Ny B16 Workplan Fdr- Draft Agenda- 7-21-03 Team 9 Proposed Public Hearing 076

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Download & View Ny B16 Workplan Fdr- Draft Agenda- 7-21-03 Team 9 Proposed Public Hearing 076 as PDF for free.

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TEAM 9 PROPOSED PUBLIC HEARING "EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE ISSUES" Team 9 would like to hold a public hearing in January 2004 on Emergency Response and Crisis Management to the September 11 attacks. The preferred location for the hearing is Washington D.C. The rationale for choosing a date in 2004 is threefold: 1. The Team 9 hearing should be an "issue" hearing and not a "fact-finding" hearing. (While the hearing should certainly include discussions of the lessons learned from the response to the September 11 attacks, it should primarily focus on "looking forward.") Team 9 recognizes that while the National Commission must de.teijnine the facts of the September 11 emergency response, it is also necessary for Commission members to develop an informed sense of me most significant issues regarding EP&R, issues that will likely be addressed in the EP&R recommendations in the Commission's final report. 2. It will allow Team 9 to spend the remainder of 2003 gathering the facts of the emergency response. 3. It will allow the NC to be more of a "known entity" to New York officials, authorities, and departments - and therefore increase their "comfort level" and the likelihood of their cooperative participation in the hearing. (This should hold true whether our not, come 2004, our relations with New York City are amicable or less-than-so. Any attempt to hold a public hearing in 2003 will probably be met with stiff resistance from New York City officials.) Proposed Hearing Agenda: Dayl: 9:00 AM Hearing Commences Opening Statement by Chairman Kean PANEL ONE: Role of Department of Homeland Security in Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) (Possible panelists include Tom Ridge, Asa Hutchinson, Michael Brown, Frank Libutti, and the FEMA Director) 11:00 AM PANEL TWO: EP&R Federal, State, and Local Coordination Issues (Possible panelists include DHS Director of State and Local Gov't Coordination, NY State Emergency Management Office, NYC OEM, or VA Dept of Emerg. Management) 1:00 PM BREAK 2:00 PM PANEL THREE: Role of the Military in EP&R

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/view.php?thismailbox=INBOX&index=734&id... 7/21/2003


Page 2 of 2 (Possible panelists include DoD Northern Command Commander, Adjutant General NY National Guard, DoD Office of General Counsel/Posse Comitatus)

4:00 PM Day 1 Concludes Day 2: 9:00 AM Hearing Commences PANEL FOUR: Public Health System EP&R Issues (Possible panelists include Dr. Jerome Hauer DHHS Asst. Sec. for Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Dr. Dario Gonzalez Medical Director NYC OEM, DHS Director for National Disaster Medical System...) 11:00 AM PANEL FIVE: Significant EP&R Issues (Building Performance and engineering issues, legal issues facing the EP&R community) (Possible panelists include Dr. Gene Corley ASCE, Michael Cardozo at NYC Corporation Counsel, a GAO expert on indemnification legislation) 1:00 PM BREAK 2:00 PM PANEL SIX: EP&R in the Private Sector (Possible panelists include, DHS Special Assistant to the Secretary for the Private Sector, a Treasury official, two Private Company's CEOs/COOs, Bruce Blyth CEO of Crisis Management International) 4:00 PM Hearing Concludes. Press availability to follow. DRAFT

http://kmesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/view.php?thismailbox=INBOX&index=734&id... 7/21/2003

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