Deerfield School Board Minutes: November 4, 2009

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DEERFIELD SCHOOL BOARD DEERFIELD COMMUNITY SCHOOL DEERFIELD, NEW HAMPSHIRE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2009 6:30 P.M. **STAFF MET WITH THE BOARD AT 6:00 P.M.** Members Present: Bonnie Beaubien, Don Gorman, Maryann Clark, Kevin Barry, Gregg Williams, Supt. Warburton, Dr. Paludi, Paul Yergeau, Kandy Davitt 1. Call to Order – Ms. Beaubien Ms. Beaubien called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm 2. Pledge of Allegiance – Ms. Beaubien Ms. Beaubien led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) – October 7, 2009 A motion was made by Kevin Barry to accept the October 7th, 2009 minutes, seconded by Don Gorman. ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED The minutes of October 7th were accepted as corrected. 4. Immediate Business A. Agenda Review B. Citizens’/Staff Comments

C. Public Comments on Concord High School Late Bus – Ms. Beaubien, Ms. Clark Several Deerfield residents were present to discuss the need for a late Concord bus. Several parents mentioned that they are unable to find anyone to car pool with to help alleviate the extra transportation to and from Concord. Board members discussed parent pay, maybe working with the town of Epsom which might need a late bus from Pembroke, and district paid transportation. Supt. Warburton informed the board that he would be meeting with the Epsom board and would bring the idea of a joint Deerfield/Epsom late bus to them. The board members noted that if there were a later bus for the Deerfield High School students it would allow opportunities students to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, the arts, etc. and broaden their high school experience. A motion was made by Kevin Barry to explore other non-district funded late bus options, seconded by Maryann Clark. ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED

D. Principal’s Report – Mr. Yergeau Mr. Yergeau passed out the schedule for the NEAC&S schedule. The board will meet with the team on Sunday at 4:15. Mr. Yergeau informed the board that the review process was strictly voluntary and not mandated by the state. Supt. Warburton stated that by going through the review process a lot of

information would be gathered to help the DCS staff and parents continue to study the needs of the school community.

E. High School Lottery Time Frame/Plan – Ms. Beaubien, Mr. Warburton Letters have been sent out to the parents of all 8th grade students and the board will draw names at their December meeting. 5. Old/Unfinished Business

A. Task Force Update – Ms. Clark More information will be shared at the next School Board meeting.

B. Middle Village Charter School Update – Mr. Warburton, Ms. Carpenter Janet Carpenter reviewed with the board information concerning the Middle Village Charter School. The most difficult hurdle for the school is finding a location. Currently they are looking at the GBW building and will be meeting with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the space that may be available. Ms. Carpenter and other reps. from charter school will be meeting with Supt. Warburton to review and discuss items that may need to be put forward at the school district meeting.

C. Early Retirement Update – Mr. Warburton Moved to non-public session at end of meeting.

D. 6th Grade Dance Language – Mr. Yergeau Mr. Yergeau reviewed with the members of the board the DCS dance policy. Currently the policy reads that the Deerfield Community School sponsors dances for the Seventh and Eighth grade students enrolled at the school. These dances are most frequently sponsored by the Eighth Grade class, a Magnet, or the Seventh Grade class as fun raisers for their class or for a designated cause. The middle school team wanted to delete the following: Students from the Sixth Grade are invited to attend dances at the end of their Sixth Grade year. Invitations to Sixth Graders are arranged with cooperation of all involved teachers. To be added: Students from the Sixth grade are invited to attend dances when deemed appropriate by the organizers of the specific dance. To be deleted: Behavioral expectations at dances are the same as the regular school day. Add: School rules will be enforced at the dance. A motion was made by Don Gorman to approve and accept the changes to the Dance policy, seconded by Maryann Clark. All In Favor Motion Carried E. Deliberative Session Date Discussion – Mr. Warburton (February 6, 2010 - 9 A.M. Deerfield Town Hall) Board members noted the date and time for the Deliberative Session. F. Assistant Treasurer Update – Mr. Warburton Supt. Warburton informed the board that an Assistant Treasurer was not mandated by law.

G. Discipline-Mr. Gorman Mr. Gorman spoke to the board about the need to address the discipline needs at DCS. He noted that because the office was a busy place it was not the best place to send students in need of disciplinary actions. Mr. Gorman asked for this item to be placed on the next agenda for further discussion. Wetland Area- Mr. Gorman informed the board members that the Wetland’s Board did not see a problem with filling in the area next to the school as long as it was replaced in another area. 6. New Business A. Executive Board Meeting Review – Mr. Barry, Mr. Warburton B. Policy Review – Mr. Warburton The board will review the Investment Policy and vote on it at their December meeting. 7. Informational Items A. Citizens’/Staff Comments

B. 2009-10 Budget Projections – Mr. Warburton, Dr. Paludi Supt. Warburton reviewed the 09-10school budget with the members of the board. Currently the district is on target with their spending.

C. 2009-10 Special Education Projections – Mr. Warburton, Dr. Paludi Supt. Warburton informed the board that year to date $1,680,460.41 has been spent out of $1,841,070.00 that was budgeted for the 09-2010 Special Ed. budget. D. Other

At 8:20 P.M., a motion to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A:3II(c) was made by Kevin Barry, seconded by Don Gorman. Non-public – A motion was made by Kevin Barry and seconded by Don Gorman to come out on nonpublic at 9:38 P.M. All in favor-yes; the motion carried. Ms. Beaubien stated that no decisions were made in non-public session. Kevin Barry made a motion and it was seconded by Don Gorman to accept the written request of Anna Carlson to continue her employment rather than retire at the end of the this school year. All in favor-yes; the motion carried. A motion was made by Don Gorman and seconded by Maryann Clark to deny the request from Kim Coronatti to take leave from 12/7/09 to 12/11/09 to take a trip to Disney World. Bonnie Beaubien-no, Kevin Barry-no, Maryann Clark-no, Gregg Williams-no, Don Gorman-yes. A motion was made by Don Gorman and seconded by Maryann Clark to grant Kim Coronatti’s leave from 12/7/09-12/11//09 without pay. All in favor-yes; the motion carried.

A motion was made by Kevin Barry and seconded by Don Gorman to adjourn the meeting. All in favoryes; the motion carried. 8. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 P.M Next Scheduled Meeting:

November 16, 2009 _5:30 P.M.

Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting:

December 2, 2009


Deerfield Community School Deerfield Community School

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