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THE ROLE OF THE LIMBIC SYSTEM IN THE LEARNING PROCESS Nusrotun fajriyah ©Fmipa, Universitas Negeri Semarang. 2019

INTRODUCTION In carrying out its duties, the human body system is coordinated by the nervous system. The nervous system is divided into two parts of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. In the learning process, humans use the central nerve in the form of the brain in the purpose of forming memory as the most important part of the learning process. The brain captures all stimuli to be understood (perceived) through the work of nerve cells, neural circuits, and neurotransmitters. When we bring the excitement back (for example, remembering an event), the brain will respond in the same way, because for the brain it happens now. The brain cannot distinguish between actual events and memories of an event. With this basis, imagination, especially visualization can be an effective way of learning. Exploration of the brain during the brain era (Brain Era), namely 1990 - 2000 successfully demonstrated the fact that the brain provides anatomical components for rational aspects (Intelligence Quotient = IQ), emotional aspects (Emotional Quotient = EQ), and spiritual aspects (Spiritual Quotient = SQ) . As is known that in one head there are indeed three ways of thinking namely rational, emotional, and

spiritual. Recent discoveries in neuroscience increasingly prove that certain parts of the brain are responsible for managing the types of human intelligence. Mathematical and language intelligence is centered in the left brain, although mathematics is not strictly concentrated in the left hemisphere, whereas for languages precisely in Wernicke and Brocca areas. Music and spatial intelligence centered on the right brain. Kinesthetic intelligence as possessed by athletes is centered in the motor area of the cortex cerebri. Intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence is organized in the limbic system and is associated with both the prefrontal and temporal lobes (Snell, 1996). There are at least seven types of intelligence proposed by Gardner (1999), namely: linguistic, mathematical, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and interpersonal. Furthermore, Gardner also added it with three important intelligences, namely: naturalist, existential, and spiritual intelligence. Although exploration has been done amazingly, there are still many mysteries that have not been revealed. From what has been revealed formulated 10 Basic Laws of the Brain (Dryden, 2001) as follows: 1. The brain stores information in

nerve cells 2. The brain has a component to create habits in thinking and behaving 3. The brain stores information in the form of words, images and color 4. The brain does not distinguish facts and memories. The brain reacts to memory exactly as it reacts to facts 5. Imagination can strengthen the brain and achieve whatever is desired 6. Concepts and information in the brain are arranged in the form of patterns 7. The sense devices and nerve receptors connect the brain to the outside world. Sensory training and physical exercise can strengthen the brain. Overview of the brain as a whole. In the part of the brain between the center and the cortex there is a limbic system. The limbic system is complex under the sides of the thalamus, just under the cerebrum. It includes the hypothalamus, the Hippocampus, the amygdala, and several other nearby areas. It appears to be responsible for our emotional life, and has lots to do with the formation of memories. However, the limbic system was conceptualized by physiologist MacLean in 1949. He extended his concept that Papez started in 1939, giving it its current name. MacLean expanded the number of structures that make up the limbic system. It is considered that the development of the cerebral cortex is important. Antonio Damasio assums that "Happiness is a mental state activated by the limbic system." For this reason, the limbic system is known as the emotional brain.

The limbic system has several important parts that have their respective roles in emotional regulation in the human body 1. TALAMUS The thalamus is the part of the brain that is responsible for detecting and conveying information from our senses, such as smell and vision. The shape of the thalamus resembles two avocados which are put together, one fruit is in the right hemisphere brain, and one is in the left brain. This thalamus is located in the brain stem, and is part of the information pathway into the brain, which is part of the brain responsible for thinking and movement. In the thalamus there is also a Projection Fiber, a collection of axons from soma cells located in one part of the brain and has the ability to synapse with neurons in other parts of the brain. These projection fibers help project or transmit news (sent through synapses) to the cortex (Hapsari et al., 2014). Stimulation of the senses (receptors) of the brain (thalamus) smell (smell). 2. HYPOTHALAMUS The hypothalamus is an important part of the limbic system that is responsible for producing several chemical messengers, called hormones. These hormones control water levels in the body, sleep cycle, body temperature, and food intake. The hypothalamus is located under the thalamus. The hypothalamus is divided into: a) Terior Anterior hypothalamus: Regulates thirst and sexual activity b) Posterior hypothalamus: Regulates temperature and smells

c) Ateral Lateral hypothalamus: Regulates hunger d) Hypothalamus Ventra: Regulates hormone synthesis e) Hypothalamus Ventromedial: Regulates satiety 3. AMYGDALA In the brain, the part that is directly related to emotion is the amygdala (Latin for almonds) because of its shape that resembles almonds. Amygdala is the main component of producing emotions. The amygdala is part of telencephalon, which is located in the temporal lobe, which is involved in memory, emotion, and fear. The amygdala is located below the surface of the front, medial to the temporal lobe where a protrusion on the surface is called the uncus (a component of the limbic system). The human brain has two amygdala whose size is relatively larger than other primates. The neuroscientist who first discovered the amygdala function in the emotional function of the human brain is Joseph LeDoux (Center for Neural Science, New York University). Amygdala is a part of the brain that functions as a storage place for memory related to emotions. In individuals whose amygdala is taken for medical reasons, the individual becomes less interested in other individuals. Even though he can still communicate and undergo various cognitive tests, but his introduction to relatives, friends and even his mother becomes very bad. His expression for various conditions becomes passive. His introduction to the emotional level of an event is very minimal. This condition is called affective blindness. Naturally, this individual cannot cry, because to be able to cry, the amygdala needs to trigger the

surrounding released.





Amygdala can orchestrate emotions independently, regardless of the role of the neo cortex. LeDoux states that the amygdala also plays a role in memory formation that is identical to certain emotions. RESULT And DISCUSSION Like the research carried out by Richard J. Yun & John H. Krystal & Daniel H. Mathalon in his journal entitled Working Memory Overload: Fractionic Interactions and Effects on Subsequent Working Memory Function, the method used is the N-back test in which participants 20 healthy control subjects were right-handed (9 men and 11 women, mean age ± SD 26.6 ± 8.0 years, average years of education ± SD 17.0 ± 2.9). The average IQ ± SD estimated from the performance at the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading (WTAR) (Ginsberg 2003) was 112.7 ± 11.6. On N-back assignments, each subject underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This test is a series of sessions consisting of four parts carried out separately, with each section consisting of 11 blocks that last 32-40s each, with 10 s between each block to rest. Blocks are balanced between trajectories to minimize potential fatigue fatigue and block arrangement. Before the fMRI testing session, each subject was given written and oral instructions about the assignment and underwent a training session consisting of 0-back, 1-back, and 2-back blocks. To maximize the subjective failure experience of a 4-back condition, subjects were told

that they could be given 3-back or 4-back blocks, but no practical trials were given at this level of difficulty. Subjects are instructed to perform tasks with the best ability, emphasizing the accuracy of reaction times whenever possible. They were told that this trial would help in our understanding of cognitive processes but instead were not informed of the specific objectives of the experiment until after the fMRI session. After completing the fMRI, subjects were given a post-test questionnaire that asked them to assess different N-back conditions on a scale of difficulty and frustration 5 separate points (1 = absolutely not difficult / frustrated, 5 = very difficult / frustrating). Because subjects are not made aware of the difference between 2-back / 1 and 2-back / 4 blocks until after the testing session, their ranking does not distinguish between these two conditions. This study used behavioral data analysis, with mean accuracy and median reaction time for each condition determined for each subject, and then used to produce the overall group average. Analysis of fMRI data, fMRI data were analyzed using a general linear model. For first-level individual subject analysis, the effect of multiple linear time series analysis is still applied to model the effects of task conditions, produce images of estimated parameters (beta images) for each condition, and contrast images produced by reducing beta images for specific conditions. For the second level group analysis, a random-effect model was applied to each beta subject or contrast image derived from the first level analysis

to determine the location and level of brain activation. The results of the study took the form of subjective responses as expected, subjective reports of difficulties and frustrations increased with increasing working memory burden. The reported difficulties ± SD are 1.13 ± 0.52 for 0-back, 1.47 ± 0.64 for 1back, 2.73 ± 0.80 for 2-back, and 4.60 ± 0.63 for 4-back conditions. The average frustration reported is ± SD is 1.33 ± 0.72 for 0-back, 1.47 ± 0.64 for 1-back, 2.53 ± 0.83 for 2-back, and 4.13 ± 0.92 for 4-back conditions. Both difficulties (Pearson's r = 0.71, p <0.000001) and frustration (Pearson's r = -0.64, p <0.000001) are strongly related to the task of accuracy. Repeated actions of MANOVA revealed a significant main effect of task conditions on both difficulties (F (3.12) = 124.6, p <0.001) and frustration (F (3.12) = 49.0, p <0.001). Post-hoc comparisons show that 4back is more difficult (F (1.14) = 46.5, p <0.001) and frustrating (F (1.14) = 34.5, p <0.001) rather than 2-back , which in turn was more frustrating (F (1.14) = 26.7, p = 0.001) and difficult (F (1.14) = 37.7, p <0.001) than 1-back. 1-return is more difficult (F (1.14) = 7.00, p = 0.02) than 0return, but not significantly different in frustration. In this study, overloading working memory systems with high load 4-back tasks caused a significant reduction subsequent working memory functions and a strong decrease in the large prefrontal cortex area. Although there was a significant individual variability in the rate of decline, there was a significant difference in the rate of decline, and there was no significant showing of more than 5%. improvement. . We show that the

accuracy of the 4-return conditions, indications of cognitive overload, 2) lack of amygdala suppression in response to higher working memory loads, and 3) more negative oblique regression lines which connects activity to DLPFC activities in 4back conditions relative to the conditions of 1-back control. Multiple regression analysis shows these factors act independently and are taken together, contributing about 80% of the variance in decreasing in 2-back accuracy. 1) the extent to which capacity constraints are exceeded, 2) the amygdala response rate to overload, and 3) the reverse level of the amigdala-DLPFC clutch during overload. In his journal it is also written that the degree of task failure, the degree of task failure, and the degree of inverse coupling between the amygdala and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These findings suggest that vulnerability to overload effects in cognitive functioning may be caused by reduced ammunition suppression and subsequent amygdala prefrontal interaction. These assumptions are also supported by the results of other studies also revealing that the quality in the learning process is not little influenced by the emotional brain. The emotional brain is centered in the limbic system. This system is evolutionarily much older than the cortex cerebri section. This shows that the development of the human brain begins with an emotional mind before the rational mind functions to respond to its environment. Wise and intelligent decisions are the result of collaboration between the emotional brain and the rational brain. Emotional intelligence is defined by Goleman (1997) as the ability to motivate oneself and endure

frustration, control impulses, and not exaggerate pleasure, regulate moods and keep stress loads from paralyzing the ability to think, empathize, and pray.Positive moods such as feeling happy and relaxed before and during learning will enhance learning effectiveness. As teachers we often ignore the creation of a pleasant learning atmosphere. No matter how great the exposure is delivered by the teacher, the new student accepts the truth when his emotions have said that it is true. Thus someone just feels that something is true or important if the limbic system accepts it as something right and important. For this reason, when convincing students, teachers must use dynamic loud voices and strong expressions of feeling. Emotional intelligence rests on the relationship between feeling, character, and moral instinct. A lot of evidence shows that basic ethical attitudes in life come from the underlying emotional abilities. The ability to control the impulse of the heart is the basis of will (will) and character (character), while the love of others is the root of empathy. Goleman (1997) says that if told to choose the two moral attitudes needed for today, he would choose selfcontrol and affection. Genetic inheritance gives us a certain set of emotional content that determines our temperament, but the emotional lessons we get when children both at home and at school can form emotional circuits and increase our emotional intelligence. The flagship school competes to offer the teaching of social and emotional skills as well as the formation of character that is indispensable for treading the future. Indeed, we must not submit emotional education to fate, school institutions must strive to teach intelligence

and sensitivity at the same time to students (Caine, 1991). A competency-based curriculum that is properly managed is very possible to meet these teaching needs. Emotional intelligence basically consists of five regions, namely: 1) recognizing one's emotions; 2) managing emotions; 3) motivating oneself; 4) recognize the emotions of others, and 5) build relationships. Learning with a group discussion model allows students to develop the five areas of emotional intelligence. Unlike IQ, EQ can be taught and developed.

CONCLUSION meringkas dari yang telah dibahas diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem limbik atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai otak emosi sangat mempengaruhi kinerja otak secara keseluruhan terutama dalam proses pembentukan memori atau ingatan pada proses pembelajaran. adapun beberapa aspek yang berpengaruh terhadap sistem limbik secara fungsional adalah tekanan terhadap amygdala karena beban berlebih pada memori kerja, jarang menggunakan semua bagian otak secara seimbang saat proses pembelajaran terutama limbik sistem, selain itu tingkatan usia juga mempengaruhi intensitas penggunaan otak emosi dalam proses pembelajaran.

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