Notes On Deep Sleep.docx

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  • Words: 4,949
  • Pages: 15
Deep Sleep Meditation

The Ultimate Relaxation Techniques for Instant and Better Sleep and Relaxation via Self Hypnosis & Practical Psychology Techniques for Success Mindset


Please note, this script is intended for the ethical use of self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis and holistic modalities should not be seen as a substitute for medical care. Consult your therapist and other healthcare providers for health-related issues. This meditation script complements conventional therapeutic practices, but do not replace them.

© Copyright 2018 - All rights reserved.

This sleep meditation script through hypnosis will help you relax and sleep. It is ideal if you have been besieged with insomnia. This sleep script will take you through some ultimate relaxation techniques for instant and better sleep and relaxation through selfhypnosis.

Gentle, Safe Induction via Hypnotic Most nights, you experience sleepless night …strong insomnia that keeps you awake …you have tried so many techniques you somehow manage it … all to no avail. From tonight …on and on …night after night, as you prepare to go to sleep, a strong feeling of calmness will emerge and cover you. This hypnosis will enable you to relax completely… feeling calm and serene …knowing that every day is another opportunity to experience a new feeling. So, from today, when you are ready to go to bed, you will be calm. Yes, you are entirely in control and at ease …more and more at ease with your environment. Now sit comfortably so that your mind and body is relaxed …released…and rested. Sit with your arms and legs uncrossed, as you keep your back in proper alignment. Close your eyes …and as you do that …take a very deep …deep … deeper…deeper …breath in, expanding your lungs …as you slowly let your breath out …feel your body starting to relax and let go. Repeat this step …take a slow …deep breath …fill your lungs up with clean and fresh air…release the tension in your body as you take another breath this time. Take another slow deep breath …make it slower …slower and slower …hold it to the count of five (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and then release the remaining tension …Now you can breathe normally …feeling refreshed as you listen to my calming and soothing voice. You may have started noticing that you are beginning to see color on the back of your eyelids …the more you relax, the more you become comfortable, the more you go deeper…into a state of relaxation. The more you picture the screen of your eyelids …the deeper you go down …down …down. Your mind is now calmer … your body is more relaxed …entirely rested …you will be at tranquility …serenity …quieted …and able to relax. You can see that your neck is getting more relaxed …in a more comfortable position. Feel how good it is as all your neck muscles relax …soften …and let go of any edginess. Your shoulders and back muscles are growing relaxed …feel these muscles pull across your back …keep your shoulders sprawled as you relax those muscles …notice how your spine sinks deeper into the couch …as you go deeper into relaxation …see how comfortable you breathe now. Get to the fingertips…yes, the fingertips …and the ten fingers …clench them …tighten them …feel the tension …now release them …while you allow the relaxation to spread up through your arms and to your neck.

Make sure your neck is comfortably relaxed …with your head in a relaxed position. Now try to tighten up your neck muscles. Let those columns of muscles loosen. Allow your neck to sink deep down into the cushions in a comfortable position. Squeeze up your face a little. Try to feel the tension …and count (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Now relax those muscles …feel them softening …lengthening, and becoming more relaxed than ever before. Your neck is now getting ...more relaxed You can hear the rustling of your clothes …the chuckling against the chairs as you let go of the tension. Now you can slide into your natural position. Allow your legs to hang to limp from your hips …relax …as you go down …down …down …and deeper. Feel your toes …Allow them to stretch…have a feel of what your feet are resting on. Start by tightening your calves. Now relax them …let them flow past your ankles up to the back of your knees …feel the muscles easing …allow them to rest comfortably on your cushion. Now, I want you to imagine that your body is relaxed. As you relax, allow your mind to relax, too. Pretend that you see a perfect lush of pasture forage …inhale the fragrant fresh dew and the crisp, clean air. Feel the gentle and comforting breeze. Allow the warmth of the morning sunlight filter through your skin. Feel the calming warmness of the sunshine filtering through the trees. You can feel the comfort of the gentle wind …the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind. Now try to feel the calming breeze wisp lovingly across your face. You can now feel the sensation of the air temperature against your skin. It makes you feel smooth and comforting. Allow this soothing relaxation to spread through your scalp. Understand now that you are fully relaxed. It flows from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Your body feels loose and limp now. You fully relax Notice how your body is sinking deeper into relaxation …as your breathing becomes more regular now…and easier. Imaging that your bare toes are caressing the silky soft and lush grass …with every stroke of your feet …across the lush carpet of grass …you feel the body …to …soul connection... a strong connection with nature. Go gently with your feet brushing back and forth …back and forth …across the placating and soft grass. Follow through with your energy …down the grass …down through the earth …deeper …and …deeper. You can feel it go deeper …to the heart of our beloved Earth. Feel the pure unconditional love emanating from the Earth’s core, imagine the feeling of this gentle and peaceful wave of love stemming through mother Earth. Stroke your feet and fill your tender soul with love …feel the unconditional love bathed with a comforting state of being. The unreserved love from the Earth nurtures the feeling in your soul. The love of planet Earth encompasses your entire being, and you are filled with a pure and protective loving light.

Now imagine that you are on a balcony with some very fanciful and colorful patterns leading down to a well-cultivated garden. Filled with your favorite pets in a tranquil and secluded location …having no care of your surroundings. The garden is filled with flower beds …well arranged … with a waterfall flowing into a running stream. Now you hear the running waters …yes …you can hear them …you can touch and feel the water over your face. You are seeing the beautiful trees now …yes …you can also hear faint chirping sounds of birds on the trees. Look more closely and you will see 6 well-decorated steps which will lead you to a beautiful waterfall. Each step you take will take you down into intense relaxation. You are ready to take the first step. With your first foot on the step you feel a wave of relaxation …down to the second step. You feel yourself going deeper into relaxation. You are now down to the third step …and you feel an incredible surge of relief as you drift further into a state of more profound relaxation. On the fourth step, you feel the magnificent and architectural designs as you become freer and very, very, relaxed. You are now at the fifth step, and you can feel an unprecedented wave and an unexplainable relaxation come over you. It goes through all the fabrics of your body. Down to the last step, you are feeling rejuvenated …so relaxed and calm. You are now standing on the lane …and you can see the waterfall. Calm and soothing. Listen to the water as it gently splish-splashes. The sound of the trees swaying gently. Notice the pew lying down the corner. Can you see the radiating color? Now walk down slowly …slowly … (Leave a short pause) slowly… (Leave a brief respite). Slowly as you sit down on the pew …see how comfortable it is? You can feel it. It is soothing to your body. You are more relaxed now …I told you …you would love it. Now take a deep breath as an upsurge of relaxation goes through your body. Your muscles and nerves are now fully relaxed as you breathe in and out. Imagine the safe and pure light surrounds your head. Clear your thoughts as the light caresses your head. Allow the light to move down your neck …then to your shoulders and down …down …through your chest. You are now noticing the serenity and tranquility of your surroundings. The quietness of your breath as your chest gently goes up and down with each fall …cleansing out all dirt found in you. In a moment, I will be counting …yes counting slowly from one to ten …and with each sound of my voice, and as each number is reeled out, you will drift …deeper …deeper …and …deeper into a serene relaxation. (Count slowly and deliberately). One …Two …Three …Four …Five …Six …Seven …Eight …Nine …Ten Now …continue to enjoy the pleasant and comforting experience while you listen to the calming sound of my voice…as you go deep, deeper and deeper into a relaxed state of mind.

You are now in a state of relaxed mind. You now find it easy to focus all your attention …you can now imagine things more clearly. Now that you are fully calm and relaxed …and can imagine things …imagine yourself in a bubble …the type of balloon that you blow from a loop …very delicate and light …but don't be scared …it will not break. Now you can see yourself floating on the bubbles. In a very relaxing, comfortable and pleasing room temperature that you have always dreamt of …you are surrounded by plenty of crisp air. You can easily breathe in and out without obstruction. Now you will follow my instructions again. Listen to the voice (a pleasing sound in the background). Take a deep breath while holding it for 5 seconds. I will count, and you will exhale… 1…2…3…4…5 …you feel calm. In a moment, I want you to imagine yourself bouncing in the bubble ...having a fun time floating across the beautiful sky …I will count down from 20…then bring you deeper …and deeper from your fun and relaxed state into a good, deep sleep. When I get reach 1, you will be completely relaxed, and you will not hear anything I say again …but the subconscious mind will be active and will do the work for you. All that is needed from you is to maintain your relaxed state and fall deeper into sleep. Feel yourself breathing …yes …gently but steadily …as you go deep …deep ….and deeper into sleep. In just a second, you will hear my lovely voice and gentle music in the background as I begin the countdown (gentle music in the background). 20…you are feeling drowsy …19 …your eyes are starting to close …18 …sleep …yes …sleep …17 …puffy white clouds are around you …16…floating from cloud to cloud …15…sleepier…sleepier … sleepier …14 …breathe out that crisp air …13 …deep …deep …sleep …12 …continue floating from cloud to cloud …11 …your eyes are fully shut and won't open … 10 … deep ….deep ….sleep …9 ….Oh …so drowsy …8 …sleep ….sleep …sleep ….7 …breathe in and out and continue sleeping …6 …turn on your couch and get more relaxed ….5….eyes wholly shut …4…deep …deep sleep …3 ……fully comfortable now …2 ….total tranquility and peace of mind …1 …deep ….deep …. deep sleep with no disturbance. Now you are fully asleep ….and you will not open your eyes. Your physical body is fully shut down, but your subconscious mind remains awake. Your mind will listen and obey my further instructions while you are fully asleep.

Connection Your mind is connected to the date you have set for yourself. If you have made prior arrangements for the releasing attachments, a connection is needed. You will teleport from the present to the future. Now you will quickly move from the present to the future.

Imagine walking from your consciousness to any place or dimension …to where you wish to. Think about the connection with the source of your release attachment. Feel your body …mind …and soul … get connected to the date …time… and place for it to occur.

Examine Now is the right time to allow your inner being and wisdom to guide you through the examination of your thought. The inner light takes you through the journey with your permission …after which it will be able to ascertain those attachments that are functioning far less than your most compassionate outcome. Now you can efficiently address those needs.

The Progressive Examination Induction As you continue with your examination, in this deep and induced sleep, your subconscious mind will continue to canvas and monitor everything happening in the sleep realm for your safekeeping. Therefore, your subconscious mind, since this suggestion is for your benefit, shall accept all my advice. These thoughts shall become fully established …firmly fixated and installed in your inner mind. It is fully entrenched so that this suggestion will remain with you…long after your physical eyes open. This will help you to change all the negative things you wish to change, since they are there are for your own good. And these changes will allow you to live your life to the fullest and also allow you to enjoy your life …more …and …more.

Dislodging Negative Attachments Now we can quickly address these negative attachments. As a therapist, I speak straight to those negative attachments which revel during your self-examination…causing those sleepless nights and insomnia …which has darkened the body, soul, aura, spirit, and mind to cause no harm again to the physical being and soul. A real peace that transcends all understanding is returning to you.

Now, I ask you attachments to reveal yourself by name and reason for disturbing this gentle soul. Attachments be fully aware that your interest is not in cognizance with the interest of this individual. Be mindful that you are causing harm to this individual. Attachments, what is the cause of this harm meted out to this individual? Release your attachments and never come back …sound sleep and relaxation have returned. There is no more room in this body. Light has come to him. Light fills this soul with love and hope. Now attachment release your hold, and embrace the light that has come. Light comes and darkness can not comprehend. Allow peace, love, and harmony to envelop you. Attachment… you are now released to go …in peace to where you came from …you are released …Yes … You are released. Go with our love and blessing. With a good heart, I say goodbye as we seek out our separate parts.

Higher Powers Attachment, if you think that you would be stubborn and reluctant to leave this body, I command you to take an audience from a higher power…greater than you. I call upon all the holy angels … Angel Michael, the archangel. Battle with him. Saint Michael. Commune with these attachments. Good spirit of light …ask this attachment to leave this individual. To embrace light and allow the individual to glow in never-ending love and light. Attachment, there is no space for you in light … love has covered you. There is no more room in this body. Light has come to him, and the light fills this soul with love and hope. Now release your hold and embrace the light that has come. Light comes, and darkness can not comprehend. Allow peace, love, and harmony to envelop you. Attachment … you are now released to go in peace to where you came from. You are released. Yes, you are released. Go with our love and blessing. With a good heart, I say goodbye as we seek out our separate parts.

A New Light I speak now to your inner thoughts … the wisdom that guides you now, I speak to your higher man to be filled with all stuff needed … for your self-attainment …for your most important outcome.

Now we call on all good spirits to come forth in radiating love, filled with their healing powers and energy, filled with all openings that were once occupied by negative attachments. Seal it up with a perfect and loving light that gives peace. Beloved, we call upon holy angels to come forth in glowing love with radiant healing energy …to fill all spaces that were once occupied by attachments …filling these spaces with healing light …with divine love and with help to seal the pure loving light with inner peace.

Light Bubble Be aware of the power of the inner mind …the light glowing in your being …within the depth of your soul. That perfect celestial light that envelops you. It is shining brighter and …brighter…brighter and …brighter. It fills your soul with a more perfect and loving light divine and enchanting. With this shining light, project it to all directions until it enlightens your surroundings. Let the light form protection … let it guide, you …let it form a loving protector …let it strengthen you and relax you.

Divine Super-Vision As you adjust to this new change, always allow your newfound light to be your super direction …grant your higher self-space to guide you in all your ways, as you adjust to this new change in feelings, and the ability to willingly release every attachment hindering you, from a relaxing and a good sleep. Let the new inner wisdom dwelling in you now be your guide and know what you want. Let your higher self be your guide. Let it direct you. Let nature comfort you and be your companion.

The Bubble of Light – Presenter As I take cognizance of your inner light I also confess my inner light. As your inner light

directs you, so does my own lead me. As your higher and super divine vision comforts you into relaxation, so do I confess it for my comfort. As you fill your physical body with this newfound light, I perceive my light glowing brighter and bigger, filling me up to the brim. As your inner light stands as a shield to you, I see my inner light …coming as a source of strength and protection.

Family Let your heart always be filled with love, good thoughts, and compassion for your family members. For this helps you to be at peace at all time. May you be joyous with your earthly family … for every one of them, whether your father, mother, brother, sisters, husband, wife, children, or other relatives, for they all have a purpose in your life journey. Allow this love to flow from you. It is within you. Always let it out so that you will be made whole …with all joy, love, peace, and hope for tomorrow.

Diet Keep your physical body healthy with a good intake of substances, such as natural food, vegetables, fresh fruits, and good wine. Feed your physical body with a tasty and nutritional diet to cleanse and nourish each cell in your physical body with the right nutrients it needs. Stay away from substances that dull an individual's mind or over spark one's emotions, foods and wine that interfere or suppress one's judgment and clarity. Quench your teste with clean and fresh water or fruit fine. Keep your body pure, your mind clean and your soul sound, as you would in proper diet.

Color Try to expose yourself to bright light. Fill your life with vibrant colors; avoid dull colors. Adorn yourself always with bright and vibrant clothes. Surround yourself with bright colors that reverberate with your newfound inner light and the beauty in your soul… your

inner being … your higher light … your spiritual super-vision. Let this color guide and heal you. Let it complement the beauty in your soul. Let it sing harmoniously to the lovely tune in your heart …and let it energize you always.

Hallowed Space Keep your place of abode hallowed and sanctified. Honor and respect your home. Keep it clean at all times and value your space. Your home is a consecrated institution, therefore respect it. Learn to surround yourself with joy, peace, serenity and love in your home. Be at peace with your sacred space. Prevent from using it as a place for diabolic manipulation and evil. In other words, make it an excellent place to relax and sleep.

Sleeping Sleep the best you can ever wish to. Yes. Sleep as you did when you were a child … as a baby … without any care … undisturbed …deep sleep … engrossed in a deep and relaxing sleep with no nightmares. Be calm in your sleep. May all the noise around you help to soothe you into sleep, utterly immersed …totally at peace? From today, you will be able to sleep so soundly. Your imagination and creativity will offer you a deep and undisturbed calmness, a deep and undisturbed stillness ., a peaceful quietness, a complete rest. Know it now that, that you are able to sleep soundly. From today, you are beginning to live a more peaceful life. As the day progresses, your life will be filled with more wisdom, energy, and direction. You are infused with more confidence which will let you sleep the way babies sleep. This will be as I say. It will happen as I command it. From now on, you will sleep very well. You will establish an excellent sleeping routine. When you now prepare to go to bed, you will be able to sleep because a higher and brighter light has come into you. You will be completely relaxed, because you are fully prepared, and at ease feeling calm.


Your mind, soul, and body are in a complete state of relaxation now. You are in a perfect state of peacefulness, serenity, and tranquility. Your inner light and soul is in synchronization with your body. Your body feels weightless now and your mind is at peace with your soul. The higher person in you has created a sense of wholeness as your mind and body have reached a state of utmost relaxation. From now on, anytime you experience and feel uneasiness in any area of your life, it will affect your thought and sleep. You will remember my voice and feel the anxiety replaced by full relaxation. In a few seconds I will begin counting down from 1 to 5. When I get to five, you will be fully awake … feeling energized, relaxed, and refreshed. But if you still wish to have a restful sleep, then, you can disregard this suggestion for awakening. Rather than count you out from this sleep, this hypnosis will lull you deeper and … deeper … into a deep and comfortable sleep. Then you are allowed to enjoy your peace and rest. Take all the time to enjoy your restful and healing sleep … until you are fully satisfied and awaken or there is an urgent reason for you to be awakened. However, if it is the ideal time for you to be awakened from this hypnosis, you will hear this word and understand it. You will use these words to awaken your spirit, soul, and body from this hypnosis. As I count, and you hear my voice now, pay rapt attention to my voice (counting slowly and deliberately). 1 . . . you are beginning to hear the sound of the background music more sonorously and then you are growing more alert and aware 2 . . . you are starting to feel more wonderful and aware in every way 3 . . . your eyes are beginning to open and you are feeling your surroundings 4 . . . all of your five senses are now responding and fully alert and also at their peak levels 5 . . . Your eyes are now fully opened and you are feeling relaxed and reinvigorated. You feel superb! Let Your Eyes Open…

Awakening Feelings You are now fully alive. Feelings are gushing deep down within you. With each feeling you can quickly identify how each day is going to be. You are now becoming more sensitive to

them. Whenever you are exposed to something new and fun, you will take out time to identify your feelings. Each day becomes more evident to you and you are more sensitive to them. Whenever something unusual happens, take a deep breath …hold it in …and count from 1 to 5 …exhale and then take out some time to identify what you feel and how you feel. Identifying your feelings is fun. It puts you in charge. Yes, it’s your feelings, so identify and enjoy the moment. Either way, when you are awake, identifying how you feel is the proper way to start. Are you feeling happy? Angry? Silly? Embarrassed? Or overly excited? Self-awareness is always the first step to take to identify your feelings. By understanding how you feel, it allows you to identify them faster and to embrace them. By fully accepting and embracing your feelings, you learn from them. Even anger and sadness are essential in life growth because they help you to appreciate excitement and happiness, for without sorrow you won’t appreciate happiness. Without hunger you won’t appreciate being full. Opposites help you to learn. They show us the importance of the other and make us understand the significance of what we have. These different feelings can only be experienced with our body and we are privileged to own this body still … and also feel these feelings. Each feeling is so different from the last one. From now on you are fully aware of these feelings that you encounter. You can now fully identify all the emotions you go through and how they affect your body and attitude. Be evocative as possible in expressing it, Express it as if you are a kid feeling it for the first time. Identify these feelings. Learn from these feelings. Embrace the feelings and you will see yourself grow and live more happily after you wake from relaxation and sleep. Always remember this … you are a feeling individual …be proud of it …be bold to express it …as you continue living your life.

After Awake Now that you are fully awake from the deeply relaxing, restful and calm sleep, you are now fully satisfied from your restorative sleep. You feel refreshed … and peaceful … wholly energized and invigorated to take up today's challenges. From today you will always feel energized and increasingly active when you are awake. You are thoroughly excited about the new opportunities the day has to offer. This

increased sense of urgency and energy begins as soon as you are awake. You are fully energized … inspired … immersed in joy … with a positive outlook … willing to try out new stuff … and highly spirited ... as you clamber readied from your soothing bed and into the awaiting hands of today. From today, you will begin to experience the day as soon as it starts and in other days of the week and coming years. You will awake easily and fully refreshed. You will sleep soundly and peaceably, until there is a need for you to get awake … then you will rise and enter the day. Everyday …day after day …you will wake with more energy unlike before. Fully invigorated and full of life, enthusiastic to entirely go head-on with the day's activities You feel vibrant now. So energized … calm … alert … in control of your emotions … well organized .awake …. refreshed … full of energy … loads and loads of energy … a strong feeling of contentment …a strong sense of satisfaction …happier …happier and cheerier with every waking moment. Therefore, as your day progresses you will maintain an inner feeling of satisfaction, contentment, calm soothing happiness …feeling more and more alert …vibrancy …energized calmness …creativity and a sense of success as you surface from an invigorating and refreshing sleep. As you wake up in the morning, you feel so calm and good. You will be awake and energized … you will run through your plan of the day enthusiastically and you will be ready to enjoy a wonderful and new day ahead. You are fully capable now of achieving all you wish to do throughout the day with full resilience. From now on you will become more alert, calmer, healthier and more robust, more refreshed, and deeply secure, since you have slept soundly, knowing that each day life will continue smoothly, and you will find more and more joy in your life. And as life goes on, you will continue to grow and grow in your serenity. You will have a full understanding of what you need to do at all times. You can now immerse yourself in effective planning. Just as you grow, you will become more aware of nature and find a healthy balance in life and your work or/and business. You will become more and more balanced in your world, your leisure time, your relationship, your rest time, so that you can fully experience life to the fullest.

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