NSTP National Service Training Program September 27, 2007 Subject:
Plans for the 1st Semester
To strengthen the awareness or social concern of every student through unselfish charity.
Plans and Activities 1. Tree Planting
2. Blood Donation
3. La Mesa Dam Tour
4. Beautification of Students’ Hangout place
Target Date October 5
October 6
October 12
October 22
To Acc om plis h Wh at? To ope n the stu den ts to be res pon sibl e and env iron me nt frie ndl y
To inc ulc ate
to the stu den ts the me ani ng of uns elfi sh cha rity
To ope n and inc ulc ate to the stu den ts the imp ort anc e of
our env iron me nt to our live s
To giv e the stu den ts a pla ce to sta y and stu dy in thei r vac ant hou rs
Emmdel Asuncion Liafe D.
Angco Maria Cecilia Castro Vice-President President Secretary
Vanessa Ojeda Ruel Adobas Toshi Matsuoka Rancy Salamat Treasurer Auditor P.R.O. P.R.O.