Technology Of Radio Frequency

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  • Words: 2,283
  • Pages: 39
Radio Frequency Technology

What Is Radiofrequency (RF)? •

Radiofrequency, or “RF”, is the term for energy– technically called “electromagnetic radiation” or “EMR”– comprising a very large portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). • Oscillating waves in the EMS with a frequency (or rate of oscillation) from as low as 3 Hz to the extreme of 300 GHz and wavelengths as long as 100 Mm (megameters) to as short as 1 mm are considered “RF” energy. • Radiowaves and microwaves are the most popular types of RF energy.

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) •

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is a stream of photons which are moving at the speed of light – (186,000 miles per second).

• • •

It takes a photon just 8 seconds to travel 93 million miles from the sun to the earth EMR is classified into different types according to the frequency and the wavelength of each wave The Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) encompasses the following: – – – –

Visible light Ultraviolet light Infrared radiation Gamma, X-ray, etc.

Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) RF frequency Range = 3 Hz to 300 GHz (includes radio, radar, microwave and TV waves)

The RF Spectrum EHF (Extremely High Frequency) Used for satellite communications

30 GHz to 300 GHz (= wavelengths from 10 mm to 1 mm)

SHF (Super High Frequency) Also known as the microwave band

3 GHz to 30 GHz (= wavelengths from 10 cm to 1 cm)

UHF (Ultra High Frequency)

300 MHz to 3 GHz (= wavelengths from 1 meter to 10 cm)

VHF (Very High Frequency)

30 MHz to 300 MHz (= wavelengths from 10 meters to 1 meter)

HF Shortwave (High Frequency)

3 MHz to 30 MHz (= wavelengths from 100 meters to 10 meters)

MF (Medium Frequency)

300 kHz to 3 MHz (= wavelengths from 1000 meters to 100 meters)

Note: One Hertz = one cycle (oscillation) per second Note: MHz = megahertz = one million cycles per second Note: GHz – gigahertz – one billion cycles per second

Electromagnetic Radiation: General Principles • The frequency of a wave is inversely proportional to its wavelength. • High frequency waves have higher energy than low frequency waves. – High frequency (i.e., gamma rays) waves have a SHORT wavelength and HIGH energy. – Low frequency (i.e., radio waves) waves have a LONG wavelength and LOW energy.

EMR General Principles • All EMR is a stream of photons moving at the speed of light. The only difference in the energy levels from one wavelength to another is the AMOUNT OF ENERGY in the photons. • As a general rule, EMR with the longest wavelengths have the greater depth of penetration into tissue. • Conversely, shorter wavelengths have a more superficial depth of penetration into tissue. – Therefore, the lower the frequency, the greater the depth of penetration into tissue. Note: Other factors can also impact penetration depth, such as absorption coefficients of skin chromophores.

RF Principles • RF current results from charged particles flowing through a closed circuit. As the energy meets resistance in the tissue, heat is produced. • Low frequency RF energy is used for biostimulation • RF energy in the range of 0.3-10 MHz produces a pure thermal effect on biological tissue. • The thermal effect is dependent on the electrical properties (i.e., conductivity vs. impedance) of the tissue (including ratio of body fat and skin hydration levels, etc.), the intensity of the current applied, and the characteristics of the electrodes.

RF Principles • The controlled use of RF for selective electrothermolysis produces a highly efficient thermal effect on tissue • The RF thermal response depends on the electrical properties (conductivity or resistance) of the tissue for desired selective thermal stimulation, destruction or coagulation of targeted tissue structures

RF Conductivity •

• • • •

RF conductivity in biological tissue depends on three primary factors: 1. The frequency and wavelength of the RF energy; 2. The composition of tissue 3. The temperature of the tissue Human tissues – including the skin- are rich in electrolytes and other compounds which allow conduction with varying degrees of impedance and resulting heat production. RF energy is conducted by the ions (positively or negatively charged atoms or molecules) of salts contained in the tissues RF energy generates heat from a current of ions that acts in accordance with the physical principle of impedance (defined later) RF energy generates alternating magnetic fields that cause rotation and friction in the di-pole water molecules of tissue

RF Conductivity of Different Tissues Tissue containing blood and water have the highest RF conductivity. Bone, fat and dry skin have the lowest conductivity as shown in the accompanying table.


Conductivity MHz)







Dry Skin


Wet Skin



RF Impedance (Resistance) • Impedance (resistance) is the opposite of conductivity • RF energy produces a thermal effect in tissue that is dependent on the conductivity of the tissue • The physical principle of impedance states that the RF current always follows the path of least resistance • Tissue impedance is a product of temperature and the type (composition) of tissue – The warmer a structure is, the more it will attract and conduct RF current (the higher the temperature, the higher the electrical conductivity and lower impedance)

• Cooler tissue has higher impedance and therefore does not conduct current well

Epidermal Cooling • Cooling the outer skin layer (epidermis) will direct RF current to the deeper (and warmer) skin layers (highly desirable) • Epidermal cooling also protects the outer skin layers from thermal damage and makes treatments more comfortable for patients

Distribution of RF Energy • The distribution of RF energy depends on the geometry of the electrodes: – Uni(mono)polar system (a single electrode) – Bipolar system (two electrodes)

• The main difference between the two modes is the way the RF energy is controlled and directed to the target

Unipolar (Monopolar) System • Delivers energy through one small electrode (while a large ground electrode is applied to the body at a distant point) • Electrical energy decreases with distance from the electrode • Generally unpredictable due to RF energy having to pass through the entire body to grounding electrode to complete the circuit

Bipolar System • Passes the RF current between two electrodes at a fixed distance apart • Tissue resistance to bipolar RF energy creates precise and controlled local dermal heating

Bipolar System • The main advantage of bipolar systems vs. unipolar/monopolar systems is the controlled distribution of RF energy inside the tissue • The level of current is limited by volume between the two RF bipolar electrodes • The intensity and depth of penetration of the RF energy can be precisely controlled with bipolar systems • Bipolar systems avoid the unpredictability and diminished power at greater depths of monopolar systems due to the greater distances traveled by RF energy passing through the body to the grounding electrode with monopolar systems

Skin Tightening • A large market exists for medical treatments that tighten the skin. • Skin tightening tones tissue and helps reduce the effects of aging and environmental factors (such as UV exposure). • The traditional methods for accomplishing skin tightening have been surgical excision and extremely painful chemical peels. • Lasers and radiofrequency devices promote skin tightening noninvasively by means of a two stage process: – The first stage produces an immediate effect – The second stage is gradual and occurs over a period of 3 to 6 months

Skin Tightening: Mechanism of Action • • • •

Collagen Shrinkage Collagen Cross-Links Collagen Remodeling Fibroblasts

Collagen 1 • Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals (30% of the total protein the human body). • Collagen is responsible for the strength and elasticity of our skin. • The gradual degradation of collagen leads to the characteristic lines, wrinkles and folds that accompany the aging process.

Collagen 2 • Collagen breakdown increases with both chronological age and photoaging • Factors that contribute to collagen breakdown include: – – – –

Sun damage Free radical damage Age-related hormonal changes Tobacco smoking

Collagen Types • Collagen occurs in many places throughout the human body. There are 28 different types of collagen described in the scientific literature. • Type I – collagen is by far the most abundant type of collagen found in the body (comprising over 90% of our total collagen).

• Type VII – collagen, forms the anchoring fibrils found in the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ).

• Types V & VI – collagen, most interstitial tissue associated with type I

• Types II – XXVIII – collagen, have more specialized functions.

The Collagen Molecule • The collagen molecule—tropocollagen – is a rod-shaped unit measuring about 300 nm long and 1.5 nm in diameter. • Tropocollagen is made up of three polypeptide strands which are twisted together into a “triple helix” coil. The triple helix structure imparts tremendous strength to the collagen molecule. • Collagen is described as “nature’s rebar”.

Collagen Fibers • Tough bundles of collagen called collagen fibers are a major component of the extra-cellular matrix that supports most tissue structure.

Collagen Cross-Links 1 • The collagen triple helix coil structure is maintained by hydrogen bonds. • Collagen molecules contain carbonyl groups. The molecules self-assemble into fibers, which become cross-linked because of reactions between the carbonyl groups and other amino acids of adjoining molecules. • Intermolecular cross-links provide collagen connective tissue with high tensile strength and elasticity.

Collagen Synthesis: Fibroblasts • A fibroblast is a type of cell that synthesizes and maintains the extracellular matrix of tissue. Fibroblast cells differentiate into collagen and other connective tissue cells. • In healthy tissue, the main function of fibroblast is to maintain the structural integrity of connective tissue by secreting precursors of the extracellular matrix, including collagen synthesis and lysis.

Collagen Synthesis 2: Fibroblasts • Fibroblasts normally replace damaged collagen fibers with new ones. • The ability of fibroblasts to replace damaged collagen is compromised by a number of factors including: – The natural ageing process – Environmental stressors (including sun exposure and cigarette smoking)

Collagen Synthesis 3: Fibroblasts During the aging process there is an increased demand and need for external biochemical fibroblast stimulation for the • increased fibroblast production and collagen needed to maintain a healthy collagen matrix.

Skin Tightening 1 •

The first process of skin tightening is called de-naturation. This process is both immediate and long lasting.

De-naturation describes the major change to the tissues’ protein structures when subjected to stressors (such as heat produced by RF conduction).

The mechanism of skin tightening involves both immediate de-naturation of collagen fibers (due to contraction and shrinkage) and subsequent long term remodeling and formation of collagen by cross-linking and new collagen production.

Skin Tightening 2 •

When collagen fibers are heated, some of the crosslinks are broken, causing the triple helix structure to unwind.

When the heat is carefully maintained in the correct range (i.e., 60-65 C), the collagen cross-links are broken but not destroyed. This results in collagen shrinkage and thickening while maintaining the integrity of the tissue.

Skin Tightening 3 • The safe temperature range to shrink collagen fibers without destroying them is narrow (60 –65C) • When the collagen molecule is subjected to temperatures between 60 -65C, the collagen cross-links rupture and cause the immediate contraction of the fibers to about 1/3 their original length. • The molecules, however, remain intact—provided that temperatures do not exceed 75 C.

Skin Tightening 4 • The second process of skin tightening, collagen remodeling, takes several months to achieve. The thermal damage in the dermis induces an inflammatory response which triggers a cascade of events leading to the release of extra-cellular precursors that stimulate fibroblast activity and remodeling of dermal collagen. • The new collagen helps rebuild the areas where collagen has been lost due to the aging process. • This results in: – reduction of tissue laxity – improved elasticity – reduction of lines and wrinkles.

• The second process of skin tightening is also characterized by a gradual proliferation of fibroblasts leading to new collagen deposits in the collagen depleted areas.

RF Fibroblast Stimulation and Collagen Remodeling • Multiple studies have shown that RF energy penetration non-invasively heats the treated layers of the deeper dermis • The resulting thermal energy heats the papillary dermis triggering a cascade of events leading to – Stimulation of fibroblasts responsible for collagen remodeling – Immediate tightening of collagen molecules via coagulation and shrinkage – Clinical improvement of rhytides – Improvement of acne scars

TRIO SkinTightener Benefits • • • •

Tightens, tones, and redefines beautiful skin Non-ablative, non-invasive, minimal discomfort Stimulates collagen tightening with advanced, proprietary “3D focus wave” Allows choice of depth and area of treatment

TRIO SkinTightener Mechanism of Action •

Focus wave technology penetrates the deepest layers of the dermis resulting in collagen contraction and remodeling Immediate tightening results due to thermally induced collagen denaturation Long term results due to subsequent neocollagenesis and wrinkle reduction

TRIO SkinTightener Features • • • •

Advanced 3D Auto Focus technology Ten pre-programmed treatment regimens Direct contact epidermal cooling Multiple, bipolar hand pieces for variable treatment depths and options: – Body hand piece 8.4cm – Facial hand piece 9.9cm contact cooling – Mini probe hand piece 1.6cm

TRIO SkinTightener Features • Large touch screen color (LCD) display • User-friendly operator interface • Pre-set treatment parameters • Allows customized advanced parameters • Contact cooling provides optimal patient comfort for facial treatments • Bipolar hand pieces for safest operation

TRIO SkinTightener Specifications • • • • •

Dimensions: 15” L x 21” W x 51” H Weight: 60kg/132 lbs Power: Adjustable up to 50 Watts RF carrier frequency: 5 MHz Electrical Requirements: 100-110V/200-220V, 50-60 Hz

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