Nursing Research

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 5
Research, Management and Leadership (Review TCUP) • Systematic, empirical, controlled and critical investigation, or a hypothetical (hypothesis) proposition related to nature phenomenon • Must be conducted to affirm or deny hypothesis • PHENOMENON/PHENOMENA- anything affects the human life o Disease, signs and symptoms, procedure, MD, antidote, virus, bacteria • HYPOTHESIS- educated guess, scientific guess, tentative statement of a supposed answer to your problem o Not yet known if true or false, right/wrong • PHENOMENON+HYPOTHESIS= RESEARCH PROBLEM o Without hypothesis there is no research problem on a problem 4 MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF A SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH • •

SYSTEMATIC o Follow step by step process/procedure o From identification of problem to conclusion EMPIRICAL o Proper objective o To collect data, facts and evidence to support hypothesis o Readily observable (objective) CONTROLLED o Proper planning/direction o Must be appropriate system, strategy, method and scheme o Researched design- used to look for the truth /date CRITICAL INVESTIGATION o Fact finding investigation

PURPOSE OF SCIENTIFIC NURSING RESEARCH • DESCRIPTIVE o Observe, describe, record down the results, use senses

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o Gain richer familiarity regarding phenomena o 100% known to RN EXPLORATORY o Explore to those areas that is unknown o Observe more o 0% still unknown by the RN EXPERIMENTAL o Perform manipulation o Perform intervention DEVELOPMENT o From improvement of system of care o To develop, improve the existing o present method of care

ETHICS AS A SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH • SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVE o For patient benefits o Has good faith • CONSENT/COOPERATION o Get appropriate consent from the owner o Legally, who owns the patient chart HOSPITAL • INTEGRITY o What you’ve worked hard for • EQUITABLE o If you use or utilize research of another researcher give acknowledgement o PLAGIARISM is illegal replication or duplicate or replicate another use of research without appropriate knowledge of the researcher • NOBLE o Proper respect to the same subject (Human Rights) o 3 BASIC RIGHTS OF SUBJECT/SAMPLE RESEARCH o They have the right not to arm- includes, physical, mental, moral, harm *PHYSICAL HARM NEGLIGENCE*  COMMISION- unacceptable in standard of practice

OMMISION- no intervention done *MENTAL HARM*  ASSAULT- threatened, a mere mental fear  BATTERY- provide physical harm, force the patient *MORAL HARM*  SLANDER/ORAL DEFAMATION- morally destroyed the reputation of the client  LIBEL- you had published picture of a person thru TV, MAGAZIN They have the right self determination They have the right of privacy OF PRIVACY ANONIMITY- privacy are regard to identify of the patient CONFIDENTIALY- privacy of the information or data  RESTRAINT- dependent (stay with the patient)  Two types of restraints • Physical- vest or jacket • Chemical- valium TRUTHFULNESS- put only the data you have collected IMPORTANCE- important to nursing FACTUAL- facts or data IDEAL- you need to comply on the step by step process (Identification-conclusion) COURAGE

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IDENTIFICATION- of research Review of related literature Formulation of conceptual and theoretical framework Formulation of hypothesis Selecting the appropriate research design Selecting your population and sample Conducting a pilot/trial study Collecting of data phase Analysis of data phase

10.Interpretation of data phase 11.Communicating your conclusion and recommendation STEP 1- IDENTIFICATION of research problem • Problem research- something /anything that requires solving through scientific investigation • Source of problem in Nursing research o Concept in nursing- heart disease, M.I o Literature, essay, book, journal o Issues o Experience o Nursing problem o Theories • CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD RESEARCH o General applicability- useful and applicable for all o BASIC PURE RESEARCH- results is for personal knowledge curiosities, applicable to research o APPLIED RESEARCH- problem solving of others, focus on other problem o RESEARCHABLE- capable of collecting data o FEASIBLE- measureable  Factors/parameters • Time • Money • Instrument  Apparatus • Population • Experience of the researcher o IMPORTANCE- importance of nursing profession o NOVELTY- originality o SIGIFICANCE- related to nursing profession  Variable- anything which is subject to change for manipulation  2 Major Variables of the study • Independent variable- cause target population • Dependent Variable- effect response

INDEPENDENT Hospital- PGH & NYGH Place of work Casual variable

Example: hypothesis- a study on the different income of a Filipino nurse working at PGH NYGH TARGET DEPENDENT Population $-P income Filipino nurses •

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Effect variable

Intervening variable- comes between dependent and independent o Example: organism variable, internal factor, sex, gender, colour Extraneous variable- external influence can be changed o Ex. Allure, citizenship, educational status Dichotomous variable- 2 choices/results o Ex. Male/female Polychotomous variable- multiple choices/multiple variable o Ex. Prepared foods

RESEARCH • Identify problem • Purpose- objective (SMART) o S-smart o M- measurable o A-attainable o R-realistic o T-time bound • Define terms o Conceptual definition- dictionary meaning/ordinary diction of nurses  Ex.toxic-waste products o Operational definition- difference in accordance of how the researcher used his problem  Ex. Very busy day for nurses

Revision of terms o STEP 2- review of related literature o Purpose- update, overview, background, key to theoretical and conceptual framework

Conceptual framework Formulated Authors Can be sold Books, general • • • • •

Research work Researcher Research work only Future use of purpose

Step 3 FORMULATION OF CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Theory- relationship between concept Conceptual framework- illustration showing relationship between variable Paradigm- diagrammatic presentation/illustration between variable STEP 4- formulation of hypothesis o Hypothesis- mere educated guess, temporary, tentative o Types of Hypothesis  Null or statistical hypothesis- no relationship or difference between 1 variable to another  Single variable- alternative operational research hypothesis, shows difference between 1 variable to another single variable  Complex hypothesis- shows relationship/shows difference between two or more variable • Using other intervening variable • Same as simple hypothesis  Directional Hypothesis- used only directional of the relationship between variable  Non-directional hypothesis- only predicts the relationship but has no specific direction between variable

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STEP 5 Research design o Systematic, controlled plan for finding answer problem o It is the roadmap, blueprint to provide result o Plan, structure/strategy conducting an investigation Application-useful/applicable to whom? o Basic/pure research o Applied research Method- observe o Experimental- active participation o Manipulation (cause & effect) o Give certain intervention o Controlled setting  Ex. Laboratories/researched unit o Non experimental- research is a passive participant o Observes and describe, record o Natural setting-where people naturally exist such as homes, hospital, schools, office, community Data o Qualitative- subjectively collected-internal, physical, the subject just said it o Belief, understanding, emotions, opinions, attitude, behaviour, culture, perception, feelings o Quantitative- data collected is based on objective reasoning, numerical interpretation o EX. TEMP, bp result, weight, distance, height, reading observable using sense Step 6 selecting your population and sample Population- bigger than the sample Sample- data, people Sampling o Probability- equal chance for all, equal opportunity as a sample to be chosen o Simple random sampling- only for identical group, same qualifications, equal opportunities, method: draw out

Stratified random sampling- first created a substrata in a population before doing randomization, un-identical group o Cluster random sampling- create sub areas in the population before doing randomization, to hospital in Manila, UST 3rd floor, south wing tb patients o Systematic Sampling- list of names appearing in population, choose a multiple number o Non-probability- pre selected group, based group, non equal chance for all o Accidental/convenience- accessible, near to the researcher, based on proximity of sample o Purposive/judgemental- based on popularity, common knowledge o Snowball sampling- based on lat referral o Quota SamplingStep 7 trial Study Step 8 collection of data phase- information are being gathered from subject to verify a given hypothesis o Questionnaires- method of collecting data using a paper and a pencil instrument completed by a subject o Types of questionnaires Checklist/dichotomous- yes or no option  Rating scale- choices arranged in order by the subject according to a certain underlying criteria  Multiple choice- a, b, c, d o Record- published, documented- easiest, pre existing data, journal, essay, documents, newspaper, patient chart o Interview- use oral communication o Observation participants- the observe involve in the setting together with the subject active participant  non participants- the researcher is merely viewing the subject o problem encountered o

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hawthorns effect- obviously, consciously being observed, experimental  remedy- perform double blind research must not now that they are being observed  halo effect- effect by special treatment or relationship, rating/performance, because of special relationship praised 9- analysis for data phase Stage whrein the researcher is performing a body of knowledge out of data collected affirms or deny hypothesis Method of analysis of data (tabulation, measurement of data) Nominal- tabulating data based on category  Ex. Male/female Ordinal- tabulating data base on ranking  Ex. Good, better, best, mild, moderate, severe Interval- tabulating data based on measurement  Ec. Numerical value 10 interpretation of data phase 2 methods of interpretation  Quantitative method- present the result using numerical graphical • Ex. Pie chart, line graph  Qualitative- narrative method, through words, sentences, phrases 11 communicating your conclusion Explaining the result of the investigation by publishing it, spoken presentation and mass report Conclusion-final answer of your research Recommendation- suggestion to other dissemination  Write a book thesis- most basic  Symposium, oral method- conference  Publication/published- more wider, journal  Internet- modern technology 

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