Nstp Student Competencies

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 12








(UNDERSTAND/A PPLY) Demonstrate the impact of laws and issuances within the context of NSTP.




Compare or make connections between laws and issuances including how earlier events impact the NSTP today.

Determine the influence of a law or issuance both at a time and in the NSTP today.

List and discuss important laws Develop a and issuances sense of within the meaning, context of implications NSTP. and importance Identify and of laws and describe the laws government and issuances. issuances related to the NSTP.

Selfmanagement Take

Develop arguments and synthesize perspectives on the meaning, implications and importance Use context to of laws, evaluate the historical validity of events, people, different ideas related to interpretations NSTP. of laws or issuances related to NSTP.

Identify and ana-lyze implications of or the lessons learned from a law or issuance. Define Understand and Connect Assess Modify and responsibilities apply responsibilities responsibilities combine for changing responsibilities for for changing for changing responsibilities

responsibility for changing personal behaviors or acquiring skills that lead to personal, academic and community development success.

personal behaviors or acquiring skills that lead to personal, academic and community development success.

changing personal behaviors or acquiring skills that lead to personal, academic and community development success.

personal behaviors or acquiring skills that lead to personal, academic and community development success.

personal behaviors or acquiring skills that lead to personal, academic and community development success.

for changing personal behaviors or acquiring skills that lead to personal, academic and community development success.











(UNDERSTAND/A PPLY) Community Identify Summarize Analysis community community analysis tools analysis tools and Demonstrate and list approaches to techniques in approaches to community making community analysis. community analysis. analysis. Summarize Recognize criteria for criteria for evaluating evaluating effectiveness of effectiveness of community community analysis tools and

Analyze tools and compare and apply alternative tools.

Analyze and Create measure indicators and community generate indicators and sophisticated generate and tools for defend community Arrange criteria analysis. analysis. for evaluating effectiveness of Assess criteria Produce and community for evaluating modify criteria analysis tools effectiveness for evaluating and of community effectiveness of approaches. analysis tools community

analysis tools and approaches. Community Identify Development effective Planning and community Responsibility development planning tools Demonstrate and define ability to create goals. and execute effective community Recognize the development connection plan and take between responsibility outcomes and for outcomes. actions.




and approaches.

Use effective community development planning tools and create plan.

Identify goals and recommend appropriate community development planning tools to develop and execute an organized approach of activities and objectives.

analysis tools and approaches. Create goals and construct appropriate community development planning tools to develop and execute a detailed and organized approach of activities and objectives.

Evaluate progress and consider the connections between outcomes and actions. ADVANCED

Evaluate progress and formulate connections between outcomes and actions. MASTERY

Identify goals and apply appropriate community development planning tools Demonstrate an and execute an organized organized approach by approach of applying the plan. activities and Summarize objectives. progress and Analyze describe the progress and connections investigate between connections outcomes and between actions. outcomes and actions.



(UNDERSTAND/A (ANALYZE) (EVALUATE) PPLY) Personal and List personal, Explain personal, Analyze Make Community social, and civic social and civic personal, social recommendati

(CREATE) Develop carry

and out


responsibilities and identify sources of accurate information relating to personal and community health.

Develop a clearer understanding of personal, social, and civic responsibilities by acting on accurate information to improve community health. Resource Identify Generation resource generation Generate and strategies that manage will support resources to community support development community projects. development projects. Cultural Identify local Competence perspective and list Demonstrate a dimensions of local culture. perspective

responsibilities and civic informed by responsibilities accurate by information. investigating accurate information relating to personal and community health.

ons of personal, social and civic responsibilities by evaluating accurate information relating to personal and community health.

recommendatio ns related to personal and community health by researching and acting on accurate information.

Summarize Compare and resource apply resource generation generation strategies that will strategies that support will support community community development development projects. projects.

Assess and apply resource generation strategies that will support community development projects.

Create and enact a plan to apply resource generation strategies that will support community development projects.

Understand and apply a perspective that demonstrates knowledge of and comfort with a few

Evaluate and apply a local perspective that demonstrates an extensive

Combine knowledge culture design personal perspective

Analyze and apply a local perspective that demonstrates a connected

of to a

that includes knowledge of and comfort with all dimensions of culture.


dimensions local cultures.


of knowledge of and comfort with some dimensions of different local cultures.


(UNDERSTAND/A PPLY) Impact on List Describe the Environment environmental causes of these problems of the environmental Present community problems in information, based on reference to concepts on verified human activities environmental information and nature. issues and from the local develop Explain and government. conservation demonstrate programs. connections between human activities, environmental problems and health, economic, social consequences.

knowledge of and comfort with most dimension of local culture.



that demonstrates a detailed knowledge of and comfort with all dimensions of culture. MASTERY




Analyze the causes and impacts of these environmental problems in reference to human activities and nature.

Recommend and take part in the environmental conservation programs.

Produce a highly detailed solution to environmental problems that incorporates community feedback and participation.

Impact on Cite activities Economics in the local community that Understand has been used basic economic to improve and activities and sustain how they economic influence the systems. community and help in the Differentiate development or between goods improvement. and services that are essential for survival such as food, water, and shelter (needs) with those that improve the quality of life. COMPETENCIE EMERGING S (REMEMBER) Leadership and Teamwork Understand

Examine effective leadership styles, concepts

Classify, compare and describe how a development in the economic activities will impact in the quality of life within the community.

Analyze how individuals or group of individuals in the community can make or improve their economic status. Use costbenefit analyses and basic economic indicators to analyze economic trends or choices.


(UNDERSTAND/A PPLY) Understand and employ effective leadership styles, key key concepts of of group dynamics,

Evaluate the ethical, cultural implications of adopting a particular economic development activity or plan. Consider and analyze the interdependen ce of the economic activities throughout the community.

Propose and implement economic alternatives to current economic models that take into account geographical, cultural values, ethical concerns and weaknesses/ strengths of existing systems.







Connect effective leadership styles, concepts

Assess Plan for and effective produce leadership effective key styles, key leadership of concepts of styles, key

effective leadership styles, key concepts of group dynamics, team and individual decisionmaking, the benefits of workplace diversity and conflict resolution.

Impact Literacy

group team and dynamics, individual team and decision-making, individual the benefits of decisionworkplace making, the diversity and benefits of conflict resolution. workplace diversity and conflict resolution.

on List literacy problems of the community Present based on information, verified concepts on information literacy issues from the local and develop government. programs.

Describe the causes of these literacy problems in reference to the Philippine educational system. Explain and demonstrate connections between human activities, political,

group dynamics, team and individual decisionmaking, the benefits of workplace diversity and conflict resolution to the appropriate situations.

group dynamics, team and individual decisionmaking, the benefits of workplace diversity and conflict resolution based on appropriate situations.

concepts group dynamics, team individual decisionmaking, benefits workplace diversity conflict resolution based appropriate situations.


Analyze causes of these literacy problems in reference to the Philippine educational system.

Recommend and take part in the literacy development programs.

Produce a highly detailed literacy program that incorporates community feedback and participation.


the of and


health, economic and geographic systems to literacy consequences. COMPETENCIE S Documentatio n Employ a wide range of writing strategies and processes to generate and present community profile and indicator.







(UNDERSTAND/A PPLY) Follow models, writing strategies, and processes to generate and present community profile and indicators.




Independently select models, writing strategies and processes to generate and present community profile and indicator.

Independently select and evaluate the strengths of chosen strategies and models to generate and present community profile and indicator.

Develop or experiment new models and strategies to generate and edit community profile and indicators.

With coaching follow prescribed models, writing strategies and processes to generate and present community profile and indicator.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Identify monitoring and evaluation concepts in Demonstrate community and apply development monitoring and projects. evaluation concepts in community development projects.



Explain and use the monitoring and evaluation concepts in community development projects.

Compare and make inferences about the monitoring and evaluation strategies in community development projects.

Evaluate and draw conclusions about monitoring and evaluation strategies in community development projects.

Modify and create monitoring and evaluation strategies of community development projects.







Evaluate community analysis report for quality of information sources and

Independently create, present and defend community analysis report.

(UNDERSTAND/A (ANALYZE) PPLY) Research List information Properly record Differentiate Skills sources. and cite sources of between information credible and Locate, non-credible evaluate, and sources of cite information information.

to support a community analysis report.

Power, Justice Recognize how and Human power, justice Rights and rights impact human Analyze being. systems of power and Demonstrate oppression. empathy towards others who have suffered from discrimination or human rights abuses.

completeness. Locate, evaluate and select information that is complete, relevant and valid for the research task from a variety of media. Describe systems that reinforce power structures and explain the basic social, political, and economic rights for which all human beings are entitled.

Analyze how events and political, economic, cultural systems perpetuate forms of discrimination. Recognize and evaluate one’s own participation in systems of

Critique a description of political, economic, cultural systems through a lens of human rights.

Create an arguments or proposals for changing policies or our understanding of events, people and actions.

power and oppression.





(UNDERSTAND/A PPLY) Empowermen Identify Understand t convictions and convictions and describe beliefs apply this Act on knowledge to their convictions and actions. stand up for beliefs. Safety and Recognize how Prevention people make decisions Examine how related to decisions are safety and made and prevention weigh the (crime, natural probable disasters, consequences diseases) and of actions. identify

Explain how decisions related to safety and prevention are made and predict the related consequences.







Analyze Evaluate convictions and convictions and their conclude when connection to and how to actions. stand up for beliefs.

Develop and refine convictions and modify actions based on beliefs.

Analyze how decisions related to safety and prevention are made and compare the related consequences.

Make decisions about safety and prevention by first examining possible choices and probable consequences.

Judge decisions, related to safety and prevention by weighing the likely consequences.

consequences of decisions.

Prepared by: EDWIN C. CANCINO,RMT,MPH,PhD NSTP Coordinator

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