Monday, November 05, 2007 6:42 AM up & ate-8:26 AM 10:19 AM I done one hell of a lot around the yard ---- one HELL OF A LOT? Raked the hole damned yard 6:42 PM "CONSTRICTOR” YES I SAID A "BOA-CONSTRICTOR" "DROPOFF" started to raise hell and I went inside to see what the hell was going on. OH, "OH", "OH-SHIT", -, It was a big FUCKIN snake all kinds of designees on it I called the sheriff's office then I got worried that It might get away so I decided to take a chance and try to get It out myself. I finally got It outside in the road the next car that went by, I tried to get them to run over It, as It went by they stopped and got out and caught the damned thing, It was about 4' to 4.5'. The man that took it told me that It was a, -n BOA CONSTRICTOR. n "OH-NO" 00 It was a BALL (PYTHON) yes I said a python about 4,1/2 foot long 10:13 PM Monday, November 12, 2007 8:14 AM Rick Butrum, from the "Highway Patrol" Troop F called. Trooper Butrum said he was on his way to an accident. Also, he had heard on the radio, the Sheriff was on the way to the same accident. The Sheriff was going to bee there, also he "WAS" going to talk to him about this incident, and why it had "not-been" resolved by now! Tuesday, November 13 2007 7:41 AM Sunday, November 25, 2007 XX 9:33 PM I called the Miller Co. sheriff's office and I left a message for "THE Sheriff" to call me on Monday, I also told the dissipater, IT INVOLVED AN ASSAULT! on Monday Monday, November 26, 2007 Monday 4:10 AM In the afternoon talked to Trooper Buttrum about Ruthann and the assault. Tuesday, November 27, 2007 8:57 AM I just received a call, from the, -? Sheriff? !!!!!!!!!!!!! 9:57 AM I made about 8 - 10 tries to speak to the Sheriff, I finally got through I talked to him fore quite a while. We talked about R.A.W. and the charges I am going to press against her for the assault on me almost a year ago and we also spoke about the MURDER of my -our --- parents on Sept. 8 mom in 1976, dad in 1998 the only common dominator was my sis. Wednesday, November 28, 2007 Friday, November 30, 2007 OH I called the Sheriff AND I TOLD HIM TO TURN It OVER TO THE "HIGHWAY-PATROL" AND the Sheriff himself told me HE "WAS" yes he was going to turn It over to the Highway-Patrol THEN I called Dave at Pathways and we are going to see the sheriff on Monday about 1:00 PM ******************************************************* Monday, September 10, 2007 12:18 PM
I arrived home, turned off the VCR, and rewound the tape. When I reviewed the tape I noticed that the time stamp off, As I watched the tape I realized that I was not on it, WELL, HELL "HECK," I turned the VCR on before I left. I had to be on it! "I had to walk" to the car. 12:55 PM I called the sheriff's office to advise them I had someone in my house while I was gone. They told me that their had to bee something missing before they would come out to take a report. 1:10 PM 5:10 PM ****************8 Thursday, September 13, 2007 6:39 AM ------ up They came, so I went to the sheriff's office they ---- Traponti, refused to deliver my soupiness 5:54 AM Up ***************** Monday, August 6, 2007 6:46 AM I cleaned the living room up? 9:55 AM David called and I suggested we go to the courthouse, we did and I got a copy of what sergeant Keith had told the judge to obtain the 96-hour hold. David and I talked with the county commissioners for almost an hour, I told them "almost" everything. It felt good that they not only listened to me they told me that they could see my point of view, obtaining to this incident. 11:49 AM 12:16 PM 5:27 PM I called the sheriff's office to leave a message for detective, Traponti. For him To give the papers, that I had filled out. On the charges on my sister assaulting me, to give these papers to Brian Kidwell, their was a copy of all papers, and the voluntary statement form, that the sheriff's office LOST TWICE, I have signed three copies, I wonder how many copies they can lose. 10:27 PM! Tuesday, August 07, 2007 Wednesday, August 15, 2007 8:07 AM Dave is to come and we are going to talk to the judge. We sat there till NOON, and then we accomplished what we sat out to do. We told the Judge that we have tried to press charges. Wednesday, August 15, 2007 I called the Highway Patrol and I talked to ("Rick Butrum), he told me that there were no statutes of limitation for that type of assault, he suggested that I should pursue it 11:38 AM Thursday, August 16, 2007 I have called Highway Patrol and I ask to have Trooper Rick Butrum return my call. I called the associate court clerk, she told me their "were", "NO" statutes of limitation on a first-degree assault. I then called several different counties to ask about the statutes they all told me the same thing. 11:52 AM I called the Highway Patrol, I ask to have Trooper Rick Butrum return my call. Monday, August 20, 2007 6:47 AM 9:04 AM
I TALKED TO Dave FROM Pathways, he told me that he talked to Rick Butrum from Troop F, he told me that the Trooper was going to talk to the Sheriff to tell him to listen to me. (He, "Dave" also told me that the Trooper told him, that he "DID", -"BELIEVE ME"!) 9:23 AM Tuesday, August 21, 2007 6:43 AM (Blood sugar 263) Dave CALLED & TOLD ME he had talked to the Trooper. The trooper told him to go talk to the attorney general. I should get an attorney. 8:17 PM Monday, August 27, 2007 Dave - go to courthouse. 11:36 AM Dave and I went to the court house and filled out the papers to get an expartee against Ruthann as soon as I gotten home I got a call from the courthouse informing me that I had a date set for court. 12:03 PM Friday, June 01, 2007 5:14 AM Awaken by the sound of birds chirping I left the security "video" camera on. 6:39 AM Typed ALL, when I made It to the courthouse, "THE PERSON" I NEEDED TO SPEAK WIT was gone I spoke to the "JUDGE" HIMSELF! Sunday, June 03, 2007 3:28 AM Awaken by the "CRICKETS", oh "YAH", I left the outside camera on again! That microphone is something else, I can hear someone in the school parking lot 2 blocks away, but if the dog barks when I have the sound turned up so far, It seems like It would blow the speakers, but I have surge barkers on line. and it trips the breaker. Monday, June 11 2007 6:30 AM I called the caption at the sheriff's office he said that the case had been turned over to the prosecuting attorney 7:53 AM I called the police HOTLINE I got a call from Pathways, David he got my message. 10:30 AM dave is going to take me to the lawyer non Thursday. 12:04 PM Thursday, June 07, 2007 6:30 AM Awake 10:04 AM I called the attorney general's office I called the county commissioners 12:16 PM Inside 1:16 PM The attorney generals office called. The attorney generals office gave me a couple 0f # to call one of those numbers turned out to bee one of those "WATCH-DOG" organizations, they told me that they would "Help-ME"! When I got finished I was so tired Friday, June 08, 2007
Monday, June 11 2007 6:30 AM I called the caption at the sheriff's office he said that the case had been turned over to the prosecuting attorney 7:53 AM I called the police HOTLINE I got a call from Pathways, David he got my message. 10:30 AM dave is going to take me to the lawyer non Thursday. 12:04 PM Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:30 AM 7:53 AM I helped Ruthann move her flowers, when I went to the mailbox she, Ruthann, ask me if I would move some flowers for her When I moved the first flower, immediately she had another, another, another. I really don't mind, "but", did she not take me to court, taken everything I own and break my "skull". She acts as if nothing has happened or, as if she is my "RULER", or I am her "slave" or her "__igger".! I have worked on my yard and the front yard. I was working on the patio and I realized that Ruthann; s little helper was eyeballing me so I took a break. I can only imagine her telling him that I am doing it on purpose. Saturday, June 16, 2007 5:42 AM 7:39 AM 12:11 PM 12:26 PM I went over to 5th street and I talked to the man with the hydrostatic mower 3:02 PM I was outside when I seen Ruthann on her font porch so I went over to say hi and to see if she had heard anything about the break-ins at the log home, she proceeded to tell me they had caught the people who had broke in and they were going to bee prosecuted,. It is strange that she would tell me that in that particular way "UNLESS-SHE IS GUILTY"! ==Or if she has a guilty conscience or she is worried that she might get cough making a false report to the sheriffs office. "OH-"YAH"" the round rock Ruthann speaks of, "WERE", yes I said "WERE" is It, on my "BOOKCASE", and the drill bits she speaks of, I bought at a garage sale of which I can prove, they were on my coffee table! 3:34 PM Sunday, June 17, 2007 9 Tuesday, June 19, 2007 11:53 AM Fixed Olds 12:07 PM Ate 12:31 PM ? Or at least I worked on it. I got frustrated with the damned "BATTERY", then I went to WAL-MART and bought one. When I was at WAL-MART I seen "Computer MIKE". I cam home from WAL-MART and I put the battery in, then It ran out of gas. 6:15 PM Lyle called to help me take the car over to carries on "Y" road but we decided to do it in the morning.
When I got home. I went to Ruthanns to say hi and ask who or if she seem anyone at my house, I guess she had no idea that I had left A person in my house THAT had seen someone from next-door in my yard. They were seen trying to look in my house. Needless to say It freaked them out, they would not of known what to do. 7:51 PM
Tues da y, June 26, 2007 5:27 AM 7:2 8 AM I CA LLED THE POLICE "H OTLINE " I ca lled the she ri f f's o f fi ce and le ft a m es sa ge to ha ve of fice r V er non r etur n my c all. 12: 16 PM I A M B ACK BUT HOT MY AC FUCKED UP! Ri ck W. seen me at t he c ar wash an d he t old me he had went by my hou se an d he D ID-N OT see my tr uck so he di d not st op! He ask me if I had my si ste r hel ping m e, he s ai d tha t he seen my si ste r an d her helpe r s, the people out of the log home, ca r r ying "THI NGS" , in my yar d, to whe r e he did not kn ow and he d id not giv e It a s econ d thought be cau se It w as my si ste r. I le ft the c ar-wi sh and a bl ac k 4 x dri ve pi ckup pulled in fr on t o f me, t he pas senger w as loo ki ng ou t o f t he b ack windo w laughing and p ointing hi s finge r at m e. T he chi ck dri ving was in t he mi ddle o f the r oa d and w ould not let me by. I final ly got by he r I had a bad feeling tha t t hey wer e deli ber ate stalling me. W hen I got in s ight of my hou se Ruthann w as be tw een my house an d her s, "W HY" she do e' s not ha ve flo wer s over the r e, an d way she c anno t w alk to he r own mail bo x w ha t i s she do ing over on tha t s id e o f the y ar d. SO MEONE "HAD-T O- HA VE-BE EN -HERE" MY EL ECT RICITY HA D B EEN SHUT OFF.
I ha d wir ed m y "A C" in a t the fu se bo x, bu t I had on ly wi r ed up one of the wir es without a br eaker. T he one th at gr oun ded t he a c was on another br eak er altogethe r, W hi ch woul d h ave be en ok if the one b reak er had shut of f. W hen the y shu t o f f "one " b reak er and not BO TH, It bu r nt up m y ac! I kn ow t ha t so meone had shut of f t he p ower , b ecau se m y clo ck had t he r ight time on it, the one t ha t r an on batter ies. I c alled the sh er if f' s of fice an d they t old th at m y neigh bo r' s house had just gotten br ok e in t o an d so meone w as on thei r way. I f illed out an in ciden t r epo r t o r a st ate ment and I signe d it in front of the of fic er! W edne sd ay, June 27, 2007 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sunday, July 01, 2007 11:19 AM Bobbie and I left for a while! "HEY" ---- :"YAH": HEY_- we sat a trap for -?- who U say! Well HU ? I sat a 6hr tape It should show ? whomever, is doing their best to make me look bad, at their game. 4:18 PM Your Honor I can only pray upon your impeccable reputation for being fair and just. "I KNOW" some of the things that I am implying sounds a little? "HARD to BELIEVE". All of what I am saying can bee verified in some way or another, I know that I am not a lawyer and do not have the luxury or the ability to have the same access to ascertain certain material to corroborate these allegations! First I-? -"REQUEST"- WANT ?-"Would like"?- INVITE! , A polygraph tests. I know that A polygraph test is not amicable, excepted in court, but may give certain validity to what I have to say. I have contacted the department of corrections, "SAM YARBOUGH", that gives the polygraph tests to sex offenders. I was told that I could take the test if I was in the system or with a judge's "REQUEST" or orders. I know the things that I am saying are "TRUE" and factual. I can only ask to bee heard without being pre judged or without unfounded knowledge, of the complex conditions of someone with my unique set of circumstance. Yes I have sustained a closed head injury on October 17 1981. Which I have "somewhat" had a full recovery with some unique "CHARACTERISTIC" #1 One - being "WORD FINDING" or recovering the right Word that has the right meaning to convey what I am trying to say or too properly conveys my "SIDE" or the facts. Without that ability, when I become indecisive in my conversations with someone in law enforcement, It has the appearance, that I am "LYING" or attempting to fabricate a "STORY" or an EXCUSE or some other deception "TALE". At that point I become agitated and extremely frustrated and the "MILLER CO. Sheriff officers" take advantage of the situation or the opportunity to "PLAY WITH MY HEAD" which seems juvenile & "IMMATURE" for the acceptable conduct of any public servant.
("I feel") that It may border on being illegal, or at the appearance of being unmoral. Given that I am disable, or as Sergeant Keith seems to believe, I have such disaffiliating head injury. I can only hope that she, (Sergeant Keith) does not continue to judge anybody by what she don't know! I have such a unique set of circumstances that I must seek out a psychiatric consultant to properly diagnose and treat my condition With their training, to bee mostly dealing with LAWBREAKERS? - These idiosyncrasy that I unfortunately posses, in no way, affect my cognitive abilities. I am supplying you with a copy of a 20 minuet film that has been seen on "NATIONAL" TV and between 1986 and 1992 It was "REQUIRED" to bee seen before you could pass the drivers education course given by high schools. The "NATIONAL HEAD & SPINAL CORD ASSOCIATION" made this film I have a letter from the association commending me to what I contributed to this ongoing project formerly known as (B.I.R.P.) The Brain Injury Rehabilitation program. Now known or recognized as, "Think First" Located at The University of Missouri-Columbia One Hospital Drive DC046.00 Columbia Missouri 65212 I also have a psychiatric evaluation from the psychiatric department at the University of MO. at my own expense! I also have the discharge summary from MID MO where I was placed on the fraudulent testimony of Sergeant Keith. The senior psychiatrist at MID MO, from 1983 to 1993 was my personal physic MID MO had to say that I might have been delusional, being involuntary held on a 96-hour hold from the sheriff's office. Telling them that I had talked to a state representative, highway patrol, chief of police, and told them that I was afraid of the sheriff officer. THEY ASSURED ME THAT THIS STAY WOULD BEE MUTE IF I COULD SHOW PROOF TO WHAT I HAD SAID! #2 Two - being the way I try to explain what I mean by giving similes or two ways at looking at the "same thing". If the parson that I am speaking to has on knowledge of or on the subject of whit I speak they immediately say I do not know what I am talking about only because they DO NOT KNOW. Given to the saying (don't judge me by what "U" don't know). **** ("PLEASE" please contact, Greg Smith at the general headquarters of the highway patrol, 573-751-3313. ****Connie at Representative Schad's office 573-751-2077. ****Jonathan Rhoads at K.R.C.G. TV ****Monica Loraine at K.R.C.G. TV 573-869-5144. **** Agent Rider of the FBI in Jef. 573-636-8814 ****Angela at A.C.L.U. of St. Louis 314-652-2111 ****Tammy Foxx, which was an eye, witness to the MANY assaults on me by my sister. 573-286-6009. ****My sister had been reported to the department of aging for holding a pillow over my father's face. ****Otis Mosley, whom my sister worked before her termination, for being mean and disrespectful to patients at the Dr. office where she was employed. **** All 3 Home healthcare providers taking care of my father, which "REFUSED" yes refused to return to my sisters house for she was too controlling. That way there were no witnesses to the eutheizathion of my father. My parents died at the exact time of the day the same day the same month 22 years apart. This is highly suspicious, more so, my sister was their only caregiver, "what are the odds" Given she told me at the time of my fathers death, that she was proud she could make sure they were in heaven together. This was reported to Suzy SchrimphF which at that time she was my C.S.W. from Pathways. I could go on & on of things that I have witnessed BUT?! I can only hope that you can point me in the direction of someone that can help me! I have contacted people in various branches of the "SYSTEM" from the governor's office, attorney's general's office, in which they told me to go to my local sheriff's office, to which I am "AFRAID of " I went to troop "F", when the trooper I spoke to said that he was friends with Bill Abbot and he was or would not doo anything I went to the general headquarters and spoke to Greg Smith.
Although .I keep getting instructed to go to the sheriffs office. To this day I keep trying to contact them and they tell me that they returned my call 15 times but U.S. has no record of this, I have contacted my service provider and advised them to the possibility that you may supine my phone records to confirm this. the FACT that I had NOT received 15 calls from anyone! My # 573-375-1155 U.S. cellular Richard Wingert
CORRECTION ON ONE POINT THE DAY I WENT TO THE, which was the day before I at the sheriffs office. And was taken to mid mo Highway Patrol, I stooped at my daughters and my granddaughter's father or my daughtors significant other struck my daughter in the face requiring 6 stitches! The Jef. City officer that took the report commended me on NOT "LOOSING" my "COOL" he told me that he may not of been able to handle at good as I did. If It had been his daughter. My daughter's name is Heather Spurgeon This officer was officer Lanigan at JCPD. 573-882-1176
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I followed all of suggestions that were presented to me through your piece in the news at NOON & 10:00 p.m. and several other dutiful sources that are reliable I had seen your segment on "POLICING THE POLICE". I followed the procedure that I thought was proper for this particular incident. This involved the charges that I have tried to press against my sister, for the assault on me a year ago, At first I was not going to press charges, then I found out that the blow "I had received UP-SIDE THE HEAD" was hard enough to crack my skull. The importance in this is, my sister was aware of this PRE EXISTING condition which is, If I received "ANY" substantial blow to the head, it could cause a clot that "MAY KILL" me, or at least I would become encompassed. This was all UN PROVOKED. * IT was witnessed by a reputable source. * A dispatcher for the Eldon police department. * Her mother who lived in my sister's rental property next door to my sister's. * There were also two state police officers that were under cover for the drug task force. *** This Can bee verified through Tammy Foxx. *** Tammy Foxx at (573) 286-6009 *** Rick Leverich *** at (573) 216-1277 *** Carl & Sara Morris *** at (573) 369-3909 *** Dr. Otis Mosley *** Lake Hospital or His clinic (573) 348-2742 Lake HOSPITAL (573) 348-8000 --* ** EARLIER ** I went to the attorney general's office. I told him, I was afraid of the Sheriff's office. I went to the Highway Patrol General Headquarters. I told him, I was afraid of the Sheriff's office. I was instructed, BY THE HIGHWAY PATROL to go see Caption Maze at the Eldon POLICE department, I told him I was afraid of the Sheriff's officers. I seen Caption Maze at the police station, I told him, I was afraid of the Sheriff's office Capon Maze called Bill Abbot, the "Sheriff", and also told him I was afraid of the sheriff's officer's,
I went to the sheriff's office to take them the document that I had signed and dated earlier, When I talked to officer Pentelton at least a month before. I went there with David, my c.s.w. From pathways - this way I would have a witness to how I was treated, by the Sheriffs office. In July of 2003, Sergeant Keith, Was the officer that told me,, (She would kick my "ASS" on her day off.) "If you go over to your sisters!" " I will come to your house on my day off " - and - "KICK YOUR ASS". I immodestly replied!, WHAT did you say? SHE replied! ------"You heard me!" " IF" you go back over to your sisters "I WILL" come to your house, ON my day off and "KICK YOUR ASS" Sergeant Keith was the person that I poke to when I arrived at the sheriff's office. The conversation that proceeded was about the sheriff not being there, why I thought I needed to talk to him, how my sister and I was getting along. I told her that I was there to press charges against my sister. She was being very evasive, I think it was to see if I knew what I was talking about. I don't renumber exactly, word for word, What was said but, she gave the impression, "she thought" I did not know what was going on. She started talking to me like I was 10 or 12 years old. It almost seemed like? As-If , she wanted ME, to loose my temper! I reminded her, " to let her "Know'", that my memory was not moot, I wanted her to know exactly what I remembered. Sergeant Keith seemed to be getting agitated at the fact I told someone else about this incident. I gave her the document, which was dated "EARLIER", suddenly she turned around and strutted off. "OH-YAH" I went there to talk to the sheriff, he was, "ah"- expecting me! He was next door at the courthouse. ----**Remember I had been to the "Highway patrol's GENERAL-HEADQUARTERS" infact 2 or 3 hrs earlier that morning I also went to the ATTORNEY GENERA'S office, the bar association. -And K.R.C.G. TV Jonathan Rhoads had a copy of my records. -I TOLD THEM, I was AFRAID to go to the "MILLER CO. SHERIFF'S OFFICE".! WHAT HAPPENED (THEY HANDCUFFED & SHACKLED) & HAULED ME TO "MID-MO" oh hell they are so transparent? How can they think, can get away with this, bullsh--! *** The person I spoke to at the general headquarters told me that it would bee safe to go down to the "MILLER CO. SHERIFF'S OFFICE" he suggested I talk, to Caption Maze at the Eldon police department. I went to the police office in Eldon, to seek out the Capon's advice! I told Mr. Maze that I was afraid to go down there & "WHY". ***Captain Maze called Bill Abbot the SHERIFF and told him that I was afraid to go to the SHERIFF'S OFFICE". SHERIFF Abbott told captain maze, to send me down there nothing would happen to me. *** I arrived at the sheriff's office, The sheriff was at the court house. They called him and told him, I was there waiting on him. The dissipater said he would bee right over. *Before he could get from the court house to the jail, they had me "SHACKLED, HANDCUFFED & ON MY WAY TO "MID MO"! I went to see the sheriff to press charges. I had told "official's" I was afraid of the Sheriff's Officer's. What happened? ##Their reason for putting me in Mid-Mo. --WAS THAT I HAD--, Told the sergeant "I WAS GOING TO KICK HER ASS" I DID NOT KNOW WHAT DAY IT WAS, because "she thought" I had just dated the document right then! And 2 or 3 large officer stormed out, as-if I was a threat to "HOME LAND SECURITY". They are prodigious toward me. They stereotype me. They think everyone with a disability, don't have any reasoning feelings or are "idiots" and they are all the same. They think that I am a vegetable. David the social worker, that was present when the deputy "Pendelton" treated me with DISRESPECT. Please "PLEASE" HELP ME, find a way to resolve this dilemma, predicament.
Does this not, "in an abstract way", violate my "SEVILLE RIGHTS"! Or is it just WRONG! Or is it just my fait. IF SO "WHY IS It". Respectfully, Richard Wingert ________________ 3/1/06 7:04 AM If today is only as it feels, I know that it will bee FABULOUS! 3/1/06 7:37 AM "AH-yah'' - mean-ol "Rick". If Rick is so mean, or as bad as his sister makes him out to bee. " Why in the hell"! Did he take her trash out to the road, for her today? Could it bee, he is not, as bad of a PERSON, As his loving dear ol-sis would have everyone believe. Or Is it "that she", "CANNOT", TAKE HER trash to the road herself? ! 3 3/1/06 2:58 PM 3/1/06 3:25 PM Lyle "JUST-JUST" CALLED to tell me the person from, "ELDERLY ABUSE" had called him. He told me that they were," CONSIDERING ", pressing charges FOR "ABUSE". # Of accounts of. 3/1/06 3:25 PM 3/24/2006 _______ FRIDAY _________________ --------------------- GOODMORNING ------------------------3/24/06 7:29 AM 3/25/06 7:58 AM I have called the sheriff's office and spoke to "Louie Gregory". He was going to come to my house OR the shop, to "CONFIRM", that the LOCK was fixed where it "WOULD not LOCK"! And that the other lock was UN-LOCKED, and that it has been from the time I had returned from court, and before Ruthann returned. I had returned home from court with Lyle. I went over to Ruth's house as soon as I seen her pull into her driveway. I walked up to her car and I ask her if she wanted to go out to the shed and look at it. SHE" immediately told me "NO" not " RIGHT NOW"! As she was getting out of the car, she was bent over getting out of her car (" SHE TOLD ME") -"IF YOU DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE" - (" I WILL BURN the LOG HOME "!) - ("AND THEY WILL THINK YOU DONE IT ")! 3/25/06 9:56 AM 3/29/2006 ______ WEDNESDAY ________________ ---------------------- GOODMORNING ----------------3/29/06 5:13 AM ----p-p-p-p I AWOKE "WITH-THAT same-ol-nightmare" will I ever forget that MY DEAR-OL-SIS- had her hands around my throat till I lost conscious, and quit "BREATHING" !!! if it not fore my "NOM"-& DAD returning from the field when they did "I", would bee "DEAD" yes I SAID - "DEAD" - "FREKINDEAD"!