Nutrition 100: Food Log

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 200
  • Pages: 1
Food Record for: Tuesday

(day) 09 /09 /08 (date)

Name: Kimsey Cooper

Food/Description First Eating Occasion Time: 9:00 AM Hunger: 0 1 2 3 Place: The Apartment Who: Myself Activity: Sitting/ Getting Ready Emotion: Groggy

2 cups Raisin Bran Crunch Cereal 1 ½ cups 1 % nurture milk

Second Eating Occasion Time: 11:45 Hunger: 0 1 2 Place: Bus Who: My Friends Activity: Riding Emotion: Bored

1 cup grapes

Third Eating Occasion Time: 2:00 PM Hunger: 0 1 2 Place: My Office Who: Myself Activity: Walking Emotion: Scattered



2 slices whole wheat bread 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tsp. light sour cream 1 ½ oz turkey pastrami 1 slice Colby jack cheese 32 oz. water

Fourth Eating Occasion Time: 6:00 PM Hunger: 0 1 2 3 Place: Apartment Who: Myself Activity: Walking Around Emotion: Rushed

6 oz weight watchers yogurt 1 turkey cheddar hotdog

Fifth Eating Occasion Time: 9:45 PM Hunger: 0 1 2 3 Place: Chili’s Who: My Boyfriend Activity: Sitting/ Talking Emotion: Winding Down

1 ½ ounces pound cake ½ melted white chocolate 1 cup vanilla ice cream

Sixth Eating Occasion Time: __________________ Hunger: 0 1 2 3 Place: __________________ Who: __________________ Activity: ________________ Emotion: _______________


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