Nuda 2007 Bid

  • November 2019
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NUDA 2007-8 BID

Warwick Bid NUDA 2007-08 The University of Warwick would like to put forward the following bid for NUDA 2007-08, with the NUDC 08 taking place on the 23rd February 2008.

The Committee: President Treasurer Publicity and Sponsorship Secretary

Beccy Williams John Glendenning Vickie Phelan Laura Davies

With assistance from the Chrissy Harbuz and the University of Warwick Latin and Ballroom Dancesport Club executive committee. The proposed committee has a wealth of experience with respect to organising and running successful university competitions, including the NUDC 05 and Warwick Varsity for numerous years. In addition all members have considerable experience of running dancesport clubs, including two ex-presidents and three ex-team captains.

Aims: 

To increase awareness of NUDA and the NUDC both within universities and the community.

To ensure a smoothly run and enjoyable NUDC. This will include an excellent spacious venue; a strict timetable of events that is maintained allowing a promptly finishing competition; rapid posting of all results and marks and a top class demonstration.

To ensure ongoing communications with all Team Captains via an accessible website and exclusive email account.

To ensure that the NUDC maintains the infamous ‘northern spirit’.

Constitution: At present NUDA constitution only appears to exist in a very out of date form. The committee feel that in order to have a transparent idea of NUDA’s aims and ideals this needs to be rectified. They would therefore ensure that the current copy of the NUDA constitution is an accurate one (with regard to which dances and returnable trophies etc). The committee would also seek to re-instate the idea of NUDA working parties (or something similar) to gain feedback on what (if any) changes to the constitution need to be made. This feedback would also seek to discover the sort of support that member societies want from NUDA as currently it appears that the main role of NUDA is simply to run NUDC. The committee feel that it would be of benefit to dancing at northern universities if more could be offered.


Warwick Bid NUDA 2007-08

Affiliation: Affiliation will be frozen at £25 per member society, staying in line with the IVDA affiliation. It is assumed that there will be 14 affiliating universities.

NUDC: 23rd February 2008 Venue: Hermitage Leisure Centre Silver Street Whitwick Leicestershire LE67 5EU The Hermitage Leisure Centre is positioned within easy reach of the M1 and has ample parking space for coaches. The Main Sports Hall measures 136ft (41m) by 90ft (27m). It has no separate staging area so some of this space will be devoted to the officials. There will also be enough space for two rows of tables surrounding the dance floor. This venue allows plenty of space for a large dance floor allowing competitors the space to accurately demonstrate their dancing ability, without compromising on adequate seating and storage facilities for all competitors and spectators. The committee are committed to maintaining the so called ‘northern spirit’ that accompanies NUDC, the fabulous atmosphere of fun and supportiveness that is found at this competition. It is felt that this can still be maintained in a sports centre; after all atmosphere is largely due to the competitors rather than the venue. The space will be carefully managed to ensure that there is ample room without it feeling overly large. Other facilities included are changing rooms, toilets, bar and a separate area for the officials. Furthermore the venue holds large scale sequence competitions on a regular basis and as such have a set up for dealing with the type of even being run, ensuring that everything can proceed as smoothly as possible. The excellent space and facilities that this venue offer will help to ensure that NUDC 08 is a competition that continues the renowned atmosphere of Northern Dancesport competitions, but without the crowding!!

Officials: Compare and Music Scrutineer Judges

Nicky Miles (confirmed) Estelle Grassby (confirmed) 6 (tbc)

The officials that we have secured are used to running dancesport competitions at the highest international level, as well as having experience of university competitions. NUDC 08 will be run to a strict, to the minute, timetable that will also be published in advanced and available on the day itself. The committee feels this is important in 3

Warwick Bid NUDA 2007-08 order to ensure a smooth, to time competition and also allows competitors the freedom to leave the ballroom without danger of missing a recall.

Demo Couple: The committee have made contact with several possible demonstration couples from both the amateur and professional circuits.

Additional Information: As a committee we feel that NUDA gives people some excellent reasons to be ‘Northern’. Apart from the spirit and atmosphere that is consistently felt every year we would like to add our own twist to this years comp. 

With our revised timetable and scheduling system it may be possible to bring back the fun dances that have been lost from NUDA in the past few years. The larger venue should enable us to deal with the increasing numbers of competitors without having to cut such events. We are considering re-vamping the ‘NUDA refectory’ favourite of the Open Five Party Dance. The committee are looking into having a high class photographer present on the day of the competition. This is with the view to have all pictures posted on the net available for people to order. By having such a service we will be able to get high quality photographs of nearly all competitors, something desirable but not always possible when the camera is in control of a fellow student! Having looked at past budgets we have seen that attracting as many spectators as possible is a must for the success of NUDC. We are looking at articles in local papers, and also contacting local dance schools. Aside from spectators, it will hopefully encourage young, already experienced dancers unsure about dancing at University to join IVDA. Of course it may also convince a few sixth formers applying to UCAS to start something new at University.

Sponsorship: The committee are currently in negotiations with several companies to secure sponsorship for NUDA and the NUDC 08. Money raised will be put towards the competition, being used to ensure a demo of the highest calibre. There is a further possibility of sponsorship being put into NUDA to aid member societies, this going ahead would be subject to the NUDA feedback programme mentioned earlier.

Entry Fees: Following several years of increase in entry fees, they will be frozen at £9 for competitors, £6 for Rock ‘n’ Roll and Offbeat only and £4 for spectators. Based around last years figures it has been forecasted that there will be 290 full paying competitors and 20 reduced price entries.


Warwick Bid NUDA 2007-08

Budget: The following budget accounts for the worst case scenario. Income: Income Item NUDA Affiliation (@£25) Entries (@ £9) Rock ‘N’ Roll only(@£6) Offbeat only (@£6) Spectators (@ £4) Total

Forecast Numbers 14 290 15 15 35

Forecast Income 350 2610 90 90 140 3280

Expenditure: Expenditure Items Venue Compare and Music Scrutineer Judges (*6) Prizes Demo St Johns Ambulance Officials food and refreshment Stationary Flowers and Wine Total Contingency Total + Contingency

Forecast Expenditure 700 350 250 700 400 300 100 130 20 30 2980 200 3180

Total Profit = £100 Based around this budget, the NUDC 08 should make a reasonable profit, even without any sponsorship. This ensures that in the unlikely event of extra expenses arising on top of the contingency no money will have to be used from the NUDA account. The extra money that will be in the account next year can be spent by the NUDA committee 2008-09 on the NUDC, alleviating the current tight budget problem that NUDC faces. The financial risk currently faced by universities wishing to host the competition is therefore reduced, something that will hopefully encourage more teams to bid for 2008-09.

Website: A website is currently underdevelopment which will offer a one-stop shop for all information regarding the NUDA and the NUDC 08. An email address solely for the purposes of NUDA is already active [email protected] This concludes our bid The University of Warwick proposed NUDA committee 2007-08


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