises the inspector at the THV that a traffic supervisor is responding to Park Place & Church. THV... Reports that they are operational at Park Place & Church. Man. South Duty Captain reports that they are setting up a THV at South & Pike at that location for out of Boro commands to report to. All Task Forces and Man. South personnel go to Park Place & Church THV.


09:41:33 Deputy Commissioner to central ... West B'way & Barclay I have the Police Commissioner and the Mayor and the C.O. for SOD.. This is going to be our haedaquaters can you notify the FD and get there operations people over here please we have hard lines have them set up here. Central.. .The M.P. for South & Pike is for Bklyn, Queens & Staten Island all Manhattan & Bronx Units respond to Park Place just east of Church St. Unk unit... Be advised they just hit Washington. The Pentagon just got hit by a plane. 09:41:54 Central reports that the 106th floor of South Tower has collapsed. 09:42:16 Car 1 looking for an 85 with car 3 at 75 Barclay St. According to 1st deputy Commissioner no one to repel to the top of the roof. Central repeats message. 09:43:00 5-Adam advises that the THV now at 102 North End Ave. request all high ranking officers to respond. 09:43:19 Central Advises the MP at Vessey & West B 'way. 5-Portable looking for Chief of Traffic to respond to THV at 102 NBA. Central advises that the Pentagon in Washington DC has been hit by plane wants a response from highest ranking official at scene Chief Hale responds advised. Election Duty officer request to respond to scene. Election Duty Supervisors to mobilize election duty detail. 9th Pet. X.O. looking for the CP is advised it is at Barclay West B'way to Church. Central requesting units to move large group of civilians out of Battery Park. 1st Pet. setting a C.P. 3 World Financial Center at Liberty & West. 09:44:16 Central advises all units that a plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington DC. Car 2 looking for car 1 request location for an 85 Cat 1 is at 75 Barclay . 09:46:33 SOD request that all Pct.'s and Pet. Commanders establish a freez zone around


all Pets for a 1 block area. No one in or out near a police Pet or police facility. Car 58 request that P.A. close down the GWB outbound the inbound is closed to all vehicles. Central advises that Church & Vessey is the mobilization point for ESU units. Track responding to the Tri Boro bridge on a suspicious package. 09:48:42 P.O. Moss to central.. Be advised I'm on the 2nd floor of the WTC I'm helping with evacuation I need more units over here. Unk unit... To central be advised that you have a temporary headuqaters at Vessey and West have people respond from the west side respond there. Man. South Oper. At the THV on Park Place asks central for locations to send personnel to help in evacuations or freeze a zone. Unk unit ... Close down the board of elections. Unk unit.. .s he has a task force standing by at South & Pike. Task Force C.O. states he has Task Force at West & Vessey St. Central... advises that the THV on Park Place is trying to ascertain if you need any personnel dispersed anywhere. 09:50:34 Car 3 advises that he wants bridges clear of pedestrians who are watching lower Manhattan. 09:51:30 Central reports that the 106th floor of WTC #2 south tower the floor has collapsed or crumbling. People are trapped up there. Aviation 3 advises that it looks like some large pieces of debris may fall from the top floor asks units to use caution. Large pieces hanging up there. ESU request that aviation respond to North West side of the North Tower to locate what floor a person is hanging from waving white sheet. Aviation 3 responds and states they see about 50 people faces pressed against windows 5 floors from the top of the building. Unit advising that a triage center is being set up at 182 B'way. Central advising the ESU mobilization point at Church & Vessey Streets. 09:54:09 Central Advises that all Task Forces are to respond to Vessey & West as per the Task Force C.O. Unk Unit... Advises he is sending you Bklyn South Task Force 1, 2 and 16 to the Park Place THV. Unk Unit... The Pentagon and the Washington Mall just got hit. Unk unit... Call Man. South Operations and have them notify the F.A.A.


Central.... Inaudible that's West St & Barclay you are requesting that the F.B.I, bring them what inaudible. Unk unit., calling on the air for Special Agent in Charge Barry are you on the air if he is around can you raise him and get him here please. 1st Deputy ... Help people and get them into the subways get people down in on the platforms to help them get out of the city. Central.. .Advises Manhattan & Bronx are going to Park Olace and Church Bklyn, Queens & Staten Island to South & Pike. Traffic Supervisor Can you tell me what location you need additional personnel so I can divert them from South & Pike. Central.. .Advises that they need additional personnel at Vessey & West as per the Task Force C.O. Central..Advises that EMS has Triage centers at Chambers & West and 104 Washington. Bklyn North Task Forces asks central where to respond. Central advises they go to South & Pike. Unk unit..Request that all Task Forces go to Vessey & West.at the request of Man. South Task Force C.O. Central.. Advises on the best routs for all the bridges and tunnels. 09:57:29 Units advising that numerous debris falling at MP West & Vessey request to move MP to another location. Unk. Suggest moving across the West Side Highway. 09:59:13 Numerous transmissions of the south tower coming down. Numerous 10-13 calls from different units some identified others unknown. 09:59:18 Transmissions of South Tower falling numerous transmissions. Central advises the P.A. to close the GWB. 09:59:35 Numerous transmissions regarding the South Tower collapse. Central advises that the North Tower has collapsed (Incorrect Tower) Unk unit.. .10-13 officer screaming for help. Central advises that an officer is trapped in the North Tower on the 2nd floor. Request units to respond. Radio overwhelmed with transmissions very little messages are getting through to central. Numerous messages from units trapped or looking for help. 10:01:18 Numerous transmissions of officers trapped in building. 10:01:34 Numerous messages about officers trapped. THV at Park Places advises central not to send any more units to their location. Central.. .Asks that the air be cleared that there is a 10-13 at the Triage center Central.. .Advises units to stay away from the subway they have a report of


subway stairs collapse 10:02:10 M.P. moved to Stuyvesant H.S. 7th Pet. Sgt advises for everybody to head north of Canal St. Report of people still jumping. 10:03:29 THV on Park Place reports smoke condition states they can not operate. Central..Advises for all units to pull back to West & Chambers to stand by. 10:04:02 ESU 1 reports numerous people trapped in the 2nd tower. Aviation advises numerous units available to medi-vac is needed from landing zone at Chambers & River Terrace. Aviation 14 advises to evacuate battery Park City at this time. States that the top 15 floors are glowing red with fire the top may fall down. 10:05:06 Report of other planes in the air. Central advises they are US military 10:08:05 Aviation 14 states that if it comes down it will effect marine traffic and does not believe it will last much longer suggest that Battery Park City be evacuated. 10:06:08 Unk unit ..Requesting help stuck in basement of the north tower. THV at Park Place..Advises central they are shutting down the command post because of smoke condition Central.. .Advises that he has units responding to several different locations to rescue officers trapped in collapse of the building. Central.. .Advises that the New Mobilization Point is now at North & Murray. Central.. .Advises he has officers trapped Liberty & West the North Tower 7WTC, 6WTC and an evacuation on the highway. Task Force portable.. .Reports a Duty Captain is trapped under rubble at Trinity & Cedar Central.. .Advises they have other officers trapped at Albany & West and 13 George is looking for his partner at that location. Central Advises that Mobilization Point is now at North of Murray Street. 10:08:42 Car 3 asks that all traffic into Manhattan be shut down at his time. C.O. Narcotics and car 38 request units to respond to the foot of the FDR drive to move thousands of civilians north to get them out of area. 10:09:54 ESU advises that they are pulling back emergency vehicles north of the building.


Unk unit advises hat they have in excess of 1 hundred people trapped in the building. 10:10:29 Central looking for 1 & 10 to respond to FDR drive to help with a large crowd of civilians to be moved. 1st Pet. C.O. advises that the M.P. is going to Stuyvesant H.S. Units trapped in different buildings World Financial center Buildings in the basement looking for a way out. 10:11:54 Central advises that they have officers and people trapped in subway at Chambers on the N & R lines and they are requesting assistance. Central advises all units to retreat to Vessey & West End Ave. by the water 10:13:25 Central advises that the duty Captain is trapped at Cedar & Trinity Car 38 looking for units to move people north from the foot of the FDR drive. 10:13:26 Central... Units trapped in train station the # 2 & 3 lines WTC # 6 & 7 FD trapped at Trinity. Central... Advises that the command Post at Park Place & Church has been moved to North of Muray Street. 10:15:00 1st Pet. C.O. informs central to move the command post from West & Vessel to Stuyvesant High School 4 blocks north of the effected area. Central., repeats same message to all units. 10:15:54 Aviation 14 advises all units that the fire is spreading downward and asks that personnel going up be advised of that. 10:16:20 Operations request that all units leave the corner of Vessey & Church because of falling debris. 10:17:44 Central advises units of falling debris Unk unit inquires as to where the children from 1 Police Plaza day care were evacuated to. Central advises they went to the 5th Pet. Central ..advises that everything is shut down in Manhattan bridges and tunnels. 10:18:30 ESU 1 advises still out at Church & Vessey trying to keep people out of the area and pulling out equipment. Car 1 stil out at Church & Vessey orders all units off the corner.


10:19:30 Central... Advises the THV and Command Post at Stuyvesant H.S. Chief Hale on scene. 10:19:42 Central reports 5 people trapped in Burger King at Trinity & Cedar Central advises that the new Mobilization Point For ESU personnel s at Stuyvesant High School 1st Pet. C.O. asks that a command post be set up there also. Central Advises the the new Mobilization Point is at Park Row just east of City Hall. 10:20:40 Aviation 14 ... Advises that the Tower is leaning request that all units pull back from location. Central... Advises that ESU M.P is at Stuyvesant H.S. 10:21:06 Detail Sgt.. .Reports officers trapped at Liberty & Cedar check on 120 Cedar Bronx Task Force request location of new M.P. Central advises it is now at Park Row east of City Hall Central.. .Advises of people trapped in the Battery Tunnel. 10:24:15 P.O. Repele informs central he is in NJ being treated 10:24:55 Central... Receives a message that the chief surgon is badly injured Unk unit... Request boats respond to river to evacuate people across harbor. 10:25:10 Central... Warns units that the North Tower is leaning Unk unit... Asks if Election Detail can leave Unk unit advises Negative. Unk.unit reports 10-13 officer down at Liberty & B'way under debris. Central... Reports that Stuyvesant H.S. is being evacuate and units are relocating to the Police Academy. 10:25:23 Unk unit.. ..Request that all supervisors account for their personnel. 10:27:56 Aviation 14 .. .Advises that the North Tower is collapsing the entire Tower. Central... Receiving numerous messages about the tower falling. Harbor Base.. .Advises units at water edge removing people from area. 10:28:34 Numerous transmissions that the North Tower is collapsing. 10:28:36... Central receiving numerous messages that the North Tower is coining down, Total collapse. 10:29:05 Central asks that units account for their partners Central... Reports shots fired at Vessey & the West Side High Way. 1st Pet. C.O. ..Advises no shots fired but building coming down. 1st Pet, C.O. ..Advises that he is in process of evacuating Stuyvestant H.S. people going north on West St. Reports no structural damage to Stuyvesant

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H.S. 10:30:07 Reports of Female officer down trapped on the 3rd floor. She can be heard on radio asking for help. 10:32:23 Unk unit... Reports that a K-9 unit got hit at 74 Trinity Unk unit... Reports Stuyvesant H.S. secure and no damage to report. Unk unit.. .Reports he has 150 Tarama Sergons on bus in route to scene request where to bring them. Aviation Base... Reports they have numerous helicopters standing for any medi-vac needed. 10:35:36 1st Pet scooter base reports everyone safe. Unk unit., reports that the Mobilization Point is at Park Row east of City Hall. 10:36:32 ESU... Reports that Mobilization Point is at Stuyvesant setting up Temporary Headquarters. ESU .. Reports they are responding back to site in area where missing ESU personnel last seen. (!Lt,lSgt and 5 P.O.'s) 10:39:49 Central Inquires if anyone is looking for the female officer down receives no response. 26 Federal Plaza is evacuated. 10:40:54 Central... Advises that there is a Hospital Triage at Church & Thomas Unk unit... Reports that Bridge walkways are open. Unk unit... Advises they are mobilizing the Election Duty Detail Unk unit... Reports 2 military jets over water. Unk unit... Reqquest a doctor be sent to Parking Lot at Path Mart at South & Cherry St to treat injured. Central... Inquiring the location of the FD command center. Central... Advises a Triage Center at Church & Thomas. 10:41:19 Mobilization Point for Task Forces is Harrison & West St. Traige center at Chambers & West & 104 Washington Condition Center on the air requesting for a location to send N.J EMS Central advises to send to Park Place just east of City Hall. 10:41:39 Unk unit... Reports no FD command Center Central... Advises of a car bomb at NYU medical center Central... reports a triage center at 49 Fulton St Central... Attempts to raise car 4 10:41:47 ESU... Reports at Vessey & the River they have 12 injured MOS behind the Financial Center in the Yacht club and Harbor is responding. Central... Advises units that aviation has numerous aircraft for any medi-vac


and well as F-16 if you need them Aviation 14 .. .Advises they have a NY State Police helicopter at landing zone at Chambers & River Terrace. 10:45:25... Report of ESU officer down at 41 Park Row. 10:46:25

Car 1 looking for intell C.O. ESU... Reports that Wall St heliport is secure for Medi-vac. Unk unit... Reports injured MOS and cilivians on the north side of site by the water. Central... Advises the ESU Mobilization Point at Stuyvesant H.S.

10:51:31 Unk unit... Requesting fire hose for MOS trapped inside building south of the WTC. 10:54:44 Unk unit... Looking for EMS to respond to Fulton & Water for a MOS with a broken leg. 10:56:40 Car 1 Request that TARU respond to the Fire House at Houston & 6th Ave to set up some phone connections. ESU 1 from Midnight.. .Advises central he is responding to the south side of the pile with 1 Lt 2 Sgt.'s and 15 rescuers. OEM ... Attempts to contact central. Harbor.. .Reports that injured from water front have been removed to N.J. State Park and then to NJ Hospitals. Unk ESU unit.. .Advises central they are on there way to site. Central... Request that 1 and 8 be sent to Trinity & Rector for security regarding people walking around area.

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