Nottingham School Board Public Session November 18, 2009 Official Minutes as of December 2, 2009 School Board Members Present: Jack Caldon, Chair Amy Plante, Vice Chair Dave O’Brien Frank O’Hanlon Dawn Fernald
School Board Members Absent:
Others Present: Michael Ludwell, Superintendent Terry Leatherman, Assistant Principal Lorraine Ferland, School Board Secretary Mike O’Neill, Consultant MRI Anne Kebler, Special Education Director, SAU 44 Visitors: Amy Gagnon Michelle West Opening Dr. Caldon called the meeting to order at 7pm. Non Public Session A non-public session was held. Public Comments Athletic Department Ms. Gagnon asked for an update on the athletic department. This will be discussed during the meeting. It was noted by Ms. Gagnon and Ms. West that the late bus may not be late enough for the students playing sports. The administration will look into this. School Board Business A. Approval of School Board Minutes—11-4-09 and 10-21-09 Public/Non-public Minutes Mr. O’Brien made a motion to approve the public minutes of November 4, 2009. Ms. Fernald seconded. Motion unanimously approved.
November 18, 2009 Public Session
Mr. O’Brien made a motion to approve the non-public minutes of November 4, 2009. Ms. Fernald seconded. Motion unanimously approved. Ms. Plante made a motion to approve the public minutes of October 21, 2009. Ms. Fernald seconded. Motion unanimously approved. Mr. O’Brien made a motion to approve the non-public minutes of October 21, 2009. Mr. O’Hanlon seconded. Motion unanimously approved. B. Principal’s Report Parent Conferences began on Monday, November 16. The 2nd annual spelling bee was last week. Mikayla Smith, 8th grader, was the winner and will go to the regionals in March. Casey Davies was the alternative. Ms. Carvalho went to the Washington DC Principal of the Year event and will share more of her trip in the future. C. Superintendent’s Report Dr. Ludwell distributed an article entitled ‘NH May Suspend Building Aid Program.’ Dr. Ludwell introduced Ms. Kebler, Special Ed. Director. Old Business A. Dover Tuition Rate DHS has suggested $10,711 as the proposed DHS tuition rate for 2009-2010. This is an increase of $971. Dr. Caldon suggested a meeting with Dover to discuss the formula for calculating the increase. B. Policy #JI-Student Rights and Responsibilities and Policy #JICFA-Hazing Ms. Plante made a motion to approve Policy #JI-Student Rights and Responsibilities. Mr. O’Hanlon seconded. Motion unanimously approved. Ms. Plante made a motion to approve Policy #JICFA-Hazing. Mr. O’Brien seconded. Motion unanimously approved. There was a change in Policy #JICFA-Hazing: in the first paragraph, last sentence, change to Nottingham School Board. New Business A. Budget and Projected Tax Rate The Budget Proposal Overview and Information for 2010-2011, Budget Review and Principal First Draft were distributed and discussed.
November 18, 2009 Public Session
Mr. O’Neill went over the increases and decreases in the budget for 2010-2011. The major increases for the budget are teacher salaries (increased by 6%), paraprofessional salaries, benefits (increased by 28%), HS tuition (increased by 60% due to cost and increase in students), and SAU/legal-negotiation (increased by 2%). The decreases are propane, equipment purchases and SPED costs. The approved budget for 2009-2010 was $9,311,391 and the proposed 2010-2011 budget is $9,733,811. The proposed budget increase is 4.54%. The projected tax rate for 2010-11 is estimated to be $12.47 per thousand. The tax rate for 2008-09 is $11.16 per thousand and tax rate for 2009-10 is $11.81 per thousand. B. Athletic Program Mr. Leatherman distributed Past Nottingham Athletes and Athletic Policy Review for discussion. Based upon a review of the current policy in conjunction with discussion with parents and staff, the administration proposed the following options: Option #1: Maintain the currently policy in place. 7th and 8th graders try out, there are no cuts and the 6th grade is permitted to try out if they are needed. Option #2: Set a maximum number of participants for those sports where playing time is determined by the clock or innings played such as: a maximum of 18 players in soccer, 12 in basketball, 15 in softball/baseball and 14 in cheerleading. There will be no limits in cross country and track. There are several options to achieve the maximum number in soccer, basketball, baseball/softball and cheerleading: option 1: open to grades 6-8 with cuts only to 6th graders, option 2: open to grades 6-8 with cuts across the board or option 3: open to grades 7-8 with no team if numbers are no sufficient. It was noted that town recreation department and the Nottingham Youth Association also run sports programs and no child is ever turned away. Dr. Caldon suggested that any student could be cut for the 2009-2010 school year with the revised policy to be revisited the next year. Mr. Leatherman said the cuts have to be objective and suggested a minimum and a maximum number of athletes per team. There could be an A/B team for basketball but this is not feasible for other sports, according to Mr. Leatherman. A consensus of the Board is to have grades 6 - 8 play with cuts for students in any of the grades. The administration will develop a revised policy to reflect the changes discussed.
November 18, 2009 Public Session
C. Joint Meeting with CBNA-Recap Dr. Caldon went to the meeting. At Coe Brown, they would like to install a card system so that no one would know who needed lunch program assistance. There is no federal funding so that anyone using the lunch program would help pay for those students who need assistance. D. NH Board of Education There will be another hearing or appeal to the State Supreme Court. Financial Business A. Bills and Manifests were reviewed and signed. B. Operating Budget Statement (2nd meeting of the month)
The operating budget was discussed. Set Next Agenda Items to include: cyber bullying policy, budget. Future Meeting Dates November 23, 2009
December 2, 2009 December 16, 2009
7pm 7pm
Joint School Board Meeting at the SAU Office School Board Workshop School Board Meeting
Adjournment Mr. O’Brien made a motion to enter into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 IIc and e at 8:43pm. Ms. Fernald seconded. Roll call was taken. Motion to move into non-public unanimously approved. The meeting returned to public meeting at 8:51pm. No votes were taken in non-public. Mr. O’Hanlon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:52pm. Mr. O’Brien seconded. Motion to adjourn unanimously approved.
Respectfully Submitted by Lorraine Ferland, School Board Secretary