Ny B16 Workplan Fdr- Outline- Team 9- Untitled-undated 077

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1. NYPD a. Emergency Response and Rescue i. The NYPD's war on Terror By Craig Horowitz 2. FDNY a. Emergency Response and Rescue (also relevant to NYPD) i. "9/11: One Year Later ; Tragic Lessons Leaves City Better Prepared" The New York Post, September 8, 2002 ii. "New FDNY Communication System May Take Years" /4P, September 19, 2002 iii. "Naval War College, FDNY conduct war game" By Lt. David Ausiello, February 13, 2002 iv. "The Commish;" Fire Chief, September 2002 v. "FDNY's 9/11 Woes Echoed '93 Attack" The New York Post, September 29, 2002 vi. "Fire Department to Release Recommendations for Sweeping Changes" AP, August 19, 2002 vii. "FDNY Prepares to Change Procedures in Response to 9/11" AP, July 22, 2002 viii. "NYC Releases McKinsey Report" Fire Chief, September 2002 ix. "New Early Warnings for Firefighters" The New York Post, October 8, 2001 x. "Eyes Tracing System; Bids Taken for Unit to Track Firefighters" Newsday, March 28, 2003 xi. "N.Y.C. begins changes within Fire Department; High command reorganized in wake of 9/11" The Record, August 8, 2002 xii. Testimony of Fire Officers Association Before the New York City Council Committees on Public Safety and Fire and Criminal Justice, October 8, 2002 b. FDNY on 9/11 i. "60 Off-Duty Bravest Killed at WTC; Rushed to scene from all over city" New York Daily News, January 27, 2002 ii. "FDNY Union: Investigate Radio Failure" Newsday, July 20, 2002 iii. "Better Communications Might have Helped FDNY" CNN Live, September 11, 2002 iv. Excerpt from "Strong of Heart, Life and Death in the Fire Department of New York" by Thomas Von Essen 3. Communication and Command Issues i. "Their Finest Effort: Stung by 9/11 Report, Cops Launch 'Coordination' Effort" The New York Post July 28, 2002 ii. "We're in Charge at Disasters, say Kelly, Scopetta" New York Daily News October 9, 2002 iii. "FDNY Boss Wants a 'Concrete' Radio Plan" The New York Post August 6, 2002 iv. "Radioheads: First Responders Get Their Own Bandwidth" v. "FEMA Begins Awarding Grants to Local Firefighters"

vi. Army Wants to Link Police, Fire, Military Radios" vii. "Too Hot to Handle" Salon.com August 20, 2002 4. CIAandJTTF a. "CIA Poised for New Relations With Local Police" CQ June 27, 2003 b. email from Mark Bittinger, Subject: Request for CIA Briefings 5. General Emergency and Response a. Hearing of the House Select Homeland Security Committee, Subject: Department of Homeland Security Response to Terrorism b. Email from Kevin Shaeffer, Subject: Contact 6. Skyscraper Safety/ Columbia a. "Public Safety Studies on Evacuation of the World Trade Center to be Announced at April 8 Community Forum" email 7. Contact Info. a. Port Authority b. Key Governmental Organizations c. Sally Regenhard, Chairperson, Skyscraper Safety Campaign 8. NIST a. "Agency Seeks WTC Papers" email from Andrew Casperson 9. Emergency Response to WTC 9/11 Attack a. excerpt from "American Ground" 10. Work Plan and White Papers a. work plan email from Kevin Shaeffer b. Team 9 Questions (May 15) c. Team 9 White Papers ll.FEMA a. Testimony (as written) Joe M. Allbaugh, Director, FEMA, Before the Committee on Environmental and Public Works, US Senate, October 16, 2001 12. FBI a. FBI Field Offices (DC/NY) Topics for Informal Briefs, email from Kevin Shaeffer 13. Bio-terrorism a. "CDC Wants Lab Partners for Bioterrorism Defense" and "The text of 17 June Federal Register notice," email from Lisa Sullivan 14. Seminars and Networking a. TSI seminar, email from Lisa Sullivan 15. Organization of the City of New York/ NYC Agencies Under our Review a. DDC Document Request, email from Kevin Shaeffer b. NYC departments to be included in a Document Request, email from Kevin Shaeffer c. NYC Department Organization Graphs 16. Pentagon a. Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) and Defense Protection Services (DPS), email from Kevin Shaeffer 17. WTC Evacuation

a. "For Many on Sept. 11, Survival was no Accident" USA Today, December 20, 2001 18. WTC Building Performance a. "What We Learned: Building Performance Study of the WTC Collapse" Structural Engineer August 2002 19. U.S. Financial Sector and Terrorism a. US General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters, February 2003 20. General Evacuation a. "ResQline Building Evacuation Summary 2003" 21. Motley Lawsuit a. September 11th, 2001 Informational Forum 22. Stat. Creating 9/11 Commission a. Public Law 107-306, November 27, 2002 23. 9/11 Commission Security Issues a. Staff Security Briefing 24. Anecdotal History of September 11, 2001 a. excerpt from "The Cell" 25. Lawsuits Regarding Targets of Our Investigation a. "Port Authority Sued Over WTC Tanks" AP Online September 10, 2002 b. NYT's Lawsuit for FDNY Tapes, email from Kevin Shaeffer 26. Rudman Homeland Defense Report a. CFR Study, email from Warred Bass b. "Rudman Task Force Says Critical Aid on a Slow Drip" CQ c. "Drastically Underfunded, Dangerously Unprepared" Report of the Independent Task Force on Emergency Responders, Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations 27. Department of Homeland Defense a. The US Department of Homeland Security Organizational Graph b. "Understanding the Role of First Responders and How Their Partnership With the Federal Government is Vital to Protecting Americans and Saving Lives" email from Lisa Sullivan c. "Cox Announces Legislation to Reform First Responders Grant Process" email from Lisa Sullivan d. Questions for Bill Johnstone, July 2, 2003 e. "Ridge may be the Face of Homeland Security, But a General has White House Juice," CQ, June 30, 2003 f. "From CQ Homeland Security, June 26, 2003" email from Lisa Sullivan g. "Grants From Local Firefighters/ First Responders Communications" email from Lisa Sullivan h. "Homeland Security Selected Highlights Subcommittee Report" June 11, 2003 i. "CQ Homeland Security Bill Analysis" June 17, 2003 j. DHS News from Press Room, June 2003 k. "DHS Directorate of Emergency Preparedness and Response" editorial 28. Pennsylvania Homeland Security Century Foundation

a. " Assessment of Homeland Security Initiatives" A Century Foundation Report 29. States and Homeland Security Century Foundation a. " The States and Homeland Security, Building the Missing Link" A Century Foundation Report 30. Texas Homeland Security Foundation a. "Texas Homeland Defense Preparedness" A Century Foundation Report 31. Washington State Homeland Security Century Foundation a. "Homeland Security in the State of Washington, a Baseline Report on the Activities of State and Local Governments" A Century Foundation Report 32. Century Foundation on Federal/State Relationship regarding Terrorism a. "Strengthening Federal-State Relationships to Prevent and Respond to Terrorism" (Wisconsin) A Century Foundation Report 33. Boone, NC Homeland Security a. "Boone, NC: Technological Hazards Annex" March 13, 2002 34. Summary of FEMA WTC Report a. FEMA Executive Summary

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